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Posted on 01-15-12 09:04 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149545

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Posted by anonymousbl00dlust
Posted by NightKev
You can't really compare ASMT, because the new registrations were probably caused by people who watch raocow's videos. He made a lot of "hey look we're doing a thing!" videos for ASMT/A2MT, and the talkhaus is, y'know, based on him and stuff.

compare talkhaus to protonjon's board at it's peak (while he was still regularly posting videos). huge difference.

I think you miss the point he was trying to get over. Getting people to join over a project like this would be very hard for us and it may in fact no yield any members at all.

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 01-15-12 11:54 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149547

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Since: 08-15-10
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SMW was never my biggest interest. I would have gone for Mario 3 in SMAS over SMW anyday. SMW always just felt like a substitue because it was the one with the great editor. We really need some more editors that can do a tremendous amount. Being limited to SMW in that way has gotten old (when it comes to 2D Mario games anyway). I have also lost a lot of interested in rom hacking because I'm more interested in making my own games using either C++ or C# and DirectX with 3D models (but still as 2D platformers), but for a few games such as SMB3 in SMAS and Megaman the Wily Wars, I still have plenty of interest in rom hacking. I don't know who would do the work to make some more high quality editors, but I'm interested in building some for those two games (and already making one for Wily Wars). If no one makes one for SMB3 by the time I finish with Wily Wars (or make a lot of progress), I'll probably work on that next. Also, is there any avaliable source code for Golden Egg? I just played around with it yesterday and I think editing Yoshi's Island would be another interest of mine. I can't seem to find much on the editor and I don't even know if Romi is still working on it. The lastest version I could find was 0.0005; is that the latest? I know I'm going on about my own interests quite a bit, but it's because they could end up benifiting the community too at some point.

Posted on 01-16-12 01:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149549

Cape Luigi
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I know there's a more-or-less complete YI editor, I think it was called EggVine?


Posted on 01-16-12 04:23 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149552

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Since: 08-15-10
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From what I saw that one is far behind Golden Egg. Golden Egg is great as is and can do a lot, but there are things that it doesn't support like gfx editing and changing backgrounds (or not that I could find). If work has stopped on Golden Egg, I would have interest in adding more features, but I don't know enough about the author and his / her plans with it. I would want to change a few UI controls as well. From what I could find it doesn't seem like EggVine's been updated in many years and is still very basic.

Posted on 01-16-12 04:39 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149553

Buzz Blob
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Since: 04-06-07
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I don't even know what happened to SquashMonster, the guy who programmed the editor ._.

But yeah, GoldenEgg came out a year or two ago, and it has an actual GUI for levels XD

Posted on 01-16-12 05:38 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149555

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Posted by Green-Kirby
I think you miss the point he was trying to get over. Getting people to join over a project like this would be very hard for us and it may in fact no yield any members at all.

the entirety of my suggestion revolved around the fact that this isn't the case. If something impressive is being worked on, people will notice. Where any given content came from has no bearing on said content's popularity, so long as it has merit. Take that teaser that BMF released a little while ago for mario odyssey. It was less than one level long and still it spread like wildfire. It's an extreme example, but if board2 were to do something that impressive and promote it as an open collaboration, I can promise you that people would come flocking here to sign up.

Posted on 01-16-12 07:02 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149556

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Posted by NightKev
I know there's a more-or-less complete YI editor, I think it was called EggVine?

Hmm, I see you remember that editor as well ?
I only used it once and that was in 08, from what I understand from smwc old members and this board it wasn't quite yet ready to be fully workable.

I'm sure squash monster is out on the net, but I dont think he would want to continue on it after a long dry spell with coding motivation.


Also Pete ac was working on smas last year, he made a quite a few surprises on one of his youtube page.
People have some good stuff going on back then.

Posted on 01-18-12 08:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149596

Nipper Plant
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Even if people continue to be nonactive, I will still constribute my ideas and graphics like nothing happened.
I agree with anonymousbl00dlust though.

I was a prisoner enclosed in the void, were everything might end up just as myself.
There I was called the death in the void, but after a long sleep my drill was ready to pierce the void.
I came back... to guide those who are in doubt and to crush any corrupted mind.
"Just who in the hell do you think I am?!".

Posted on 01-19-12 06:59 PM (rev. 3 of 01-19-12 07:59 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 149611

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 04-21-07
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Posted by MikeFuryXP
Also Pete ac was working on smas last year, he made a quite a few surprises on one of his youtube page.
This is one of the surprises you were referring to, right? I provided Pac with the information to make that. He actually made programs which allowed him to compile his own music banks and port music from Super Mario World to Super Mario All-Stars. They were a bit messy, so he was reluctant to let them spread around.

I don't have an archive of our initial MSN conversation, but here are some of the documents I provided for him then:

Bouche's Notes - I didn't create this one. Somebody from one of the old incarnations of Acmlm's Board extracted several of Bouche's posts from an even older thread and placed them in this rich text file. It details the basic structure of the N-SPC data in Super Mario All-Stars. This, along with the command list in Hyrule Magic's music editor (of all places!), taught me everything I needed to start editing music.
Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario World SPC commands - Here is the document I made from the aforementioned command list. The hex values farthest to the left are for SMAS, while the values to the right of these are for SMW.
Demo World 3: Star - A breakdown of Bouche's custom recreation of the SMW2 star music in Demo World 3. Describes all of the main structures you'll find in a song's data.
SMAS SPC Addresses - SPC RAM location for every music track in SMAS.

Using this info, and examining how Bouche ported the SMAS engine to SMW to Demo World 3, I made this.

Then addmusic came along, and this method of SMW music hacking died quietly.
With most of the SMW ROM and RAM mapped out, and the torrential downpour of tools that do just about everything for you, I was left with nothing to do related to SMW.

I messed with numerous other games: Yoshi's Island, Game Boy Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country, Stunt Race FX, and NBA Jam T.E.; but it seems that very little I do ever gets anyone interested anymore, and when it does, it's just people constantly asking me to do stuff for them. Sure it does... but the part about people constantly asking me to do stuff for them still stands. I miss the old days when hackers worked together finding ROM offsets and made an effort to understand stuff on their own. Such days never really existed. Now everyone Many people expects everything to just be handed to them on a silver platter...

EDIT: What did I just write?


Posted on 01-20-12 09:36 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149617

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Since: 09-18-09

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I think one of the main things this community lacks is a main site that can reflect the collective effort of what everybody has done here over the years. A user needs to be able to see everything that you guys have to offer them FIRST before they're introduced to the people in the community, or that becomes their main first impression. Popular forums generally have a very good main site that brings in the newcomers. If it's the other way around, a wimpy main site with a message board as its main draw, outsiders have less of a reason to join unless their primary interest is communion. Someone with very little interest in the social aspect, but with a huge interest in the hacking/learning aspect might find themselves speaking to deaf ears when they try to reveal some cool stuff they made, and go somewhere else where their efforts will be appreciated more.

That said, the main site for this board is very wimpy. Given how long you guys have been around, there's no reason that a HUGE database of hacks/patches/documents/informative forum posts/screenshots/whatever shouldn't exist right now. I'm sure there is a LOT of stuff posted throughout this board that doesn't exist on other hacking sites, and it needs to have a place to go. It would take awhile, but you guys really need to scour every topic in this board that relates to hacking and copy/paste useful forum posts to a .txt file or something, as well as anything else that people have made and posted, and archive every bit of it on a lightweight and organized main site.

I DON'T think that posting standards should be made more lax. The sole purpose of that is almost entirely communion, which I think IRC is better suited for. I see the forum as more of a bridge between direct interaction (IRC) and the main site, so conversations SHOULD be monitored a lot more closely for quality, because what's posted on here will stay for all to see. Dumb posts on an IRC chat might hang around in some peoples' chat logs, but a dumb post on a message board could be influencing unregistered visitors' opinions of this place as a whole.

I think that's it. I've been strapped for time lately, but if I can offer any help, I'll do whatever. I could scour the board myself and start archiving hack stuff, though my pace would be unpredictable as my interests wax and wane. I could even make the main site archive myself, then just let anyone else running the site tweak it how they see fit. Just whatevs.

Posted on 01-20-12 11:33 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149627

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Since: 11-18-09
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This site CANNOT die. I may have not been as active as I have been before, due to a lot of things, but even with the "cliquiness" of some, that hasn't stopped me from making friends and pushing me to work on my hack. I have to personally thank QC and zbyte with helping me get started. I am still working on it, but other priorities have taken precedence. Work and school. But, when i have free time, I hop on Skype and bug QC for help(and I actually need some at the moment--will be skyping you later....stupid airship level).

Posted on 01-24-12 06:31 PM (rev. 2 of 01-24-12 06:34 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 149672

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by Mattrizzle
Posted by MikeFuryXP
Also Pete ac was working on smas last year, he made a quite a few surprises on one of his youtube page.
This is one of the surprises you were referring to, right? I provided Pac with the information to make that. He actually made programs which allowed him to compile his own music banks and port music from Super Mario World to Super Mario All-Stars. They were a bit messy, so he was reluctant to let them spread around.

I don't have an archive of our initial MSN conversation, but here are some of the documents I provided for him then:

Bouche's Notes - I didn't create this one. Somebody from one of the old incarnations of Acmlm's Board extracted several of Bouche's posts from an even older thread and placed them in this rich text file. It details the basic structure of the N-SPC data in Super Mario All-Stars. This, along with the command list in Hyrule Magic's music editor (of all places!), taught me everything I needed to start editing music.
Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario World SPC commands - Here is the document I made from the aforementioned command list. The hex values farthest to the left are for SMAS, while the values to the right of these are for SMW.
Demo World 3: Star - A breakdown of Bouche's custom recreation of the SMW2 star music in Demo World 3. Describes all of the main structures you'll find in a song's data.
SMAS SPC Addresses - SPC RAM location for every music track in SMAS.

Using this info, and examining how Bouche ported the SMAS engine to SMW to Demo World 3, I made this.

Then addmusic came along, and this method of SMW music hacking died quietly.
With most of the SMW ROM and RAM mapped out, and the torrential downpour of tools that do just about everything for you, I was left with nothing to do related to SMW.

EDIT: What did I just write?

Yes, pete was working quitely on a smas editor a couple years ago, I think with some of the drama that was going in smwc and dealing with work at the time when pete had his thread up, made him say forget this and I'll try again in the next generation when people know how to read.

Yeah, I remember you coming out with those patches, I was litterally quite amazed, I think you were the first one to really get me interested to look into music hacking.
My music isnt much but atleast I understand a whole lot more now then I did when I first started in the end of 2008.
Reminds me, black why have you not continued with solar sound tracks, last time I talked to you about it I was litterally eager for you to release a small demo man.
If the coding part is taking too long why not co-share it with matrizzle and some other people who know the spc music engine quite well ?

@Grime: Grime, weather you realize it or not, people we'll find out the goodside and ugly side to any acmlm original or new incarnation.
It doesnt take a genius to pull up the old acmlm irc logs or old web archives on a searh engine and make a decision on what they see.

It's trully up to them if they want to rom hack or get involved in different parts of the gaming world.
I would like to see more sprite hacking and modification for many types of formats.
I've noticed there has been a great lack in that department since getting involved with acmlm comminuties.

Posted on 01-25-12 03:32 PM (rev. 2 of 01-25-12 03:43 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 149685

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by Mattrizzle
I don't have an archive of our initial MSN conversation
Actually, I think most of the information you gave me was in Private Messages here on board2 back in 2007; they're still there for me anyway.

But yes, credit for anything I did is yours, so thanks

Is it possible that board2 could merge with Jul again? If it did, I might actually use it.

Posted on 01-25-12 07:36 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149687

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Posted by Pac
Is it possible that board2 could merge with Jul again? If it did, I might actually use it.

That's never going to happen unless the administration on both changes.

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 01-25-12 08:23 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149688

Dry Bones
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Since: 07-28-07

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Posted by ShoFIZZLE
This site CANNOT die. I may have not been as active as I have been before, due to a lot of things, but even with the "cliquiness" of some, that hasn't stopped me from making friends and pushing me to work on my hack. I have to personally thank QC and zbyte with helping me get started. I am still working on it, but other priorities have taken precedence. Work and school. But, when i have free time, I hop on Skype and bug QC for help(and I actually need some at the moment--will be skyping you later....stupid airship level).

the haters are gone, feel free to post freely. irc has been cleaned up.

we miss you shofizzle.

we will have an epic picnic one day once again.

Robocop and 이명박 voted for me.

Posted on 01-25-12 08:58 PM (rev. 3 of 01-25-12 10:07 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 149689

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by MikeFuryXP
I think with some of the drama that was going in smwc and dealing with work at the time when pete had his thread up, made him say forget this and I'll try again in the next generation when people know how to read.
I just noticed this post -- what on Earth? I never said any of that

Posted on 01-26-12 12:28 AM Link | Quote | ID: 149690

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Posted by Pac
Posted by MikeFuryXP
I think with some of the drama that was going in smwc and dealing with work at the time when pete had his thread up, made him say forget this and I'll try again in the next generation when people know how to read.
I just noticed this post -- what on Earth? I never said any of that

You didnt have to, maybe I got the wrong impression but why was your thread and mainly smas subforum shutdown at smwc awhile back ?
At the time, that place was going through alot of changes and I have seen or heard by ear some problems going on with them.

I thought maybe you got tired of the noise over there and just put it on pause.
No harm intended towards you pacy or anyone else reading this.

Posted on 01-26-12 03:23 PM (rev. 2 of 01-26-12 03:24 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 149694

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Since: 09-18-09

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Posted by MikeFuryXP
@Grime: Grime, weather you realize it or not, people we'll find out the goodside and ugly side to any acmlm original or new incarnation.
It doesnt take a genius to pull up the old acmlm irc logs or old web archives on a searh engine and make a decision on what they see.

Right. But the community being the first thing that they see and having to pick through message board threads for possible information on a game they might be interested in hacking, instead of being able to check the main site and find out right away is what I was getting at. And seeing a large collection of community resources might inspire them to contribute more to the pile.

Posted on 01-28-12 05:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149709

The Guardian
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But on the other hand, RHDN has been doing just that and their forum has been consequently seen as all but vestigial by most. The way the typical user uses it is as a simple heap of files rather than a community.


Violence Wing
Posted on 01-28-12 06:19 PM Link | Quote | ID: 149711

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