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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - We Need A Palette Fading Out Patch | | Thread closed
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Posted on 04-24-05 08:43 PM Link
With all the new things coming out (mario palette editing, power-up editing, slow-down patch, and music editing(!!!)), we are in need of a palette fading out patch. Something that will fade out rows 2-6 and then 8-F (so just the first 2 rows at the top that hold status bar color, and mario's palette row shouldn't fade out). There has been talk about this before, and I think its time that one was made. I would do it, but I dont have the first clue on where to start. So if one could be made that would be awesome!


While looking at Fu's site, I saw this picture:
Click Here
Do you see where it says Fadefix.asm? Could that possibly be a fade fix for the exit of a level! If so, Fu, would you mind releasing it?

(edited by Keikonium on 04-24-05 09:07 AM)

Bullet Bill
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Since: 03-05-05
From: Riiight ^

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Posted on 04-24-05 10:57 PM Link
you mean when mario passes the level, the colors fade out? is that what you mean?

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Since: 02-06-05
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Posted on 04-24-05 11:06 PM Link
Yes and no. Some colours fade out, but other colours still don't fade out. Keikonium is talking about those ones.
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Posted on 04-24-05 11:22 PM Link
the first half of every row fades out (the first 8 colors) except mario's row. The last 8 colors of every row don't fade out. We need a patch that will keep this how it is, except fade out the last 8 colors in every row except mario's and the 2 top most ones (the status bar). I dont think it would be that hard, but I have no clue where to even start. It may be as simple as a byte change, or may be as hard as some ASM with JMP, CMP what ever. I dont know how ASM works.

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Since: 02-06-05
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Posted on 04-25-05 12:06 AM Link
my guess is you'd need a set of commands that;

1. get the current colour
2. is it black? if so, skip to 5.
3. darken it
4. re-write it to CGRAM.
5. next colour

Something like that. you'd probably need two jump commands- one to start the routine, and one for step 2.

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Since: 03-05-05
From: Riiight ^

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Posted on 04-25-05 01:08 AM Link
I wish that someone would make this patch because I need it to fix my hack smw 1.5. I am already fixing the status bar, but that doesn't stop the colors from not fading.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 04-25-05 06:01 PM Link
OK. I downloaded Geiger's Snes9x debugger, tracked down that nasty little palette fading routine, and (after several frustrating, sleep-deprived hours) knocked some sense into the stupid thing, so it fades out everything but the status bar rows (08-0F and 18-1F). This fix shouldn't cause any problems, aside from a slight slowdown when the palette fades in and out. Now download the God-forsaken thing and LET ME GET SOME !@#$% SLEEP

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 04-25-05 06:43 PM Link
Holy smokes, BMF, I love you. Seriously man, good job. I have been waiting for a skilled hacker to make this patch for a very long time.

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Posted on 04-25-05 06:45 PM Link
thanks BMF, and good night

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Since: 02-06-05
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Posted on 04-25-05 11:37 PM Link
Thanks you, BMF-god-person!

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Since: 11-19-04
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Posted on 04-26-05 12:59 AM Link
Good job, BMF! I'm sorry to say this, but I had one problem, that colors 78-7F (the last 8 on the last BG palette) still don't fade out. Anyway, thanks for doing what should've been done sooner!

Bullet Bill
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Since: 03-05-05
From: Riiight ^

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Posted on 04-26-05 01:03 AM Link
would this work if I just patched this directly to my hack? if not, is there a way to transfer the overworld to another rom?

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Since: 11-19-04
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Posted on 04-26-05 01:20 AM Link
smwedit: Yes. All you need to do is apply the patch to your hack.
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Posted on 04-26-05 01:31 AM Link
Thanks BMF! I knew it was worth posting this topic again! Finally I can use more palettes for my BG's!!!

Bullet Bill
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Since: 03-05-05
From: Riiight ^

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Posted on 04-26-05 02:15 AM Link
now to fix my hack

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blobaria
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Posted on 04-26-05 02:34 AM Link
Originally posted by BigMattrizzle
I'm sorry to say this, but I had one problem, that colors 78-7F (the last 8 on the last BG palette) still don't fade out.
Arg...I KNEW I had forgotten to change something (the starting index). Thanks for reminding me. Just download the patch again from the previously-posted link.

(here for you lazy types)

I've also created an alternate patch that fades out colors 0C-0F, as the original game did. AFAIK, this palette is used for some layer 3 effects, like fish and mist. Apply this patch instead if you plan on using layer 3 effects at the goal tape, or have used the colors in your backgrounds. However, if you've modified the status bar to take advantage of those colors, use the original patch.


For anyone who's curious as to how the routine works, it just modifies the level palette currently stored in RAM (which is DMA'd to CGRAM every frame). Starting at color 77 ($9F3), it loads each color in series, along with a "backup" copy of the color stored in a duplicate palette, and jumps to a subroutine that uses crazy voodoo magic to darken or lighten the color. To avoid changing columns 8-F, it stores a counter value of #$07 at $00, and decrements that after each color is processed; once it reaches zero, #$12 is subtracted from the palette index in the X register, thus bypassing said columns, and the process starts over again.

(edited by BMF3PO on 04-25-05 10:16 AM)

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Since: 02-06-05
From: *Shrug*

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Posted on 04-26-05 02:52 AM Link
nice. now I can really get to work on my hack.

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Since: 11-19-04
From: Louisville, Kentucky, USA

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Posted on 04-27-05 01:41 AM Link
Thank you, BMF! Now if there was only a way to disable the color cycling on color 64...

Bullet Bill
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Since: 03-05-05
From: Riiight ^

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Posted on 04-27-05 02:17 AM Link
now I don't have to worry about the BG fading as soon as I fix the status bar problems in all of my levels

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blobaria
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Posted on 04-27-05 06:07 AM Link
Originally posted by BigMattrizzle
Now if there was only a way to disable the color cycling on color 64...
BMF strikes again!


This patch disables color-cycling for #64 after you pass the goal tape. However, this will reveal the color underneath, which is normally an ugly purple color; you'll need to change it to a coin-y orange in LM (though it might actually do that by default). It also has no effect on custom palette animations.

If you just want to disable #64's cycling altogether, change the following ROM addresses:

$262C: EA EA EA
$2632: EA EA EA

Also, you may have noticed that Mario's end-level animation is a little bit off after installing the palette-fading fix, because the routine now takes much longer to complete. I've figured out how to fix that, so he does his "victory" pose in time with the music again. Just change $4B77 to 38.

(edited by BMF3PO on 04-26-05 01:08 PM)
(edited by BMF3PO on 04-26-05 01:15 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - We Need A Palette Fading Out Patch | | Thread closed


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