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Main - ROM Hacking - Hello everyone! I have some questions about hacking/improving Super Mario Bros.3 New thread | New reply

Posted on 10-18-15 03:48 PM (rev. 221 of 01-30-16 02:58 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 161504

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Since: 10-14-15
From: USA

Last post: 3154 days
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Hello everyone! I'll just start off by saying that Super Mario Bros. 3 is my favorite game of all time as it probably is with many of you as well. What I would like to do is fix/tweak some of the things in the vanilla SMB3 game to be more accurate and consistent with how some of the other games are in the series. I am new to the smb3 hacking scene but have learned a few things to get me started thanks to the General SMB3 Hacking Thread and to Quick Curly showing me a few things:

I don't have much experience with SMB3 hacking and am currently trying to figure out how to tweak the things that will be mentioned here below. I'm learning as I go and will update this list as the questions are resolved. The goal of this project isn't to create or design new levels/worlds or anything (atleast for the time being) but to create a SMB3 game that is more consistent and can be a good place for anyone who is designing their own rom hack to use as a base to start with (a SMB3 'essentials' if you will). So here is a list of things I have in mind of tweaking to the SMB3 game:

Current progress and working changes added to vanilla SMB3:
-Moved the Y position placement of a few walking enemies down one tile so that they spawn on the ground instead of in the sky to get rid of the 'falling' effect when the player comes in contact with them.
-Added a few of the SMAS tweaks to get rid of collision glitching through walls and such:
*Changed the white block tiles in 5-7 to blue as to prevent a glitch.
*Edited the throwable brick blocks at the end of the level in 3-9 as to how SMAS has them.
*Moved the throwable brick blocks and koopa over to the right slightly in 7-5 as to how SMAS has them.
*Placed a castle wall tile 1 tile above the statues in Bowser's castle to fill in the gaps.
-Recreated the exit part of the world 2-pyramid level from Super Mario Advance 4 so that the structure actually looks like the other side of the pyramid when you are coming out. (Includes p-switch and coins.)
-Added the hidden 1up block at the end of level 3-5 which was seen in Super Mario Advance 4.
-Changed the position of the water level in the right half of 4-4 to be more similar to all-stars.
-Changed some of the world names back to their originals instead of the bland 'X Land'
-Added the white part of Mario's hat to all of the Super, Fire, and Raccoon sprites.
-Changed all super mushroom and 1up mushroom sprites to swap the red/white, green/white color scheme on the top part of the mushroom. (Including cards and bonus games)
-Changed the palette color of the super mushroom in the slot machine bonus game from brown to red.
-Changed the black polka-dots on the world map toad mushroom houses to white instead of black as to be more similar to All-Stars.
-Tweaked the green underwater 'coin' tiles on the world map paths to look similar to the land ones for consistency.
-Tweaked the hammer bros., airships, mushroom houses, etc. sprites on the world map to look more similar to the all-stars version.
-Tweaked a few of the tiles on the world map to connect better with each other (land/water tiles not connecting correctly with each other).
-Tweaked and revamped some other misc tiles inside of levels to either be more similar to all-stars or to fix some oversights in the original game.
-Changed the $ to a coin icon on the stats bar and tweaked the P-meter to look more like All-Stars version.
-Small Mario now uses the small (frog suit) jump sound while all other forms retain the big jump sound to be more consistent with SMB1. (Big thanks to Quick Curly!!)
-Added the jump sound when Mario jumps onto the doomship anchor in the cutscene.
-Obtaining a starman in a level now plays the powerup sound.
-Sliding down a hill now plays the skidding sound.
-Attacking enemies while sliding now plays the kick sound instead of the stomp sound.
-Mario with hammer bros. suit can now slide down hills.
-Touching a super leaf or fire flower as small Mario now turns you into their respective powers instead of Super Mario.
-Fixed a sound effect bug in the original game when grabbing a powerup as small Mario while in Kuribo's shoe in level 5-3.
-Fixed the bug in the original game when grabbing a hammer bros. suit (and frog suit?) while Mario is the tanooki statue. (Grey Mario glitch)
-Fixed the bug in the original game when somersault jumping with a starman while already being inside of a kuribo's shoe and then obtaining a starman and jumping afterwards.
-Added the kuribo's shoe lose sfx to kuribo's shoe disappearing 'poof' at end of the stage goal.
-Getting hit by an enemy while as fire or raccoon Mario now plays the powerdown sound instead of the transform sound and the powerdown timer has been increased to match the timing for when super Mario powers down.
-Changed the powerdown animation for fire Mario and raccoon Mario away from the 'poof' animation into a regular powerdown animation (blinking).
-Getting hit by an enemy while as frog, tanooki, or hammer Mario now plays the lose kuribo's shoe sound instead of the transform sound.
-Added sprout sfx for a super leaf item coming out of a block.
-Increased the starman timer.
-Increased the temporary invincibility timer to be closer to other games in the series.
-Removed the time limit on world map warp pipe levels.
-Changed certain brick blocks which rest underneath of warp pipes/bullet bill cannons into coin blocks so that if the blocks are destroyed, the pipe/cannons won't be floating in mid-air. (Mainly the World 5 tower level outside areas and World 5-7)
-Changed the world 2 king's animal form away from the generic spider and into a hoopster from SMB2 which was seen in All-Stars.
-Changed the world 3 king's animal form shell from white to black as to be more accurate/consistent with other spike enemies.
-Changed the dialog from "Get the Magic wand back from Little Koopa." to "Get the Magic wand back from the Koopaling!" when re-entering a castle before retrieving the magic wand, changed "King of the Koopa" to "King of the Koopas", and a few other text/spelling/punctuation to be closer to the Super Mario Advance 4 version.
-Changed the ending dialog with Princess Toadstool from the joke dialog into the more serious dialog shown in the Japanese/Super Mario Advance 4 versions.
-Fixed/changed/updated a few tile placements on the world map.
-Set it so that the 1st mushroom house in world 6 gives out hammer bros. suits again instead of the mushroom/flower/leaf.
-Revamped the dark world Bowser's castle and castle walls tilesets; made them look closer to the All-Stars's version.
-Revamped some of the ending credits tiles; made them look closer to the All-Stars's/SMA4 versions.
-Fixed the hammer bros. suit item sprite that looked like toad.
-Added the lost levels 6 and 7 to the game at the end of world 6 right before the castle.
-Fixed up the lost level 11 and added it to the end of world 1 right before the castle.
-Combined the lost levels 2 (first section) and 8 (first section) into one level; fixed it up, cleaned up the bugs, and added it to the game at the end of world 3 right before the castle.
-Combined the lost levels 9, 10, 14, and 15 into one level; fixed it up, cleaned up the bugs, and added it to the game at the end of world 5 right before the castle.
-Added the lost level 3 to the game at the end of world 7 right before the castle.
-Added music code to the title screen (It plays a random silent sfx for now as a place holder until custom music is added).
-Changed the 1up chest item box sprite in the card bonus game into a mushroom.
-Added eyes to the fire snake sprite.
-Added the boomerang spin sound effect to when hammer bros. and sledge bros. throw hammers.
-Added the boomerang spin sound effect to spikes throwing spiked balls.
-Added the flame/fire sound effect to fireball shooting piranha plants.
-Added the fireball sound effect to fireball shooting nipper plants.
-Added the flame/fire sound effect to fire chomps.
-Added the boomerang spin sound effect to rocky wrenchs throwing wrenches.
-Added the flame/fire sound effect to the lava lotus expelling fireballs.
-Added the airship move sfx to the coin treasure ship on the world map screen when it moves around while retaining the hammer bros. move sfx when no coin ship is active.
-Tweaked the powerup/transform sound effects when using an item on the world map inventory screen to be more accurate/consistent; changed the hammer suit, frog suit, and the p-wing items to use the transform sfx instead of the powerup sfx.
-Changed the wooden tiles into warp pipes for the world 8 airships/ships inside of the boss rooms so it looks like you actually come back out of a pipe instead of randomly from the ceiling.
-Rearranged/swapped the Princess Toadstool end of world 2 and end of world 4 letters to make more sense with their placement after each world. (Thankyou Quick Curly)

Things that I would like to change/tweak into the game if possible:
Bug fixes:
-Fix the somersault glitch when jumping while invincible with a starman and climbing up a vine.
-Fix the glitch of carrying an object/enemy while obtaining kuribo's shoe (make them 'defeat' each other instead).
General changes:
-Change the way that Mario loses power suits to be similar to the all-stars/Japanese version (animation similar to losing Kuribo's shoe).
-Add sprout sfx for any powerup coming out the bottom of a note block when jumped on.
-Add raccoon tail sfx while ducking and flying at the same time.
-Add the 'bump' sound for everytime you hit the ceiling or a block from underneath. (This currently only plays when you hit a giant brick block or a ? block/coin block while there are still items/coins in there. Would like to have it also play when Mario hits brick blocks or any ceiling as to be more similar to SMB1.)
-Add a score multiplier for attacking enemies with a starman.
-Fix hammer bros./coin ship sfx code to play both sfx if both entities exist on the map at the same time.
-Add fire/flame sounds to the angry sun when swooping and maybe to the podoboos when they pop out of lava?
-Add the boomerang throw sfx to buster beetles throwing brick blocks and to lakitu throwing spinies?
-Add bob-bomb/cannon sound and earthquake effect when sideways-moving thwomps hit a wall.
-Add jump sfx to jumping enemies? (hammer/fire bros., sledge bros., koopalings, bowser, etc.)
-Fix it so you can jump on upside-down spiny enemies without getting hurt. (I believe All-Stars and/or Super Mario Advance 4 fixed this issue?)
-Fix it so you can stomp on regular enemies (goombas, koopa troopas, etc.) while underwater. (I believe All-Stars and/or Super Mario Advance 4 fixed this issue?)
-Stop the muncher enemies (tiles) from turning into 'used' blocks when hit by something. (I believe All-Stars and/or Super Mario Advance 4 fixed this issue?)
GFX changes/improvements:
-Fix the glitchy bottom left corner area of the screen with the information from datacrystal without messing up the opening or ending credits cutscenes.
-Fix the animation timer and tiles for the world 3 and world 5 map screens so that the hills bounce up and down correctly, the water moves correctly, etc. without messing up other things such as bridges or glitchy tiles.
-Fix the animation timer for some of the doomship/tank levels (coins not spinning, question mark blocks moving too fast or not moving at all, etc.) without messing up any of the tiles or causing glitches.
-Change the door tile into an actual looking door instead of a glowing rectangle? (8-bit version of the all-stars smb3 door?)
-Fix the messed up wrong bottom left corner tile for the level 11+ tiles on the world map without messing up the cloud/other tiles.
-Fix the placements of the tiles in the ending credits showcasing the world maps.
-Possibility of adding the all-stars animations to certain world map tiles that didn't have them in the NES version, such as: the n-spade tiles, (coin) path tiles, sparkly level tiles, etc.
-Possibility of changing the world 2 hammer bros. map sprites into the Super Mario Advance 4 boomerang bros. and fire bros. sprites while retaining the hammer bros. sprites in every other world.
-Possibility of changing the world 4 hammer bros. map sprites into the Super Mario Advance 4 sledge bros. sprites while retaining the hammer bros. sprites in every other world.
-Separate sprites for Luigi.
SFX/Music additions/improvements:
-Possibility of inserting custom music to add SMB1 underwater music to SMB3 title screen (like in the SNES version), the SMB1 princess is saved jingle when defeating Bowser (like in GBA version), and maybe SMB1 castle music to world 8 SMB3 Bowser’s castle level without replacing any of the already existing songs?
-Pause sound to play again when you unpause the game. (Unfortunately I don't think this will work as it seems that the sfx itself is directly linked to the state of stopping/starting the music... The only way I can think of fixing this now is if it's somehow imported into blank code in the game or copied from the existing sfx and placed somewhere else and by giving it its own unique ID so it can be called upon. Instead of having it be $04f7 maybe change it to one of the unused numbers in $04f1 or $04f2 or $04f3 or something... but I have no idea how to do this.)
-Add the kick sfx after hitting a block from underneath with an enemy on top of it which knocks them out. (Might not work for small Mario unless doing the same method as with the pause sound since the kick sound and bump sound seem to both use the same sound bank?)
-Add the jump sound from SMB2 for when hammer bros. and sledge bros. and other enemies jump. (Extract and insert the sfx code from SMB2 as mentioned above?)
-Add the vine climb sound from SMB2 when Mario is climbing a vine. (Extract and insert the sfx code from SMB2 as mentioned above?)
-Add the enter door sound from SMB2 when Mario enters a door. (Extract and insert the sfx code from SMB2 as mentioned above?)
-Add the throw sound from SMB2 for maybe when some enemies throw things? (Extract and insert the sfx code from SMB2 as mentioned above?)

I'm aware that some of these have already been done in other rom hacks before but I'm not sure how (i'm a noob) . If anything that I posted here isn't possible let me know so I can remove them from the list.. If anyone has any other ideas feel free to post them here and/or if anyone knows how to solve any of these or would be willing to give it a shot, it would be greatly appreciated!


Update - 10/20/2015: Successfully changed the powerdown sound effects and timers to be more like the Japanese/all-stars/Super Mario Advance versions.
Successfully changed the fire/raccoon powerdown animation. Now to fix the lose suit animation... Also added sprout sfx to super leaf coming out of a block.

Update - 10/23/2015: Successfully added music code to the title screen; set it to a random empty sfx as a placeholder until custom songs are added.

Discovery/Update - 10/28/2015: Sliding byte is at 0x000545. Successfully added the skidding sfx while sliding down a hill and changed the stomp sound into a kick sound when attacking enemies while sliding.

Update - 10/29/2015: Successfully changed it so touching a super leaf or fire flower as small Mario now turns you into their respective powers instead of Super Mario while retaining the Super Mario powerup from super mushrooms.

Discovery/Update - 10/29/2015: Starman timer is set at 0x02821 and 0x010182; fixed and extended the starman timer using it as an item from the world map inventory menu before entering a level so that now both are the same.

Update - 10/30/2015: Successfully added the jump sfx when Mario jumps onto the doomship anchor in the cutscene.

Update - 10/05/2015: Swapped the Princess Toadstool end of world 2 and end of world 4 letters (Thankyou Quick Curly), the 1st mushroom house in world 6 now gives hammer bros. suits again, other random tweaks.

Update - 10/06/2015: Hammer bros. and sledge bros. now have a hammer throw sfx. Fireball shooting piranha plants now have a flame/fire sfx. Fireball shooting nipper plants now have a fireball sfx. Fire chomps now have a flame/fire sfx. Spike enemies now have a sound effect when they throw the spiked balls. Rocky wrench enemies throwing wrenches now have a sfx.

Update - 12/09/2015: Random bug fixes/tweaks/enhancements. Added new lost levels to the end of world 5.

Update - 12/11/2015: Random bug fixes/tweaks/enhancements. Added the airship move sfx to the coin treasure ship on the world map screen when it moves around while retaining the hammer bros. move sfx when no coin ship is active. (The hammer bros. sprites/coin ship sprites on the world map bytes are located at RAM addresses $7F17,$7F18,$7F19; value 0B= coin ship)

Discovery/Update - 12/13/2015: Random bug fixes/enhancements. Tweaked the powerup/transform sound effects when using an item on the world map inventory screen to be more accurate/consistent; changed the hammer suit, frog suit, and the p-wing items to use the transform sfx instead of the powerup sfx. Fixed the bug in the original game when grabbing a hammer bros. suit (and frog suit?) while Mario is the tanooki statue. Fixed the bug in the original game when somersault jumping with a starman while already being inside of a kuribo's shoe and then obtaining a starman and jumping afterwards (the starman somersault byte is located at $054F, kuribo's shoe flag byte is located at $0577); And now that this glitch has been fixed, I have added the lost level 3 to the game at the end of world 7 right before the castle. Added the kuribo's shoe lose sfx to kuribo's shoe disappearing 'poof' at end of the stage goal.


Here is the link to download the current snapshot of this project (Updated 01/29/2016):

I have played through every level to test the rom and to make sure nothing got corrupted or messed up in any way and everything seems to be fine but if you do encounter any bugs please let me know. Use Lunar IPS to patch a SMB3 PRG1 rom and enjoy.

Posted on 10-18-15 04:57 PM (rev. 2 of 10-18-15 04:57 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 161505

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All I can say is welcome to Board 2 and I hope you stay here, even if there isn't so much activity as some other communities, we have fun and enjoy posting here to a high level.

Do you have any screenshots of your in-progress hack as of yet? I'm interested.

And yeah Quick Curly is pretty helpful with SMB3 hacking, he'll probably reply here soon.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 10-19-15 10:18 AM (rev. 10 of 12-12-15 01:38 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 161507

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Sure, here are a few screenshots of some of the changes.

 photo 1_zpskwuqoklf.jpg

 photo 2_zps96oleds2.jpg

 photo 3_zpssvklnnio.jpg

 photo 4_zpsr6bhhnjf.jpg

 photo 5_zpsnsengico.jpg

 photo 7_zpsk9vsexla.jpg  photo 9_zps6u4myxsr.jpg

 photo 88_zpsuvnyc1tj.jpg  photo 8_zpsfhqwg6gf.jpg

Posted on 10-21-15 10:27 AM Link | Quote | ID: 161530

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Since: 10-14-15
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Does anyone have a copy of or know where to find the latest SMB3 text editor v1.6 by Dcahrakos? There's a copy of it here:


but it seems to be an older version v1.0.
Does anyone have a copy of the updated 1.6 with the bugfixes and such?

Posted on 10-21-15 10:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161537

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@AgentTer I just binged it and nothing has come up, sorry.

Perhaps try looking for older versions which are newer than 1.0 if you can.

Nice screenshots and work by the way, hope I can play it for the release.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 10-26-15 02:16 PM (rev. 16 of 11-03-15 07:45 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 161606

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I've updated and added a link to download the current snapshot of the project near the bottom in the first post.

To add the fire sfx to the enemies we'd need to figure out where and how to break the game and on what frame when the plants spit out the new sprites (fireballs) but I don't know how to break for specific enemies or their routines.. if anyone has any insight or can point me in the right direction of figuring this kind of stuff out or knows the RAM/ROM addresses for the enemies I would be most grateful.

Or let's say that i inject my own custom song into the game, how do i call it within the hex code for a level? how do i point it to that?
AD F5 04 LDA
8D F5 04 STA
This can be used to play music but what about if a custom one is added in somewhere else? is there a way to add it to the table?
Same goes for sound effects, let's say i add in a custom SFX or change an existing one that doesn't currently even play anything for example: $04F1 40 doesn't make any kind of sound at all but it still already exists in the code, is there a way to add one in there? Or even replace the Birdo egg shooting noise from SMB2 that isn't even used anywhere in the game? I don't know where to find the sfx in the code to change them.

Also if anyone knows how to swap the order of the Princess Toadstool letters.

If anyone knows how to assist in any of the things listed that I'm still trying to figure out/fix either here or in the first post please let me know.

Posted on 10-26-15 05:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161609

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Posted by AgentTer
Does anyone have a copy of or know where to find the latest SMB3 text editor v1.6 by Dcahrakos? There's a copy of it here:


but it seems to be an older version v1.0.
Does anyone have a copy of the updated 1.6 with the bugfixes and such?

I uploaded it for you on the Board 2 Uploader, get it here.

Feel free to upload this on RHDN also...

My Linktree

Posted on 10-28-15 07:32 PM (rev. 2 of 10-29-15 11:59 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 161637

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About the Kuribo's Shoe question - I wonder if the code exists in the US and PAL versions, actually, along with any of the other stuff that was changed?

It'd be worth looking around for the code if it was left in though, if it isn't could it be 'ported' over in any way and fixed for other power-ups.

I can also forward this to RHDN if you want.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 10-30-15 11:02 PM (rev. 3 of 10-30-15 11:05 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 161684

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@Googie Thankyou for the program, I appreciate it!

@Termingamer2-JD I'm going to try to see if I can find the code for it in the Japanese version of the game and maybe it can be copied over... I was able to find what seemed to be a glitched version of the kuribo's shoe sprite fly off of Mario when getting hit before when I was messing around/tweaking hex code but I didn't document it and now I can't seem find it again however I'm going to keep searching. It wasn't exactly what i was looking for though so it's not a big loss. I want to find the outlines of the hammer, frog, and tanooki suits when they fly off Mario when getting hit and how to activate them

Posted on 10-30-15 11:08 PM (rev. 2 of 10-30-15 11:09 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 161685

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Make sure you don't lose anything. Wish you luck on the coding and finding stuff.

I can't really say anymore, except, what version of the ROM did you encounter the Kuribo's Shoe glitched sprite, US PRG0 or US PRG1?

Also I'll probably post a few videos on my dailymotion account of your hack when I have time to tomorrow.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 10-31-15 12:47 AM (rev. 11 of 12-14-15 01:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 161687

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Thankyou for taking an interest in this!, it is a US PRG1 ROM. I found it in the same area that determines what happens to Mario when he gets hit, it's right next to the powerdown timer. I changed the values of the following: 0x001A33 and 0x001A34. I was just changing them at random and one of them used a glitched kurbio's shoe sprite. The sprite acted correctly in that it floated up slightly and then fell off the left side of the screen. The original values are 54, 05. I forget what i set both of them to for this effect to occur i discovered it at random and forgot to write it down... maybe it was the correct routine but it used the wrong sprites? here are some other things i found while changing the first byte though:

changing the 54 to --
*51=powerup animation. this is what I ended up using for the powerdown animation while as fire mario or raccoon mario. the powerdown animation itself seemed weird seeing Mario shrink just grow back again so I made it the powerup animation instead. the enemies also stop moving while this is playing out.
53=flashing as if ending the starman timer
55=glitched powerdown while glowing/wrong palette
56=powerdown, you stop moving but the enemies do not
57=changes to mario's kick sprite
59=you can move but the background can't; glitch
5A=glitchy autoscroll
5D=glitched sprites
5F=enemy teleporting glitch
60=random splash effect
63=fall through the floor
71=glitch and fall through the floor
75=splash effect where Mario is
7C=starman comes out of random block
8A=puts Mario behind scenery
FD=king's room glitch
FF=high speed autoscroll glitch

Most of the other ones either don't do anything or freeze the game. So the 05 would have to be changed aswell along with the 54.

Posted on 10-31-15 12:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161693

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The Kuribo's Shoe thing happens anyway in US PRG1 I think, but it doesn't make you Small Mario - but the other items don't (tanooki, frog etc which you're looking for).

The demo on the title screen, when Luigi throws a shell at Raccoon Mario, DOES bring him to small Mario, so the 'any powerup > small' code must exist within the game, so you can definitely bring that back.

With Kuribo's Shoe it's probably a placeholder for what's missing (the suit graphics) if it's glitched.

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 10-31-15 02:20 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161701

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This is amazing work! You've accomplished quite a lot in such a short amount of time! Excellent job!
I plan to try out the latest demo right now!
Sorry that I was gone the last couple weeks as well. I'll try to catch up with all your progress so far and see if there's anything that I can still help out with, if I'm able.

Posted on 11-04-15 02:29 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161784

Red Goomba
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eh, pretty cool changes, they do give the game a more 'finished' feel

Posted on 11-04-15 02:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161787

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The little things matter in a hack, it's not just the level design but what you do with the game and take it into a different direction with custom things.

The current version could be considered a PRG2 seeing what changes have been made so far.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 11-04-15 06:54 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161792

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sure quick curly no problem buddy!, you've helped out alot already. I was able to learn the basics of assembly from the code you showed me and I've been going from there with just trial and error. so i already appreciate everything you showed me. yeah, if you do get a chance and would wanna take a whack at some of the things listed to see if you can get them working or have any ideas on where to start let me know!!

hey, thanks hakarl and Termingamer2-JD!, that's what i was going for with this, a PRG2 ROM is a good way of putting it haha. I just wanted to make everything more consistent with the other games in the series. Once this is finished I'll release a separate version without the lost levels added as an option so you can choose to have them or not and probably a PRG0 rom aswell.

Quick Curly
Posted on 11-04-15 07:13 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161794

Giant Red Paratroopa
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I finally got my Windows 7 laptop working again. For some reason, my Windows 8 laptop doesn't seem to like SMB3 Workshop or SMB3 Map Editor, as the text boxes and controls don't show up for being able to edit things. Is it because they're Delphi programs? I have no idea. I tried to run them in Windows compatibility, but it doesn't matter. Something that the programs use must be missing, but I don't know what. Is anyone else able to get SMB3 Workshop and SMB3 Map Editor to work just fine on Windows 8?

Anyway, since I was able to use Windows 7 again, I checked out your modified Pyramid Outside Area, and I noticed that you knew not to use more objects and enemies than what were originally in the level. Awesome catch.

However, on the off chance that the player tries to fly straight up at the ending, they could potentially get stuck in the middle of the level. Since you have 6 spare bytes to use, you could potentially add some blocks at the top, or you could even simply extend the X-Large Sandstone Block that's already there (X: 016, Y: 000) and stretch it out across the top of the screen so that the player can't possibly fall in the open area.

Not a big issue at all or anything, but just something that I happened to notice while I was playing through the latest demo.

I have to go to work shortly, so unfortunately, I can't really concentrate on any of the updates yet, but I can try to take a general look really quickly right now and offer some insight as to what I would try looking at first to try to test stuff out.
Posted by AgentTer
-Change the way that Mario loses power suits to be similar to the all-stars/Japanese version (animation similar to losing Kuribo's shoe).
It's possible that Insectduel has already accomplished something like this, but I'm not completely sure. I just remember that he's done little projects like this for both the NES and SNES versions of SMB3 before.
Posted by AgentTer
-(maybe?)Change grabbing a super leaf as small Mario to play the transform sfx and 'poof' animation.
Do a check at $00ED for 00 (Small). The code for grabbing the leaf specifically will have to be found.
Posted by AgentTer
-Add sprout sfx for any powerup coming out the bottom of a note block when jumped on.
-Add raccoon tail sfx while ducking and flying at the same time.
-Add the 'bump' sound for everytime you hit the ceiling or a block from underneath. (This currently only plays when you hit a ? block or coin block while there are still items/coins in there. Would like to have it also play when Mario hits brick blocks or any ceiling as to be more similar to SMB1.)
Specific block checks. Code would have to be located.
Posted by AgentTer
-Tweak the powerup/transform sound effects when using an item on the world map inventory screen to be more accurate/consistent; change hammer suit, frog suit, and the p-wing items to use the transform sfx instead of the powerup sfx.
I would set conditional write breakpoints in the FCEUX debugger for those specific sounds, and then see if I could change them. I don't know offhand if it would be that straightforward and simple. Probably code checks would have to be added for each specific item.
Posted by AgentTer
-Add fireball/fire/flame sounds to the fireball shooting nipper plants, fireball shooting piranha plants, fire chomps, and maybe to the podoboos when they pop out of lava?
-Add the boomerang spin sound effect (or maybe something else) to when hammer bros. and sledge bros. throw hammers.
Enemy checks, and perhaps find where specifically the fireball and boomerang placements are determined in RAM. After that, hijack the code to add the sound effect(s).
Posted by AgentTer
-Fix it so you can jump on upside-down spiny enemies without getting hurt. (I believe All-Stars and/or Super Mario Advance 4 fixed this issue?)
-Fix it so you can stomp on koopa troopas underwater. (I believe All-Stars and/or Super Mario Advance 4 fixed this issue?)
I'd set a write breakpoint to $00ED or $0578 for when Mario gets hit, and check the stack to see what code was used before it made the jump to the transformation change. It's not a full process, but it would be my attempted start.
For Koopas underwater, $0584 is the RAM address for whether or not Mario is underwater. I would try to use that to see if some code could be disabled to allow Mario to stomp on Koopas while underwater. A specific code check might need to be added to work only for Koopas and possibly any other specific enemies you would want to apply this exception for, and not others.
Posted by AgentTer
-Stop the muncher enemies (tiles) from turning into 'used' blocks when hit by something.
Would you want them to just remain as munchers no matter what, or have them become a different block? Since the active level data begins at $6000 in RAM, I would find the value for a muncher, set a write breakpoint to it, and then see where the value comes from for the replacement block when it gets hit.
Posted by AgentTer
-Add a score multiplier for attacking enemies with a starman.
southbird did this with an earlier demo of Super Mario Bros. 3Mix. You could maybe check how it was done, or even ask.
Posted by AgentTer
-Fix the animation timer and tiles for the world 3 and world 5 map screens so that the hills bounce up and down correctly, the water moves correctly, etc. without messing up other things such as bridges or glitchy tiles.
The animation timers for the World Maps can be found in this old post by me.
Posted by AgentTer
-Fix the animation timer for some of the doomship/doomtank levels (coins not spinning, question mark blocks moving too fast or not moving at all, etc.).
$719 = First 2K Bank of GFX (upper left of pattern table, $0000-$07FF)
$71A = Second 2K Bank of GFX (lower left of pattern table, $0800-$0FFF)
$71B = First 1K bank of GFX (upper right of pattern table, $1000-$13FF)
$71C = Second 1K bank of GFX (second from upper right of pattern table, $1400-$17FF)
$71D = Third 1K bank of GFX (second from lower right of pattern table, $1800-$1BFF)
$71E = Fourth 1K bank of GFX (lower right of pattern table, $1C00-$1FFF)
$71F = Current bank @ 0xA000
$720 = Current bank @ 0xC000

Whichever banks animate, I would set a write breakpoint to them, and then check the nearby code for some sort of timer. From there, hopefully you'll be able to edit it accordingly.
Posted by AgentTer
-Rearrange/swap the Princess Toadstool end of world 2 and end of world 4 letters to make more sense with their placement after each world.
Princess' individual letters:
0x36792-0x3680E (0x7D) - World 1
0x3680F-0x36875 (0x67) - World 2
0x36876-0x368F8 (0x83) - World 3
0x368F9-0x36978 (0x80) - World 4
0x36979-0x36A03 (0x8B) - World 5
0x36A04-0x36A96 (0x93) - World 6
0x36A97-0x36B0D (0x77) - World 7

Letter Pointers:
World 1 Letter --- 0x36784 - 0x36785 - 82 A7 ($A782) (0x36792)
World 2 Letter --- 0x36786 - 0x36787 - FF A7 ($A7FF) (0x3680F)
World 3 Letter --- 0x36788 - 0x36789 - 66 A8 ($A866) (0x36876)
World 4 Letter --- 0x3678A - 0x3678B - E9 A8 ($A8E9) (0x368F9)
World 5 Letter --- 0x3678C - 0x3678D - 69 A9 ($A969) (0x36979)
World 6 Letter --- 0x3678E - 0x3678F - F4 A9 ($A9F4) (0x36A04)
World 7 Letter --- 0x36790 - 0x36791 - 87 AA ($AA87) (0x36A97)

Just swap the pointers for Worlds 2 and 4.
Posted by AgentTer
-Separate sprites for Luigi.
DahrkDaiz did this with the Luigi vs. Mario demo. Either way, the CHR-ROM would have to be expanded to make enough room for additional custom sprite graphics for Luigi. To apply the effect myself, I would probably use $0726 (current player) to determine which graphics bank to use in every possible case. It would take a while and a lot of conditions, and I'm guessing there would probably be an easier way to do this, but without having more time that's all that I can really determine for right now.
Posted by AgentTer
-Possibility of inserting custom music to add SMB1 underwater music to SMB3 title screen (like in the SNES version), the SMB1 princess is saved jingle when defeating Bowser (like in GBA version), and maybe SMB1 castle music to world 8 SMB3 Bowser’s castle level without replacing any of the already existing songs?
Possible, but whenever you want to port music, you have to know the music systems for both games, which makes it difficult and time consuming.
Posted by AgentTer
-Pause sound to play again when you unpause the game. (Unfortunately I don't think this will work as it seems that the sfx itself is directly linked to the state of stopping/starting the music... The only way I can think of fixing this now is if it's somehow imported into blank code in the game or copied from the existing sfx and placed somewhere else and by giving it its own unique ID so it can be called upon. Instead of having it be $04f7 maybe change it to one of the unused numbers in $04f1 or $04f2 or $04f3 or something... but I have no idea how to do this.)
I would like to think that this should just be adding the sound byte again to the appropriate part of code, but I'll have to look into this later when I have more time.
Posted by AgentTer
-Add the kick sfx after hitting a block from underneath with an enemy on top of it which knocks them out. (Might not work for small Mario unless doing the same method as with the pause sound since the kick sound and bump sound seem to both use the same sound bank?)
Might be similar to the other hit block detection cases.
Posted by AgentTer
-Add the vine climb sound from SMB2 when Mario is climbing a vine. (Extract and insert the sfx code from SMB2 as mentioned above?)
-Add the enter door sound from SMB2 when Mario enters a door. (Extract and insert the sfx code from SMB2 as mentioned above?)
SMB2's music system is actually supposed to be similar to SMB3's. That's how I actually originally found the SMB3 music data by myself years ago - by referring to SMB2's documented music data. It might be easier to port over, but the same basic idea mentioned earlier still applies.

Sorry for not being able to really look into anything specific myself yet, and for the delay of being able to get this far.
I'm still highly interested in your project, and wish you the best of luck with your continuous progress!
Hopefully I'll have more time soon to look into some other things.
Sorry for the longer post, and for anything that might be incorrectly stated and/or confusing.

I just noticed while previewing my post again that you just happened to reply before I finished mine.

You're very welcome again. No problem! I'm very excited about how far you've come in such a short amount of time! It feels good to know that I'm able to help others out, and that I at least know a few things after ROM hacking since October 2007 that I can pass on to others!

Posted on 12-07-15 12:47 PM (rev. 17 of 12-13-15 07:11 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 162096

Level: 7

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Since: 10-14-15
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Ok, I've fixed up the outside pyramid level to block off the top part of the level so that shouldn't be an issue anymore.

With the "Change the way that Mario loses power suits to be similar to the all-stars/Japanese version (animation similar to losing Kuribo's shoe)." question, I was able to replicate the animation of it flying off Mario again when he gets hit however I still can't find the correct sprites to use for it. I've been trying to reverse engineer what they did in the Japanese version but still no luck finding the correct sprites.

For the specific block codes thing, I was able to locate question mark block and note block code however I still can't find regular tile code for like 'used' blocks or any normal/ground type tileset to add the bump sound when hitting it from underneath. I was able to add the sprout sound to when an item pops out the bottom of a note block when jumped on but it messed up hitting the block from underneath normally and the sprout sound played twice so i took it back out.

With changing certain power up sfxs on the world map inventory, after alot of fumbling around with it I was able to change them as desired. $03F3 is used to determine what Mario's current power up is on the world map screen before it gets transferred to $00ED when inside of the level. The frog suit, hammer suit, and p-wing now use the transform sfx instead of the regular powerup sfx.

The sfx being added to the projectiles has been added successfully (atleast for most of them). The enemy projectiles (hammers, fireballs, etc.) appear to be located at RAM addresses: 0x007fc6-0x007fcd

With the specific enemy checks for enabling jumping on an upside down spiny or other enemy under water, when I edit something it seems to affect every enemy and not just that specific one... can't do that because I would like cheep cheeps and other water creatures to stay non-stompable while underwater... I can't seem to find the specific enemy sub routines...

For the muncher enemies, I basically wanted nothing to happen at all if they are hit with a raccoon tail or shell; to basically act as a regular tile/block and not change form into a 'used' block after being hit. Would like for them to retain their collision and graphics so if they are touched you still powerdown afterwards and they still look the same.

For the multiplier on the starman, I have taken a wack at this one as well but I can't get it to work right... I asked southbird but he uses his disassembly tools which is different from the method I'm using..

The Princess Toadstool letters swap worked perfectly though, thank you.

For copying the sfx data to another part of the code, do you have any idea where they are located and when specific ones start and finish? And if I move/copy it to a different part of the code how do I call it to play once it's moved?

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-19-16 03:40 AM (rev. 2 of 01-19-16 04:00 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 162448

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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I've just finally been able to play some of the most recent build, 01/12/2016.

For those who aren't aware, AgentTer is continuously updating this project, and the enhancements that are being applied to the original SMB3 are amazing to me. The overall concept reminds me of the idea and intention behind SMB3 - Extended Edition by ShaneM; presenting a new, modern day experience for the original, familiar classic game that we all grew up with.

I highly encourage those who aren't already aware of the current progress with this project to try it out for themselves. Also, if there is anything that you could potentially help out with, please post your thoughts and suggestions for any direction that we can possibly follow to help continue with its progress and hopeful completion.

Early warning from the future:
From here on out, basically, I was typing stuff out at the same time while I was doing it in real time. Turns out, things didn't necessarily work out as I had hoped.
However, that's to be expected during the ROM hacking process. Success can still be around the corner, or accessible by means of a similar method. Therefore, I'm still including everything in the post; but if you're hoping for a miracle, I'm sorry, but unfortunately, that's not how it turned out this time.

For the Japanese animation, I tested out losing the Frog Suit in the "Super Mario Bros. 3 (J) (PRG0)" version, and froze the emulator at the moment in the game when the sprite flies away. The 1/4 sprite GFX bank, as seen at $071B in RAM, is #$53. The Frog Suit icon uses sprite tile values #$38 and #$39, with each side a mirror to the other.

Within $0200-$02FF (active sprites) #$39 is visible at $0251, $0255, $0269, $026D, $0281, $0285, $0299, $029D, $02B1, $02B5, $02C9, $02CD, $02E1, $02E5, $02F9, and $02FD. (Holy crap!)

So with FCEUX, I set a write breakpoint to $0251 with the condition that "A==#39". The Debugger froze at the following line, $B554, or 0x0F564 in the ROM:

03:B554:99 01 02  STA $0201,Y @ $0251 = #$01

Exploring the previous line of code, the following is visible overall:

03:B551:BD E8 B4  LDA $B4E8,X @ $B4EA = #$39
03:B554:99 01 02 STA $0201,Y @ $0251 = #$01
03:B557:BD E9 B4 LDA $B4E9,X @ $B4EB = #$39
03:B55A:99 05 02 STA $0205,Y @ $0255 = #$01

$B4E8 in the ROM is 0x0F4F8.

0x0F4F8-0xF4FF (0x8)

A9 AB 39 39 3B 3B 3D 3D

The 39 values at 0x0F4FA and 0xF4FB are for the Frog Suit.
0xF4FA is the sprite used for the left half of the flying sprite.
0xF4FB is the sprite used for the right half of the flying sprite.
Together, both sprites form the complete graphic for the suit that flies away in the Japanese animation.
So, both values need to match for the sake of the entire Mushroom Kingdom.

As a test, I changed the second 39 to 3B, and the graphic that appeared had the left half of the Frog Suit, and the right half of the Tanooki Suit.
Changing both to 3B resulted in the full Tanooki Suit graphic flying away upon Frog Mario getting hit.

Therefore, these are the values that you've been looking for.

In "Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!]", these values appear to be at ROM offsets 0x0F4FC-0x0F503 (0x8). So, 4 bytes ahead.

Looking in the SMB3 Disassembly files, specifically "prg007.asm", there is the following explanation:
Posted by "SMB3 Disassembly - prg007.asm"
RTS ; Return

; In the Japanese original, there were other power ups that "flew off"
; when you lost them, and those are the additional values. None of
; them display correctly anymore, however, because:
; The graphics for the fly-off sprite only exist with small Mario,
; meaning when they added the "American" rule of returning to "super"
; state, it didn't have the suit sprite graphics available!

LostShoe_Pattern: .byte $A9, $AB ; 0
.byte $39, $39 ; 1
.byte $3B, $3B ; 2
.byte $3D, $3D ; 3
LostShoe_Attribute: .byte $02, $01, $01, $01

So, does that mean that unless the code is modified to somehow work with powering down to Super Mario from a suit, you would have to use the "every hit reverts to small Mario" rule like the Japanese version as well? Hmm...

As for the muncher enemies, their tile value is #$66. In the main 5-3 area, there are munchers at $6259-$625F, and $6400-$6401 in RAM within the active level data.
I manually changed $6259 and $625A from 66 values to 80 values (open tiles), walked away so they went off the screen, and then came back so that they were visibly gone. Now Mario can get down there.
I made a save state.
As Raccoon Mario, I wagged the tail into the next muncher ($625B). The value quickly flashed a value of #$F3 before it became #$5F, the hit coin block.
I reloaded my save state, and set a write breakpoint for $625B.
As Raccoon Mario, after wagging the tail into the muncher again, the Debugger froze at the following line, with #$F3 in the Accumulator:

$DC9F (0x01CAF)

00:DC9F:91 00     STA ($00),Y @ $625B = #$66

After clicking Run, it froze again to show where the hit coin block value came from:

$DD17 (0x3BD27)

0E:DD17:BD B7 DC  LDA $DCB7,X @ $DCB8 = #$80
0E:DD1A:91 63 STA ($63),Y @ $625B = #$F3

The #$80 at $DCB8 comes from 0x3BCC8 in the ROM. Again, it's just an "open tile".

Clicking Run again twice more, we see #$5F loaded into the Accumulator. Hmm... Where is that coming from?

$DD17 (0x3BD27)

0E:DD17:BD B7 DC  LDA $DCB7,X @ $DCBE = #$5F
0E:DD1A:91 63 STA ($63),Y @ $625B = #$F3

So, just a few bytes over from the #$80, there's a #5F value at 0x3BCCE in the ROM.
If I change 0x3BCCE to 66, the graphic for the muncher still becomes a hit coin block, but touching it, it's still a muncher and Mario gets hurt! Raccoon Mario can continuously wag and bump the "muncher" up and down to his heart's and tail's content.

So, I suppose now you would need to find a way to alter the graphics of the "after" muncher block, or just find a way to disable this whole code process altogether without it potentially affecting any other interactive and/or animated blocks.

The graphics used for each:

  Muncher      Hit Coin Block
+----+----+ +----+----+
| 92 | CA | | D8 | DA |
+----+----+ +----+----+
| 93 | CB | | D9 | DB |
+----+----+ +----+----+

0x3BCF5-0x3BCF8 (0x4)


Change it to "92 CA 93 CB", and then the muncher graphics show up. However, you'll still see a visible hit coin block graphic bounce, which you can see through the Name Table Viewer is actually a sprite because it doesn't show up there.

Also, it seems that the hit coin blocks are affected for all the other blocks as a result, for if we manually replace the #$6E at $621D with #$70 (P-Switch block), hitting it from underneath replaces the hit coin block at $621D with a muncher block. As well, hitting the P-Switch block still turns all the munchers into coins.

So, this is not actually the way you would necessarily want to approach this and accomplish what you hope with that. More will have to be explored later, but at least this gives you more of an idea of how you can potentially find the values.

What I would try next is test the hit detection against a constant animated block, like the Wooden Block.

Playing in 1-1, the Wooden Block staircase on the left side about halfway through the level appears at $6B94, $6BA3-$6BA4, and $6BB2-$6BB4 in the active level data.

Set a write breakpoint to $6B94 and enter 1-1 from the World 1 Map. The Debugger freezes.

$CB3F (0x1CB4F)

07:CB3F:BD 16 CB  LDA $CB16,X @ $CB19 = #$79
07:CB42:91 63 STA ($63),Y @ $6B94 = #$80

0x1CB29 is 79 for the Wooden Block. Interacting with it and wagging Raccoon Mario's tail doesn't cause any write freezes in the Debugger to locate what code differentiates the Wooden Blocks that remain the same and the munchers which change.

At this point in writing this post and seeking things out in the emulator in real time, I have to stop because I've already been working on this post for the last couple hours, and I can't continue on anymore.
Sorry that I can't continue on with this process or get into the other matters right now, since I don't have anymore time, unfortunately.

I'm most likely just complicating things and there's likely an easy solution to this, and I believe that I can find it, but I just wanted to type things out in this manner to provide you with another possible method or two that you could use to further explore this on your own.
I would recommend you maybe explore these relevant addresses through the SMB3 Disassembly files as well. The Wooden Block related stuff referenced directly above is in "prg014.asm":
Posted by "SMB3 Disassembly - prg014.asm"
; LoadLevel_BlockRun
; Puts down 1-16 of one of the blocks from LoadLevel_Blocks
.byte TILEA_ICEBRICK ; This one is accessed by LoadLevel_IceBricks

There's also a section on "Power Blocks", which appear to be the blocks that are animate and function through means of interaction:
Posted by "SMB3 Disassembly - prg014.asm"
; LoadLevel_PowerBlock
; Adds one of many types of "power" blocks -- different containers
; for power ups, P-Switches, vines, and the muncher plant (?)
.byte TILEA_PSWITCH ; 24

Sorry that my post probably isn't much help and is just made up of large amounts of text. I want to help, but a lot of this stuff is time consuming, especially if it's stuff that I haven't had to mess around with before. Unfortunately, that probably means that I'm not necessarily the best person to currently ask about this, or at least, not until I have more time to sit down and work through the stuff more thoroughly. Many people might remember DahrkDaiz's Ice Coin block hack, which switches around the green bouncy note blocks, which are available in the commonly shared Object Set ROM bank, with the ice coin blocks, so that you can effectively have ice coin blocks available in any Object Set (even though, despite details, they might act a bit funky unless further adjustments are made, I guess). The same methodology might be necessary here, but I just need a break from working on it for the last few hours. Again, I apologize about this, but I hope that there's at least one bit of interesting piece of information available here that doesn't just make it seem like I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about or doing... Or, hey, what do I know? Maybe that's the case. Sorry, folks. Hopefully it's just that my brain's scrambled right now from being so busy lately and everything else going on.

Nonetheless, as always, I wish you the best of luck as you continue to work on this, and hopefully you'll be able to figure and work things out. I believe that you can! Unfortunately, I haven't really been in the SMB3 hacking mindset for the last little while, since I've been focusing on other ROM hacking projects, and that's when I haven't had to focus primarily on life in general, either.

So, for anyone else who bothered to review all of this and potentially see what I'm missing, please come to our rescue!

Posted on 03-16-16 04:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162929

Level: 36

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Since: 04-14-08

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Are you still working on this by chance? I have gave the game a run through and encountered no issues. Great work and hope to see more in the future!!!

Main - ROM Hacking - Hello everyone! I have some questions about hacking/improving Super Mario Bros.3 New thread | New reply

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