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Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 06-04-06 10:13 AM Link | Quote
I eventually gave up on trying to figure out how to work with existing scrolling commands.
It's so much easier to just use LevelASM to manually change the background position.

Not quite as active as before.
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Xk > ||bass
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Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 06-04-06 01:38 PM Link | Quote
Well, you could try a hack that a custom block activates: One where when you hit the block, some PalASM or LevelASM code will always force the background to stay at the same position, scroll-wise. if that doesn't work, make it work using HDMA. Problem should be solved.


Since: 03-03-06
From: Vermont

Last post: 6445 days
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Posted on 06-04-06 03:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Glyph Phoenix
I would simply like the game to temporarily think the level is a "No vertical or horizontal scroll" level, if possible.

Write 0 to $1411 to lock horizontal scrolling. Write 1 to free it again.

You can write to $1412 to control vertical scrolling in a similar manner. The only difference is that you can write 2 to $1412 to use the "no scrolling unless flying/climbing/whatever" mode.


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6385 days
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Posted on 06-04-06 09:13 PM Link | Quote
What do LevelASM, HDMA, custom blocks, or backgrounds have to do with anything? I just wanted somewhere in RAM to write.

SnifflySquirrel, thanks. I'll use that.

(edited by Glyph Phoenix on 06-04-06 08:14 PM)

Not quite as active as before.
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Xk > ||bass
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Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

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Posted on 06-05-06 06:10 PM Link | Quote
I didn't know that the RAM location had been found

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 06-07-06 04:46 AM Link | Quote
It's been a while since I posted sprite tile mappings, here are some:

A0 Magikoopa's head frame 1
C0 Magikoopa's body frame 1
A0 Magikoopa's head frame 1
C0 Magikoopa's body frame 1
A4 Magikoopa's head frame 2
C4 Magikoopa's body frame 2
A4 Magikoopa's head frame 2
C4 Magikoopa's body frame 2
A0 Magikoopa's head frame 1
C0 Magikoopa's body frame 1
A0 Magikoopa's head frame 1
C0 Magikoopa's body frame 1

99 Magikoopa's wand

07 Climbing net koopa's head frame 1
27 Climbing net koopa's body frame 1
4C Climbing net koopa's head frame 2
29 Climbing net koopa's body frame 2
4E Climbing net koopa's head frame 3
2B Climbing net koopa's body frame 3
82 A0 Koopa walk
84 A4 Koopa turning

Tiles 82, A0, 84 and A4 use page 0. They are being used when the climbing koopas turn vertically.

CE Air tile
CE Air tile
88 Tile used by the ground dwelling Monty Mole when surfacing 1
89 Tile used by the ground dwelling Monty Mole when surfacing 2
CE Air tile
CE Air tile
89 Tile used by the ground dwelling Monty Mole when surfacing 2
88 Tile used by the ground dwelling Monty Mole when surfacing 1

F3 Sumo Brother's lightning
CE Air tile
F3 Sumo Brother's lightning
CE Air tile

(edited by Davros on 01-08-07 06:12 PM)

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 06-14-06 07:42 PM Link | Quote
I checked the offsets on some of Matrizzle's notes:

EC Face of Pipe Dwelling Lakitu
A8 Pipe Dwelling Lakitu throwing
CE Face of Pipe Dwelling Lakitu when he's defeated
EE Pipe Dwelling Lakitu's body
EE Pipe Dwelling Lakitu's body
EE Pipe Dwelling Lakitu's body

Both Lakitu and the Pipe Dwelling Lakitu have the same graphics but different tilemaps.

88 Ghost frame 1
8C Ghost frame 2
A8 Ghost laughing frame 1
8E Ghost laughing frame 2
AA Ghost laughing frame 3
AE Ghost laughing frame 4
88 Ghost frame 1
8C Ghost frame 2

These tilemaps are shared by the Boo Buddies sprites E2 and E3 and sprite generators E1 and E5.


Since: 06-20-06

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Posted on 06-23-06 04:00 AM Link | Quote
Should I be worried about viruses when getting a ROM off of the internet?

Super Koopa
I AM A Group Of Officially Frustrated Younglings, G.O.O.F.Y. MEMBER

Since: 11-17-05
From: Söderhamn, Sweden

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 06-23-06 07:52 AM Link | Quote
First of all, this thread is only for ROM addresses (locations within a ROM, not where ROMs can be downloaded), not general ROM information.

Second of all, this forum is about SMW hacking. Your question isn't about SMW nor hacking. Therefore, it should have been posted in General Emulation.

Third of all, a ROM cannot be executed by itself. It requires an emulator to emulate the CPU of the console in question. The games weren't supposed to be run on a computer, meaning that the persons that developed the console didn't add any ability to edit files or whatever on a hard drive. Therefore, it's impossible for ROMs to contain viruses. Emulators, however, are executeable programs and may therefore contain viruses. Zsnes and Snes9x are safe to use, as long as you download it from a reliable site, like Zophar's Domain.

(edited by Smallhacker on 06-23-06 06:53 AM)

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 06-23-06 07:36 PM Link | Quote
I found the Thwomp tilemaps:

8E Top of Thwomp
8E Top of Thwomp
AE Bottom of Thwomp
AE Bottom of Thwomp
C8 Angry Thwomp frame 1

CA Angry Thwomp frame 2

More ghost tilemaps:

8C Boo frame
C8 Boo Block frame 1
CA Boo Block frame 2

EB Moving hole in the ledge
EA Air tile
EA Air tile
EB Moving hole in the ledge

88 Ghost frame 1
8C Ghost frame 2
8E Ghost laughing frame 2
A8 Ghost laughing frame 1
AA Ghost laughing frame 3
AE Ghost laughing frame 4
88 Ghost frame 1
8C Ghost frame 2

It only changes the first boo of sprite B0.

(edited by Davros on 11-03-06 12:38 AM)

Red Koopa

Since: 02-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 06-28-06 11:38 PM Link | Quote
has the address that makes it so that the Mario Start! screen doesn't show up when you enter Yoshi's House been found?

I'm trying to find a way to enable it since i'm using yoshi's house with exgfx as a level tile that's an actual level on one of my submaps

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 06-29-06 12:53 AM Link | Quote
I know that screen doesn't show up if you use one of the level modes that says "do not use this mode", but I'm not sure if that's how Yoshi's House does it or why they shouldn't be used.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-29-06 08:01 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperMackerel
I know that screen doesn't show up if you use one of the level modes that says "do not use this mode", but I'm not sure if that's how Yoshi's House does it or why they shouldn't be used.

I believe Yoshi's House does it by the Level Tile on the overworld. As for the "don't use" level modes, the readme says something about them being "queer mixed memory map modes", and that Layer 2 will be in the wrong position.

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 07-02-06 08:30 PM Link | Quote
I did a little tilemap hunting:

82 Buzzy Beetle frame 1
80 Buzzy Beetle frame 2
82 Buzzy Beetle frame 1
00 ???
00 ???
00 ???
86 Buzzy Beetle frame 3
84 Buzzy Beetle frame 4
88 Buzzy Beetle frame 5

DC Lower top of the lightning flame
EC Bottom top of the lightning flame
CC Top of the lightning flame
EC Bottom top of the lightning flame
CC Top of the lightning flame
DC Lower top of the lightning flame
00 ???
CC Top of the lightning flame

What are those 00 doing in the middle of the tilemaps?

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Xk > ||bass
I IP Banned myself! Twice!

Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 07-03-06 01:53 AM Link | Quote
Unused data, perhaps for a functionality of the buzzy beetle that never made it to the final version of SMW?
Chaos Force
Just drifting by...


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 07-03-06 09:48 AM Link | Quote
I noticed there are no upside down beetles in SMW. Maybe it used to be the tileset for them...

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 07-04-06 06:00 AM Link | Quote
More sprite tilemaps:

A7 Ninji frame 1
A9 Ninji frame 2

Tilemaps used by sprites 5D and 5E:

CB Edge of orange platform
E4 Bottom edge of orange platform
CC Middle top of orange platform
E5 Middle bottom of orange platform
CC Middle top of orange platform
E5 Middle bottom of orange platform
CC Middle top of orange platform
E4 Bottom edge of orange platform
CB Edge of orange platform

CB Edge of orange platform (mirrored)

E4 Bottom edge of orange platform (mirrored)

Tilemaps used by sprites 56 and 58:

85 Edge of rock platform
88 Bottom edge of rock platform
86 Middle top of rock platform
89 Middle bottom of rock platform
86 Middle top of rock platform
89 Middle bottom of rock platform
86 Middle top of rock platform
88 Bottom edge of rock platform
85 Edge of rock platform

85 Edge of rock platform (mirrored)

88 Bottom edge of rock platform (mirrored)

2C Fireball frame 1
2D Fireball frame 2
2C Fireball frame 1
2D Fireball frame 2

The fireballs are shared by Mario and the enemies.

Hothead tilemaps:

0C Hothead frame 1
0E Hothead frame 2
0E Hothead frame 2
0C Hothead frame 1
0E Hothead frame 2
0C Hothead frame 1
0C Hothead frame 1
0E Hothead frame 2

09 Hothead's eyes frame 1

19 Hothead's eyes frame 2

Urchin tilemaps:

C4 Urchin's body frame 1
C6 Urchin's body frame 2
C8 Urchin's body frame 3
C6 Urchin's body frame 2

CA Urchin's eyes frame 1

CC Urchin's eyes frame 2

(edited by Davros on 11-10-06 04:23 AM)
(edited by Davros on 01-08-07 06:40 PM)
Raccoon Sam

Boomerang Brother
Custom Title

Since: 11-20-05
From: Correct

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 07-14-06 05:58 AM Link | Quote
Has anyone found Bowser's Rotation related ROM addresses?
Like as in, how far it rotates, or such?

Super Koopa
I AM A Group Of Officially Frustrated Younglings, G.O.O.F.Y. MEMBER

Since: 11-17-05
From: Söderhamn, Sweden

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 07-21-06 08:20 AM Link | Quote
$493: Amount of scanlines to use for the status bar.

Not quite as active as before.
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Xk > ||bass
I IP Banned myself! Twice!

Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 07-21-06 01:34 PM Link | Quote
Ooh... thanks SH. Now I don't have to fiddle with those stupid IRQ's when editing layer 3 menus... That's ROM, right? Shouldn't be too hard to hack it...
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