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Since: 09-04-04
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Posted on 12-28-04 07:51 PM Link | Quote
What program shows the numbers and coding and that I can edit the ASM in?

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Posted on 12-28-04 09:11 PM Link | Quote
Gosh, dont people make some funny threads somtimes. Anyway, I had no idea what you just said, Im not even surprised that I didnt. But mabey you should try a hex editor or somthing like that. You could even look here and find a few things that can help. I wish I could give you more advice, but I dont understand what your talking about, so I gave somthing at least.

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Since: 09-04-04
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Posted on 12-28-04 09:15 PM Link | Quote
Well, I remember a program that showed the values like $440582 and stuff so you can edit it. What was it?

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Posted on 12-28-04 09:18 PM Link | Quote
Well. That certainly looks like asm to me. I cant identify the program being that there is a lot out there. All I can say is, check at zophar or do research. Or even wait for the more advanced users to come by.

(edited by Chris on 12-28-04 12:18 PM)
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Posted on 12-28-04 09:44 PM Link | Quote
The program you're talking about is defintely a hex editor, ASM need a compiler and is a lot harder to work with.
A compiler can be found at Zophar's, tutorials can be founde there, too.

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Since: 09-04-04
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Posted on 12-28-04 09:57 PM Link | Quote
I remember a program that let you edit the sper mario world memory addresses and you got to use the memory adress list to help you. Anyone know what program this was.

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Posted on 12-28-04 09:58 PM Link | Quote
He just said what it might be. It is an hex editor. Go to the link that I just posted and look for it there.

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Since: 09-04-04
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Posted on 12-28-04 10:24 PM Link | Quote
I know it isnt a hex editor because that wasnt the program I used. It was this program that showed the values like $5621930 and it wasnt any type of hex editor. I may not know about ASM but I know which program is what. Im not that new to hacking. Ive done a few myself. But now I really need to know how to use ASM if I am going to make something huge and so I need that program and hopefully someone will have it and shar it with me.

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Posted on 12-28-04 10:32 PM Link | Quote
This thread and the last thread has gave you enough information already. What else is there to give? We certainly cant name the editor that your talking about.

What you need to do is go to zophar. Thats the best place to go to get compilers and stuff like that. Just take a look around. There are many programs that can be of use. All you need to do is go there.

(edited by Chris on 12-28-04 01:33 PM)
(edited by Chris on 12-28-04 01:33 PM)
Alastor the Stylish
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-28-04 11:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by BrooklynMario
values like $5621930
That's a hex address (albeit one far higher than something you'd find in the average SNES ROM.) You want a hex editor ASM is something you need to learn, you can't just find an editor and go from there.
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-28-04 11:56 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
Originally posted by BrooklynMario
values like $5621930
That's a hex address (albeit one far higher than something you'd find in the average SNES ROM.) You want a hex editor ASM is something you need to learn, you can't just find an editor and go from there.
I told him, that these adresses are for a hex editor, but I think he won't believe it and says that it has something to do with ASM.
@Brooklyn Mario: ASM is not easy to learn, you HAVE to use an ASM COMPILER and there are a lot of tutorials out there, just google for them.
But an info: Start with 6502 ASM.

(edited by Hidden Mario on 12-28-04 02:57 PM)
(edited by Hidden Mario on 12-28-04 02:59 PM)
(edited by Hidden Mario on 12-28-04 02:59 PM)
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-29-04 12:09 AM Link | Quote
You don't have to have an ASM compiler, it's just really helpful. And you don't need to start with NES (6502) ASM, it's sufficiently different from SNES ASM that you might as well start with SNES.

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Posted on 12-29-04 12:58 AM Link | Quote
there is a kit you can get, called SPASM...Snes professional ASM kit...

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-29-04 01:03 AM Link | Quote
I used not to post here anymore, but this is... just...
*prevents himself from flaming like hell*

If you want to edit ASM, you might use anything, even notepad. If you want to code in it properly, use either some proggie called "SNES Professional ASM development kit" (google for that) or google for "65c816 disassembler" as well as for "65c816 assembler" (the latter might give better matches if you enter "65c816 cross assember").
As for hex editing, I recommend XVI32.

And please, work on your English.

Well, I'm probably gonna sink down into darkness again~ (in other words, this post doesn't mean I'm back or something like that ^^)

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Since: 09-04-04
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Posted on 12-29-04 04:27 AM Link | Quote
Ad how do I get this program called spasm? Do you have it?

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Since: 04-20-04

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Posted on 12-29-04 05:25 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by BrooklynMario
Ad how do I get this program called spasm? Do you have it?
Are you slow?
How do you think you can get it!? You can google search it, or look at the link I just gave out. Or you can ask someone..

(edited by Chris on 12-28-04 08:47 PM)
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