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Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-26-04 02:35 PM Link | Quote
After getting The Sims 2 (well, it's accually my brother's, but whatever) for christmas, I've realized that 256 MB RAM isn't enough. (It says that it needs 256 MB of RAM, but when I looked in the manual later, it said that 386 MB is recommended for 2K/XP. Yeah. You're telling me that AFTER we bought the game. Right now, one game minute = one real minute.) Anyway... I'm thinking about upgrading to 512 MB or something. However, I know absolutely nothing about hardware. Therefore, I have got some RAM related questions:

1: Is it possible to just add another 256 MB card or do you have to remove the 256 MB and buy a 512 MB card?
2: Does it require any kind of software installation or is everything handeled automagically?
3: How much does upgrading from 256 to 512 cost normally? (Please answer in swedish "kronor" or american dollars.)
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Posted on 12-26-04 02:42 PM Link | Quote
1. Yes it's possible, but you need a free slot to insert the RAM stick
2. It doesn't require any software or installations, it's all done automatically, you only have to know what type of RAM is it, because it gives SDRAM & DDRRAM.
3. A stick maybe costs 242.552 sweduish kronor.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-26-04 03:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Hidden Mario
you only have to know what type of RAM is it, because it gives SDRAM & DDRRAM.

I'm not sure if I understood that... If I've got SDRAM, I have to buy a new SDRAM card, and if I've got DDRRAM, I have to buy a new DDRRAM card?

A sticker on the computer says "256 MB DDR", so I assume that I'm using DDRRAM.
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Posted on 12-26-04 03:29 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, then you're PC uses DDRAM, it's newer than SDRAM and faster.
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Posted on 12-26-04 03:45 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Smallhacker
If I've got SDRAM, I have to buy a new SDRAM card, and if I've got DDRRAM, I have to buy a new DDRRAM card?.
RAM does not come as a card. The physical peice of hardware is called a "stick" of ram.


Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-26-04 03:50 PM Link | Quote
Ok. Thanks.

@||bass: Stick and card are exactly the same thing. The only difference is the spelling, pronounciation and meaning.

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Posted on 12-26-04 07:14 PM Link | Quote
yeah, ram is really easy to install, and not overly expensive, $145 Canadian for a 512, witch gave me a total of 768mb ram.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 12-27-04 12:39 AM Link | Quote
If you have a free slot, you can just stick another 256MB in, otherwise you'll have to replace one or more. So open it up and check first. Installation is easy, you just push it in. (When removing them, there's clips on the sides you need to pull out of the way first. Some just push open.) If all goes well the system will run just like before (but hopefully faster ), otherwise it won't start up. (The symptoms tend to vary, depending on the problem... A defective stick will most likely stop it from running at all, or fail the memory test. But one time when I tried a stick with the wrong speed, Windoze would actually try to start and just crash. The video would get messed up too. ) The only problem you might have is if you put it in hibernate mode instead of shutting down before you install it, so don't.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-27-04 01:47 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperHacker
The only problem you might have is if you put it in hibernate mode instead of shutting down before you install it, so don't.

I guess that that's the english name of the thing where you save the entire RAM to the HD and turns off your computer and such. Anyway... Thanks for the tip. I'll try to remember it, since I'm usually not turning off the computer normally for sereval weeks.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 12-27-04 10:38 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, that. I did it once, it just blue-screens. Gotta shut down normally for any hardware changes.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-27-04 04:52 PM Link | Quote
Ok... I've bought a new 256 meg RAM stick. Even though I cursed a few times since a bunch of cables were in the way and such, it seems like it's working perfectly. (I've never seen the computer boot up that fast!) It costed a bit, though. 400 SEK, which is around 50 american dollars.

Anyway... Thanks for your help, everybody.

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Posted on 12-28-04 04:05 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Smallhacker
It costed a bit, though. 400 SEK, which is around 50 american dollars.
$50? Dude, I've seen much, much worse...I think you got a pretty good deal.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-29-04 05:38 AM Link | Quote
Ok, ok... I have no idea how much they are supposed to cost... As I mentioned earlier, I know nothing about hardware.

...By the way... Now that I have two 256 MB ram sticks in my computer, why the crap have I only got 448 MB? Is Winblows stealing some of the RAM automajjically or might there be a problem with one of the sticks?
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 12-29-04 09:36 AM Link | Quote
Is it Windows 95, 98 or ME? They seem to have problems with large amounts of RAM. Otherwise, check your BIOS to make sure there isn't something set wrong, and look up info on your model of computer to see if there are any known problems with large amounts of RAM.
When you add or remove a stick, the first time it starts it should go through a memory test. Does it pass the test OK? It should read around 524,288 K.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-29-04 01:58 PM Link | Quote
HyperHacker: "...but when I looked in the manual later, it said that 386 MB is recommended for 2K/XP." I'm assuming he has XP.

512 - 448 = 64MB...oooohhhh. Does your computer have a built-in video chipset? If so, I'll bet it's stealing some of your RAM for its own use (onboard video rarely, if ever, has its own dedicated RAM). A separate video card would solve this problem, and boost performance to boot. Did it show 256MB before you upgraded, though?

Green Birdo

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Posted on 12-29-04 06:53 PM Link | Quote
Honestly, I have no idea what a "built-in video chipset" is. And no, I didn't think about checking the amount of RAM before inserting the card. *Turns off computer and checks*


I removed the stick. 192 MB... (And then I inserted it again.) I guess that you're right. I checked DXDIAG and according to that, the video card uses 64MB... I dunno if that's taken from the RAM or if it have got it's own, though...

Video card data:
Name: VIA/S3G KM400/KN400
Manifacturer: VIA/S3 Graphics, Inc.
Circuit kind: S3G KM400/KN400
DAC kind: Internal
Approx. total memory: 64.0 MB
Current screen mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor: hp v72 color monitor

I guess that I have to buy a new graphics card? :/ Ouch... My wallet hurtz...

Red Goomba
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Posted on 12-30-04 04:03 AM Link | Quote
You don't necessarily have to. However, for playing a graphical-intensive game like Sims 2 it is highly advisable not to use onboard video, as it will be very sluggish; it will be the bottleneck in your system (if your other components are of a higher grade).

Being a VIA KM400 chipset, it seems that you're running an Athlon XP-based system; a small video card upgrade will be in your best interest, as it is the current bottleneck in your system.

Some graphics cards to consider : (your board has AGP)
ATi Radeon 9600 XT ($259 Canadian at
ATi Radeon 9600 Pro (You can get this for a modest price somewhere, probably in 1 hundred range)
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro ($321 Canadian at
nVidia FX5900XT-based card ($270 Canadian at

It would be better if you could post your system specifications for video card recommendations, as you will probably want one which is on par with your other components.

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Posted on 01-02-05 12:43 AM Link | Quote
i would actually recommend the Nvidia Gefore LE 5400 its damn powerful and cheap you can buy it fromm they would be about $160

Red Goomba
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Posted on 01-02-05 02:34 AM Link | Quote
For that price I would buy the 9600XT.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 01-02-05 05:47 AM Link | Quote
Thanks for the recommendations.
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