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Posted on 12-25-04 12:11 PM Link | Quote
I think the sheer number of insane codes in the Turok games was what made them worth a play or two.

I think one of the games had some sort of wireframe cheat which looked pretty innovative.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 12-25-04 05:55 PM Link | Quote
Turok without codes was a boring game that really blew. Turok with all the codes on and able to skip to the only good part in the game, the boss battles, ruled. Same thing as Turok 3, where you could skip to cut scenes so you could get the story and ignore everything but boss fights and multiplayer.

Buzz Blob
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Posted on 12-26-04 01:40 AM Link | Quote
I used to have Turok and I never cheated, until I beat the thing. Then I like to have fun cheating and killing everthing, just like in all the games I play. I used to cheat all the time, but I ruined a few games, they just got boring, so I stopped that. Also, never cheat in multiplayer... Ever... Gotta hate Diablo 2 open for that. Just no fun at all.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 12-26-04 08:53 PM Link | Quote
Well, at SOME games which were boring at the beginning I cheated through. But games like THPS were fun and I didn

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Posted on 12-28-04 09:39 AM Link | Quote
I only use cheats if I have completed the game without cheats.

(edited by Ringodoggie on 12-28-04 12:39 AM)
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 12-28-04 06:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Zem
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Codes that make fun disco-like textures or other such things are also great.

That reminds me, the Turok 1 cheats were massive fun. Like disco mode and the weird horrible ugly ones that altered the looks of everything.

Those weren't cheat codes, Zem.

(edited by Grey on 12-28-04 09:46 AM)

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Posted on 12-29-04 02:30 AM Link | Quote
usually the first thing that i do when i get a new game is look to see if there are any cheat codes online, just because i get bored with dying and running out of ammo all the time...

like with the GTA double pack for xbox, the second thing i did after buying them, was go online for cheat codes, and now im happy i did
its sad, but i learned how to pull off drive bys with the xbox controller yesterday(got them on sunday) i didnt know that you could do that in either versions of the games(ps2 or xbox)

and the gattling gun in GTA VC kicks ass! So does the chainsaw and the hunting knife...
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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 12-29-04 07:09 AM Link | Quote
When I was a child, in the late eighties and the early nineties, I used to use cheat and debug codes in games that I was too clumsy (or scared of otherwise, like Wolfenstein) to play without any help.

Now, I don't cheat.... I do tend to reference walkthroughs if I'm really stuck (I've had to do that with Kingdom Hearts recently, which I've already played through once, but I got to a section where I just couldn't remember for the life of me what I was supposed to do....).

I also reference walkthroughs with games that I *just want to get through, dammit* (ie, I'm not enjoying the game, but I feel compelled to finish it)

I would never cheat in a multiplayer game.

I have been known to edit/screw around with games. But that wasn't for cheating purposes, that was for personal amusement. Like when I created Tesla Dogs in Red Alert 2, just so I could have dogs running around that zap things. *woof -- zzzap!* *insane giggles* They were fun, but quite powerful.... so I take that modification off if I want to play a proper game, otherwise the challenge is diminished (and thefore the fun).
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-29-04 08:10 AM Link | Quote
I think once you beat the game you're totally entitled to check FAQ's if you forget what to do, sure.

Tesla DOGS. Ai yi yi. If I want to have fun, I usually just load up a soccer game and totally change the stats of a team around then walk over everyone with them.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 12-29-04 08:17 AM Link | Quote
Oh, and I forgot -- I also read bits of walkthroughs to Ben when he plays games like Silent Hill.... he doesn't have much time to play games, so he finds it helpful if I can walk him through all the weird puzzles so he can get back to killing monsters.

Plus, it's the closest I'll get to playing those games, they scare me. I'm quite happy to sit there with a laptop on my lap and tell him how to solve the puzzle.
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 12-29-04 11:35 PM Link | Quote
The first game I cheated on was Sonic for the Genesis. Then again, it was just for debug mode. I enjoyed just placing down the enemies wherever I want and stuff.

I cheat, yes. Only when I am playing around. Let me explain.

I will have a few saves, one being my first save and it will not have any cheats whatsoever. Another will have no cheats, but will focus on almost every little tid bit of the game. Another will have cheats, which I use to have some fun.

I will refer to GTA for this. I had a serious save. It would be no cheating and go through the missions as planned. Yet, when I just want to go around and steal cars and run into the cops and watch people fight each other, then I load the save and activate the cheats. I do not save, however. I just enjoy the cheats.

Some games, though, are ruined by cheating. I can tell you that Viewtiful Joe is one tough game to beat, but I would never cheat on it. It is a perfect game (not to mention the sequel is, too) and if tampered with could possibly not be fun anymore.

As for FAQs, I rarely use them. I use them for when I am supremly stumped on a game. Right now I am stumped on Viewtiful Joe 2. I will possibly use a FAQ to get past this one area and that will be it. Otherwise, I will figure it out myself...

In conclusion, cheating can be good or bad. It just depends on the situation.
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