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Posted on 12-24-04 02:21 AM Link | Quote
Sometimes I check out FAQ's and such after beating a game, if I missed a big secret or something. Or if I get really stuck, but that usually just happens in stupidly done RPG's.

I cheat for testing thought, and sometimes I just like to make up cheats in Fce ultra. I cheat most of the time to screw with the game, not to "win it". Some games wouldnt' be as enjoyable with cheats, such as Simcity 4. Half of the fun in that game is balancing the budget while having a nice city.

And online cheating just sucks, it's no fun using cheat against people... and it's not fun when the opponent does.

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Posted on 12-24-04 05:45 AM Link | Quote
I usually cheat after I beat a game, to see what happens when you do something your not supposed to, or to get things you can

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Posted on 12-24-04 05:55 AM Link | Quote
Well, in games like GTA, it enhances the game a ton if you use cheats... but only if you're playing with friends. It sorta ruins the game if you use them to beat it...
I love how Rockstar made it so that if you cheat, you can't get 100%
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Posted on 12-24-04 06:41 AM Link | Quote
I'll cheat/fool around in a game if I've already beaten it in most cases. In other words, when I've finished the legit walkthrough.

I'll check a FAQ only if I'm totally stuck and felt like I wasted too much time on a simple solution to my problem.
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Posted on 12-24-04 08:16 AM Link | Quote
I remember spending a shit load of time unlocking cheats on Golden Eye 64. Then nintendo releases goddamn codes. You know how long it took me to get the invincibility cheat in facility? alsdkfjdkfj

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Posted on 12-24-04 09:09 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ghillie
Well, in games like GTA, it enhances the game a ton if you use cheats... but only if you're playing with friends. It sorta ruins the game if you use them to beat it...
I love how Rockstar made it so that if you cheat, you can't get 100%

I'd seriously love to see someone get 100% completion on San Andres ... heck, Vice City.
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Posted on 12-24-04 11:03 AM Link | Quote
I'm not quick to cheat.. I've screwed around with codes after I beaten a game before. Tony Hawk 2 comes to mind, after I cleared all the levels, I screwed around with settings like no gravity. Why not? It's amusing and I'm not bragging about false scores.

Though I find that now with easy internet access, I'm probably quicker to use a guide than back in my good ol' NES, SNES and early N64 days... like Metroid Fusion, when I got stuck I would spend about an hour before getting some assistance. I like to blame that on not having a GBA SP too.. damn not seeing anything. >(

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Posted on 12-24-04 11:19 AM Link | Quote
I always thought a good slogan for GS or something would be "Inducing the Inevitable," but then I realized kids wouldnt buy it because they wouldnt know what it is.
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Posted on 12-24-04 11:30 AM Link | Quote
I really don't see what's so wrong with cheating.

It's fun. It's great. There's nothing as fun as slapping on 50% speed and getting a gigantic combo on that one wierd game Hiryuu gave me (it's a puzzle, similar to Columns)

There's nothing like plugging in a GS and suddenly being able to walk through walls. Why? You never know what's behind one. Could there be a giant boss that wasn't supposed to be there, but you glitched in? An empty room left from debugging days? Hidden crap?

Wiping out a boss in one hit with the SuperDuperUltraMegaAttack of DOOOOOOOOOM is fun. I love it.

I love having infinite ammo for a rocket launcher and blasting shit to bits. I love having infinite HP so I can run into deadly stuff and walk through enemies.

FAQs and guides are like candy. Stuck? Just read one! Instant fun.

I don't see why so many of you are like "OMG! " when it comes to cheating. You must not just love being able to freeze time in Unreal Tournament and read the "Adios!" message on the side of Redeemer missles, or look at the front of a Flak grenade and see a face.

To be able to fire off 100 rockets at the same time at someone's head. Tons of fun.

This is where people in gaming differ; there are those of us who live for these cheat codes, who want to break the fucking shit out of bonds the game puts on us. Only 10 HP? Screw that! Infinite!

Then there are those of us who settle for less; we'll go through the game without everything, just for the satisfaction "aah, I managed to beat a game without cheating" or even go so far as to condemn those of us who do use them.

*X-mas shrugs.

Yeah, I'll go through a game somewhere. But once it gets boring, or I'd like to try something new, you can bet your ass I'll bust out the cheats. There's nothing as satisfying as beating the living crap out of a game; legitimatly you only get to draw in the fight.

Plus, who said cheats make games easier? What about hardmode cheats? Cheats that fuck up the game so bad as it becomes halariously unplayable (ala GOTOIO, SMB1)? Those bad too?


In any case, there's my 20 cents. Enjoy.
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Posted on 12-24-04 11:35 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by X-mas
Then there are those of us who settle for less; we'll go through the game without everything, just for the satisfaction "aah, I managed to beat a game without cheating" or even go so far as to condemn those of us who do use them.

I would submit that the satisfaction is often a huge source of entertainment in a game. To use the metroid example, my replays of Zero Mission are much more interesting when I go for minimum percent and such. Being able to beat the shit out of something is a hell of a lot of fun, but it gets old much faster than a good challenge. For me, anyway.

(edited by Zem on 12-24-04 02:36 AM)
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Posted on 12-24-04 11:41 AM Link | Quote
Good point.

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Posted on 12-24-04 07:05 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeogred
Originally posted by ghillie
Well, in games like GTA, it enhances the game a ton if you use cheats... but only if you're playing with friends. It sorta ruins the game if you use them to beat it...
I love how Rockstar made it so that if you cheat, you can't get 100%

I'd seriously love to see someone get 100% completion on San Andres ... heck, Vice City.
Yeah XD
Not like I've ever done it (or tried), but there are people out there who've done it...
I'd say its a waste, but its their life.
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 12-24-04 09:59 PM Link | Quote
Another interesting Hard Mode cheat - the one in FFT. All enemies have ALL classes mastered. Wizards that cast a pathetic Fire spell? No more! Watch in horror as they Flare your characters to death, thanks to their Half MP support ability! And remember when the biggest threat from a summoner was Titan? No more - they'll now summon Bahamut or even Zodiac!

Yeah. Too bad I don't have a Gameshark.

And Xk (X-Mas), your view on cheating sounds much like mine - if it makes the game more fun, go right ahead.

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Posted on 12-24-04 10:40 PM Link | Quote
I cheat for any of the following:
* Game is waaaay too hard.
* Add spice to the game. (try 50% gravity in Super mario Sunshine and corona mountain.. That's very tricky.
* restore lost save data due to fault save. (as in pokemon silver.. I lost tons of stuff.. But i got the save back with half a dozen cheat codes.. And a lv 59 feraligater vs first gym.. heh.)
* Bordom and doing craaazy stuff.
Mr. F-Zero

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Posted on 12-24-04 11:49 PM Link | Quote
An AR is an Action Replay, like a gameshark.

I bought an AR the other day, but i will only use it for F-Zero GX, since there are certain machine parts in that game that were only available to Japanese versions of the game and the American NTSC and PAL versions didnt get them. Considering their great advantage, I HAD to have them. But other than that, my AR wont be used.

Though i really dont care if people cheat or not. My dad always used to get frustrated with PGR, so he used cheats and he felt better playing it, since before he simply couldn't finish it. Thats a good case where cheats are good (since if you don't have enough skill to complete the game in question, then cheats can show you the things you would otherwise have missed).
Alastor the Stylish
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Posted on 12-25-04 12:12 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Mr. F-Zero
An AR is an Action Replay, like a gameshark.

I bought an AR the other day, but i will only use it for F-Zero GX, since there are certain machine parts in that game that were only available to Japanese versions of the game and the American NTSC and PAL versions didnt get them. Considering their great advantage, I HAD to have them. But other than that, my AR wont be used.
I was gonna do that too, but my AR kept saying the codes were for the wrong game. (They weren't btw.) What crap :x

(edited by Kyouji Craw on 12-24-04 03:13 PM)
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 12-25-04 12:44 AM Link | Quote
Online cheating is simply the worst video game-related thing ever. Everyone who does it needs to be impaled on stuff.

Originally posted by X-mas
It's fun. It's great. There's nothing as fun as slapping on 50% speed and getting a gigantic combo on that one wierd game Hiryuu gave me (it's a puzzle, similar to Columns)

There's nothing like plugging in a GS and suddenly being able to walk through walls. Why? You never know what's behind one. Could there be a giant boss that wasn't supposed to be there, but you glitched in? An empty room left from debugging days? Hidden crap?

Wiping out a boss in one hit with the SuperDuperUltraMegaAttack of DOOOOOOOOOM is fun. I love it.

Sure, all very fun, but using it to beat the game for the first time just ruins it. There's no challenge to it.

I love having infinite ammo for a rocket launcher and blasting shit to bits. I love having infinite HP so I can run into deadly stuff and walk through enemies.

Yes, sometimes cheating does enhance the game. There are 3 times that I will cheat when I haven't beat the game:
-Really boring/hard game/level, or just one particular aspect of the game that sucks. (I often use infinite ammo in shooters myself. Blasting everything with machine guns is much more fun than kicking things and looking for bullets.)
-When a save file gets wiped out, I usually use cheats to get back to where it was as best as possible. Then I play normally after that.
-Horribly cheap AI, like in Mario Party.

FAQs and guides are like candy. Stuck? Just read one! Instant fun.

Yes, I always refer to a guide if I'm stuck and just can not figure it out. I don't, however, sit there reading the guide and doing exactly what it says the whole time, nor do I refer to them for every little thing. (Ono a gap too big to jump over, help me GameFAQs!)

Plus, who said cheats make games easier? What about hardmode cheats? Cheats that fuck up the game so bad as it becomes halariously unplayable (ala GOTOIO, SMB1)? Those bad too?

Yes, those are quite fun, and I often use them. For example, I always use the GS codes for Super Speed Mode in Mario 64 (makes the entire game run faster). Codes that make fun disco-like textures or other such things are also great. I love to play Mario Kart 64 with every character's max speed pumped up to 120, it's more fun and harder since the AI actually goes fast (especially if I also use the 'harder AI' code, which makes them all act like that one who just will not get off your ass). Making the characters really light is fun too, despite the fact that it makes the game practically impossible to play. I don't consider these cheat codes so much as enhancement codes. (Also, GOTOIO? You mistake your GG for a BASIC compiler? )

One other thing I should mention is that I don't consider built-in cheats to be as bad as AR/GS cheats, because the programmers intended for you to be able to do it. They let you win easier but there's still restrictions, like the fact that they get to choose what cheats you can actually use. As opposed to with a GS where you just reprogram the game and can do whatever you want, that's major cheating.

Blaze Phoenix
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Posted on 12-25-04 01:06 AM Link | Quote
I'm with X-mas and Cheveyo Chowilawu. As long as you're not ruining a multiplayer game for other people or lying about your accomplishments, I don't see what the damn big deal is. Currently, gaming is not a major part of my life. I like to play games, but I don't give a shit about being the best or finding every last thing by myself. I enjoy figuring things out, but if I'm stuck or about to die or just plain annoyed beyond my frustration threshold, I'll go look up a FAQ for some help. I play games to have fun. If you don't feel right getting outside help with a game, that's fine, but some of us have different priorities. As an analogy, I also cosplay for fun. Making my own outfits and props is, to me, an essential aspect of the experience. Significant quantities of my time and disposable income are allocated toward crafting and sewing. Some people just want to dress up at a con, and they don't have the time, ability, or knowhow to make something and don't particularly care. Thus, they commission it. Are they cheating? (Not unless they claim that they made the item in question, but that's fraud in and of itself.)

Originally posted by Anya
Now, all the Gamesharks and so forth, now I see that as cheating. I actually don't feel like selling things like that, especially to kids. What is that teaching them, huh?

That games can be played in ways other than the developers intended? Furthermore, as was already mentioned, Gamesharks et al. have purposes other than making a game easier (glitching, increasing difficulty), so it doesn't make sense to see them as completely Bad, Umkay.
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Posted on 12-25-04 08:19 AM Link | Quote
I love using enhancement devices to screw around with games (SMB was an EXTREMELY fun example of how to totally mess up a game) but personally, I'll only start using the other codes to have fun after I beat the game. It's just my nature.

So to clarify - my philosophy is to beat the game first, then cheat.
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Posted on 12-25-04 11:34 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Codes that make fun disco-like textures or other such things are also great.

That reminds me, the Turok 1 cheats were massive fun. Like disco mode and the weird horrible ugly ones that altered the looks of everything.
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