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eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 01-19-05 02:57 PM Link | Quote
Bel: What the hell!? Are we still going to stand here and do nothing? That thing looks more powerful than Death was.

Bel snapped with his finger and a strawberry drink appeared in front of him.

Tell me when Doom is finished. I assume that Serra can take care of this one.


The temp ban/forum ban bypasser!
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Posted on 01-19-05 05:44 PM Link | Quote
"Yeah snakes aren't really my thing to fight. I'll just let Serra finish off this."

Hero looked over Doom, assessing the power he had. This one wasn't quite as strong as he pretended to be, but he wouldn't hold back like Death, making him a lot more dangerous.

"Heh, this is going to be fun."

Serra looked shocked, she didn't want Death to sacrifice herself, just to break free. Serra grasped the scyth strongly, anger running through her.


Serra charged at Doom, but unlike her past charges, as she got closer, she seemed to disappear and reappear behind Doom, swing the scyth downward in a strong attack.

"Well, I learned what I needed to know, so I guess I'm done with you."

Star held the sword and changed his stance to a more agressive one.

"Sword Dance!"

Star dashed in doing a multitude of slashes, each one dealing low damage, and jumped into the air coming down with a very strong slash.

"Lets see what you can do Seraph!"

Star striked with a lot of his own power, and hopefully some of Seraph's.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
Level: 143

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Posted on 01-19-05 05:50 PM Link | Quote
Bel: Looks like Death's sacrifice did it. Serra's getting angry. This

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Posted on 01-20-05 01:40 AM Link | Quote
Doom was taken by surprise and was struck!

A nice opening appeared in his armor of bones...

Doom: "HUH?!? What the... Why did... How did Death infused thissssss girl with her Essssssence?!?... and how can a non-"Ex" being wield the Sssssscythe of Ssssssorrows without being consumed by the ssssssorrow contained within it?"

Doom was shocked...

Doom: "Is it possssssssible... that she somehow began to absorb the power of the Essssssssences and to become an "Ex" being... nah! Just imagining thingsssssss here... Anyway! Time to get thissssss show on the road!"

Doom used his powers to animate the remains of Death, turning her into an undead.

Doom: "How do you like thissssssss? Two enemies at the ssssssssame time!"

Doom and Death's soulless body placed themselves around Serra. Death attacked from the front with her scythe (the wood one, not the one Serra is wielding) while Doom attacked from behind, with his claws.

As the two unleashed their attack, a second blade appeared at the opposite end of the Scythe of Sorrows, turning into a double-edged scythe.


During this time...


The attack destroyed the angel before he could complete his summon... but none of Seraph's power was included in the attack.

Seraph: "Star... why so much hatred? You seem so... angered... for no good reason. This is why NeoBowser tought you were a perfect candidate for possession... you cannot control your hatred. You are the slave of your anger. I have a piece of advice for you... control yourself! If you let your feelings alone lead you, you may become NeoBowser's puppet without even noticing it. This is a realm of illusions, Star! Do not let your perceptions alone lead you!"

The temp ban/forum ban bypasser!
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Since: 03-25-04
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Posted on 01-20-05 02:19 AM Link | Quote
"I never strike in anger... I've learned from that, I just do what is needed. The anger you sensed was a memory of someone who was like that..."

Star looked around for the collosuem. He could see it not very far away and began to walk. He knew he'd have to either get into the tournament, or just kill everything there, he really didn't want to do that latter.

"I wonder why Doom is weaker than Death? At least Death had some knowledge, this thing will end up killing himself."

Serra turned to Doom and held one hand out.


A blast of energy flew at Doom and in the same second Serra jumped up into the air. She hoped that Doom would be confused, and that Death would miss and hit Doom.

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Posted on 01-20-05 04:09 AM Link | Quote
Seraph: "Still... If destroying Siryx and sealing the Time Elemental again is your only purpose... I doubt you'll get very far. I can't see all of your toughts and memories for I am not as powerful as Dark Weapon... but I can still see that you lack a general purpose. You seek more to get revenge than anything else. NeoBowser is a master at manipulating those who are following the path of vengeance. If your goal is merely revenge... then he'll be more than happy to twist your perceptions in order to turn you into a perfect puppet. Anyway... while you did not noticed it... the Colosseum is just ahead. If you don't do anything harsh, then everything should go fine. Strangely enough, when there is a lack of Good in a world, Evil adapts itself to maintain the balance. It is a process created by the UEN to prevent the activation of the self-destruction systems that the Hunters installed in every world... including this one. In short, the people in the Colosseum are pure Evil... but contain positive energy and thus will be nice to you as long as they believe that you're on their side. Just don't try to make them think you're NeoBowser or any other UEN officer for it just won't work."


During this time...


The blast of energy did not affect Doom and the two unleashed their attack successfully... however, since Serra had got out of the way, the soulless Death and Doom struck each others.

Death's soulless body fell to the ground, once again lifeless.

Doom: "WHAT?!? How did you... never mind. I can dessssstroy you easily!"

Doom used his power to make giant scythes appear around Serra and then, he used his power to send them flying toward her!

Doom: "There you go!"

The temp ban/forum ban bypasser!
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Posted on 01-20-05 05:17 AM Link | Quote
Serra quickly grabbed a sword from her back and held the scyth with one hand. The sword flashed brightly as it swung into action trying to deflect all the scyths. Serra threw her scyth at Doom with the power she could muster, using only one hand and all, and held Protector in two hands hoping to block all of the scyths.

"Good job Serra, you just need to be a little faster..."

Hero spoke to himself as Destin watched on, not sure what to think.

"I'm not doing this for vengence, I'm doing this for a promise..."

Star walked into the collosuem and to the front desk. He noticed someone standing there that looked like a receptionist for the collosuem.

"May I enter or am I to late? I've come prepared to give a really good show."

Star wondered if this would even work, maybe he should have just tried to sneak in as NeoBowser when he had the chance, he really didn't want to have to fight everyone here. A giant mob wouldn't be easy to kill after all.

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Posted on 01-20-05 06:31 AM Link | Quote
Direct hit! The scythe's blade pierced right trought Doom's skull.

Doom stared at this huge scythe, stuck in his head... and thus, in his brain. It was a fatal wound, to the very part of his body that contained his very soul.

Doom: "B... b.. but... I am... Doom... the chosen... of the... great... NeoBowser..."

Slowly, the colors of Doom's body faded, turning him into a monochrome figure. Then, the wind scattered the dust that was once Doom.

The Scythe fell on the ground with a loud *thud*, meaning that Serra had won this fight.

A voice whispered to Serra...

???: "Take the Essence... take the Essence..."

The Scythe glowed in a beautiful aura and for a second, the nightmarish beach was purified of it's chaos and turned into the beautiful beach that it was once was, before Evil infested it.


During this time...


A strong-looking human stared at Star very carefully...

(guard): "Hmmm... well, there IS a spot available... but the boss is busy for now. You'll have to wait until the current match is finished. You can enter the main room and watch the final round of the match if you want."

The guard resumed his patrol, ignoring Star.

Seraph: "So... you are doing this for a promise... I do not know of it yet but I'll see it in your soul in time... For now, I guess we should enter the main room and watch that round, isn't it? Any infos on the fighters will lessen our time spent in this Colosseum and help us complete our quest faster."

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
Level: 143

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 01-20-05 02:31 PM Link | Quote
Bel: ...

Was this a joke? Why would anyone have such a braindead alter-ego? Anyway, the beach looks much better now.

Bel turned around and stared at the beatiful sunset.

Bel: Better indeed. Good job, Serra.

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Posted on 01-20-05 05:52 PM Link | Quote

Serra winced in pain as she moved closer to the others, Destin practically ran towards her, helping her sit down. Serra took out Healer, and slashed all her wounds with it, healing them very quickly. Hero started to dig in the badge chest. He took a power badge and a defence badge, also the badge of teleportation. He came out with a few more badges, handing a boot badge to Destin, along with a shield badge, and a hammer badge and star badge, to Serra.

"You can have the return postage badge Bel. I don't think any of us need it."

Star nodded and walked through the door to the main chamber. He looked around, expecting to see seats and an arena, he took the nearest vantage point so he could watch the fights.

"I really hope no one expects me..."

Star looked around carefully, making sure Siryx wasn't around, a fight with him wouldn't be good... yet.

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Posted on 01-20-05 08:41 PM Link | Quote
The voice continued to echo...

???: "Serra... take the Essence... and use your recently acquired memories of Death... to unleash it's full power..."

The Scythe was glowing with a strange light... as if it was calling Serra...


During this time...


Unfortunately for Star, all of the seats were occupied and the arena was just so full of people that he would have to remain in the door.

A match was going on between some kind of being in armor and a dragon wearing a golden suit.

Armored being: "This time... I will defeat you!"

Dragon: "Pah! Didn't you got enough already?!? Alright then... get ready to face my wrath!"

The dragon in golden suit did some kind of uber-acrobatic jump, followed by a backflip, and then he sent himself flying into the armored being, KOing him in one hit!

Dragon: "Pah! What a loser! Isn't it ANYONE in this dirty old arena that can challenge me? I'll you what: there's NOBODY! They are ALL worthless wimps, whining when they break a finger nail!"

Announcer: "Well, looks like Rocks Drags once again won the Round! He's now very close to being the champion... once again! So... what are your toughts on this Round, champ?"

Rocks: "You called THAT a match? Didn't you see how easily I crushed him?!? Heck, I bet I could even take on the Anti-Exs! There's NOBODY stronger than me in the Chaos Heaven, nobody for I am THE one, the only, the Champ!"

Rocks unsheated the Dark Weapon and shown it to everyone!

Rocks: "You see this? I'll keep it! No matter what opponent will appear, I'll beat them, all of them! For I am the biggest, baddest fighter there will ever be!"

Rocks Drags did some kind of pose with the Dark Weapon, causing the audience to go totally wild.

Seraph: "What a show-off! Anyway, he seems pretty strong... but who cares? According to what I saw, by the time you'll reach him in the tournament, you will have grown to be much stronger than him! However... we both know that this Fallen Angel guy will be here as well as the Anti-Exs. We will have to find a way of getting care of both enemies... anyway! The match is now over so I guess we can enter the tournament now!"

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
Level: 143

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 01-20-05 11:15 PM Link | Quote
Off: Can anyone more than Serra hear that voice or is it just echoing in her head?

Bel examined the badge and then turned to Hero.

Bel: What exactly does this badge do? Hmm. I

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Posted on 01-21-05 02:16 AM Link | Quote
"Only a good person would sacrifice themself when they could of won..."

Serra got up and slowly walked towards the scyth, she remembered the pink hat was still on her head, and wondered if the two would react to each other. When she reached thte scyth, she bent down to pick it up, not sure what would happen, but before she picked it up, she had a slightly better idea. She unsheathed Legendary and held it in her left hand, and picked the scyth up with her right hand, not sure what to expect.

"Good, I made the right choice."

Hero looked on, knowing that he had made the right choice, and had trained Serra well. Destin would be strong to, as soon as he was more calm.

"This should be fun, that guy didn't seem very tough. I think I could take him right now... to bad I don't get to fight him till later."

Star walked through the door and back to the main office room. He located the guard quickly and ran over.

"Hey, you didn't give up my spot did you?"

Star looked at the guard in a sarcastic way. He wasn't sure if he wanted the guard to say yes or no. Although Star seemed tough, he knew his limits. Fighting the champ now would be foolish, and would take way to much energy.

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Posted on 01-21-05 03:30 AM Link | Quote
The Scythe glowed... and so did Legendary... and so did the hat...

Then, suddenly, it happened. The two artifacts infused Serra with their power... and in a flash of light, Serra's soul was pulled out of her body...

Serra was in the deepest sanctuary of the Chaos Heaven... in the Castle of Origins.

It was a large, magnificient throne room.

An orb was floating in the middle, illuminating the room with it's pure light and in the back of the room, there was a transparent statis cell containing the real body of NeoBowser. Strangely enough, his real body was neither horrific, or demonic. It was merely a humanoid turtle the size of a human.

NeoBowser seemed so... peaceful, sleeping in his cell. He would have been even cute for a humanoid turtle... if it wasn't from his cruel, twisted soul.

Standing in front of the cell was a figure. Becease of the intense light that the orb, the figure couldn't be identified...

???: "So... you came... Serra."

The figure turned around. Only it's deep-blue eyes were visible.

???: "Young and old... male and female... human and alien... whatever our mortal forms... for we all have the blood of the "Ex" flowing trought us. I am Ex Lightheart or the Mother Ex, as they call me. This place... was supposed to be peaceful. These memories... were not supposed to harm anyone but to remind us from the trials of the past, to remind us of the reasons we have been fighting... to remind us of those who disappeared during the fight. However, NeoBowser's memory has corrupted this place, turning it into somekind of vessel used by the souls of the Evil Ones. They plan to steal your reality and take your bodies... they want to be reborn as you... but as the Mother Ex, it is my duty to keep them from doing so. While my power is potentially limitless... I fear that I cannot intervene for I am, as the killer of NeoBowser, the new Absolute Evil and must never meet with him. If I were to meet him... then a dimensional anomaly would happen, destroying both of us and all those in our memories. As such... it is up to YOU, Serra, to defeat NeoBowser. Sadly, you are just a mortal and is no match for the horrors of the Absolute Evil... but the power of mortals is limited by their experiences and perceptions and as such, the mortals have limitless potential. Those Essences... will change you forever, Serra. Even when this realm will have collapsed, you will remain an "Ex" being. Whenever you keep the body you will be given or return to your old one is your choice... but once the blood of the "Ex" will start to flow in your veins, there will be no going back. Are you prepared to become an "Ex" being, Serra? Will you accept the power of Pure Darkness and become the anti-thesis of the Pure Evil? Will you become the wielder of Dark Weapon, the weapon which contains the Essence of everybody's hopes?"

The figure smiled... and altought the light was blinding Serra, it was easy to see. It was as if she was a language which didn't need one to be able to see or even listen to be understood...


During this time...


Guard: "You can enter the backstage. The boss is waiting for you."

The guard got out of the way.

The temp ban/forum ban bypasser!
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Posted on 01-21-05 05:03 AM Link | Quote
Serra stood there thinking. If she chose this, she wouldn't have the option of going back. She could save both relms and protect everyone, just like her mother did for her. Serra didn't know what the right choice is, and knew it would be a lot easier to decide if Hero was around. She began to wonder if this relm was even worth it, when she heard a voice in her mind.

"Serra... before you choose there is something you need to know... The one you call Hero was once split between good and evil, sometimes he'd be evil and sometimes good. Many people feared him and hoped for him at the same time, but none knew who he really was. When he obtained the twelve of us, the true power was sealed by an evil force, so the seal was evil. Hero became evil when he picked up the swords in greed, the seal sealed his soul into that evil version. We whatched as he used us to slowly destroy the world, his mind eventually became the darkest thing in our world."

The voice seemed to fade as if it was having a hard time speaking.

"After a while, he defeated everyone who tried to fight him and no one was left that could win against him, even with the swords at half their true power. He saw something that changed him though, he blocked it from all of the swords but me. One day, he destroyed a town without realizing that no one there could fight. Only children and a few mothers were left in the tower, and he killed them all. He saw what he did and his good side resurfaced. He decided from that day, that he'd no longer be evil, but kept the swords to remind him that he once did something so terrible, until the time came that he could pass the swords on to someone more deserving. With pure evil inside him as long as the swords were on his back, he did good things. He unsealed the swords so he could purify them, and then handed it to you, so he could one day forget that he'd been so foolish as to choose the darkness over the light."

Serra took the story to heart and finally spoke up.

"I'll accept it, but I have one question. Do not taint these swords in any way, or I'll personally come back for you."

"Damn, we can't help her now Destin."

Destin looked at Hero questionly, what was he talking about. Destin was just worried that Serra was just standing there.

"Well, at least you aren't long winded like some others."

Star walked back stage and looked around, not really looking for the boos, but looking at the fighters he'd have to fight.

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Posted on 01-21-05 06:47 AM Link | Quote
Ex Lightheart smiled...

Ex: "The swords won't be affected... it is you that will be affected. You will be turned into a being wielding limitless power... but the cost is terrible. NeoBowser... seems to be evil, isn't he? He's cruel and merciless... but strangely enough, he's the real hero for it was the will of the Creator that the Hunters and all of their creations would forever live horrible lifes filled with pain just for his fun. Chaos created the Universe so that he could torture the mortals... and by defying him, I became the true Evil. NeoBowser was, if you look at it in this way, the real hero and as such, Evil triumphed in our world..."

Ex paused.

Ex: "On another hand... why should the mortals be used as stress-relief toys for Chaos? Why should Chaos be allowed to torture the mortals. Just becease he have a bit more power than the mortals and created the Universe? If you look at this in this way... then NeoBowser is obviously evil and I am the hero."

Ex paused...

Ex: "Who is good? Who is evil? What are the differences between Good or Evil? Myself... I found out the truth. It isn't that hard to find out if you think about it... but strangely enough, even the immortals were unable to find the truth and I am obviously the only living soul to figure it out in my own Possibility... but I think that my father knew it too... or at least suspected what it was."

Ex approached Serra...

Ex: "Good and Evil are born from one's perceptions... never forget this, Serra. Is it possible for Evil or Good to totally vanish? Many says maybe... many says no... many says yes..."

Ex smiled again...

Ex: "Life and Death... Mortality and Immortality... Good and Evil... the line dividing it all is elusive and usually very twisted..."

Ex stopped smiling. She was suddenly very serious.

Ex: "Remember Serra... You are no one, you are nothing. You are a mere speck, a dust in the vast Universe... a millisecond in the timeline of the Universe... You are nothing more than a flash of nothingness in the vastness of eternity... but even a tiny flash of nothingness can make the difference between the end of the world and the happening of the perfect world. Serra... you are both no one and everyone. From now on... you shall be Serra, yet another nameless and useless yet so important "Ex" being..."

Ex's eyes turned bright red!

Ex: "Now Serra... Your mother, the Mother Ex, order you to rise! You are now ready... ready to exist..."

Serra's soul returned into her body... but Serra was no longer herself. She was no longer human... even if her figure was still humanoid.

She looked kind of like a yellow mouse with very long ears... and her eyes were deep-blue, just like Ex's were. Her cheeks were bright pink and her tail was incredibly small and shaped like a thunderbolt. Somehow, her clothes had adapted to the new body...

Ex's voice echoed trought the beach...

Ex: "Hero... Destin... Bel... I want you to meet Serra... a girl whom you never met and yet that you always knew..."

Ex *telepathy, heard only by Serra*: "I'll cut it on the "mysterious" talk now. I gave you a new body... a body that is identical to the one I have... minus all the uber-abilities which you will have to acquire yourself. Basically, you are identical to what you were before the transformation but... you are now blind. That's right, blind. Altought you think you can see... it is an illusion. Your eyes are unable of seeing physical matter... unstead, they see the souls of people. It is by using your powers that you will see normally. Also, those new ears may be a bit ridiculous looking... but they're more than 1000 times more sensitive and effective than your useless human ears. Also... all of your muscles are now "compressed" which means that the mass of your muscles is now much bigger... even if your muscles didn't really grow. Actually, it means that you're now MUCH stronger... even if your muscles aren't any bigger. Also... a little extra. You can now roll into a ball and spin at high speeds, turning into a living yellow saw. Those pink cheeks of yours can also store energy and unleash it... but beware! They only absorb the energy once it has damaged you so you're not immune to energy attacks! Also... that tail you now have may look useless... but if anyone try to shock you with some kind of electricity-based attack, just stand on it and the electricity will pass trought you without inflicting damage and be transferred into the ground. All in all, this new body is MUCH stronger... and once you will have found the Dark Weapon, you'll be able to fusion it with your twelve swords allowing you to unleash extremely powerful new techs. Anyway... I'll tell you about the abilities as you unlock them... and all that technical talk must have caused you to fall asleep by now anyway. Well, good bye! I will see you... I mean, you will hear me once you get your next Essence or the Dark Weapon!"

The voice faded...

Ex *telepathy, heard only by Serra*: "Oops! Almost forgot... the two Essences you got can make you spontaneously learn 2 new abilities. Just hold the Essences and concentrate on them. Anyway... I must get going now. I have some urgent business to attend to..."

The telepathic transmission was broken.


During this time...


There were no fighters in the backstage. They were probably all in the locker rooms... but on another hand, there was sure TONS of guards and they all looked crazy strong!

Seraph: "Wow... just wow! Just look at those guards... JUST LOOK! They look crazy strong! I bet that they're even stronger than most of the fighters!... exept that Fallen Angel guy and Anti-Exs of course but still... I guess it would be unwise to try and challenge those guys... Anyway, I can see the boss' room! It's just in front of you!"

(edited by Zerodius on 01-21-05 01:19 AM)

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 01-21-05 02:36 PM Link | Quote
Bel: What the freakin' hell just happened? Bel walked towards Serra and waved his hand in front of her.

Bel: Hello? Anyone there?

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Posted on 01-21-05 05:51 PM Link | Quote
"Not much for intellegence are you?"

Hero's eyes showed the deep intellegence they always seemed to have.

"This isn't exactly the first opposit reality that I've seen. There are several others, and in one way connect each other. All these people you see, have to be somewhat similar to another universes creations. We can't assume anything, but I'm still in contact with the swords. Serra has changed into an "Ex" being, shes much stronger than either of you, I think, but all the power she got is just a little to familier to something... I can't pinpoint it, but it isn't dangerous."

Hero looked at Serra as she finally came back completely.

"Hero's right, I've changed a lot, and some parts I'm not to happy about..."

Serra reached up to touch her cheecks and ears. She already missed her human form. Destin just stared with his mouth open.

"Anyways, we better go, if everyone has everything they need, we need to look for the dark weapon."

Serra walked towards the portal, mind intent on the dark weapon, but Hero stepped in front of her.

"Do not, under any circumstance, combine the swords I've given you with the dark weapon."

Hero stepped out of Serra's way and followed after as soon as she left. Destin picked up his jaw and went with them.

OOC Sorry I'm running out of time to post, but to some up Star's side, he went to the boss' room after making the wise decision to not fight. (Trying to post before school is not fun.)

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 01-21-05 06:06 PM Link | Quote
Bel looked at Hero with an angry look on his face as they were walking towards the portal.

Bel: Can

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Since: 03-16-04
From: ???

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Posted on 01-21-05 09:39 PM Link | Quote
As Serra stepped into the portal, she was instantly teleported in the middle of some kind of twisted town (the town where Star and the Colosseum are, duh!).

Thanks to her new type of vision, she could see a black triangle inside of a large structure... for some reason, there was something that was telling her that it was the Dark Weapon and that it was calling to her... but there was also something else.

There were 4 figures that were similar to her exept that their souls had the opposite signature. For some reason, an instinct arose, telling her that these figures were bad news... VERY bad news.

As Serra appeared, suddenly, the villagers began to stare at her. They seemed completely terrified!

(random citizen): "ACK! It's an "Ex" being! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!"

The villagers began to ran away, screaming in terror. Looks like the inhabitants of this world are somewhat scared of "Ex" beings...


During this time...


Inside of the boss' room, the Colosseum's boss, a regular-looking human, was sitting on his chair, doing nothing.

When he noticed Star, he got up.

Boss: "Hey! You know... normally, people must knock on the door BEFORE entering someone's office, you know! Anyway... what's your business here? Why did you barge into my office like that?"

The boss was trying to sound cool... but was failing in a spectacular manner obviously.

(edited by Zerodius on 01-21-05 12:48 PM)
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