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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Craziness Domain - Didn't your programmers ever teach you that smoking's a bad habit? | |
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<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Since: 03-15-04
From: Canada, w00t!

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Posted on 12-01-04 06:44 AM Link | Quote
So there I was with my laptop in about 15 pieces scattered about. I had been trying to fix the floppy/CD drives, since it's really pretty useless without them. (No way to get data in or out, besides downloading from free AOL dialup or printing, or I could record and play back a WAV file. ) The CD drive seemed to just have a motor problem, so I figured I could probably fix it if I just started up DOS/windows and tried some stuff until it worked. So I turned it on with the hard disk removed, hoping that I could get into DOS from the BIOS alone. (Hey, it has a Win3.1-style interface, why not? ) It wouldn't do it though, just typical 'no operating system, try again, you fail' stuff. So I figured I'd have to actually put the HD back in. Of course, it'd probably be best to shut it off first. I hit the power button... nothing happens. I hit it a few more times, the light blinks but the system keeps running. So I yanked out the AC cord. (The battery was still inside.) I figured that might do it. It's always had problems running on AC. As soon as I did that, the screen started tripping out and going nuts. Pfft, typical 15-year-old laptop.

That's when I noticed the smoke. After a bit of brief panicking, I ripped the battery out. That stopped it. I couldn't find any evidence of damage, strangely enough. I haven't tried it since then. I just hope the screen and IR port survived, they were like the only useful parts. (Well that and the hard disk, but it wasn't connected.)

So now I have a box full of laptop parts and an HD with files I want on it and nothing to read it with. It looks like a standard IDE drive (but smaller), except there's no power connector. It would sit in this little holder which adapted the plug to a smaller one... Weird.

So yeah, that was fun.
You can be civil without being flowery, dipshits.
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Posted on 12-01-04 07:07 AM Link | Quote
This one time, I was haphazardly assembling a computer out of some old bullshit. When I turned it on the power supply caught on fire. It sucked. I died.
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Since: 05-16-04
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 12-01-04 07:21 AM Link | Quote
Seemed fun. I Wan't to try too


Wait! I've got two laptops which are alittle too old!

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-01-04 11:33 AM Link | Quote
That reminds me of when my cousin told me that his net aggregate caught fire.

The harddrive didn
banning people for no reason sure is fun
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Since: 03-15-04
From: The Crossroads is under attack!

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Posted on 12-01-04 11:43 AM Link | Quote
This one time, a computer killed my dad. :/

I got it back though. I put it in the microwave. >=D

Now we are even, for we follow the path of honor.

Math n' Hacks
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Since: 03-18-04
From: Base Tourian

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Posted on 12-02-04 05:55 AM Link | Quote
Zem: yeah when I was buliding my new comp I bought a power supply for like 40 bucks or something, but it wasn't working for whatever reason so I flipped a switch and low and behold it smoked like a mother. I somehow managed to air it out enough so that I could return it without them thinking I did anything to it.
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Oregon, US

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Posted on 12-02-04 05:57 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by |+Legion+|
This one time, a computer killed my dad. :/

I got it back though. I put it in the microwave. >=D

Now we are even, for we follow the path of honor.
I used to do that to CDs. Seriously put a CD in the microwave and wait for it to spark, then immediately turn it off. It's coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Craziness Domain - Didn't your programmers ever teach you that smoking's a bad habit? | |


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