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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Posted on 11-05-04 07:09 PM Link | Quote
If you move this, i have your fucking head.

taken from my journal.

So yeah, i decide to play some SC II, get my character back in conquest mode. I do so. Everything goes up to plan except getting beaten by a cheapass computer cassandra. So, it comes to the end, and some retarded little goth kid comes up to the game (well, the jewelry and the skeleton gloves kinda makes me assume things there), puts his quarters in, and challenges me.

By god, he was the most annoying fuck ever. "OH THSI GAME TOOK ME A HALF HOUR TO BEAT ON MY SYSTEM." "I KNOW HOW TO DO THE ANKLE THING WITH MAXI" "blah blah blah". I kick his ass.

Three times.

Each time i won a round, it was nothing but a chorus of complaints and a symphony of sore-loser-y. "OH YOU JACKASS DONT SLASH ME. STOP SLASHING ME. OH MAN I JUST GOT PUNK'D. AHAHAHAHA YOU JUMPED AHAHAHA THAT'S YOUR FAULT AHAHAHA. I said nothing. Except like "doubt it." and that was to his obnoxious cocky ass attitude.

Eventually he beats me by using fucking kilik. (cheaply) I accept my defeat, silently and calmly. I get into the high scores, and i attempt to put in my name. Yes, attempt. The fucker pushed my start button and laughs in my face, canceling my entry. Well, not canceling, but now it says instead of VA instead of VALCION. Its no big deal, yes, but its the principle behind it. People like that are what make that arcade and the fucking mall in general suck. I've pretty much had it with every fucking one of those cunts at that arcade. With few (read: several) exceptions, most of the people that go there are annoying.

Truth be told, i'm fine with them, really, but the people and enviroment in general are really starting to get to me. If you see me pulling off moves, and attempting to COMBO them, don't fucking accuse me of button mashing. I'm sorry, i don't fucking memorize the faqs on the characters and spend all my fucking time in the arcade. ESPECIALLY... ESPECIALLY if i'm not playing you. Complaining about button mashing is fine if you're playing against me, i have no problem with that. If you're just watching, DONT FUCKING COMMENTATE. I appreciate that he left his comment until i lost though.

And that goes for DDR and magic too. OH HAY HE MESSED THAT STEP UP. or OH HEY CHITTERING RATS IS A GOOD CARD. No fucking shit, dumbass. Here's a tip. Become a detective. You'll go broke and you'll stop fuckign saying things like that. and you're damn right its a good card. Because i'm playing it. and 9 times out of ten, i'm better than your fat ass with a deck just as crappy as your odor. Congratulation and comments CAN be nice when THE TIME IS FUCKING RIGHT.

Oh yes, and just because im playing a gameboy, and i'm 18, doesn't mean you can go OH HAY ARE YOU PLAYING POKEMAN?! What the fuck does it matter? And then when you come up to see the game i'm actually playing, don't comment like you know two shits about the game. Like OH SHOOT THAT GUY. SHOOT DAMN YOU SHOOT. KILL THAT GUY. I know what to fucking do in the game. Don't bother me.

People are lucky i'm generally calm and non-violent, otherwise i'd probably be bashing heads and taking names.

(edited by Valcion on 11-05-04 10:10 AM)
(edited by Valcion on 11-05-04 10:12 AM)
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Posted on 11-05-04 11:17 PM Link | Quote
Reminds me of my cousin:

"You know you can
understand the Hyrulian language
when you beat the game?"
"No, where did you hear that?"
"A friend."

Nice sources. First off, not only is it true, you just spoiled something to me that I could have figured out all by myself. That just ruined the suprise. He did this with a whole bunch of other games he doesn't even own.

People who think they know what to do suck. I was playing those games (not video games, but still related to this subject) where the prizes rotate and you must knock them into the slot. I had it stuck to where I could get almost every prize. This kid comes up, trys to steal my stuff and presses the button, causing the arm to move and me losing all my prizes. I was so mad at that kid!

People think they know everything when they don't... just makes me mad. Especially when they don't play the game at all and they know everything about it.

Someone that used to be my friend played video games with me all the time, but whenever he started losing, he reset the game. Unfair. Very unfair.
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 11-06-04 12:32 AM Link | Quote
Too bad it's not legal to stab people, even if it was just on like one day of the week

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 11-06-04 03:08 AM Link | Quote
you wouldn't have to worry about that high scores thing w/ me... cause I would be the one putting my name in the high scores, lol

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Posted on 11-06-04 04:34 AM Link | Quote
I faced similar problems like this, except with my brother, if I were to win instead of him wether it'd be action/fighting/racing/etc., he would complain to me and say that he was supposed to win and just resets the game for no apparent reason. But it's different when he's against the computer, he would also get mad and sometimes smack down the controller if the computer beat him.

But yeah, I understand what it's like to have to put up with someone like that, but nothing I can do about it, I learned to cope with it all, but that's just me.

On the other hand though, it's been so long since I've played any video games with my brother, or anyone else for that matter.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 11-06-04 04:41 AM Link | Quote
I used to have problems with my sisters about this, but they kinda grew up. They do still not get happy when they lose but at least they don't throw controllers...

People spoling games, well. People telling lies about ingame secrets like they was real and honestly say it's the truth are annoying. Even if you tell them that they lie. I only met one who was like this IRL but...

Never had people commenting on my DDR sessions, which I am happy over. I know that I suck and I need to comments.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 11-06-04 04:45 AM Link | Quote
I've got something similar to that (depends on your definition of 'similar'):

I'd say back in '98, I was playing a SSB tournament with two friends of mine and one of their little brothers. The last two people left were me, and the little brother.

God, he was a real fucking whiner. I was using Samus, kicking his ass gracefully while he kept yelling CHEAP SHOT CHEAP SHOT OH MY GOD.

When I won, he reset the fucking console which, for some odd reason, erased my fucking save with everything on it. You can bet I punched him hard.

Then again, I was 10, so...
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 11-06-04 04:51 AM Link | Quote
...that reminds me, he probably did reset while the game was saving. So the game data got corrupted. And when it get's corrupted most game handles it as it would be empty. :/

People whining about "that and that" is cheap. I say... as long it's not a glitch. It's not illegal. Cheap is merely objective true, but whining about it is... just stupid. :/

I remember playing Mortal Kombat on Nintendo 64, I sucked at the game but I found a simple strategy. Jumping around... and that really worked against my opponent.

He got really pissed off about that. And told me to not jump... :/

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Posted on 11-06-04 05:31 AM Link | Quote
[laffs @ Erk]

See I told Ash that she should work with this angle of lamer and this is what came up in conversation.

Seriously...a guy like that would definitely be under this category. Ladies, take!

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Posted on 11-06-04 05:39 AM Link | Quote
Bleh, I had a problem with spoilers in my younger years. And usually, my brother gets pretty pissed at me, and then hits me somewhere. Good thing that dosen't happen to me anymore.

I don't really go anywhere to play games other than my house or a friend's, so I don't normally have that problem. If I do go to an Arcade or something, and one of those kids happen to be there, and I was the target of their bitching, I'd get pretty pissed, but my sense will stop me from inflicting incredible pain on the kid.

Kinda reminds me of a person that was complaining about how some older guy beat him at a game, and the person started getting pissed at him for beating him, and he's an older guy.

EDIT:Hiryuu, heh. Pretty funny. That reminds me, I tend to deal with things a lot better on the internet then in real life(Not nearly as easy to piss off).

(edited by ShadowKnight on 11-05-04 08:42 PM)
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Posted on 11-06-04 06:09 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Hiryuu
See I told Ash that she should work with this angle of lamer and this is what came up in conversation.
That reminds me of this Penny Arcade comic.

Hooray PA.
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Posted on 11-06-04 07:56 AM Link | Quote
See, that's why I avoid arcades. Usually there's very few assholes around, but I just don't like the whole "person comes up and drops in quarter" thing. A nice thing to do would be to, you know, ask.

(Especially if you're playing a fighter and you're near the end, he beats you, forget that idea.)
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 11-06-04 09:04 AM Link | Quote
What you need to do is find this kid, write "START" on his nose, and punch it as hard as you can.

I know what you mean about the game boy too. If I'm playing one, I simply must be playing Pok
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Posted on 11-06-04 09:04 AM Link | Quote
I think the ultimate trumper is the person who taps on the barrel of the Silent Scope machine while you're aiming.

Or the guy who thinks he'll do better at DDR by slamming his feet on the pads when he steps. I can understand when guys like Ziff do it, but Ziff doesn't suck at DDR either. When you suck at DDR, stomping the pads doesn't help, it just breaks the machine for no good reason.

Lucky for me, the only gun shooter I'm any good at is Time Crisis 3, and you can't do anything to mess up a person's game in that, it's nigh-impossible.
alte Hexe

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"I never died" said he
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Posted on 11-06-04 09:15 AM Link | Quote
My friend Scott playing a game he is losing at. The minute he finds something to exploit, he says that he is king shit. The minute he loses he says the game is broken, or stupid and keeps on talking about how SSBM is the only true fighting game

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Posted on 11-06-04 09:28 AM Link | Quote
"I will beat you at any game!"

I have said this more than once and I stick by it. I have had to put up with this before and I just say that. They challenge me to a game I win, they pay for it each time, they challenge me to another I win.

Then people say they can beat me a SSBM... Horrible mistake, like two-thrids of my gamecube power time is on that game, and I have played, and beaten, tales of symphonia twice on it. If you want to be an brat, than do it to someone else, because as I said. "I will beat you at any game!"
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 11-06-04 12:17 PM Link | Quote
Funny fact about the GB/GBA thing...

The past year or so, if I've seen a person playing a GBA, they've either been playing Advance Wars, FFTA, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun or Street Fighter Alpha 3. True story.

That kills said myth.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 11-06-04 03:57 PM Link | Quote
But well, Pok

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 11-06-04 08:21 PM Link | Quote
If someone did to me what that goth did to Valcion I
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Posted on 11-07-04 08:17 AM Link | Quote
I don't like when people distract me either, but that's what away messages on AIM are for.

I rarely get interrupted by actual humans though. I only get ticked if I'm playing an RPG and I'm far away from a save point.
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