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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 11-04-04 01:27 AM Link | Quote
What do you all think the possibility of a Draft will be now that Bush has been re-elected. This concerns me because I just turned 18 and Im perfectly healthy so Id be at the top of a draft, which sucks for me but not as much as it sucks for my Mom shes thinking of fraud just to keep me out of the army. I personally would choose not to go, but if it came down to a draft and I had no choice Id take a deep breathe and go through with it, the way I see it if I manage to stay alive it will be really good for me in the future.
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Posted on 11-04-04 01:33 AM Link | Quote
There won't be a draft.
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Posted on 11-04-04 02:14 AM Link | Quote
Haha, people actually think there's going to be a draft?

Trust me, there's not going to be a draft. We in the Air Force are trying to get rid of 20,000 people because we're overmanned.
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Posted on 11-04-04 03:06 AM Link | Quote
No way will there be a draft in the next four years. That rumor is pretty much a fallacy and - if things stay the same during that time period - there shouldn't be any reason to even consider one. Not to mention that there's so many other, useful things that the taxpayers' money should go into.

Say what you will about Bush, but if he put the draft in then you might as well pencil in that Democrat win in 2008.

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Posted on 11-04-04 04:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion

Trust me, there's not going to be a draft. We in the Air Force are trying to get rid of 20,000 people because we're overmanned.

You would actually be surprised how many people still thought the draft would be in place.

Not that I am a coward or anything, but the second it was confirmed that it was a hoax, that was the final nail in the coffin, for me at least.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 11-04-04 04:44 AM Link | Quote
The idea of a draft scares me. I don't know if you'd get one or not, but I see the things this way:

It's sending off people who DON'T want to so something against their will, so you're probably not going to get the best performance out of them. A lot of them are going to be resentful and stuff, you're just not going to get the same performance out of them as you'd likely get out of somebody who did it WILLINGLY and WANTS to do it, as that person would have enthusiasm

It's scaring the crap out of a bunch of people, like healthy young men who would be PERFECT for the job, other than the fact that they prolly don't wanna.

It's scaring the crap out of those people's families too.

Wee..... there'd have to be one DAMNED good reason for a Draft, in my opinion, otherwise, it's just a really shoddy way of getting people into the armed forces.

Good to hear that there isn't likely to be one.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 11-04-04 04:53 AM Link | Quote
The democrats are the ones pushing the draft in congress, and that's only a tiny percentage of them.

Trust me, you're safe, unless you signed up for the reserves/army/whatever voluntarily.

Math n' Hacks
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Posted on 11-04-04 05:00 AM Link | Quote
Tcch, if there's a draft there's a draft. Many democracies around the globe MAKE you join the army for a year or two - barring any health problems. I think we're spoiled personally.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Posted on 11-04-04 05:16 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by MathOnNapkins
Tcch, if there's a draft there's a draft. Many democracies around the globe MAKE you join the army for a year or two - barring any health problems. I think we're spoiled personally.

Yeah, I think Germany requires people to do military service. I remember meeting a German man who said that they didn't want to do it, but they did and they feel that they are a better person because of it.

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Posted on 11-04-04 05:17 AM Link | Quote
I am a pacifist! (or in other words a coward) Seriously, I wouldn't do it, they could put me in jail as long as they want, but I would never be able to help out the army if I am opposed to why they are there. They put me in jail, I don't care, you can't keep me there unless a broke a law, and from last I heard, going against the draft because you don't believe in killing people is ok. (I am not very informed so you know)

It doesn't matter though, if there was a draft there would probably be many more terrorist attacks from the people giving secrets to the terrorist because they didn't want to be in the army in the first place.

Math n' Hacks
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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 11-04-04 06:13 AM Link | Quote
Joining the military doesn't always mean you are being sent somewhere to kill someone. And the countries I'm talking about require military service regardless of a time of war or not.
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Posted on 11-04-04 06:46 AM Link | Quote
Oh, how convenient! I can just use my own quote from that other topic!

Originally posted by Kefka
To anyone talking about a draft:


Even if Bush wanted to impose a draft, he would have to get the proposal past Congress. And 60% of both places would have to vote in favor of it. It wouldn't have to go to the states, because it is not a constitutional amendment, but nonetheless, do you honestly think that 60% of Congress would pass a draft if it was not an absolute neccessity? And if it WAS an absolute necessity, Bush could just impose it himself, like FDR declared war without Congress's approval.

However, a draft will not be necessary. So shut up about it.


Buzz Blob
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Posted on 11-04-04 06:54 AM Link | Quote
I do not want the draft to be reinstated.
I am almost 18 and if that happens I will
have to join the army. If Bush does that
I am moving to Canada.

The Exile
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Posted on 11-04-04 07:37 AM Link | Quote
As many has mentioned before, there will be no draft.

I know one person who is at war (who is married and has two kids) and who is happy to serve and another friend who is in training right now.

Super Koopa
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Posted on 11-04-04 08:10 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Anya
I know one person who is at war (who is married and has two kids) and who is happy to serve and another friend who is in training right now.

That has to do with this

I've heard boths ways whether or not it will happen, we'll just wait and see this spring...
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 11-04-04 08:19 AM Link | Quote
The best way to solve the war on terror: Send in people who don't want to fight. Yeah. Brilliant.

There's plenty of people who WANT to serve their country, and more power to them. And on the flip side, there's others who serve their country in other, non-war related ways. To each their own.

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Posted on 11-04-04 08:59 AM Link | Quote
I've been thinking about joining the army.

The whole "War on terrorism" thing is what kind of threw my idea away for a while since I don't really want to fight in the army. I just want money for college and besides it would be good for me.

My mom doesn't want me to and everything so I dunno.

The draft wont happen.
alte Hexe

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"I never died" said he
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Posted on 11-04-04 09:01 AM Link | Quote
Become a naturalized Canadian citizen and join our army, it is allowed Of course, you become an ex-patriot and it is hard to transfer to the US army (apparently training transfers happen all the time in certain divisions, etc.). And really, the worst thing that has happened to the Canadian army was caused by an American friendly firing. You also won't have to fear the Patriot Missle Defence System.
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Posted on 11-04-04 09:25 AM Link | Quote
Patriot missiles suck ass. They're practically pointless.

You know what I find hilarious? People are always bitching about draft dodgers when it comes to politicians. Oh no! Clintion is a draft dodger! So is Bush! What scum!

And then when a ghastly rumor of a draft comes up, they're all "Oh fuck that, I'm getting outta here!".

The hell?

And why is everyone so fearful of joining the military anyway? It's not like we're imprisoned or anything. Seriously, it's not that bad. Some even enjoy it! *gasp*
But like Colleen said, you don't have to join the military to serve your country. There are countless other ways to do so.

Apple, the Army isn't all ground troops/infantry. The military has almost every civilian counterpart. They have accountants, mechanics, public affairs, health services, supply and so on and so on.
People picture the Army and they think that it's all troops with guns. It's not.

Same goes for the Air Force. You wouldn't believe how many people think that every person in the Air Force is a pilot. When you compare the total number of people in the AF to pilots we have, the number is very small.

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Since: 03-27-04
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Posted on 11-04-04 10:08 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
Apple, the Army isn't all ground troops/infantry. The military has almost every civilian counterpart. They have accountants, mechanics, public affairs, health services, supply and so on and so on.
People picture the Army and they think that it's all troops with guns. It's not.

Same goes for the Air Force. You wouldn't believe how many people think that every person in the Air Force is a pilot. When you compare the total number of people in the AF to pilots we have, the number is very small.

I am quite aware that there is other jobs in the army than just ground solider. If all it was was ground soliders than we wouldn't be very effective but I'm not really sure on what I would want to do if I joined.

I'll be honest, I am a fucking wuss, a coward, and all that good stuff. But I want to see what I'm capable of, I also have a poor time with self disipline. I think boot camp could help me with both of those besides I really do want to serve my country. I don't agree with the majority of the shit it does nor do I really care for the leader of my country or the people who live here as a whole.

As for the jobs in the army... My grandfather's stories of being a solider in Korea as well as all the stories I heard from soliders in Vietnam and the Gulf war have kind of grown on me. Running around in a foregin country, doing whats right (Yes, that is questionable), relaying on your buddies to sruvive. I know I'm only focusing on the more "romantic" side of ground conflict, I know its dangerous, and I know I'll have to kill or I'll be killed. I don't know... It kind of applies to me.

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