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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Posted on 10-13-04 02:57 AM Link | Quote
We've restarted AcmlmBoard development with gusto. Both small fixes and bigger features are coming. A sampling of a few things we've done yet, to give you an idea:
  • Email withheld on your profile page unless the viewer is logged in and not banned.
  • Email literally required on registration - you'll have a temporary first password emailed to you. Yes, fucking finally.
  • If a briefing hasn't been entered in polls, that table row will not be included.
  • The creator of a thread can now no longer delete the first post unless the creator is a local mod or higher. Gets rid of some common confusion where you'd think it would remove the whole thread.
We're also doing some major work on tightening security. So you can see that we're going forward. We've scheduled a release for this next AcmlmBoard build (called 1.93b3) on October 25. Any ideas for some other new features are welcome here.

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Cymoro Gaming

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Posted on 10-13-04 02:59 AM Link | Quote
Editpoll.php would be nice.

Also, how about a cookie option that will mark a thread read after you see it? You know, like a PHPBB does. Also, if you could mark all forums read for a new registrar, that would be great.

(edited by Cymoro on 10-12-04 06:01 PM)
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Posted on 10-13-04 03:01 AM Link | Quote
cymor0: YES I LOVE YOU
cymor0: Email literally required on registration - you'll have a temporary first password emailed to you. Yes, fucking finally.
wootest: you always do.
cymor0: YES
cymor0: YES
wootest: HARDER
wootest: oh, wait

And yes, editpoll.php would be nice.

wootest: we're actually remodeling the "new" system entirely
wootest: database entry for every thread on the front page of every forum
wootest: (everything else is considered old)

(What that means in english is that the NEW badge will be on a thread-by-thread basis.)

(edited by Jesper on 10-12-04 06:03 PM)
(edited by Jesper on 10-12-04 06:04 PM)
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Posted on 10-13-04 03:04 AM Link | Quote
Good work, guys. I like the idea of having the poll briefing displayed only if it is included. Often people find a thread title, poll title, poll entries, and post to be enough, so a random phrase is commonly just thrown in the briefing.

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Posted on 10-13-04 03:37 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jesper
  • The creator of a thread can now no longer delete the first post unless the creator is a local mod or higher. Gets rid of some common confusion where you'd think it would remove the whole thread.

  • OMG, I WUV YOU <3 <3

    Can you make editlayout show the changes you make, before you press edit? It's a bit annoying when you have to change little bits in css and constantly have to click your way through. I can't think of anything major. And Cymoro already mentioned the poll stuff.
    Busy, busy, busy.
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    Since: 03-15-04
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    Posted on 10-13-04 03:43 AM Link | Quote
    Originally posted by Nel Zelpher
    Originally posted by Jesper
  • The creator of a thread can now no longer delete the first post unless the creator is a local mod or higher. Gets rid of some common confusion where you'd think it would remove the whole thread.

  • OMG, I WUV YOU <3 <3

    Can you make editlayout show the changes you make, before you press edit? It's a bit annoying when you have to change little bits in css and constantly have to click your way through. I can't think of anything major. And Cymoro already mentioned the poll stuff.
    A preview feature is already there, and will be much improved in the next release. Note that you must have a new-ish browser except for Internet Explorer, which has bugs in some necessary features.

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    Posted on 10-13-04 03:47 AM Link | Quote
    We've been using Firefox for months now, and I assume that's new enough
    I love the edit layout page, and I'm glad you're still improving it. I think that's what the board needs most, basically; geting the flaws out of the currently existing features.
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    Posted on 10-13-04 03:52 AM Link | Quote
    Originally posted by Nel Zelpher
    We've been using Firefox for months now, and I assume that's new enough
    I love the edit layout page, and I'm glad you're still improving it. I think that's what the board needs most, basically; geting the flaws out of the currently existing features.
    What version of FF are you using?

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    Posted on 10-13-04 03:53 AM Link | Quote
    Originally posted by Nel Zelpher
    We've been using Firefox for months now, and I assume that's new enough .
    We as in who? I *NEVER* used FireFox nor want to you. I'm still in the good IE.

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    Posted on 10-13-04 03:56 AM Link | Quote
    We are the two people using the same comp here.
    and 0.9.3
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    Posted on 10-13-04 03:58 AM Link | Quote
    Originally posted by knuck
    Originally posted by Nel Zelpher
    We've been using Firefox for months now, and I assume that's new enough .
    We as in who? I *NEVER* used FireFox nor want to you. I'm still in the good IE.
    You should try it. You can't get infected by viewing the wrong JPG. Imagine that.

    Banned until 19-58-5815: trolling, flaming, spamming, being a general fucktard...
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    Posted on 10-13-04 04:04 AM Link | Quote
    Sorry, let me correct myself: once Kitten Yiffer whined so much that i tried firefox.
    I still regret it .
    <3 IE or Opera.
    Acmlm (10:55:31 PM): they're having fun for the first time in so long
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    Since: 03-15-04
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    Posted on 10-13-04 07:37 AM Link | Quote
    Any plan on a release? lol I hope some release version comes out soon. What will not be included in it.

    eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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    Posted on 10-13-04 12:46 PM Link | Quote
    I like that the creator of a thred can
    Kitten Yiffer

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    Posted on 10-13-04 01:41 PM Link | Quote
    Firefox is technically not finished yet anyway. Finally your working on it again.

    I tested that register-system. I did find some flaws testing it, but nothing that could be easily fixed.

    Double metal axe
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    Posted on 10-13-04 02:46 PM Link | Quote
    perhaps a 'report thread to mods' so it can be checked and the mod can do the action seem fit to it. It would take a lot of strain for the mods going through every single thread seeing how active this board is.
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    Posted on 10-13-04 04:47 PM Link | Quote
    Originally posted by Randy53215
    Any plan on a release? lol I hope some release version comes out soon. What will not be included in it.
    Originally posted by Jesper
    We've scheduled a release for this next AcmlmBoard build (called 1.93b3) on October 25.
    All new features mentioned in the first post by me are done or atleast usable. Like Kitten Yiffer said, the registration-email process was a little buggy at times, which was caused by the fact that he was actually using it as I was coding it

    That same registration process will be recoded now to put the "limbo" users in a different database table than the real, verified users, allowing for us to do some specific things the first time they log in (having them fill out profile details, change their password, read the FAQ, enter a newbie post (the jury's still in out this one), and so on.

    An idea that I've been having for a while is adding a checkbox near every post's Quote link. You'd check them and hit the reply button and they'd all be there. For me to be able to quote two posts like I did at the top of this one I'd have to open the seperate Quote links in two tabs and copy paste, which is not hard, but perhaps not intuitive, and certainly a lot more work than it should be. (Note that the Quote link would still be there, so you could still just quote one post in one click.)
    Acmlm (10:55:31 PM): they're having fun for the first time in so long
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    Since: 03-15-04
    From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (U.S.A)

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    Posted on 10-13-04 11:51 PM Link | Quote
    So everyone will get a copy of the 1.9b3? Or is it a select few that will have Beta releases?

    (edited by Randy53215 on 10-13-04 02:57 PM)
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    Posted on 10-14-04 12:02 AM Link | Quote
    Originally posted by Randy53215
    So everyone will get a copy of the 1.9b3? Or is it a select few?
    Oh. Release meaning that we'll update this version. A distro is still a few months away; partly because we have to ease the transition of 1.85 and 1.9 users (lots of database changes) and partly because it'll be a while until we can settle down, knowing we've made sure to get as many tweaks and new stuff in as possible.
    Acmlm (10:55:31 PM): they're having fun for the first time in so long
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    Since: 03-15-04
    From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (U.S.A)

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    Posted on 10-14-04 12:05 AM Link | Quote
    I got some ideas....

    View threads by users. When viewing the threads by this user you could show what forum it is currently in. And I dont know if you heard of the "bad words" 'hack' but maybe you could do something like that and make it where users can choose if they want things sensored or not. Like a enable filtering or disable it.


    Also in polls you should make it show who voted for what and a option where the creator of the poll can make the poll votes "private" or "public" where private wouldnt show who voted for what but public would.

    (edited by Randy53215 on 10-13-04 03:07 PM)
    (edited by Randy53215 on 10-13-04 03:07 PM)
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