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Do you use/prefer IE or another browser?
If other, post which please.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
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Posted on 09-21-04 07:55 AM Link | Quote
I'm warming up to Mozilla over IE - some sites do work better in IE but I have my hosts file packed with blocks for ads/spyware/etc., so some sites just don't work with it. Like Gmail.

IE is easy to use and that, but if you're going to use it then use something like Avant Browser for a more hassle-free web experience.

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Posted on 09-21-04 07:57 AM Link | Quote

Do I use something else? No.

Yea, I'm weird like that.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 09-21-04 02:09 PM Link | Quote
Legion: Firefox is based on Mozilla, not Opera. Why do you think it's called Mozilla Firefox?

Security wise I yet have to get viruses from Firefox, I only get viruses/spywares after my sister have used the computer. And she uses IE. And yes I do have the latest updates from Windows update and Firewall/anti-virus stuff. Thankfully spybot blocks most of the spyware nowdays.

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Posted on 09-21-04 02:43 PM Link | Quote
Well, since IE isn
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Posted on 09-21-04 04:04 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
Wait, what's all this Opera vs Firefox stuff? Isn't Firefox solely the browser portion of Opera? Or is that Mozilla I'm thinking about? The one with the built in irc client, mail, etc....

Confused in Virgina
Dear confused in Virginia,

Opera is one browser. Mozilla is one browser. Internet Explorer is one browser. They are all seperate.

But Mozilla isn't only a browser. It can also, built-in, read your email, shine your shoes, etc. And it's got a waaaay too busy interface. So some guys cleaned it up and the result is Firefox.

A t-shirt will be sent to you for your question. It was this issue's most confused question from Virginia.
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Posted on 09-21-04 04:08 PM Link | Quote
Dear Lord Jesper,

Ah, ok. That clears it up. I had Mozilla and Opera mixed up. It was a drinking night for me so you can see why.
Thanks for the t-shirt by the way. I needed some oil rags as I was running short on them.

Enlightened in Virginia

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Posted on 09-21-04 07:05 PM Link | Quote
I used Microsoft Internet Explorer..because it came witht he comp and I'm too lazy to download anything else..well now I don't have to. GO YAHOO DSL, GO!
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 09-21-04 09:16 PM Link | Quote
IE is one of the worst-coded pieces of poop I've seen yet. It's slow, full of security holes, crashes every few minutes, and lacks several essential options such as disabing certain Javascripts, tabs, blocking popups, a "Never trust content from Spyware Inc" button on the install-on-demand prompt (in fact, just do like Mozilla and display the item as a link to the plugin site), and much, much more. It's also loaded with useless functions (such as various JS crap, VBScript, etc) that bog it down and present hundreds of opportunities for annoying scripts and exploits. A web page should not be able to control your CD-ROM drive!
Firefox has none of these problems. In fact, it has no features whatsoever. All it does is render HTML. A fast program is useless if it doesn't do anything!
Opera, I haven't tried yet, and I don't see a need. Mozilla works perfectly for me.
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Posted on 09-21-04 10:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperHacker
It's also loaded with useless functions (such as various JS crap
Let's be fair to the poor browser. Which various JS crap?
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Firefox has none of these problems. In fact, it has no features whatsoever. All it does is render HTML. A fast program is useless if it doesn't do anything!
Jesus. Tabbed browsing, popup blocking, password remembering, download manager, themes, customizable search, alternate styles, ad blocking, extensions and type-ahead find called today. Says they hate that you completely missed them. Most useful functions in Mozilla are still there in Firefox. The menus are less cluttered, and I actually had to dig deep into settings to be able to recite those. That's the great thing - all of those features are there, but they're not bogging your browser down (as the case might be in other browsers, such as IE), and they're not in your face when you don't need them.

I call bullshit on your "All it does is render HTML." sentence - it's the same, if a slightly outdated version, goddamn rendering engine. Mozilla is a suite, and the web browser in that suite is a lot clunkier than Firefox, even if the feature set is comparable, if not mostly identical.
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Posted on 09-22-04 12:14 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
Originally posted by Leland Gaunt
Originally posted by Jesper
What he said.

What they said.

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Posted on 09-22-04 12:30 AM Link | Quote
IE has ruined my life, I choose anything other than that.

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Posted on 09-22-04 12:47 AM Link | Quote
I'm a Firefox lover. It's wonderful.

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Squash Monster

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Posted on 09-22-04 12:48 AM Link | Quote
I use Firefox. Some of my friends tell me that I should try Opera. I will as soon as someone gives me a good reason.

Good reasons do not include:
- Some useless feature that I won't use and that doesn't belong in a web browser. (ex: built in music player)
- A feature that Firefox already has. (eg: tabbed browsing)
- A feature that already exists in at least one Firefox extension. (ie: mouse gestures)
- Looking pretty. (that's Style XP's job, and it does it well)

Oh, and I only use IE when some idiot can't understand how to make proper HTML.

(edited by Squash Monster on 09-21-04 03:50 PM)
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Posted on 09-22-04 08:46 AM Link | Quote
Actually there is an extension for Mozilla for music...

Then again, thankfully it's an extension and most users likely don't NEED to have Winamp integrated into their browser.

I'm sure you can have Firefox look a wee bit pretty with the skins.

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Posted on 09-22-04 10:15 AM Link | Quote
I tend to use Opera. Why? Two words: Mouse gestures. I don't believe Firefox has that functionality.

The disadvantages, though, is that Opera is a memory hog and can be unstable. It also doesn't integrate well with some media formats. But I love my mouse gestures.
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 09-22-04 10:16 AM Link | Quote
With Mac OS 9, IE is really the only reasonable option, so I use it. It's filled with problems. My own post layout isn't right. I sometimes switch to Mozilla if it's absolutely necessary, but other than that I'm stuck here.

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Posted on 09-22-04 10:21 AM Link | Quote
I like Firefox because it is actually faster than IE for dial up users. Don't know why, but it is. The tabbing thing is nice too. It seems less crowded than IE as well, what with all the toolbars and such.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 09-22-04 12:04 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by hhallahh
I tend to use Opera. Why? Two words: Mouse gestures. I don't believe Firefox has that functionality.
It have that feature, it was one of the first extensions I tested.

However it annoye me more than helping me so I uinstalled it after testing it. However I may try it again.

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Posted on 09-22-04 01:30 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Colleen

Then again, thankfully it's an extension and most users likely don't NEED to have Winamp integrated into their browser.

I'm sure you can have Firefox look a wee bit pretty with the skins.

No, it
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Posted on 09-22-04 07:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by hhallahh
I tend to use Opera. Why? Two words: Mouse gestures. I don't believe Firefox has that functionality.

The disadvantages, though, is that Opera is a memory hog and can be unstable. It also doesn't integrate well with some media formats. But I love my mouse gestures.
Mouse Gesture Extension for Firefox. I believe it's been said before, but I'll say it again: The good thing about Opera is that almost everything is built in. The bad thing about Opera is that almost everything is built in. So, in turn, it also manages to be the most customizable browser out of the box AND have the world's messiest user interface. That's quite an accomplishment.

I can't wait until someone builds a user-friendly editor for XUL files, the files that define Mozilla's UI. That way, you could pretty much customize Mozilla as much as Opera. (You can now already, but it's not a matter of checking in menus, rather a matter of fiddling with text files.)
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