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What is your favorite Mario Kart game?
Give a brief explaination of why you chose what you chose, and why, if applicable, you didn't choose what you didn't.
Super Mario Kart
17.5%, 7 votes
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
5.0%, 2 votes
Mario Kart 64
27.5%, 11 votes
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
50.0%, 20 votes
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Posted on 03-20-04 02:24 AM Link | Quote
I chose Super Mario Kart.
I think I am really good at it, and I can play people who have also mastered it. It started the whole Racing Cart Genre!
No Diddy Kong Racing, Mickey Mouse shit would ever have come to exist if it weren't for Mario Kart.

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Posted on 03-20-04 02:31 AM Link | Quote
WHen you play 4 players with some fun people, double dash is the best one out there. So much fun playing on a team, and if you suck, switch-a-roo. It was truly a good idea to make it like this.
Ruby Weapon 7

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Posted on 03-20-04 03:22 AM Link | Quote
I would have to pick Super Mario Kart because it is a classic well known to a lot of gamers and also it started the whole Mario racing theme in Nintendo.

By the way, the Mickey Mouse and Diddy Kong Racing games both suck compared to the Mario Kart series.

(edited by Ruby Weapon 7 on 03-25-04 05:13 PM)
(edited by Ruby Weapon 7 on 05-21-04 03:18 PM)

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Posted on 03-20-04 04:19 AM Link | Quote
Not alot of people will agree with me, I liked Mario Kart 64 more because it was a good 3D racing game for the N64, it had lots more items than SMK and MKSC, and there wasn't two on one kart like in MKDD. I don't really mean to bash the other titles, but that's my open minded opinion about the Mario Kart Series.

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Posted on 03-20-04 06:51 AM Link | Quote
Mario Kart :DD for me. I love getting together with a couple of friends and co-oping for a couple of hours. Of course, only 2 of my friends have Gamecube so I stick the non-gamecubers in back

Boss Bass
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Posted on 03-20-04 08:00 AM Link | Quote

super mario kart all the way, it may be the first, but it is the most fun and cool of all

i havent played d dash yet, tho

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Posted on 03-20-04 11:45 AM Link | Quote
It's a tossup, DD felt way faster than the rest, but I think 64 had better tracks on the whole... and 64 definately had better battle arenas

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Posted on 03-20-04 11:49 AM Link | Quote
Super Mario Kart is a classic, but I liked MK64 for it's good gameplay, and cool levels. I still love going on the highway backwards.

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Posted on 03-20-04 03:03 PM Link | Quote
Mario Kart 64 is the best...
DD is fun but the battle mode in MK64 rules...
Destiny Smasher

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Posted on 03-20-04 10:45 PM Link | Quote
The original is classic. Super Circuit is nice. Mario Kart 64 brings back the most memories...

But Double Dash!! brought enough innovation and great solid gameplay to earn the top spot on my list. With so many characters, items, tracks, unlockables, etc...I just can't deny it.

But Mario Kart 64 is the game that really brought the series out there, and it's definitely second for me.

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Posted on 03-20-04 10:56 PM Link | Quote
I picked Double Dash. It pretty much kept the game play from the other ones, it just added a bit more. I like the part they added. Can't change the story much though. It is just racing to see who will win.

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Posted on 03-21-04 11:09 PM Link | Quote
I've only played the first one so I guess I'll vote for Super Mario Cart.

Dry Bones
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Posted on 03-22-04 08:53 PM Link | Quote
Definatly double dash Even though I suck at it
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 03-22-04 10:44 PM Link | Quote
Mario kart: DD, with Mario kart: super circuit as an close second.

Mario kart: Double dash have an pretty nifty multiplayer. And it's the only Mario kart where you can play 16 players... (with 4-8 gamecubes )

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Posted on 03-23-04 03:36 AM Link | Quote
Hmmm, I haven't played Mario kart DD yet, and 64 is my favorite out of the remaining three, so...I pick MK64

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Posted on 03-23-04 05:43 AM Link | Quote
MKSC, it was the first MK game I owned, also the only one I am good at. =/

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Posted on 03-24-04 07:51 AM Link | Quote
Super Mario Kart, I love that game its a classic, I had fun on the 64 one but not as much fun as the original.
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Posted on 03-24-04 09:45 AM Link | Quote
Double dash, baby. Great series, and it's just getting better. The only thing I miss is being able to hold an item behind you and use it as a shield, and being able to hop. Other than that, Double Dash is superior. Kind of like Smash brothers melee
Lemon Luigi

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Posted on 03-27-04 05:18 AM Link | Quote
Order from fave. to least liked:

1: MK64 (Great tracks, hopping, holding items, many items, great battle arenas)
2: MK:DD (Innovative & fun, but the tracks aren't the best. Battle arenas suck)
3: SMK (Good game, but lacks many of MK64's features. Would be 2nd with those)
4: MK:SC (See SMK, but worse chars. but slightly better levels. Cpu is too hard on some levels (Ribbon Road, anyone?), graphics are kinda bad)
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Posted on 04-06-04 02:09 PM Link | Quote
MKDD has the best graphics plus it has more features than the other mario kart games.

(edited by seagram on 04-06-04 05:10 AM)
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