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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Posted on 07-04-04 09:01 AM Link
Someone is DoS'ing with downloads, methinks.
Juggling Joker

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Yeah, JAMH is still being worked on.
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-04-04 10:33 AM Link
Originally posted by asdf
Someone is DoS'ing with downloads, methinks.

If that's the case, it's the worst one I've ever seen, seeing as how it's a complete fKitten Yiffer currently.
Somebody set up us the bomb!
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-04-04 03:13 PM Link
Coby, I sent you the InspectorGadget GFX from Level 1.
Edit: In the package are the Map16 files, but the Map16Page(BG).bin (The BG) file must be renamed to Map16Page.bin after the other is inserterted. Some sprites are also included.

(edited by Hidden Mario on 07-04-04 06:17 AM)
Darth Coby

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-04-04 04:26 PM Link
I've uploaded the Dark Alley ExGFX, go leech it.
Also I've checked for possible DoS activity and couldn't find anything serious. Soon I'll implement a logging feature for downloads.
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Since: 04-02-04

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Posted on 07-05-04 05:42 AM Link

I am requesting a tileset, or 2 from YI. Below are some shots of the sets I would like if some kind person or persons could rip these for me:

These 3 shots are the underground tileset. I mainly need,

1st shot: the ground that yoshi is on, and the side of the cliff that yoshi is standing on. I need the chrystals that are in the bottom right, and definetly the mushrooms in the bottom left. The blocks that yoshi is shotting, in all forms (left side jagged, right side jagged, middle as if it hadn't been hit etc.), the ceiling, and possibly the BG.
2nd shot: The crate, ceiling, stomping block beside the crate, the rolling chomp ball, sloped ground, and the white info block. Possibly the BG.
3rd shot: Mainly the mushrooms, and the ledges. Possibly the white plant that yoshi is trying to eat, and maby the BG.

Not in any shots: Lava and crystals that are not part of the ground but seperate. Like crystals that grow up. Any other underground things I haven't mentioned.

If someone wants to rip this set that would be great, just not the big blue creature. The BG is mainly why I posted this shot.

If a kind person (I know begging wont get me anywhere) could rip these sets for me that would be great! Thanks.
The required libraries have not been defined.
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Posted on 07-05-04 12:36 PM Link

Custom titleset. Woot.

Anyway.... yeah. This would be mine. Anyway, the nice thing about this (it's FG3 btw) is that you simply set it in S GFX Bypass; no re-fucking with Map 16 to make it work. It's all in the format of the origional.

I'm about 40% doen with it... and the water (since you can't use the regular-animated type, oh yay) is from SMB1 (modifided slighlty, of course).


So yea, if you want it, express intrest now. Give me a reason to finish it faster :p
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Posted on 07-05-04 11:57 PM Link
I love it xkeeper. Some more shots of diferent tiles in use would be great. The palette isn't amazing but its an underground set, so when/if it gets done it will be a definent use in my hack. Good job. I am glad to see an underground set.

What I would love to see is a petrified forest underground set. Like a forest set, but with an underground feel to it. As if a forest grew underground. That would be cool IMO.

EDIT: I have created a custom BG set and need to know how to get it into LM. I know its something with the map 16, but does anyone have a link, or an extremly detailed explination, of how to insert BG's. I prefer not to use any DOS programs, they hate me. Thanks. If it looks good I will upload it to the workshop.

(edited by Keikonium on 07-05-04 05:37 PM)
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 07-06-04 02:42 AM Link
New tileset submitted. It is from Link to the Past. A background from when you first enter the Dark World.

You would have to not have vertical scrolling for it to be perfect, though.
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Since: 04-02-04

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Posted on 07-06-04 02:51 AM Link
Since so many are submitting BG's now, how do I insert them? I can insert them when they are Map16Page.bin, Map16PageG.bin but not when they are inserted as Map16PageBG (I think thats what its called, can't rememeber but it has BG in it's name). I have the file ExGFX86 in my ExGFX folder, and the BG file in the same folder as my ROM. But LM doesn't notice that the file is there. What am I doing wrong? I am 100% positive that the filename is correct. I think I may have some files out of place.

Some help would be great. Thanks

BTW Cpubasic that BG looks cool, but what is all the stuff above the part you have circled?

(edited by Keikonium on 07-05-04 05:52 PM)
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 07-06-04 02:55 AM Link
You have to use another button... hold on.

F7 will export all the BG Map16 data to a file, and F8 will load it back in.

Look in the help file. That is what you should do first.
Darth Coby

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-06-04 03:03 AM Link
The new set has been uploaded, go grab it! + I'm implementing downloader statistics so I'll know where the huge downloads come from.
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 07-06-04 03:11 AM Link
Wow! My set has the longest name. Link to the Past: Dark World Background. That is really long.

Anyway, I will try to do Keikonium's background. I will not guarantee, though, that I will have it done as I have to do some graphics for someone else. So I will try.
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Since: 04-02-04

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Posted on 07-06-04 04:44 AM Link

What do you people think of this BG? I made it using BG's from 2 different games, and the photoshoped it into one BG, with a bit of special effects. I think I did a pretty good job, and it fits PERFECTLY when it tiles itself across the screen. I just need to get it into a Map16. I really need a guide on how to insert custom BG's into my hack/LM. Please post your thoughts.
Darth Coby

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-06-04 04:46 AM Link
That's a very nice BG. :O And I think I've found the guilty downloader :o MSNBot :o I've placed some metatags on my main page now, I hope those'll stop the bots :o
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-06-04 05:01 AM Link
Originally posted by Keikonium

What do you people think of this BG? I made it using BG's from 2 different games, and the photoshoped it into one BG, with a bit of special effects. I think I did a pretty good job, and it fits PERFECTLY when it tiles itself across the screen. I just need to get it into a Map16. I really need a guide on how to insert custom BG's into my hack/LM. Please post your thoughts.

It's great, is what it is. No other way to describe it. Only problem is that I can't really think of a place to put it in. I mean, it's in a cave... But it also has lots of leafy vegetation...
Darth Coby

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-06-04 05:11 AM Link
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
Originally posted by Keikonium

What do you people think of this BG? I made it using BG's from 2 different games, and the photoshoped it into one BG, with a bit of special effects. I think I did a pretty good job, and it fits PERFECTLY when it tiles itself across the screen. I just need to get it into a Map16. I really need a guide on how to insert custom BG's into my hack/LM. Please post your thoughts.

It's great, is what it is. No other way to describe it. Only problem is that I can't really think of a place to put it in. I mean, it's in a cave... But it also has lots of leafy vegetation...

Yes, but it could be some magic cave or something, after all, it is a game.
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Since: 04-02-04

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Posted on 07-06-04 06:26 AM Link
It is supposed to be a petrified forest. (not sure if many people know what that means in this context. Its when a tree/wood becomes rock hard.) The leaves are supposed to be brownish, so they look like stone, but stupid freewebs wont let me upload more than 50 pics, so I need to get another account. But I do have one where the leaves are brownish. I might upload it when I figure out how to get new graphics into my hack...
Darth Coby

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-06-04 06:32 AM Link
I think that a more greyish tone to the trees and the leaves would make it even better.
Juggling Joker

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Yeah, JAMH is still being worked on.
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-06-04 06:39 AM Link
400th reply, wheeeee.

And about that background. It looks great, but I'm not sure there would be enough tiles available to make it, if not in the Map16 then certainly not 8x8. But, you could try that M16-7k thingy, to see what happens.
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Posted on 07-06-04 06:44 AM Link
Thats what I was afraid of, not enough map16. That is why I also created one that doesn't have the light. It doesn't look as good, but its fine. I hate that m16 blah blah blah thing. WAAAYYY to hard to input, I have long fingers at it is still hard. I don't even know how to use it anyway, so if worse comes to wosre I will use the light-less one.

Thanks to everyone who said it was great.
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