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Devil Trumpets and Angel Trombones ~
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Posted on 07-24-04 04:33 AM Link | Quote
Maybe you know what this is, maybe you don't. Either way, I'm informing you. This should work in any side scrolling Mario game with Koopa shells. First obtain a shell. Then find a wall or enclosed area (enclosed if you don't want the shell to spin away). Then release the shell into the wall. Keep in mind you want to be extremely close to the wall. As it bounces back, jump on the edge. If you time it right, it will bounce into the wall, and back at you. You are hopefully still airborne, and you will land on the shell, propelling it back into the wall. This will occur continuously. You will accumulate points as this occurs, and eventually get 1-up bonuses for consecutive hits. Now you can put the controller down and watch Mario get his much-needed workout.

Red Koopa
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Posted on 07-24-04 04:39 AM Link | Quote
This is a very old trick, but it is nice. The problem is, I don't know any other games, apart from SMB and SMLL, where you can do it. Maybe in SMW, but I don't think so...

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Posted on 07-24-04 04:54 AM Link | Quote
SMB, SMB3, SMW, SMW2 are all games that it is possible in.

I've only done it in the first 3, and SMW2 would be harder considering I think you can get 999 lives...
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Posted on 07-24-04 09:32 AM Link | Quote
Ol' school trick that I've tried thousands of times but have NEVER gotten it too work. Been pissing me off all my life.

Anyway, in SMB, I heard you have to be liiiike...on the second or third block up and jump backwards. And I think you die if you get too many lives.

Oh, and there's one trick in SMW to get unlimited lives. It involves a stage in the Forest of Illusion and you need a cape. You jump on one of those catapillars, hover over, jump on another one, hover back...repeat.

Your score goes through the roof and it gets all messed up but you can get all the lives you want this way.

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Posted on 07-24-04 10:00 AM Link | Quote
What about the one in Vanilla secret fortress. You swim along and bounce off of the dry bones and other guys and rack up the score (And lives) there.

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Posted on 07-24-04 10:02 AM Link | Quote
Super Mario Bros. 3: 99 Lives Trick...

Make sure you have the Racoon Tail, go to the second level and be on the right side of the pipe where the goombas always come out. Step on the first one & hold down the jump button, then keep flapping that tail till you step on the other goomba, repeat this trick till the score goes higher till they start spitting out 1ups.

Nintendo released that trick back in 1991 when just about everybody and their grandmother played this game to death.
Alastor the Stylish
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Posted on 07-24-04 11:12 PM Link | Quote
I greatly prefer the 3-4 trick in SMB3. Go to the right until you get to Lakitu, go back left until you get to the area with a few koopas, a pipe, and an odd arangement of blocks, send the koopa off between the blocks, and get on top of the set of blocks just under the pipe, Lakitu throws stuff, the shell kills stuff, you do NOTHING. I think it's the easiest 1-up trick ever.
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Posted on 07-25-04 12:29 AM Link | Quote
In SMB1, the best location for that trick is the last stairs near the end in 3-1 (or was it 3-2?) with too green Koopas; I also never got it too work, so I always had less than twenty lives when playing all levels, collecting all 1UPs without dying

In SMW2 is it usually VERY easy to get 999 lives, since there is no time limit. Get a place with a pipe having respawning enemies from it (so make sure you have not more than five eggs), get a shell or this small enemy which morphs into a ball and cannot damage you at all. Kick it between that pipe (if you have that 'ball-type enemy; spit it out' close to the pipe - it jumps periodically up and down ^^) and another obstacle, stand on an upper tile, having the pipe inside the screen and just put your paid away, go eating something or into the cinema - and enjoy the biggest three-digit-number of lives without any work when you come back. Then you are even well-suited for really challenging levels like Extra 5 - "Kamek's Revenge"
Devil Trumpets and Angel Trombones ~
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Posted on 07-25-04 02:54 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
Ol' school trick that I've tried thousands of times but have NEVER gotten it too work. Been pissing me off all my life.

Anyway, in SMB, I heard you have to be liiiike...on the second or third block up and jump backwards. And I think you die if you get too many lives.

Oh, and there's one trick in SMW to get unlimited lives. It involves a stage in the Forest of Illusion and you need a cape. You jump on one of those catapillars, hover over, jump on another one, hover back...repeat.

Your score goes through the roof and it gets all messed up but you can get all the lives you want this way.

I think the trick I explained is most effective if you do the following:

Be at the end of a level in SMB, with a koopa shell, where there is a stair case before the flag. Then release your shell at the top of the stairs, then execute a jump to near the bottom of the stair case. The koopa shell will be coming down to you, and when it is 1 or maybe 2 stairs above you, jump. You should land on it.
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Posted on 07-25-04 03:52 AM Link | Quote
Gb boy - How, exactly, do you release the shell at the top of the stairs? You can't grab shells in SMB1.

Also, JJ64, I question your ability to perform this trick in SMW. I request a .zmv movie of your performing it.

(edited by Kyouji Craw on 07-24-04 08:50 PM)
Devil Trumpets and Angel Trombones ~
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Posted on 07-25-04 05:11 AM Link | Quote
I never claimed that I could do it in Super Mario World. I assumed it was possible judging by the fact that Mario jumps and throws koopa shells just like he does in all the other games.
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Posted on 07-25-04 05:13 AM Link | Quote
Never got that SMB one working... never. But I treid the SMW one as Legion said.
Originally posted by Surlent
In SMW2 is it usually VERY easy to get 999 lives, since there is no time limit. Get a place with a pipe having respawning enemies from it (so make sure you have not more than five eggs), get a shell or this small enemy which morphs into a ball and cannot damage you at all. Kick it between that pipe (if you have that 'ball-type enemy; spit it out' close to the pipe - it jumps periodically up and down ^^) and another obstacle, stand on an upper tile, having the pipe inside the screen and just put your paid away, go eating something or into the cinema - and enjoy the biggest three-digit-number of lives without any work when you come back. Then you are even well-suited for really challenging levels like Extra 5 - "Kamek's Revenge"
World 4 level 1 "GO! GO! MARIO!!" is perfetct for this trick. Just go into the level until you see a pipe where shyguys respawn, then shoot the koopa shell at the pipe then you can do whatever you want.

I usually just do it whenever i'm there, but i'm seldom is in a need of 1-up (I always have alot of 1-up when I get there...)
Devil Trumpets and Angel Trombones ~
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Posted on 07-25-04 05:26 AM Link | Quote
Ah, now I remember what I did, Kyouji. No, you can't pick up koopa shells in SMB1, but if you find one of those staircases like the end of level ones, in world 4, most of the time there will be a paratroopa bouncing down ther stairs. Kill him at the top, then jump down and wait for the shell.

I say world 4 because paratroopas on stairs are common in that world, but obviously, you can do it in any world.
Alastor the Stylish
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Posted on 07-25-04 05:49 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Gb boy
Ah, now I remember what I did, Kyouji. No, you can't pick up koopa shells in SMB1, but if you find one of those staircases like the end of level ones, in world 4, most of the time there will be a paratroopa bouncing down ther stairs. Kill him at the top, then jump down and wait for the shell.

I say world 4 because paratroopas on stairs are common in that world, but obviously, you can do it in any world.
Why do I get the feeling you secretly mean "Oh... Uh... Crap! I haven't really done this, I just assumed based on what I'd heard... Please forgive me. Oh, wait, nevermind... There's koopas on stairs in world 4, I'll just say I made a mistake and they'll be none the wiser... Heh heh heh..."?

Oh, and I suppose I wasn't clear. When I said that "you" had said it was possible in SMW, I was talking to JJ. I just didn't clarify... I'll go edit the post.
Devil Trumpets and Angel Trombones ~
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Posted on 07-25-04 06:16 AM Link | Quote
I have done this, but only once, and it was by mistake, and its a vague recollection, and it was in SMBDX. I just randomly remembered it, thats why I made this thread. I can also recall encountering a paratroopa on a staircase, and I did this. Then I put my Gameboy down and game back with a "time up" and like 150 lives. I have beaten SMB enough times to remember the worlds fairly well, and saying to do it in world 4 was a recommendation.

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Posted on 07-25-04 06:28 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
Gb boy - How, exactly, do you release the shell at the top of the stairs? You can't grab shells in SMB1.

Also, JJ64, I question your ability to perform this trick in SMW. I request a .zmv movie of your performing it.

It may sound dumb, but what emulator records .zmv movies?
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Posted on 07-25-04 10:40 AM Link | Quote
Well alright Gb. I don't exactly have any reason to believe you or to think you a liar. Under the circumstances it just seems unlikely. At any rate...

Originally posted by JJ64
It may sound dumb, but what emulator records .zmv movies?
ZSNES. zmv's short for Zsnes MoVie, I believe... But that only refers to slot 0. The rest have the extention .zm#, where # is the slot number.

Load a ROM, press ESC, go over to Miscellaneous, click Movie Opn, select a slot that hasn't been saved to, and click "record," then go back and play through. When you're done, go back and press '"stop."

Of course, if you use rewind it won't sync your motion right, and loading a saved state stops the recording. Additionally, hitting the slowdown key tends to desync it though it doesn't always.

(edited by Kyouji Craw on 07-25-04 01:42 AM)
(edited by Kyouji Craw on 07-25-04 01:43 AM)

Red Koopa
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Posted on 07-25-04 10:48 PM Link | Quote
I know that you can do it in SMB (I have heard it and seen screenshots of it, but never done it), but when you do it and you have too much lives, bugs appear. Actually, this bugs were removed from the SMAS version, but I don't know if they were removed from SMBDX too. You can do this trick on 3-1 or 7-1; just wait for the beetle to go down and jump on his shell a lot of times.

Red Koopa
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Posted on 07-26-04 02:10 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Gb boy
I say world 4 because paratroopas on stairs are common in that world, but obviously, you can do it in any world.
Um... no... In none of the levels in World 4 is there a Koopa Paratroopa that jumps down the stairs. There is in 6-2 and 8-2.

Actually, for that matter, there are two spots in 8-2 where you can use a Koopa Paratroopa jumping down stairs to get the infinite lives, but the first one has that dang Lakitu that won't like you doing it .
Devil Trumpets and Angel Trombones ~
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Posted on 07-26-04 09:23 AM Link | Quote
Well I know world 4 has a dark background, unlike the other worlds, and I can remember that having lots of paratroopa's, maybe not ones on stairs... this is kind of frivilous to the concept of performing the trick.

And Kyouji, if I have the time, I will record a zmv doing the trick in SMAS, just for you.

(edited by Gb boy on 07-26-04 12:25 AM)
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