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Posted on 07-14-04 12:53 AM Link
A few days ago I started work on a new SMB3 level editor just for fun. It doesn't have editing functions yet but loads ROMs and displays most levels fine (hilly levels display some garbage but I'm working on fixing it). The quality of display is currently somewhere between M3I and SMB3 Discombobulator. The window is resizable and the graphics are freely zoomable. It is also quite fast in rendering graphics. Screenshots below...

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Posted on 07-14-04 01:04 AM Link
That looks really cool. Its ALOT better than the smb3 discombobulator! I will probably d/l this when its avaliable. does it edit the map screens and can it make them as big as the desert screen? Its nice tho.

Edit: BTW whats the lost levels thing for?

(edited by Keikonium on 07-13-04 04:05 PM)

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Posted on 07-14-04 01:12 AM Link
Now that's whats up, the editor looks good & it shows promise! it looks like it's really easy to use. Would it be possible to put a text editor option like SMB Utility? That would be cool as hell! Keep up the good work Hukka!

Red Super Koopa

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Posted on 07-14-04 01:18 AM Link
Originally posted by hukka
A few days ago I started work on a new SMB3 level editor just for fun. It doesn't have editing functions yet but loads ROMs and displays most levels fine (hilly levels display some garbage but I'm working on fixing it). The quality of display is currently somewhere between M3I and SMB3 Discombobulator. The window is resizable and the graphics are freely zoomable. It is also quite fast in rendering graphics. Screenshots below...

This looks very awesome. Being the residential SMB3 hacker and all, would you mind if I was a beta tester? I highly suggest you load the TSA from the rom IF you're loading the gfx from the rom. This looks pretty good, if you can get free form mode like in M3I in and the ability to save anywhere in the rom, I may have found a new editor

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Posted on 07-14-04 01:36 AM Link
Thanks for the comments, all!

Googie : since an editor for the texts wouldn't be difficult to implement, I might add that feature sometime.

Keikonium : It will edit map screens, yeah. Lost Levels are the unused levels in the SMB3 ROM that aren't playable without resorting to Game Genie codes or such. Google should tell you more about them.

DahrkDaiz : I'd be honored to have you as a beta tester. I'm not reading the gfx from the ROM (yet), if/when I will make it do so, I will read the TSA from there too. Freeform mode and saving to anywhere in the ROM shouldn't be a problem. But for now I still need to tweak the viewer quite a lot. I'll keep you updated...

(edited by hukka on 07-13-04 04:37 PM)

Green Birdo

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Posted on 07-14-04 01:47 AM Link
Looking nice.
A few questions:
1) Will it have a drag and drop GUI or good ol' keyboard?
2) Will it support SMAS?
3) Will it have a built in tile editor?
4) Which versions will it support? (The ones I know are Japanese, English 1, English 2, and PAL)
Darth Coby

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Posted on 07-14-04 02:10 AM Link
Yes, that does look very good. What is it being coded in?

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Since: 06-27-04
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Posted on 07-14-04 02:57 AM Link
Smallhacker :
1) Probably a combination of both.
2) Possibly in the future.
3) If I get bored enough ;o)
4) I'm not sure what the difference between all of those are? It will at least support whichever version M3I does.

Coby : I'm coding it in Delphi 7. The loading and rendering code is based on M3I's C routines translated to Delphi and improved upon.

What's that spell?

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Posted on 07-14-04 03:10 AM Link
Any chance of you implementing the editors (not literally, but that functionality) that DD devised? And DD, would you mind?

Red Super Koopa

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Posted on 07-14-04 03:30 AM Link
hell no I wouldn't mind! It would probably be best if I combined my editors with his, to create a sort of program package, so he doesn't have to recode editors I've already done unless he wants to.

As for the differences between the NES SMB3's: very small minute differences (text, a routine address changed here and there) that probably won't be a problem a building an editor around (I dunno, the Japanese version's offsets might be slightly off).

Hukka: if there's any information you need, either PM at any time or visit #rom-hacking at I can be a bottomless pit of source. I just hope something doesn't happen and you have abandon this project. We need a better SMB3 editor

Red Koopa
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Posted on 07-14-04 03:43 AM Link
will it feature editing things that weren't in m3i nor in smb3 disc ?
I'd like to be a beta tester too if that's possible...

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Since: 06-27-04
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Posted on 07-14-04 04:06 AM Link
Originally posted by DahrkDaiz
hell no I wouldn't mind! It would probably be best if I combined my editors with his, to create a sort of program package, so he doesn't have to recode editors I've already done unless he wants to.

As for the differences between the NES SMB3's: very small minute differences (text, a routine address changed here and there) that probably won't be a problem a building an editor around (I dunno, the Japanese version's offsets might be slightly off).

Hukka: if there's any information you need, either PM at any time or visit #rom-hacking at I can be a bottomless pit of source. I just hope something doesn't happen and you have abandon this project. We need a better SMB3 editor

Yeah, an all-in-one (well, almost) SMB3 editor would be a great thing to have. My editor is still in very early stages so I can't say for sure what kind of difficulties I might come across, but at least I have the M3I sources which are pretty helpful. At least I promise to release my source code if I abandon this project.

Jaspile : Sure thing. As for editing features, I would like to include DD's tools as already discussed, text editing, and proper editing of lock positions.
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Posted on 07-14-04 04:16 AM Link
Looks better. I have a question though...

Does this have an overworld editor? If not, will it?

I would like to hack SMB3 with this editor... looks organized, too. Could you make it drag-and-drop? If not, oh well...

Red Koopa
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Posted on 07-14-04 04:18 AM Link
holy crap this looks nice... so much potential... i personally are not into hacking SMB3, but I do think with DD's help you can make this tool invaluable to those who are. keep up the good work, and remember, DD is the SMB3 god so listen to everything he says

King Yoshi
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Posted on 07-14-04 04:25 AM Link
Nice... looks MUCH better than the other two editors (And by better, more user friendly ) That is a + in my book . Take your time so that there are no bugs, and please add an undo button (If you get the chance that is)

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Posted on 07-14-04 05:10 AM Link
Sweet editor. I also would like to be a beta tester.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 07-14-04 06:15 AM Link
The third SMB3 editor that exists, nice. Hopefully it works better than the two current SMB3 editors. (Acmlm's editor isn't that finished, and I don't like lincolns DOS based Editor...)

What is it programmed in? I'm just curious...

Ah, I didn't see that... it's programmed in Delphi. Nice. That's the only programming language I have mastered too so far...

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 07-13-04 09:37 PM)

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Posted on 07-14-04 06:24 AM Link
Originally posted by hukka

Coby : I'm coding it in Delphi 7. The loading and rendering code is based on M3I's C routines translated to Delphi and improved upon.

It does look very nice so far. Alot of editors are popping up lately..heh...I wonder what's next?

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Posted on 07-14-04 07:21 AM Link
Lookin' great so far. The sky color will be fixed though, right?

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-14-04 08:48 AM Link
This is only a suggestion of course, but you know what would be an awsome feature with this editor? A built in emulator like SMB Utility, that way you can test the levels before you save'em on the ROM
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