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There's a BARB in my EYE!
No reregistering, Mr. Permabanned!
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Since: 06-27-04
From: the middle of fu**ing nowhere...

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Posted on 07-16-04 07:31 AM Link | Quote
"I'm cot one to give up, so I'm not going to. Do your worst."

Shifting his footing, Shadow readies himself for anything that might happen.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 07-16-04 09:28 AM Link | Quote
Janus' shoulders slump, and he bows his head.

Janus: "If that is what you wish... I shall oblige."

Janus closes his eyes, takes out his recently gotten gaming artifacts, and concentrates.

"Shadow, now I will show you the true extent of my abilities. As I recall and control varied abilities from gaming history, so do I have the ability to shape and mold them as I see fit. I can combine techniques, improve upon them, and basically modify them so they fit my current situation. So shall I do with these three devices right here."

Janus continues to concentrate, as the two Materia begin to break apart. As they dissolve, he sets his bag on the ground, kneels, opens the bag, and lets them fall into it. He then takes the Deagle and places it in the bag. A bright flash suddenly emanates from the bag, and dies down as fast as it came, and Janus places his hand in the bag and withdraws a new weapon: A strange, silver and teal pistol comes out, crackling with electrical energy. Janus stands up. As he holds the gun, his hand shakes, and his voice stutters. He is clearly afraid to use this new weapon.

"S-shadow, the average .50 caliber Deagle round weighs roughly 350 grams. F-fired at the normal m-muzzle velocity it's enough to pierce a kevlar vest. M-my ability to combine these items has given it a m-massive increase in velocity. The lightning energy has charged the gun so that it now f-fires its bullets at 186000 miles per second -- th--the speed of light--and electricity. However, this causes the bullet itself to become unstable, meaning it's useless--as a normal gun--and c-can no longer pierce armor. That's fine with me, because the increased muzzle velocity gives it a n-newfound degree of power that I'm s-sure you'll find interesting."

Janus steels himself, stops stuttering, and takes aim with the weapon at where Shadow's voice came from. It didn't matter if he was on the mark, Shadow'd get the message soon enough.

"Einstein's Theory of Relativity states that a large amount of energy can be wrought from a small object. His most famous formula, where energy equals an object's mass times the speed of light squared, proves that if traveling fast enough, any object can gain a massive amount of kinetic energy. This bullet will be traveling that fast. Do the math, Shadow. When it hits anything, it'll strike with an amount of energy comparable to over 2000 pounds of dynamite exploding! The sheer shockwave alone is enough to annihilate an office building! Can you handle that?"

Aiming at a tree near Shadow's relative location, Janus screams in anxiety, "And the worst part of it all is this is just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG!"

His eyes glowing that eerie blue color brightly, Janus fires!

(edited by Grey on 07-16-04 12:32 AM)
There's a BARB in my EYE!
No reregistering, Mr. Permabanned!
Level: 38

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Since: 06-27-04
From: the middle of fu**ing nowhere...

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Posted on 07-17-04 12:08 PM Link | Quote
Running for his life, Shadow can only pray that his opponents weapon will strike a tree. With all of the strength that he could muster, Shadow leaps into the air.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 07-17-04 08:38 PM Link | Quote
As the shot hit the tree Janus was aiming for, the force of the shot blew the tree open, scattering chunks of wood everywhere and blowing another shockwave outward from the tree, clearing every tree in a 100 foot radius. If he's in the air, Shadow should go flying, and will have to watch out for scattering trees. As for Janus, all that force requires an equal and opposite force. Janus is sent flying through the air due to the recoil from his weapon and is slammed into a tree, but still manages to control the gun enough to fire another explosive bullet, this time more towards Shadow's general direction.

Janus: "I told you, Shadow. I told you I wanted to end this fight. You still have a chance to give up, this is just hurting both of us. I can't take much more, and I know you can't either. Do you surrender?"
There's a BARB in my EYE!
No reregistering, Mr. Permabanned!
Level: 38

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Since: 06-27-04
From: the middle of fu**ing nowhere...

Since last post: 414 days
Last activity: 297 days
Posted on 07-25-04 07:50 AM Link | Quote
"It is not in me to surrender!", yells Shadow.

Thinking frantically, Shadow gets an idea. Grabbing a rope from his belt loop, Shadow starts twirling it in a form reminiscient of a lasso. Lassoing the explosive bullet, He swings it around his head and releases it into the general direction that it came from.

OOC: I'm assuming that your bullet is moderately fist-sized based on the punch that it packed from the last explosion.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 07-25-04 08:47 AM Link | Quote
OOC: Fairly incorrect, the bullet is normal sized, weighs 350 grams, travels at 3X10^3 meters per second, and is charged with 3.15X10^12 joules, which is about 1.3 tons of dynamite. In short, my friend, a small object has wrought a huge amount of energy. Also, the damn thing's traveling at light speed, how the hell are you gonna lasso it?

And another thing, I'm not ignoring the massive pain that's coming from firing these things, you mind not ignoring the gigantic explosions erupting all around you?

Bracing himself, Janus empties his clip (that's five more bullets), digging a Janus-shaped hole in the tree, the bark digging into his back but otherwise not hurting him (the tree is making an excellent brace). Expect massive explosions all around Shadow.
There's a BARB in my EYE!
No reregistering, Mr. Permabanned!
Level: 38

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Since: 06-27-04
From: the middle of fu**ing nowhere...

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Posted on 07-25-04 08:55 AM Link | Quote
Massive explosions being wrought all around him, Shadow gets hit on the edge of one or two. Clinging onto the edge of life, Shadow weakly asks,

"How about a compromise? If not, I'm just going to throw everything that I have at you, and you'll return the favor. No one'll make it out alive, and we'll not be the wiser because of it. Not all conflicts have to end in violence, you know."
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 07-25-04 09:01 AM Link | Quote
Reloading his gun's clip, Janus holsters it and wrenches himself out of the tree. It's obvious that he's in no condition for fighting any more. Bruised, bleeding, and weary from the shots fired, Janus requires the support of his bag just to stand.

Janus: "If you truly understand that, then I don't think I need to fight anymore. Truce?"

Janus leans toward Shadow, and extends his hand.

"You're right, not all conflicts have to end with violence, I let this get out of hand. If you won't, then I surrender."
There's a BARB in my EYE!
No reregistering, Mr. Permabanned!
Level: 38

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EXP: 344540
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Since: 06-27-04
From: the middle of fu**ing nowhere...

Since last post: 414 days
Last activity: 297 days
Posted on 07-25-04 09:05 AM Link | Quote
"I won'tlet a match so well and closely fought by us both be called a win for either of us. With your consent, I'd like to declare this match a draw. you are truly a worthy opponent."

Shadow takes Grey's hand, and shakes it with all of the strength that he can muster.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 07-25-04 09:42 AM Link | Quote
Janus: "A draw it is, then. Now if you'll excuse me, I need some medical attention."

Janus sits on his bag and floats away from the scene of the battle, proud of his performance and glad he was able to meet a new friend. Looking down, he notices the giant craters he and Shadow managed to make.

"Sheesh, this place looks like an episode of DBZ... Remind me to never do something like that again..."

Janus takes his gun, closes his eyes, and opens them, glowing the same blue color. Almost instantly the gun disappears, never to be seen again. As Janus floats off into the sunset, he reflects, and wonders. Why does he fight? What is he fighting for? Will he regain his lost cause? Janus decides that he does not know the answer to any of this, but someday, he will find out.

"Later, Shadow. You were definitely a challenge."
There's a BARB in my EYE!
No reregistering, Mr. Permabanned!
Level: 38

Posts: 414/622
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Since: 06-27-04
From: the middle of fu**ing nowhere...

Since last post: 414 days
Last activity: 297 days
Posted on 07-27-04 05:54 AM Link | Quote
"As were you", Shadow says to himself, somefow empathically knowing what his newfound friend was thinking.

"Perhaps someday we can do battle side by side."
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