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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - RPGs ... Do you prefer random or visible battles ? | |
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Which type of battles do you prefer in an RPG ?
Alternative question: Do you are annoyed of random battles; or do you dislike visible enemys due to the fact you can dodge them ^^; ?
I like visible enemies, I can decide when I want to fight them and when not
43.2%, 16 votes
I'm preferring random battles, easier level ups; plus rare enemies are harder to encounter
29.7%, 11 votes
If the game provides it ... a mix both of them (like in Lufia II; random battles on the overworld, visible enemies in the dungeons)
27.0%, 10 votes
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Slash Dafter

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Posted on 07-04-04 05:28 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kasumi-Astra
Personally, I think the Ocarina of Time battle system is the best, there's no reason why games can't have realtime battle systems like this in it. Mana has showed us that this sort of gameplay can include EXP gain too, so why haven't we seen any more realtime battles? Because developers aren't confident enough to go beyond what is accepted in the RPG world today. It's the slowest moving genre in gaming history.

I agree with you 100% on this whole paragraph. I think the reason developers never implement this far superior battle system is because they don't want to lose fans that don't like it.

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Posted on 07-04-04 09:05 PM Link | Quote
I prefer a mix of the two systems.
Visible fights that stay in one spot are the best, as long as there's a way to regenerate them (it's perfect if they're always there); that way I can pick when I want to fight and when I don't want to fight.
But the random system is good as well, because that can add some challenge; especially in dungeons where you don't get warped out after you beat the boss.

So, some kind of a mix is good, but I haven't gotten to play a game with a mix of the two yet.
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Posted on 07-04-04 11:55 PM Link | Quote
Final Fantasy: Crystal chronicles comes to mind... about a realtime RPG. (there is no EXP system thought, instead there is this artifact system. Which I actually like)
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Posted on 07-05-04 12:14 AM Link | Quote
I prefer random battles.

Visible battles in the games I'm familiar with (FF Mystic Quest, Chrono Trigger) don't usually give you a choice as to whether you want to fight at all! Most times the enemies are located at choke points that you have to go through in order to get to your objective, so there's really very little "fight or flight" decision involved.

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Posted on 07-05-04 12:59 AM Link | Quote
Random battles! Even though they did bother me when they'd happen every other second..unless you got those special thingys.

Even if there's visible ones sometimes there's no escaping that mighty monster person. I didn't mind the visible ones either. Usually I just don't care which and I just play.

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Posted on 07-05-04 02:42 AM Link | Quote
visible enemies, like in chrono trigger, the game that has the coolest and most original batle system evar!

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Posted on 07-05-04 06:10 AM Link | Quote
To break the tie of 9 votes each, I'm going to say visible battles. It's just nice to know when you're going to battle, and you can avoid it if you wish.
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Posted on 07-06-04 01:12 AM Link | Quote
Hehe, currently it is 10 : 9 for visible battles, quite interesting
From a German community thinking, I thought the majority would sum up on visible battles beforehand.
Grandia I and IIs battles were nice; mostly you easily could avoid nearly every enemy ... but if you did that and were on really low levels (especially low magic and weapon levels), it did extend the boss battles for sure; while it was just easy if you took the time to defeat every enemy group in a region ... there were quite much in that game
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Posted on 07-06-04 08:42 AM Link | Quote
What was cool though was Chrono Trigger. You fought the enemies on the same screen you were already in. That game of course had visible enemies. Which was cool. Because you fought them on the same screen. And sometimes they were random in a few areas. But they were still on the same screen. Which was cool. Damned inability to change my vote to a mix between the two

(edited by Kyouji Craw on 07-05-04 11:43 PM)


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Posted on 07-06-04 11:45 AM Link | Quote
I like a mix; The Golden Sun thing. Enemies invisible, bosses visible. I like to see what I'm up against. It does it more often in GS2:TLA
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Posted on 07-06-04 07:12 PM Link | Quote
Depending on the game, I like them both. But I prefer random battles, for sure.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 07-10-04 10:31 AM Link | Quote
Visible. You don't have the annoyance of unexpected battles, you can avoid weak enemies that aren't worth your time (or head back to an inn without being killed), and you get an idea of what you'll be fighting before the battle. (Sure, you can run away... Sometimes. "Couldn't run!" Sound familliar? Plus sometimes they whack you before you get a chance to move.) Mario RPG did an excellent job with it. Of course, that's a lot of extra sprites to render; sometimes it's not possible. In that case, I prefer Pok

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Posted on 07-11-04 12:34 PM Link | Quote dosen't really matter to me. No preference either. Of theres a battle system that will work alongside with how to get in battles, then I'm fine.
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 07-12-04 08:21 PM Link | Quote
Well, let's see... One way I liked was in Lunar and Lunar 2, visible where they do appear, and none on the overworld. And they chased you... but they could only go so far, which made it not be so bad.

Or, there was also the way visible enemies were done in Earthbound... there was no overworld that I recall. Everything was connected to something. I'll go for a stretch and say that Underworld place, which did have fights, but I can't remember if you could see them or not.

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Posted on 07-14-04 12:22 PM Link | Quote
Secret of Mana-esque visible enemies with action-style fighting is my favorite. Then visible enemies with normal RPG-style menu fighting, like Earthbound, where you can influence the battles by your actions on the map - i.e. approaching the enemy from the rear gets you a surprise attack, and you can automatically win vs. weaker enemies. After that comes random battles with action fighting, like Super Ninja Boy. And finally, random battles with menu fighting. So boring.

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Posted on 07-14-04 01:55 PM Link | Quote
I prefer random all the way. For one, more of an adventure feel, cause "adventure" means you don't know what the hell is going on. If you know you have to fight, where's the excitement? If you know what you are gonna fight, then where's the "oh shit!" value. If you know what you are gonna fight, then you can come up with a way to avoid it, which is more ninja like than RPG-like. You aren't a ninja, unless you are playing Ninja Gaiden... (besides, that's an adventure/action game, not an RPG)

Jagori, your bringing in SoM is an enterly different battle system. Real time vs ATB isn't even comparable... Real time is and forever shall be far superior, but this isn't a battle system comparison. This is a battle method (or something) comparison.

Oh man, so many people wanting visible battles, is everyone that spoiled/lazy?
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 07-14-04 07:14 PM Link | Quote
Ok, Lenophis.

I'll just hand you the controller on my FF7 game, when I have two party members down, no Phoenix Down left (after I spent ALL my money on them...), no Potions, Hi-Potions, X-Potions, Elixir/Megalixirs, and no Ethers of any sort, just Cure spells, and try to get back to the Inn alive. Oh, and no Tents either. Just a half-hour walk (not counting the random fights) to get back to town. Oh, and aome of the enemies are resistant to physical attacks. See my point?

Oh, and if you know what, when, and where you have to fight, where's the frustration that's usually attached to random battles? In many of the games I've played, you have to revisit an early area of the game at some point later on, and the enemies are just too weak to bother with. And, unlike in Earthbound, there's no "you win" box that automatically appears if you're strong enough to win the fight on the first turn, you have to go through the fight and either run or fight, both of which are a waste of time.

(edited by Cheveyo Chowilawu on 07-14-04 10:15 AM)
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