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Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 05-23-04 08:35 PM Link | Quote
We have to dissect frogs in school. It's over a period of many days, so it's not like I can ditch.
I didn't think they still did this. You know, animal rights shit. When it comes to frog dissection, I just imagined that Tiny Toons episode with the Frog in the top hat dancing. Also, I've dissected a cow's eyeball before, so I didn't think it'd be that bad.
We were given a large bucket of dead frogs. Huge bucket.. just piled onto eachother. We picked our frog.. it smelled bad, but at this point it wasn't so awful. When my lab partner (I'm not doing shit. hahaha) opened the mouth, I almost had like, a freak out moment. It was just disgusting.
As we progressed it got more disgusting. And we gotta continue tomorrow. And the next day. Oh jesus. someone got frog juice squirted in their eye.

My point is, it's disgusting, and I'm mad. >=( <-me mad
What have you guys had to dissect.. if anything.

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Posted on 05-23-04 08:41 PM Link | Quote
1) The frogs are grown in a lab. They're pretty much soulless and wouldn't survive a second in nature.

2) If you find a lot of speckled stuff inside, those are eggs (and it's female). My frog last year was about 80% eggs.

3) You can request to do an online version if you don't want to dissect a real frog. We were given that choice.
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 05-23-04 08:42 PM Link | Quote
I did the online wasn't that bad. Took up an entire period too.

There were sound effects, but my computer there didn't sport speakers.

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Posted on 05-23-04 08:51 PM Link | Quote
Yep, we dissected frogs two years ago, not to mention tapeworms and sickeningly enormous grasshoppers.

To be entirely honest, I was apprehensive at first but ended up having a lot of fun. It is incredibly interesting to see all of the internal organs and to point them out and whatnot, and I thought that it makes the whole Biology curriculum into a more hands-on one than most other classes.


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Posted on 05-23-04 09:04 PM Link | Quote
I remember when I dissected a frog. It was a very interesting dissection.

But NOW, in Biology, we're dissecting pig fetuses. Could you handle that?
Ours was female, because it lacked a certain appendage generally on a male, and it had ovaries (I thought they were kidneys at first. )

Mammal dissection is a little different than amphibian dissection.

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Posted on 05-23-04 09:04 PM Link | Quote
I heard that if you didn't want to do the project, you didn't have to and there were other choices you could do to get a grade. I know a few people in my class back in high school took that route.

I love that ep as, I miss Tiny Toons.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 05-23-04 11:30 PM Link | Quote
One day we were going to dissect something on my elementary school (I think it was a cow eye), ironically I was sick on the same day...

And you really wonder how the frogs had it before in the lab.

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Posted on 05-24-04 02:10 AM Link | Quote
Silvershield and I go to the same school, so I had to dissect all those things AND crayfish. It was lots of fun, and it was an excuse to slice something up with scalpels....

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Posted on 05-24-04 04:34 AM Link | Quote
Heh, when I did this back in high school we got extra credit for locating the brain. LOCATING THE BRAIN! jeez...

I don't really think the actual dissection is that nasty. It's the godawful smell of whatever they preserve them in that sucks. They should have given us some sort of chloraseptic spray to block it out.

YD: You said someone got squirted in the eye with juice. Nobody uses protective goggles in your school? At my school we used them for any sort of science experiment, no matter how minor. They're probably most important for Chem though.
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 05-24-04 04:46 AM Link | Quote
We wear goggles, which isn't a bad thing, but every time we do something other than taking notes...

It gets to be a real chore sometimes. Not to mention we get a 0 and have to sing a demeaning song if we don't wear them.
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Posted on 05-24-04 05:10 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Toxic

It gets to be a real chore sometimes. Not to mention we get a 0 and have to sing a demeaning song if we don't wear them.

May I ask what this demeaning song is?
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 05-24-04 05:13 AM Link | Quote
I have it written in my old notebook. It's something along the lines of

On second though, I can't even describe it accurately. It involves 'goggles' and save your eyeballs'

It's lame^124
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Posted on 05-24-04 05:18 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
What have you guys had to dissect.. if anything.
An AOLer.

No, seriously.
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Posted on 05-24-04 05:21 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jesper
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
What have you guys had to dissect.. if anything.
An AOLer.

No, seriously.

Dare I ask you to go further into detail? Or should I just leave it at whatever you just said?

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Posted on 05-24-04 05:22 AM Link | Quote
I got to disect owl fur ball things. You know the stuff they shoot out of their mouth becuase they can't digest it. It was fun we had to put together a rat.
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Posted on 05-24-04 05:29 AM Link | Quote
Oh, and the only things I've dissected are a pig's heart and... actually, that's all... sadly...

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 05-24-04 03:49 PM Link | Quote
We had to dissecate Cow Eyes aswell. I went out of the room after a while because my stomach...


(edited by Millennium Neko on 05-24-04 02:25 PM)
Super Sion

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Posted on 05-24-04 06:46 PM Link | Quote
"Oh jesus. someone got frog juice squirted in their eye."

That has to be the funniest thing Ive ever heard. If I was there I would have been laughing non-stop.

Ive never had to dissect anything and I never will...its one of the benefits of going to an over crowded insect infested probation having school.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-24-04 08:14 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jesper
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
What have you guys had to dissect.. if anything.
An AOLer.

No, seriously.

That's not so bad, there's like nothing in the head anyway.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-24-04 11:28 PM Link | Quote
I think he meant a, seriously...
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