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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Hab SoSlI' Quch
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Since: 03-15-04

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Posted on 05-21-04 06:47 PM Link | Quote
damn cellphone games......I hate you sony...they need to have it on the psp with killer gfx..ill kill em I will

Blue Octorok
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Since: 03-29-04
From: My Own Little World

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Posted on 05-21-04 06:51 PM Link | Quote
FFVII has got to be my favorite game of all time. And I'm a loyal fan of the FF series. I'm sorry, but this... I'm sorry, this is just complete and utter crap.
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Since: 05-16-04
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 05-22-04 03:44 AM Link | Quote
I have a reputation to protect (Must play most of the FFs) so I'll play (like I said earlier, maybe because of the Turks)

(edited by DarkSlaya on 05-21-04 06:45 PM)
alte Hexe

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"But Joe you're ten years dead!"
"I never died" said he
"I never died!" said he
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-25-04 07:50 AM Link | Quote
*laughing my ass off*

Dear god, that game looks terrible...Why, they couldn't even get Amano to do the art, hell, it looks like some random fan boy made the title art during class. And then the game itself looks even worse! Christ, why even make it when it is going to look like that? I mean, graphics aren't anything when it comes to games. But that is laughable.

*dubs this Final Fantasy: The Wand of Gamelon*
Doesn't have a valid sized userpic. ||bass will be pissed :((((((((
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Durkadurkastan!

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Posted on 05-28-04 03:11 PM Link | Quote
The title is fake, I can't think of why Square would use that art for the title of teh game, and the font... ugh.

The screens are probably a fake too. Why would they be hosted on free image sites and not reliable gamer sites?
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Posted on 05-29-04 08:55 AM Link | Quote
Yea, probably fake. Although, speaking of mobile FF, I wonder what kind of games (FF wise) will be capable on the DS? Perhaps FFVII could be ported onto it?

(edited by Kefka on 05-28-04 11:55 PM)
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