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Red Super Koopa

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Posted on 02-05-05 04:04 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ringodoggie
Can somebody tell me the sprite TSA format in the ROM? I've tried many thing and couldn't come up with anything. But I've found the sprite TSA format in the RAM:


YY=y position on the screen

TL=sprite tile number

M=whether or not the sprite tile is mirrored
0=not mirrored 4=mirrored

P=sprite tile palette (0-3)

XX=horizontal position on the screen

Is there a way to use this info to locate the data in the ROM?

Well you just found the SPR-RAM ($200-$2FF) and it's format is the same for every game (though it's range isn't the same, but most games seem to use $200-$2FF)

This can be used to find Sprite TSA, yes. What I do is that using the debugger in FCEUxD, I see a sprite on the screen, I make sure the PPU Viewer is opened up, then I press F2 to pause emulation.

Next I bring up the cheat console and I look in the pattern table viewer for the sprite tile the current enemy animation is in. Remember, SMB3 uses 8x16 sprites, so you have to look for 2 tiles, side by side that match vertically with the sprite on the screen. The tile on the right of the pair (odd numbered) will be the value you search for.

So using the cheat console, search for "value" and the value is the tile number (remember, it's odd!) Then a few matches in th range of 200-2FF should appear. Remember the first address, then close the console and bring up the debugger. Set a breakpoint for writing to the address you copied down. Then press RUN in the deugger.

The debugger should snap immediately. Look in the A register and see if the tile number you're searching for is in that box, if not, press RUN again until the A register contains the correct tile number. From there, scroll up to find the right addresses it's loading from to display the tiles for the sprite. There will almost always be 2 addresses since most sprites are 16x16, but some are 16x32 and you will need to look for 4 addresses.

I know this is a bit confusing, but this is how I do it word for word, I hope you can find this of some use.

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Posted on 02-06-05 06:06 AM Link | Quote
I have something else to fix:

I changed 3-1 into a pipe level, but it has a garbled background that you swim in.

Here's a m3l:

(edited by Ringodoggie on 02-06-05 02:08 AM)

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Posted on 02-08-05 06:21 AM Link | Quote
I was playing with my Mario 3 hack today & when I went into the pipe that leads to the first level in World 4, it crashed & the game restarted back to the Title Screen. Can someone please tell me how to fix it? I would really appreciate it.

Red Koopa
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Posted on 02-08-05 09:49 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ringodoggie
I changed 3-1 into a pipe level, but it has a garbled background that you swim in.

Not sure about that, but I think it's because pipe and water levels don't use the same PRG bank, though it uses the same CHR bank, so there are errors in the routines that makes things such as this background happening...

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Posted on 02-09-05 12:16 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Googie
I was playing with my Mario 3 hack today & when I went into the pipe that leads to the first level in World 4, it crashed & the game restarted back to the Title Screen. Can someone please tell me how to fix it? I would really appreciate it.
Actually, I've had this problem many times long ago. Usually, it tends to be something that's messed up in the level, some objects that have been "changed by themselves" (only if you use Mario Improvement 3; it doesn't happen with SMB3 workshop). Otherwise, it could always be something with the pointer in world 4 that leads to the pipe.

I don't think this helped you much, but you can always take a look if the level has been changed.

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Posted on 02-09-05 01:49 AM Link | Quote
DurfarC That's the whole thing, I never touched World 4 at all. And I never used M3I, when SMB3W came out that's the only editor I used. I played through the other levels & the ROM works fine. I really hope I can get this fixed soon.

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Posted on 02-09-05 02:34 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jaspile
Originally posted by Ringodoggie
I changed 3-1 into a pipe level, but it has a garbled background that you swim in.

Not sure about that, but I think it's because pipe and water levels don't use the same PRG bank, though it uses the same CHR bank, so there are errors in the routines that makes things such as this background happening...

I forgot to mension I changed the world map pointer to go to this level, but with a pipe object set.

Red Super Koopa

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Posted on 02-09-05 03:22 AM Link | Quote
Actually, Pipe and Water levels do use the same PRG-ROM banks, but each object set has a unique tile clear value. When a new level loads, the tile id in RAM is cleared out with a certain value (it's not 0x00!) and the certain tiles are treated different depending on the object set.

What you're SUPPOSED to do is make the first object in a Pipe level be:

Domain: 0
Object: 0C
X: 0
Y: 0

This will override the weird water background that's drawn to clear the level and replace it with a blank black tile. However, here's a fix so that you won't need that object:

0x24488 = 80

This will fix your level for ya Ringodoggie

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Posted on 02-09-05 03:29 AM Link | Quote
Thanks DD

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Posted on 03-08-05 09:26 AM Link | Quote
I didn't see this data anywhere in this thread, so here it is:

$83 Koopa Kids' Health

0x319a How many hits it takes to defeat a Koopa Kid.

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Posted on 03-08-05 11:39 PM Link | Quote
Just a thought, I know I wouldn't be able to do it (on my own, at least), but it would be awesome if there could be like this vertical health bar that appears when you get to the boss (a la Megaman), and (s)he loses a certain number of bars when you jump/fireball it and whatnot.

Red Super Koopa

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Posted on 03-09-05 04:40 AM Link | Quote
Well I've done that in my hack... except the bar is horizontal and in the status bar.

Though it only applies to Koopa Kid bosses, though writing a new routine to handle Boom-Booms wouldn't be too hard, same with Bowser.

(edited by DahrkDaiz on 03-08-05 07:41 PM)

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Posted on 03-16-05 09:01 PM Link | Quote
Okay check this out, I was playing through my SMB3 hack today & when I went to world 3-3 this is how the level starts...

See how Waluigi starts under the floor? To get out from under the floor I gotta swim really fast to escape...

And then the palettes change out of nowhere, I was like WTF?

And when I would go down the pipe to exit the level, the ROM crashes on me. Can someone tell me how to please fix this so the level can go back to normal?

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Posted on 03-18-05 12:39 AM Link | Quote
It looks like the level's corrupted. Trying saving a m3l file of that level from an unmodified ROM, and save it to the offset of the corrupted one in your hack.

Red Koopa
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Posted on 03-18-05 01:54 AM Link | Quote
Starting position, palette and pointer problems? I'd say there's something wrong with the level header...
Did you check all objects in your level to see wether there was some "crash game" object or not ? Or a messing up sprite maybe?

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Posted on 03-18-05 07:33 AM Link | Quote
Varian at TEK helped me with my problem, that was cool. The only thing now is to fix the part where I go down the pipe to exit the level. The ROM still crashes on me.

Another Q is, how do I fix the pipe that leads to the first level in World 4 on the Map Screen? It crashes & the game restarted back to the Title Screen.

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Posted on 04-07-05 11:31 AM Link | Quote
I found this information while practicing ASM hacks with the button presses.

Mario Jumping Routine (applies to every form... big, small, raccoon, etc.)

$AC78:AD 47 A6 LDA $A647 = #$C8
$AC7B:38 SEC
$AC7C:FD 48 A6 SBC $A648,X @ $A648 = #$00
$AC7F:85 CF STA $CF = #$00

0x010658 Jump Height. The higher the value, the higher Mario jumps. This does not apply for when Mario moves and jumps. Just standing jumps.

Red Super Koopa

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Posted on 04-07-05 07:51 PM Link | Quote
Actually, on a bit more study, you'd see that this jump height relative to velocity. The table starts at 0x10658 and ends at 0x1065B. The faster Mario is moving, the farther into the table the game goes into. At max speed, 0x1065B is used. So you can make Mario jump higher and higher depending on speed.

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Posted on 04-07-05 09:31 PM Link | Quote
Ah nice. If only I had looked a little bit more at the RAM. I noticed similar things when I was finding data for SMB2; that data can be right next to each other.

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Since: 03-23-04
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Posted on 04-09-05 07:43 AM Link | Quote
Does anyone have the music data location in the ROM? I want to fix the plains music, and possibly make new music.
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