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In love with a dream..
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-04-04 01:00 AM Link | Quote
Poor guy, it's not the caliber of the gun that counts, it's the company that made them. Everyone knows H&K is ace .

Lantern Ghost
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Posted on 05-04-04 01:01 AM Link | Quote
You should cause him trouble Cthulhu, like pinning blame on him (I.E. Ratting him out whenever he's talking. No-one else in the class will like you doing that but it'll give you some satisfaction.

Or elso do shit like steal his books and things when he's putting them in his bag, etc. Covertly and discreetly...

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Since: 04-04-04
From: R'lyeh

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Posted on 05-04-04 01:04 AM Link | Quote
I already do that. I wish I could beat the hell out of him, but I want my education. The prinicpal will expel me in a heartbeat...If only I knew where he lived...

BTW, he does not live in Plant City, Florida. He lives here in Georgia with me.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 05-04-04 01:04 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yiffy Kitten
Kiwi: We could ask Cthulhu if that's his name...
Toxic: He'll probably still live with his parents (in the basement, most likely) until he's 40, so it doesn't really matter... but GOD FORBID he reproduces! Oh please, someone save humanity! The idiots are really taking over!

Post its IP and maybe we can figure out where it lives. I'll take care of things from there.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 05-04-04 01:37 AM Link | Quote
Now that reminds me of a lame Ad i saw once...


But please...~_~
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 05-04-04 01:37 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
U, if you're out there and you read this, just know that I wish you through this scary and disturbing time. I hope that U makes it through this crisis safe and sound.

Look at what he might do to U....

"ill track u down and hospitilize ur ass."

Maybe we should notify the authorities

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Posted on 05-04-04 01:39 AM Link | Quote
Oh my God, what's he going to do to his poor donkey?

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Since: 04-04-04
From: R'lyeh

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Posted on 05-04-04 01:40 AM Link | Quote
That's Brian for you. He is the only person in school who still replaces "you" with "u". Either way, he said he'd be back on at around 5, so we may have a new round of PMs to see. Then again, maybe not, his cousin owns the computer, and they aren't the kind of people you depend on...

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Cymoro Gaming

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Posted on 05-04-04 02:01 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jilkon
Poor guy, it's not the caliber of the gun that counts, it's the company that made them. Everyone knows H&K is ace .

For him, it's the motion of the ocean, not the size of the boat.

$5.00 says 4 women have said that to him. One not even dating him.

(edited by Cymoro on 05-03-04 05:01 PM)

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Posted on 05-04-04 02:28 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer

The one he sent to Rydain is my favorite. No honestly this guy made my day.

Errr, what do you exactly mean by that, Kitten Yiffer?

Anyway, this Brian Reeves guy sure ranks pretty high in the book of Morons. I mean, come on. He doesn't even know what hospitalize really means, which is basically admitting somebody to the hospital. What the heck is a 9 too? I never EVER heard of a weapon called a "9"... I guess that the decimal in ".45" confused him greatly and he decided to use whole numbers in return.

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Posted on 05-04-04 02:35 AM Link | Quote
The 9 is in reference to a 9mm. And I'm deeply saddened that I didn't rank highly enough to get a humorous PM...
Kitten Yiffer

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-04-04 02:36 AM Link | Quote
Well I found it sort of funny, but sad at the same time becuse.

Whenever an moron is trying to insult an female Admin, they use sexual references.

The funnies is that he is trying to scare us. Well I can scare him with this quote.

From the FAQ:
As well, if you think it's fun to constantly harass us on the board, keep in mind that we can and will contact your ISP and lodge a formal complaint. Many ISP's take harassment very seriously and may deactivate your account.
Have this even happened?

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 05-03-04 05:36 PM)

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Cymoro Gaming

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Posted on 05-04-04 02:46 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
Well I found it sort of funny, but sad at the same time becuse.

Whenever an moron is trying to insult an female Admin, they use sexual references.

The funnies is that he is trying to scare us. Well I can scare him with this quote.

From the FAQ:
As well, if you think it's fun to constantly harass us on the board, keep in mind that we can and will contact your ISP and lodge a formal complaint. Many ISP's take harassment very seriously and may deactivate your account.
Have this even happened?

We almost did when Outlaw X was getting out of control with the Zeon shit.


(edited by Cymoro on 05-03-04 05:47 PM)
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Posted on 05-04-04 02:49 AM Link | Quote
Now if someone would answer my question about what exactly Ninja AE did to get himself so hated I'll be happy. It couldn't just be spam, which is what I've been told...

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-04-04 02:51 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by NSNick
The 9 is in reference to a 9mm. And I'm deeply saddened that I didn't rank highly enough to get a humorous PM...

Well, he's gotta be a little more clear with that, but what can you expect from an idiot. Also, .45's sure are a lot stronger than 9mm's, from what I have observed. Oh well, he's still quite a bit of.

Still, Kitten Yiffer, I recall that the moron used some sexual reference when he was "trying" to insult Yiffy Kitten. Anya wasn't really insulted directly to with a sexual preference, so I guess that your statement is just a little wary.

Though, if he decides to keep that up, I think what you said Kitten Yiffer is a very good idea.
Kitten Yiffer

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-04-04 02:55 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cymoro
We almost did when Outlaw X was getting out of control with the Zeon shit.
Only if the old board was up so I could check this "Outlaw X" user. I remember that name when I did check through the banned users but I never did check his posts.

Ninja AE spammed the forums, and also seemed to be in love in Yiffy Kitten. (in other words Yiffy Kitten got alot of PM's from him, and from his alternate accounts. )

At least contacting the ISP could be an good idea for the people that harass us and uses a proxy. If we know the orginal IP then it's just easy to contact them...

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Since: 04-04-04
From: R'lyeh

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Posted on 05-04-04 02:57 AM Link | Quote
He likes to think he is ghetto, calling them "9s", but he lives out here in the country just like me. And trust me NSNick, he attempted to give you one when you closed that thread in Brain Teasers, but I shut the comp down really quickly. The sexual things shocked me, I didn't think he had enough brain cells left to think of something like that. And as for the being turned down by 4 women, I don't think he even knows that many girls, in fact, I don't think he's ever talked to that many girls. He's nothing but hot air, so ignore it if he PMs you.

Red Koopa
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-04-04 02:58 AM Link | Quote
why do you guys find so much satisfaction in insulting idiots?

Level: 67

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Cymoro Gaming

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Posted on 05-04-04 03:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cthulhu
He likes to think he is ghetto, calling them "9s", but he lives out here in the country just like me. And trust me NSNick, he attempted to give you one when you closed that thread in Brain Teasers, but I shut the comp down really quickly. The sexual things shocked me, I didn't think he had enough brain cells left to think of something like that. And as for the being turned down by 4 women, I don't think he even knows that many girls, in fact, I don't think he's ever talked to that many girls. He's nothing but hot air, so ignore it if he PMs you.

I'm going to tell you now. There are times where you talk too much. This is one of them. Don't do it again.

King Yoshi
"If you stare at something long enough, it can be funny."
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Posted on 05-04-04 03:14 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Havoks
why do you guys find so much satisfaction in insulting idiots?
Because no matter how hard they try, they cant think of anything good enough to get back at us with? I am so glad I dont personally know people like this.
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