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7.3%, 4 votes
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Not Cigs...
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"Hoargh! Take your shoes off!"
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Posted on 05-01-04 07:48 AM Link | Quote
I occasionally smoke, you know; to relieve stress. Do you?
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Posted on 05-01-04 07:50 AM Link | Quote

One time I took a singular puff of a cigar, to help light a firework, but that's my smoking career.
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Posted on 05-01-04 07:51 AM Link | Quote
My smoking career= one of my dad's cigars he let me smoke one time... it was good... but I probably won't be doing it again... It felt too weird.

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Posted on 05-01-04 08:10 AM Link | Quote
I took a puff on my grandpa's pipe once. And nearly coughed myself to death. He just had to teach me how to breathe smoke out of my nose.

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Posted on 05-01-04 08:10 AM Link | Quote
Nope ... never did, never will, I can't stand the smoke and it's only a waste of money

My parents both used to smoke and I hated it ... but they stopped in the last few years
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Posted on 05-01-04 08:17 AM Link | Quote
i smoked weed once,i hated it. NEVER smoke weed, it stays in your body and hair for weeks and i can't get anything on my afro
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Posted on 05-01-04 08:27 AM Link | Quote
I don't like the idea of voluntarily inhaling a toxic gas that corrodes my lungs.
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Posted on 05-01-04 08:39 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Weasel
I don't like the idea of voluntarily inhaling a toxic gas that corrodes my lungs.

Neither do I, which is why I tried a cigar... you don't actually fully inhale the smoke

But I never try it again, it be nasty

Ludwig Von Koopa
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Posted on 05-01-04 08:52 AM Link | Quote
Nope, but my dad does. So I technically do? Nah, I don't. I hate it, sucks up the money and it's always in my hair and clothes. People sometimes say "It smells like cigerettes in here" or "Do you smoke?". It's annoying . Hopefully my dad will quit soon for his own health and ours.

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Posted on 05-01-04 08:53 AM Link | Quote
You may be amazed to hear that I simultaneously go to a fancy liberal arts school and don't smoke.

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Posted on 05-01-04 09:01 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Acmlm
Nope ... never did, never will, I can't stand the smoke and it's only a waste of money

Believe it or not, I've always hated the smoke when my dad was still around, but when I did try smoking, I liked it... weird, eh... It tastes alot different when you're puffing off the cigarette =p <3 menthol
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 05-01-04 09:35 AM Link | Quote
My parents smoked in the apartments we lived in. I was always nauseous. Now they smoke outside in our house, which is nice, but in the car I get ill.

I'll never smoke. Wasting money on cigarettes when I could be buying a slush from 7-11. Omg they rule.
I used to be all YOU SMOKE YOU'RE THE DEVIL (legion remembers, ho ho) but now I really don't care. TRUTH commercials got to me, that's what it was.
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Posted on 05-01-04 09:42 AM Link | Quote
Menthols? Yuck. Oh, and weak too.

Anyway, I smoke.

Smells bad? Yeah, but tastes good. A lot of people think that the smell is how it tastes. Far from it.

Smoking one cigarette takes 7 minutes off your life? Bullshit.

It all depends on your diet and how much excercise you get.

So I might die young? Who cares? I don't want to be old and decrepit sitting in a wheelchair at an old folks home not being able to remember my own name due to some disease. Thank but no thanks. That's not living.

Stress is one of the top killers in the world. And what, pray tell, do cigarettes reduce?

I enjoy cigarettes. It's one of the few things I get pleasure out of these days. I smoke a pack of Marlboro Red 100's (stronger than ANY menthols) a day.

I never have phlem.
I never have smokers cough.
I can run the mile and a half in under 10 minutes which is probablybetter than most of you non-smokers.
I don't get short winded.
I smoke indoors and NONE of my stuff is yellow or stained.
My teeth are perfectly white. (Because I brush them.)
My house doesn't smell like cigarette smoke. (Because I use carpet powder and that scented air spray)

And so on. So let's kill some myths right now. If you take care of yourself and your belongings, then none of that bad shit will happen to you. Durrrr.

Smoking is bad for you....but is it really that bad?
If you catch what I'm saying.

And if you don't like smokers, then get away from us. We have enough problems to deal with. We don't need your dirty looks. Leave us alone!

EDIT: And as for the money? Well, assuming you don't live in a place like NYC, Miami, L.A. etc... then cigarettes are pretty damn cheap.
Slushies YD? You drink it, process it, then urinate it out. That's it. Plus, it's bad for your teeth because of all the sugar.

At least with cigarettes you relieve stress and anger.

(edited by Legion on 05-01-04 12:44 AM)


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Posted on 05-01-04 09:47 AM Link | Quote
Yeah... besides, what you put into your body is your choice. No one can tell you what you can or cannot put into your body. Which is why I think we can get rid of those "truth" commercials that slander the ciggarette industry. I agree with Legion. Here's a little story; my friend got some opium and smoked it with his weed. He was soooo messed up. He said everything became really distict.
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 05-01-04 09:49 AM Link | Quote
"Slushies YD? You drink it, process it, then urinate it out. That's it. Plus, it's bad for your teeth because of all the sugar."
"My teeth are perfectly white. (Because I brush them.)"

okay seriously, I don't care about slushes. I don't know why I brought that up.

Your post reminds me of that South Park episode. I don't remember it well, but some people were teaching the kids about acceptance of all people, saw a smoker on a bench by himself, and harrassed him to no end.
Someone describe that better than I just did.

Blaze Phoenix
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Posted on 05-01-04 10:50 AM Link | Quote
I put "Not Cigs" because I have no interest in trying regular cigarettes, but on rare occasions (about once a year), I will smoke what I consider to be good stuff (high-quality tobacco, clove cigarettes, weed).

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Posted on 05-01-04 10:55 AM Link | Quote
I smoke a pack a day. I have extremely short breath, yellow fingers, and my teeth could be whiter. Do I care or want to stop? No. Because I'm addicted. I can't see myself not smoking, and I have withdrawal symptoms when I don't smoke for more than 12 hours...

But I'll stop. One day... Like when my parents stop paying for them and I realize I'm being dumb. Nicotine patches worked for both of them after smoking for over 30 years, why wouldn't it work for me after 5 (!!) years...

I kind of agree with Legion about how it's better to die early from lung cancer than late with some kind of brain disease, but believe me, you don't want to have lung cancer. Lung cancer, or any cancer for that matter, is one of the most horribly painful and depressing diseases you can EVER get.

This is why I hope euthanasia will be legal by the time I'm 70 or so (if I ever reach that age) -- if I get cancer, or become a full body cripple, or I get a heart attack every week, I don't want to have to put up with the shit, and I don't want my family to fork out money to keep me alive and agonizing. I'll hold a little "Farewell dinner" every week after my first heart attack, and when the time comes, I don't want to come back from the hospital Gimme my lethal injection, and straight to the morgue we go. Actually, to the incinerator, I don't want to wait in a drawer like a moron where some nurse with a necrophiliac fetish will peek at my wiener.

What's that spell?

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Posted on 05-01-04 10:55 AM Link | Quote
I just put sometimes because it's mostly when I'm drunk. When I break out of my leetle cocoon, I'll probably switch to cloves. Pot? Who knows. I did before, ain't nothin' wrong with it.


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Posted on 05-01-04 11:40 AM Link | Quote
Wow. This is coming from a doctor, no less.

What's that spell?

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Posted on 05-01-04 12:31 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Clockworkz
Wow. This is coming from a doctor, no less.

If I'm a doctor, so's Lee "Scratch" Perry. And I wanna get a hookah.
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