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banning people for no reason sure is fun
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Since: 03-15-04
From: The Crossroads is under attack!

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Posted on 09-18-05 06:31 PM Link | Quote
Yes, that's nice.

Anyway, would any relevant people like to continue this conversation or is it pretty much dead?

Red Paratroopa
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Posted on 09-18-05 06:35 PM Link | Quote
i'm kind of hoping alte hex will reply because he is a laugh and a half.
Ramadan Roy

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...Or you'll be wearing your ass for a hat.
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Posted on 09-18-05 06:43 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
Yes, that's nice.

Anyway, would any relevant people like to continue this conversation or is it pretty much dead?

Whoa whoa whoa. Let's not end things before they start getting good here. I'm kinda curious. Don't throw insults at me and then walk away.

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-18-05 06:43 PM Link | Quote
It's pretty much dead, but locking it would be retarded. I think I've said everything I can say so far, so unless someone steps in and has something that I'd actually respond to, I think I'm done.

Red Goomba
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Posted on 09-18-05 11:25 PM Link | Quote
What we really need now is for a higher ranking mod/admin that isn't going to act crazy to comment on this. We can't just have a conversation among users, because that becomes "I think this, I think this too, cool!" We need someone to actualy get in on this who has some power to change the things we have been talking about, so we can have a dialog about them and this can relate to an actual change in what stuff happens.

Giant Goomba
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Since: 06-21-05
From: ....Is this like a custom title?

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Posted on 09-19-05 01:19 AM Link | Quote
That's why it was closed.
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 09-19-05 01:22 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by RF
That's why it was closed.

gtfo noob

Giant Goomba
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Since: 06-21-05
From: ....Is this like a custom title?

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Posted on 09-19-05 01:24 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
Originally posted by RF
That's why it was closed.

gtfo noob

Heh..... Rebel, eh? ......

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-19-05 01:25 AM Link | Quote
You missed the second part. Perhaps you should focus on reading comprehension instead of grammar or spelling.

Giant Goomba
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Since: 06-21-05
From: ....Is this like a custom title?

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Posted on 09-19-05 01:36 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, I read it. I just ignore that kind of crap. It's not like I care anyway. It doesn't effect me if it's from staff, but it's bad to be corrected by a newbie who can't spell his own name.

Coming from a two week banned member can be bad. But coming from staff, that's natural and everything. Pointing out mistakes is what they are supposed to do, and is just a way of saying, "Hey, do better next time." I'm not offended in anyway possible. Heh.... I could care less........

Here's the way I see it. Mod's and Full Mod's want to yell at you every way possible. Admin's don't treat you badly.


Your powers don't effect me, and you set there helpless as you read this.

Yoshi Dude---- 04:39 PM 09-18-05 04:05 PM------ /ppanel/forumban.php?buid=2115-------- 3032

*sigh* You can't take anyone thoughts without trying to hurt them.....*sigh*

Really, I don't know what everyone's problem is with me. I'm nice, but then, you all have to agress. I think you're all against me.

(edited by RF on 09-18-05 04:41 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 04:53 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 04:54 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 05:00 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 05:09 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 05:54 PM)

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-19-05 02:56 AM Link | Quote
Originally by YoshiDude
gtfo noob

RF, for sage advice, see above.

(edited by Thayer on 09-18-05 05:57 PM)
(edited by Thayer on 09-18-05 05:57 PM)

Giant Goomba
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Since: 06-21-05
From: ....Is this like a custom title?

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Posted on 09-19-05 02:58 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally by YoshiDude
gtfo noob

RF, for sage advice, see above.

n00b's are people too!
Yoshi Dude

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Since: 03-15-04
From: give me a number folks.

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Posted on 09-19-05 03:08 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by RF
blah blah blah blah
Your powers don't effect me, and you set there helpless as you read this.


Giant Goomba
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Since: 06-21-05
From: ....Is this like a custom title?

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Posted on 09-19-05 03:08 AM Link | Quote
....Wha? Damn....... BTW, I have nothing against you, but what did I do to you? I read n00b in almost every post you have. And they are mostly toward me.

Ignore the text, focuse on the eyes.

(edited by RF on 09-18-05 06:09 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 06:12 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 06:19 PM)
(edited by RF on 09-18-05 06:20 PM)
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 09-19-05 07:55 AM Link | Quote
*Ahem* By request of Thayer.

Originally posted by Elric
Amen to that! Certain staff members seem to let the power go to their heads, and feel that any who disagree with them are wrong, and should be punished.

No. Staff sets rules, staff enforces rules, people bitch about rules being unenforced, people bitch about other users, people bitch about rules being too harsh, people bitch. You bitch. You are bitching. Please stop bitching about staff, please stop bitching about bitching.
Originally posted by Bit-Blade
It's a damn bloody shame that meaning in this message will not effect much, and probably get into more drama.

It IS well meant, and I agree with a lot of it. Eh... not too sure what else to say. Doubtless some of you that post after this may either close it or repudiate him.

It's "effected" or rather affected me, as you say. I'm pissed. If you don't like the drama, don't participate in it. I wouldn't even be here if I didn't owe Thayer a favor, but here I am, and here I am saying that if you don't want any drama, don't stir the goddamn pot. Go home. Or if you are home, disconnect your LAN cable and take a break. You may find the world less dramatic if you do.
Originally posted by Wopple
Actualy, I believe the board should be entirely unmodded, and all incentives should be removed for post counts. Keep track, certainly, but no levels/avatar-getting etc, or perhaps have it be only by time, not posts. Or some other form of achievement or work.

If the forum was unmodded, there'd be nobody to enforce the rules, and nobody would visit the board because they'd think it was a shitty place where everyone flamed without provocation or restriction. Fail.
Originally posted by Legion
Another sad thing is how people get promoted on this board as well. Speak your mind and the truth, you'll be frowned down upon by the powers that be. (At least the ones that matter.) Kiss ass and don't have a mind of your own? Well, there's promotion for you despite the fact that others very much deserve it far more.

This doesn't apply to everyone though. There's a few who actually deserved it. Like YD.

Originally posted by Wopple
I also don't think you should have to be nice to everyone all the time. Respectfull, certainly, but why should everyone have to sugar coat everything to a mod or admin? In reality, they are here to SERVE the reagular, non-offensive poster, not the other way around. Can't people disagree with them?

I also could do with alot less of mods "giving what they get" when "giving what they get" is a bannable offense for others. Too often threads are closed with a "blah blah you're an asshole hahah!" kind of "I get the last word" remark. Then they are basiclaly using their power to win and or end personal arguments.
Edit: As an addendum, however, I am quite impressed that this thread is remaining open. Kudos to mods and admins.

I don't seem to recall ever abusing my position to wantonly flame people, and if I have, I'm sorry for it. I don't mean to put myself in a position above everyone else. I ask forgiveness, and hope I get it. Thank you.
Originally posted by alte Hexe
Actually, users can tell staff to fuck off in arguments and what not. It's happened before and the only people that enforce "OMG FLAMING STAFF" are the ones that have major issues with themselves. I used to enforce the rule, but I see it as tiring.

Ziff, you push my buttons at times. "Seeing something as tiring" is only feeding what Wopple believes is the case on the board. Do your job, even if it is tiring.
Originally posted by Legion
Ziff, one of these days you'll realize that maybe, just maybe, that you're not perfect and that coming down on others with your holier-than-thou self righteous attitude is not compatible with a "fun board".

Originally posted by Legion
Awww, looks like someone is still a bit bitter. No elitist fanboys please.

Originally posted by Legion
It's a shame that you can't think for yourself and have to auto-agree with someone just because they're your freind. I feel sorry for you. And I think you should hold grudges. People get off too damn easily these days for shit they do.


Originally posted by Legion
Yes, that's nice.

Anyway, would any relevant people like to continue this conversation or is it pretty much dead?


Five, Legion. Five times you've trolled now. Your attacks on Trunxy were incessant and unnecessary. You exhibit hypocrisy in your assessment of Ziff's "holier than thou" attitude by making yourself out to be somehow better than him, when in fact you really aren't if you're willing to descend to a level where you have to feel the need to wave your manliness around by calling him on his personal beliefs. You also weakly defend yourself with the standard "IDGAS" attitude that is again shattered to pieces by the fact that yes, you do give a shit enough to reply. Stop faking, and start doing your job as a member of staff. I respect you, and I wish you would adhere to the rules and regulations that you will so harshly attack others with and so easily lighten for still more. Staff should be indiscriminate, and you fail in that aspect, unfortunately.

Here, you will more than likely attack me for the same thing I attacked you with, but there is a difference: Where you accept your hypocrisy and embrace it with said standard IDGAS defense, I am willing to correct any misgivings I may have presented, and do my best to continue to set a good example for those around me. Take note, for example, that unlike you I have yet to flame a single person in this reply, and I am doing my best to keep my temper (which by reading this thread has begun to overflow ever so slightly) in check. I may be posturing above everyone else in this assessment, but that is because rankwise on this board, I AM above everyone else. I hate to say it, because this will invite fire from ALL sides, but I am a full moderator here, and it is my job to enforce the rules that I have pledged with my acceptance of this job to their fullest extent. There IS no excuse for obeying and enforcing law, and there is no reason whatsoever why I should not act against any injustice I see.

That, Legion, is a true "Holier than thou" attitude, much tighter and more balanced with my personal opinions than yours or Ziff's is. I accept it, because it is a part of what I am supposed to do on this board. I accept it, I move on, and I do my job. I think you should, too.

Now, this is going to close. This is going to stay closed unless someone of higher rank than me feels that it really does need to open. If anyone else opens it, I will close it again, and I will keep closing it as many times as I see fit, or so long as the rules of the board are disobeyed. This is my job, this is what I have to do, and this is what I want to do.

And Thayer? One Favor owed, one Favor redeemed.

MY INTIAL EDIT: Ah, nearly forgot something:

I think that's interesting, but I really feel the most appropriate course of action is bawk bawk bawk bawk. I AM A CHICKEN DANCE MAN. BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK

EDIT again: Bound by the rules I have placed in my favor thread, I am overriding my previous statement, and re-opening this thread by request of Thayer. One favor owed, one favor redeemed.

THIRD EDIT: Telling people the path of my edits.

(edited by Guilty Grey X on 09-18-05 11:02 PM)
(edited by Guilty Grey X on 09-19-05 01:30 AM)
(edited by Guilty Grey X on 09-19-05 08:55 AM)
banning people for no reason sure is fun
Level: 101

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Since: 03-15-04
From: The Crossroads is under attack!

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Posted on 09-19-05 01:23 PM Link | Quote
I notice, Grey, that you didn't edit your post to point out to everyone else the glaring hypocrisy in your smear campaign against me.

You see, the thing is people, he did the very same thing to me that I apparently did to others. Marvelous! Fa fa fa!

Anyway, this thread has been closed and re-opened about 390834 times now. And that, dear readers, is a fun fact.

The more you know =====*

Dun dun dun dunnnn!
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Posted on 09-19-05 05:14 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Guilty Grey X

Here, you will more than likely attack me for the same thing I attacked you with, but there is a difference: Where you accept your hypocrisy and embrace it with said standard IDGAS defense, I am willing to correct any misgivings I may have presented, and do my best to continue to set a good example for those around me.

That, Legion, is a true "Holier than thou" attitude, much tighter and more balanced with my personal opinions than yours or Ziff's is. I accept it, because it is a part of what I am supposed to do on this board. I accept it, I move on, and I do my job. I think you should, too.

Hypocrisy duly noted in initial post. No need for an edit to do so. You lose again, Legion, though it's not really at something you'd give a shit about.
banning people for no reason sure is fun
Level: 101

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Since: 03-15-04
From: The Crossroads is under attack!

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Posted on 09-19-05 05:18 PM Link | Quote
The reason I brought up the edit part was that I thought you were going to let others who might not have seen it know. You know, so I don't look nearly as bad as you made me out to be.

And lose at what? What's going on that I should know about?

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-19-05 05:45 PM Link | Quote
Incidentally, the below statement accompanying the bottom of Grey's post is what I requested, not the rest of it:

I think that's interesting, but I really feel the most appropriate course of action is bawk bawk bawk bawk. I AM A CHICKEN DANCE MAN. BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 09-19-05 05:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
The reason I brought up the edit part was that I thought you were going to let others who might not have seen it know. You know, so I don't look nearly as bad as you made me out to be.

And lose at what? What's going on that I should know about?

Nothing really, you just made yet another unfounded claim that I refuted...

In any case, I'm confused: Do you give a shit or not?

EDIT: Path of edits revealed.

(edited by Guilty Grey X on 09-19-05 08:55 AM)
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