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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Chat - The Official "Whine About the Astronomical Impact An Internet Message Board Has On Your Life" Thread | | Thread closed
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Since: 09-15-04
From: RATE

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:39 AM Link
Who do you want to tell you? Everyone above LM is screwed temporarily.
Maybe if you looked at the staff and saw that they all got messed with, you'd see this. DUH.
Nobody is accusing Sion seriously. It's a funny coincidence that this happened right when the stupid Manda's board thing happened.
Take a chill pill.

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:40 AM Link
If you are truly so concerned with being a staff member, you can start by not flaming others and referring to them as "little chicken shits."
It wasn't left and right, it's all speculation. no one here is sure of what happened, let the discussion go. you can disagree, but you do not need to throw a fit and demand this thread be closed because people do not share you r views.

Do you know why no one told you? Because no one needs to. It is not a necessity that you know exactly what's going on. no one told me either, I just figured it out. it wasn't that hard either.
Cruel Justice

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Since: 03-20-04
From: Darkwoods Penetentiary

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:40 AM Link
Originally posted by Clockworkz
I will find who did this and kill them. NO one fucks with Acmlm's and get's away with it!
The board shall run red with the blood of my enemies!
*runs off to warn staff who hasnt done anything yet*

Dude, shut up.
If they wanted to waste our accounts they will. I've seen this before, this has happened to TEK and it was bound to happen here. According to Xk, the php code for acmlm boards have so many security holes that the hacking becomes no surprise. Worse comes worse, we go our separate ways and move on... It's really nothing to get worked up about. They won't do anything more than annoy us so be prepared. I'm sure that acmlm will make a new board otherwise an admin will do so in his stead.


"Hoargh! Take your shoes off!"
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:41 AM Link
For inforamtion, I never accused Sion. I'm posting info I gathered from two sources. I accused Xkeeper and Sutter. NEVER did I mention Sion's name. Yeah. Try readding a little more in depth.

(edited by Clockworkz on 09-15-05 07:41 PM)
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:41 AM Link
Guys, chill out.

Something has happened, but there's no point getting all worked up over it, blaming people, etc. And I don't think it's nice to lay into Yoronosuku either.

Just chill out, go about doing something else for now.

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Since: 09-15-04
From: RATE

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:43 AM Link
The accounts weren't wasted. They got changed and nobody can log in to change it back until a higher up gets online. They'll all get changed back eventually, just cool off.

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:43 AM Link
I'm not "laying into Yoronosuku", I'm just making it clear that I don't care for her attitude.

Cymor0 (4:41:11 PM): Someone tell Danielle that AsukaFan is taking credit for this, and is saying that s/he and Sion and XK did it
(he said danielle because he didnt know I can post)


I think registration is down.

On another note, yeah, AsukaFan is taking credit, and I highly doubt his/her technical skills. Tom, since you're A-OK, I'll need to talk to you. Also, everyone else shut up. It's giving me a headache.

See you guys on the other side.


(edited by Dann on 09-15-05 07:46 PM)


"Hoargh! Take your shoes off!"
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:45 AM Link
Requested post from Darkslaya

Phil Fallenangel: In the "Numbers?!" thread please say (on my name):
"Wtf? I thought you people were supposed to listen to staff. I don't see why this change now that the board was hacked. Please listen to Local Mods, even if they're out of their forum"
Cruel Justice

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Since: 03-20-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:45 AM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
The accounts weren't wasted. They got changed and nobody can log in to change it back until a higher up gets online. They'll all get changed back eventually, just cool off.

Exactly... it's kinda funny though.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:46 AM Link
Well, I see nothing wrong with Yoronosuku's attitude -- I'd be upset too if I had to sit here and watch people accuse a friend of mine.

As for her being a local mod, it shouldnt' matter -- the staff here try to work as a team and help out when we can, and I see nothing wrong with Yoronosuku asking the people her to cut out the spam, and chill out. It shouldn't matter if she's not the mod of this forum at all.

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Since: 09-15-04
From: RATE

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:47 AM Link
It wasn't Sion, it wasn't Asuka, and we have NO PROOF it was Xk. Stop jumping to conclusions, jeeze.

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:47 AM Link
"Wtf? I thought you people were supposed to listen to staff. I don't see why this change now that the board was hacked. Please listen to Local Mods, even if they're out of their forum"
yeah? well I'm a full mod, and I say speculation is allowed. people aren't going to stop talking if this thread is closed.

or does my word only count when I'm able to access my forum? please explain how she is above me and is allowed to flame.


Bullet Bill
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:48 AM Link
Look, my "attitude" might be from a number of things. I'm aware I shouldn't have brought it in to the board but a combination of this chaos plus earlier in the thread really threw me over the edge. I would hope if youe ven knew me a LITTLE you can tell I'm not usualy like this..but then again, I'm used to "blending in". I never stick out much--that sure has changed, huh? ._.

And besides the chicken shits comments, which was IMEDIATLY edited and I know it was out of line, where did I once flame? Or even SAY I was above you? Please, lets just let this one go..

(edited by Yoronosuku on 09-15-05 07:50 PM)

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:50 AM Link
actually I know you don't usually act like that. just relax yourself.
it's all good.


oh, how would I know you were to edit out the flame? I saw it, I commented on it. there you go.

(edited by Dann on 09-15-05 07:51 PM)

King Yoshi
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:52 AM Link
*Comes back from ice cream, notices board is skewered*

Crap.. wait...

*Notices BOTH Po100Trials are gone*

Hackers suck so much.

Please tell me we have a recent backup of the board that the threads can be pulled off of.

Guys, listen to the mods for a while, alright.

(edited by KATW on 09-15-05 07:52 PM)


"Hoargh! Take your shoes off!"
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 04:52 AM Link
From Darkslaya (again)

Phil Fallenangel: I just want to say "Sorry, YD, didn't mean to be rude, but I just don't want to see people pointing fingers at others without basis. And of course, I can't say I'm any better, acting like I am now. I'll wait until I can post on my own before saying anything else."

(edited by Clockworkz on 09-15-05 07:52 PM)

Local Moderator
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Since: 09-15-04
From: RATE

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:53 AM Link
Just chill out. You can be staff without insulting members, whether they accused your friend or not.

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Cymoro Gaming

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Posted on 09-16-05 04:55 AM Link
Guys, I'm closing this. Take a break from the board for two seconds, go outside, do something other than here. We're working on the problem, and we'll let you know when the staff are back to normal. I'll then re-open it.

Until then, keep the drama to a minimum, because I will slap the shit out of you if need be.
Come on babe, pet the pussy ;)
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 09-16-05 05:54 AM Link
I'll reopen this (for now at least) so you guys have a place to rant/whine/cry/discuss this.

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Since: 03-18-05
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Posted on 09-16-05 05:57 AM Link
Originally posted by Yiffy Kitten
I'll reopen this (for now at least) so you guys have a place to rant/whine/cry/discuss this.

Thank God everything is backto normal(exept the post count but its going to be fix or so it says in the announcement). Good job staff.

(edited by Eval on 09-15-05 08:57 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Chat - The Official "Whine About the Astronomical Impact An Internet Message Board Has On Your Life" Thread | | Thread closed


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