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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Should the minimum age for consensual sex be the same for all states and each sex?
From the following list of choices, please choose one and then post giving your reasons for choosing that choice.
Yes, it should be 18.
24.1%, 7 votes
Yes, it should be 16.
44.8%, 13 votes
Yes, it should be 14.
13.8%, 4 votes
It's fine as it is currently.
3.4%, 1 vote
No minimum age for consensual sex.
13.8%, 4 votes
Multi-voting is disabled.

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Red Koopa
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Posted on 09-22-05 09:43 AM Link | Quote
16!!! You guys are just too frisky, but then again I'm 21, so it's easy for me to pick an older age(18)
The Sage Of Time

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Posted on 09-23-05 09:18 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Zer0wned
Are you encouraging pedophiles? I used to know one, he convinced pre and barely pubescent girls to mess around with him, he said they liked it. Consenting or not, liked it or not, that can have serious negative repercussions in the future. Persuasion, tricking, guilting, or even scare tactics can be passed off as "consent" if done correctly. I know how at least this one works because I got to know him and got inside his head.

Alright, one thing here.. There is a big difference between those two things. A big difference between consent and liking it, and being tricked\scare tacticed into it and not. The latter is rape, plain and freaking simple, the former is not. You cannot say the latter can be passed off as consent, it cannot be.. Yea, some people bottle up such encounters, get screwed up in the head, but so do ANY rape victims, no matter the age.

The former is a matter of choice, and if both parties are fine with it and enjoy it, I don't see the problem. Society is messed up, we see certain pairings as "wrong" and such, this is why gay people have such a hard time, for lack of a better example.. Age means very little in this, it's just the younger you are the more vulnerable you are to rape, this is undeniably true.. But you cannot generalize a sexual preference (Gay, Pedophile, Whatever) and make everyone out to be monsters for it, it just does not work that way.. But it's only the people who rape, who cause damage and do crap like that who get any attention, they are the ones that show up in the media, that give everyone a skewed impression.

As far as I have ever seen, Pedophile -for example- is not wrong. It is a preference, a biological uncontrollable preference, just like Gay, Straight, Bi, or anything else.. The problem people have with it, is they automatically thing Pedophile = Child Molester\Raper. That is as ridiculous as saying Gay = AIDS\Disgusting Sodomy\Whatever. You cannot bundle it up like that.. It does not work that way.

Yea, be defensive if you want when you (anyone) respond, but if you can come up with a valid point against this without using "sicko" or any variation of that word, or without expressing disgust in your opinion of it.. Then I sure do welcome the argument. I have yet to see anyone manage it, because what I said is true. (Also, before you jump on maturity, keep in mind that everyones maturity is different. You cannot generalize any age as mature. And you shouldn't be the one to decide for someone what is "mature enough" when it comes to sex. As long as the sex is done in safe practice, and both parties welcome it, that should be that.)

Just remember that most people don't have a choice with their sexual preference. If you are straight, you won't like the same sex, the thought of it is probably disgusting or unappealing. If you are gay you probably won't like the opposite sex much, and find it highly unattractive.. In the same case, if you're classified a Pedophile, you're probably not attracted to older people much. (The age range in this case, varies a bit, but usually stays within a preteen-youngteen area.) I'll also add, people become sexually active at a young age, 11-13 range, I find it funny people have tried to repress this over the years, failing miserably and only causing more problems. I know for a "fact" that people are sexually interested even before then, too.. Though to a much, much lesser extent. (Sexual enjoyment is possible at a younger age, though perhaps less feasible to stimulate or consent to. Not something I want to get into anyway as I have little knowledge in it outside of my own childhood.)

What is the point of saying that last bit? Just another final example. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's wrong, sick, and should be outlawed. No disagreements here however, that some people -in all sexual preferences- are bastards for what they do to other people and deserve the full extent of the law on them, no disagreements there at all.

(edited by The Sage Of Time on 09-23-05 12:21 AM)
(edited by The Sage Of Time on 09-23-05 12:22 AM)
(edited by The Sage Of Time on 09-23-05 12:27 AM)

Red Paragoomba
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Posted on 09-23-05 08:14 PM Link | Quote
"As far as I have ever seen, Pedophile -for example- is not wrong. It is a preference, a biological uncontrollable preference, just like Gay, Straight, Bi, or anything else.. The problem people have with it, is they automatically thing Pedophile = Child Molester\Raper. That is as ridiculous as saying Gay = AIDS\Disgusting Sodomy\Whatever. You cannot bundle it up like that.. It does not work that way."

I agree with this completely. The average person only hears about paraphilias when it involves something bad happening. When discussing any paraphilias or sadomasochism (if you don't consider sadomasochism a paraphilia, that is) the general reaction is complete and utter disgust. So many people seem to think that because someone has a wanting for something that they can't control the urge to do it. I'm masochistic, but I don't go around cutting myself. I know an acrotomophilic guy, but he doesn't go around cutting arms off of his partners.

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Posted on 09-23-05 10:16 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Sage Of Time
Originally posted by Zer0wned
Are you encouraging pedophiles? I used to know one, he convinced pre and barely pubescent girls to mess around with him, he said they liked it. Consenting or not, liked it or not, that can have serious negative repercussions in the future. Persuasion, tricking, guilting, or even scare tactics can be passed off as "consent" if done correctly. I know how at least this one works because I got to know him and got inside his head.

Alright, one thing here.. There is a big difference between those two things. A big difference between consent and liking it, and being tricked\scare tacticed into it and not. The latter is rape, plain and freaking simple, the former is not. You cannot say the latter can be passed off as consent, it cannot be.. Yea, some people bottle up such encounters, get screwed up in the head, but so do ANY rape victims, no matter the age.

The former is a matter of choice, and if both parties are fine with it and enjoy it, I don't see the problem. Society is messed up, we see certain pairings as "wrong" and such, this is why gay people have such a hard time, for lack of a better example.. Age means very little in this, it's just the younger you are the more vulnerable you are to rape, this is undeniably true.. But you cannot generalize a sexual preference (Gay, Pedophile, Whatever) and make everyone out to be monsters for it, it just does not work that way.. But it's only the people who rape, who cause damage and do crap like that who get any attention, they are the ones that show up in the media, that give everyone a skewed impression.

As far as I have ever seen, Pedophile -for example- is not wrong. It is a preference, a biological uncontrollable preference, just like Gay, Straight, Bi, or anything else.. The problem people have with it, is they automatically thing Pedophile = Child Molester\Raper. That is as ridiculous as saying Gay = AIDS\Disgusting Sodomy\Whatever. You cannot bundle it up like that.. It does not work that way.

Yea, be defensive if you want when you (anyone) respond, but if you can come up with a valid point against this without using "sicko" or any variation of that word, or without expressing disgust in your opinion of it.. Then I sure do welcome the argument. I have yet to see anyone manage it, because what I said is true. (Also, before you jump on maturity, keep in mind that everyones maturity is different. You cannot generalize any age as mature. And you shouldn't be the one to decide for someone what is "mature enough" when it comes to sex. As long as the sex is done in safe practice, and both parties welcome it, that should be that.)

Just remember that most people don't have a choice with their sexual preference. If you are straight, you won't like the same sex, the thought of it is probably disgusting or unappealing. If you are gay you probably won't like the opposite sex much, and find it highly unattractive.. In the same case, if you're classified a Pedophile, you're probably not attracted to older people much. (The age range in this case, varies a bit, but usually stays within a preteen-youngteen area.) I'll also add, people become sexually active at a young age, 11-13 range, I find it funny people have tried to repress this over the years, failing miserably and only causing more problems. I know for a "fact" that people are sexually interested even before then, too.. Though to a much, much lesser extent. (Sexual enjoyment is possible at a younger age, though perhaps less feasible to stimulate or consent to. Not something I want to get into anyway as I have little knowledge in it outside of my own childhood.)

What is the point of saying that last bit? Just another final example. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's wrong, sick, and should be outlawed. No disagreements here however, that some people -in all sexual preferences- are bastards for what they do to other people and deserve the full extent of the law on them, no disagreements there at all.

*knuck hands The Sage Of Time 255 internets

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Posted on 09-24-05 04:44 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by Gauleiter Max
Voting 14. Most people I've met are mature enough at 14. And if you're not getting fucked is a good way to mature quick.

And also what do you mean by "It's fine as it is currently.". It's different over the whole world, and in many different american states.

The poll and conversation was meant to be limited to within the US for discussion of the minimum age limit, apologies. That choice was meant to imply that you were satisfied with the current differences that are out there between states and didn't think that they should all be the same. As for what you said above, I don't think getting screwed over is going to make someone mature any faster, I think it just makes it will just make someone who is an immature dickwad into an even bigger immature dickwad since he can tack on "LOL I GOT LAID AND YOU DIDN'T" into his arsenal of lameness.

Uh. You just said dickwad. You have no authority to call someone immature. D; Honestly, are you some 30 year old who was the only one in high school that didn't get laid? That's really what it sounds like. XD

knuck's argument makes a lot of sense right now.

I think no age, just... they should be like, 5 years apart, tops. I mean seriously, a seventeen year old convincing an eight year old to have sex with him is as much 'rape' as anything statuatory.

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Posted on 09-24-05 04:59 AM Link | Quote
Fine, without the use of "this is sick" blah blah, etc. as I've yet to do anyhow, I'll tell you why these laws should stay.

Let me first re-address and go further into my main point and case, which I had already stated, and you have failed to address.

Children (definition varies per each culture and time in history) are fractions of whole people, they do not have all of their human rights, and on a whole, that seems to work for the better. Key word here is seems.

Those under an age at which the government deems suitable for living on one's own, a child isn't a citizen, a child is property. These laws are there to "protect" (in quotes because not everyone may agree with it being protection) the property of the parents, that is, the children themselves. Under this logic a parent has every right to say they don't want their child to be at risk to get pregnant, because you know who's going to probably have to take care of them? You guessed it! The parents. It's like getting your pets fixed, in a way.

Not to mention, getting pregnant at a young age has risks to both the one getting pregnant and the offspring socially, economically, and physically. If a guy leaves an 18 year old girl after knocking her up, she can get a job if she needed to. If a 11-16 year old gets knocked up and left, she's going to either need government aid, or she'll have to move back in with her parents. Hm, a 13 year old getting pregnant and screwed doesn't seem to work too well for those that vote and those that make the laws, huh?

Pregnancy aside, but staying on the subject of human property, STDs are a large risk these days. STDs cause damage, protection against property damage, plain and simple on this point alone. People are stupid when it comes to sex. They're just (hopefully) less stupid at 18, and no longer property to be protected.

And would those for the opposite of my side please, please, PLEASE, FUCKING PLEASE stop using "they're going to do it anyway" as an argument, that's as stupid as saying we don't need any other laws, because they get broken too. Not to mention it's just plain fucking immature. Rules DO get followed a great deal of the time, even this one, just as many people wait until they're married to have sex, it's no longer necessary, but it does happen quite often anyway.

So in summary, the laws are a result of voters and people that are voted for. The popular, and probably almost unanimous vote wants their children to be protected against sex as best as the law can do until they are no longer their property.

Now, I've managed to argue your points without being ignorant. My apologies for my initial post, which didn't go very much further than pedophilia=bad, I didn't think anyone was gonna come along with a valid defense, so I didn't bother.

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Posted on 09-26-05 08:01 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker
Uh. You just said dickwad. You have no authority to call someone immature. D; Honestly, are you some 30 year old who was the only one in high school that didn't get laid? That's really what it sounds like. XD

Until this post, this thread was actually a fine discussion. gtfo

(edited by Thayer on 09-26-05 11:01 AM)
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 09-30-05 12:04 AM Link | Quote
Was that necessary, Thayer?

Zero, pedophilia, wrong as you or I may think it is, has several different definitions.

There are the people who are around your or my age who happen to be attracted to people who are significantly (e.g. five or six years) younger than them. This attraction could be physical, it could be emotional, it could be both. That doesn't make the older an instant rapist. It means there's an age gap. If respected, no matter what happens later on in life if it really was meant to be a relationship then the fact that they're still a significant age distance apart still applies, but for some reason it just means less. That's kinda deflating.

Then there ARE the rapists, the weirdos that need to satisfy their sexual needs by tricking kids into going into vans and pulling their pants down. That's wrong, but that's wrong because it's rape in the same sense that grabbing someone in an alley and forcing them into it is rape. It should be applied to the same laws that taking advantage of someone sexually is.

Then there are the people who are both underage; did you know that knuck is only 15? How does him liking girls that are 12 years old end up being wrong? Especially since he lives in Brazil. Culture shock! Kids "date". It's actually kinda cute to see. Not SEX, mind you, but I'll cover that one later, because as it stands right now that can only be defended with the argument that "oh it's gonna happen anyway", which I agree with you on in that it's an argument that doesn't have rational thought to it since other laws will be broken alongside it.

The human body matures very quickly in relation to how quickly we are allowed to take advantage of this fact by law. They say that even though you're physically ready to have sex, you're not ready emotionally. Whose fault is that? Society's!

Earlier I said that I believed that people weren't mature enough to have sex until they were about 16 and even then they were just making a mistake. I think I should revise that statement. I think we should be taught about sex earlier. Like, right when our bodies start changing. We're not mature enough because we don't understand ourselves enough. If we are educated, if we learn, if we allow instinct and knowledge to work together, then that is what leads to emotional maturity. We're more comfortable with our bodies, we're able to bear the need to have sex more responsibly, and we're able to take advantage of the fact that we're able to do so with impunity.

Face it, Zero. We're being babied, and as a result we're raising a society where youth relationships are seen as "robbing the cradle", to use a fitting phrase. I still say let the fuckers have what they want, but now I think I'm going to mention that we're perfectly capable of becoming mature before we're allowed to exercise our responsibility.

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Posted on 10-02-05 01:46 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by windwaker
Uh. You just said dickwad. You have no authority to call someone immature. D; Honestly, are you some 30 year old who was the only one in high school that didn't get laid? That's really what it sounds like. XD

Until this post, this thread was actually a fine discussion. gtfo <!-- Actually, I'm 19, you dickwad. -->

19 and still not laid, eh?

I hate to point out more obvious irony, but the discussion was fine until you said that people only get laid 18 or younger so they can brag about it. And they you said dickwad, in which case I replied, and you flamed me in html comments.

Mature. XD

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Posted on 10-02-05 05:44 AM Link | Quote
Actually grey, I'm a little too aware of the attraction to those that are... a little too young in society's eyes. You see, 1 1/2 years ago, I realized that the age of the girls I was being attracted to wasn't exactly growing with my age. So I was faced with the decision as to whether or not I would embrace this attraction, or attempt to supress, deter, or rid myself of this potentially dangerous attraction.

Considering the possible repurcussions (not just the legal ones, surprisingly), I decided I'd talk myself out of it.

I'll admit, I'm still slightly attracted, that I'm okay with, acting upon those impulses is a little different, that I will not do. Let's just ignore my first post, I was tired and didn't really put much effort into that. Not to mention when I think pedophilia, I'm thinking the extremes. I mean pre-pubescent, not even two digits (aka age < 10). I figure after about 12 years old, it's society's call as far as I'm concerned. As for American law, it seems a bit ridiculous to me that there should be absolutely no show of dissapproval towards teenage pregnancy, which parents and the government should have some (despite how limited) right to protect themselves from, seeing as how it's most likely they'll have to care for the result.

Notice that I'm not so much against the relationship, as I am against the possible risks involved. Namely the fiscal (under 18) and physical risks (puberty to ~14). In different countries, the legal working ages and views on women are different, and accordingly, as are the laws on sexual consent.

Face it, Zero. We're being babied, and as a result we're raising a society where youth relationships are seen as "robbing the cradle", to use a fitting phrase. I still say let the fuckers have what they want, but now I think I'm going to mention that we're perfectly capable of becoming mature before we're allowed to exercise our responsibility.
Trust me, I know this firsthand, I've been living on my own since I was 16. But, the people voting want us in school until we're 18, and don't want anyone knocked up until then. BS or not, we just gotta suck it up and deal with it. A common inability to face this as a fact of life shows the voters that we aren't as responsible as we say and think we are, seeing as how governed by our own sex drives we are.

And uh, I had no idea that knuck was from brazil, nor that his age was 15. That changes things a lot, < j/k level=harmless> but now I'm just gonna laugh just at him as I would when I was 15, finding out that one of my friends of the same age got desperate and dated an 11 year old. < /jk> But seriously though, what is your age range, Knuck? We talking budding stage, or like, "I picked my girlfriend up from kindergarten,"?

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Posted on 10-02-05 08:45 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Zer0wned
And uh, I had no idea that knuck was from brazil, nor that his age was 15. That changes things a lot, < j/k level=harmless> but now I'm just gonna laugh just at him as I would when I was 15, finding out that one of my friends of the same age got desperate and dated an 11 year old. < /jk> But seriously though, what is your age range, Knuck? We talking budding stage, or like, "I picked my girlfriend up from kindergarten,"?

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Posted on 10-02-05 09:13 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by knuck

Holy schnikies! Well, good thing you're in Brazil, eh?

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Posted on 10-02-05 09:36 AM Link | Quote
I don't think we have a statuory rape law here, but sexing children still isn't allowed.
I wouldn't try anyway.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 10-02-05 09:57 AM Link | Quote
But you're only 15, how could it be illegal?

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Posted on 10-02-05 10:32 AM Link | Quote
I'm 16.
And I don't really know/care. I wouldn't do it.

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 10-03-05 04:48 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by windwaker
Uh. You just said dickwad. You have no authority to call someone immature. D; Honestly, are you some 30 year old who was the only one in high school that didn't get laid? That's really what it sounds like. XD

Until this post, this thread was actually a fine discussion. gtfo

19 and still not laid, eh?

I hate to point out more obvious irony, but the discussion was fine until you said that people only get laid 18 or younger so they can brag about it. And they you said dickwad, in which case I replied, and you flamed me in html comments.

Mature. XD


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Posted on 10-04-05 08:53 PM Link | Quote
I am missing the "no consensual sex at all allowed" option.

Seriously though, I voted no minimum age. That doesn't mean I am a rapist like knuck or sympathize with this kind in a (in fact, I would probably be for the introduction of a 4 years "share limit" (lol RO) for <18 year olds if I really cared about the topic. I think this is a subject every person should be given the opportunity to decide on his own no matter of age or legal situation (in fact, most industrialized countries have very invasive parents-over-children rights nowadays). Whether mature or not, I believe even a 10 years old is capable of understanding the possible consequences of a sexual act, and a younger person hardly will even consider it.
Minimum age 18 sure witnesses of religious extremism.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 10-27-05 05:14 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by windwaker
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by windwaker
Uh. You just said dickwad. You have no authority to call someone immature. D; Honestly, are you some 30 year old who was the only one in high school that didn't get laid? That's really what it sounds like. XD

Until this post, this thread was actually a fine discussion. gtfo

19 and still not laid, eh?

I hate to point out more obvious irony, but the discussion was fine until you said that people only get laid 18 or younger so they can brag about it. And they you said dickwad, in which case I replied, and you flamed me in html comments.

Mature. XD


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Posted on 10-27-05 05:16 AM Link | Quote

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 10-27-05 09:40 PM Link | Quote
It took you twenty days to come up with that?
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