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Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-09-05 10:00 PM Link | Quote
Acmlm's board could live on a $5 hosting account.

The Server they keep referring to is for their stupid RO Server.

Do not allow them to exploit you fine forum users to support their silly game habits.

Let them ask the RO Players for money.

Stating that the Forum needs money is an outright lie.

There are dozens of hosting providers besides myself who sell webhosting for less than $10 a month.

$200 a month is becuase of their silly game server....

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:28 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, it didn't take much to figure this out. The game was here first though, I think, so oh well...

If it was really that bad of a problem, we could move it, but I remember back when we had a hosting service that went down constantly. This isn't really all that stable either though...
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:28 PM Link | Quote
Heaven $200

Hell $5

Which one would you people choose? There is a reason why this board switched server after all...

And you're talking like people was forced to donate money on this server. Besides, alot of forum members also happen to play on that "silly" RO server...

And also, most of the RO players knows about the donating thing and the server being in trouble.
Glyph Phoenix

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:31 PM Link | Quote
Nice job, jerks. You guys totally spoiled me for charity.

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:34 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Glyph Phoenix
Nice job, jerks. You guys totally spoiled me for charity.

A wise person seeks out their own knowledge, a fool listens to everything they hear.

Check around prices, some are cheap, but they also tend to be unstable. I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not, its hard to tell.
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:42 PM Link | Quote
Erk, go away.

There's a reason we pretty much ditched you. I believe it has something to do with you being an asshole, not sure. Maybe it was the fact that every other thing you say is at least 50% bullshit. Maybe it's because most of your posts had a linebreak after every sentence and were littered with chat room shorthand.

Of course, maybe I'm alone in not liking you, but I doubt it. So, in closing, fuck off, we don't need or want you around.
Glyph Phoenix

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:50 PM Link | Quote
No, I wouldn't give a cent to anyone anyway.

Really, though, these server shenanigans are totally giving server fund drives a bad name. No matter what's really going on.

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-09-05 10:50 PM Link | Quote
Laff, Lunarpages is not "unstable" and dozens of you use them.

They cost $8 a month.

But the fact remains saying the "Board" is in trouble and needs 200 a month is ludicrous at best.

The Server that a few of the admins want to play with costs 200 a month.

The BOARD needs a $5 hosting account from one of dozens of providers out there.


bass states "Bandwidth isn't free and we are using more than ever before" we meaning him and his buddies. This forum has the SAME activitiy as it did when I hosted it and it NEVER used more than about 15 Gigs in any given month.

I can think of 3 hosting companies off the top of my head that give HUNDREDS of gigs per month for about 40 -> 60 a month.

Regardless this forum uses no more bandwidth than it did when I hosted it, which is at best 15 gigs a month.

(edited by ErkDog on 09-09-05 01:54 PM)

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:55 PM Link | Quote
You know, when I heard about "zomg hunter server is dying" the first thing that came to my mind was fiftypounds.
Sup Erk.
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
Heaven $200

Hell $5

Which one would you people choose? There is a reason why this board switched server after all...
I dunno. Heaven didn't have phpGD for a whole 8 months while Hell had it since the first day. Maybe your idea of heaven and hell is fucked up.
But that's jut what I think I guess.

(edited by knuck on 09-09-05 01:59 PM)

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Posted on 09-09-05 10:56 PM Link | Quote
No, it wasn't that one, it was like... eh... I can't remember it, but thank you Knuck, fiftypounds was the horrible one right?

Anyways, I can't contribute, so it really doesn't concern me.

(edited by Dracoon on 09-09-05 01:58 PM)

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Posted on 09-09-05 11:01 PM Link | Quote
I don't really care what server the board uses, but fiftypounds was waaaaaay more stable, cheaper, and had more features. (HELLO PHPGD)

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Posted on 09-09-05 11:10 PM Link | Quote
$5 is absurd. As is $8.
Also, this board is using up way more resources than tRO ever could.
Still, the $200 per month are quite an overcharge. About $70 would be adequate for what we get.

(edited by blackhole89 on 09-09-05 02:12 PM)

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Posted on 09-09-05 11:13 PM Link | Quote
Umm... a game WILL be a lot harder to store than this board ...

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Posted on 09-09-05 11:23 PM Link | Quote
By a weird occasion, I am a GM of this game and know very well how much resources it uses up, or doesn't.

Administrative Priestess.
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Posted on 09-09-05 11:58 PM Link | Quote
Yea, and we ditched Erk because he crossed the line in terms of things he shouldn't have messed with on the old serv.

Anyways, advertising thread. You know the rules.


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Posted on 09-10-05 12:07 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ErkDog
There are dozens of hosting providers besides myself who sell webhosting for less than $10 a month.
He is not advertising for himself.

And he's making a good point.

(opened ;o)

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Posted on 09-10-05 12:08 AM Link | Quote
Actually, that's going against 2 admins, max.

Get another admin opinion first. All I see is blatent advertising.

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Posted on 09-10-05 12:18 AM Link | Quote
lol staff wars

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Posted on 09-10-05 12:20 AM Link | Quote
Then I suggest you and the other admin get your reading skills up to par.
The only reason you're closing this is because you hold a grudge against Erk, if any other user created a thread suggesting we find another host you would not have closed it. That is blatant bias, and I am opening this again.

(edited by Gauleiter Max on 09-09-05 03:20 PM)

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Posted on 09-10-05 12:21 AM Link | Quote
Something has happened.


For the record, Hiryuu, max had Acmlm on his side, and he counts for every of his multiple personalities, which is more than you ever could come up with.

Back to seriousness, I don't see how this is blatant advertising. We need that topic discussed earlier or later.

(edited by blackhole89 on 09-09-05 03:22 PM)
(edited by blackhole89 on 09-09-05 03:23 PM)
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