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Posted on 08-16-05 01:37 PM Link | Quote

"After much discussion, the Zelda development team has requested extra time to add new levels, more depth and even higher quality to Zelda: Twilight Princess," said Nintendo of America's vice president of corporate affairs, Perrin Kaplan. "Consequently, we're announcing a new global launch in 2006, after the conclusion of this fiscal year (March 31). We'll provide a specific date at a later point in time. While this may come as a disappointment to many eager fans, it will absolutely enrich the game and make it a multi-million seller."

...............fuck. Dont know if thats a good thing or not really!

EDIT - just noticed i spelt 'Twilight' wrong in the thread title. can a mod change that for me? thanks.

(edited by richyawyingtmv on 08-16-05 04:38 AM)
(edited by richyawyingtmv on 08-16-05 04:42 AM)

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Posted on 08-16-05 01:42 PM Link | Quote
Its good because it will be better. Its worse because we have to wait longer.

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Posted on 08-16-05 03:39 PM Link | Quote
Well, according to the Duke Nukem Forever logic the longer it takes to make, the worse it gets :p

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Posted on 08-16-05 03:43 PM Link | Quote
Aha but then again, look at how long Ocarina of Time took to make....and that is teh game to pwn all games.
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Posted on 08-16-05 09:05 PM Link | Quote
Can only be a good thing. This game deserves all the time in the world to get right.

If it's anything like Ocarina, it'll be victory for game development and a quantum leap for ambition in design. I don't care. I'll wait 'till the end of the earth for this game.

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Posted on 08-16-05 09:19 PM Link | Quote
It's a dissapointment, of course, but given that they sound absolutely sure that delaying this game to work on making it better will make it "a multi-million seller", then I'm quite willing to wait. It isn't like this is the first time a much-anticipated game has been delayed either

Like Kasumi-Astra, I don't care how long I have to wait. Sooner or later, I'll be able to get my hands on a copy of this game and play it until I wish I'd never even heard the name I'll admit I was counting down the months towards the previous release date, but there's plenty of other games I'm eager to buy.

It's only been pushed back on year so far, and that's not too bad, considering what it could've been
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Posted on 08-16-05 09:20 PM Link | Quote
Somewhere, Michael Damiani is weeping.

I have little more to add to this.

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Posted on 08-16-05 09:23 PM Link | Quote
I don't know why so many of you say the OoT delays were a good thing. Look at the early screenshots. They look better than the finished product (which is still awesome.)
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Posted on 08-16-05 09:32 PM Link | Quote
This is VERY bad, actually. Take away Zelda from Nintendo's Christmas lineup and they have NOTHING. That's scary especially this year.

(Well, that and the fact I wanted the game. DDR Mario for me.)

That *just* might be why they're going to drop the DS price to $129 when Nintendogs is released; if that does as well as it did in Japan, Nintendo can use that to have a good holiday season.
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Posted on 08-16-05 10:53 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by richyawyingtmv

EDIT - just noticed i spelt 'Twilight' wrong in the thread title. can a mod change that for me? thanks.


Well, this gives them more time to fix things and add stuff. I'd rather have to wait for the game than have one that's obviously incomplete because it was rushed for Christmas...

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Posted on 08-16-05 11:22 PM Link | Quote
I personally think that Nintendo are trying to avoid the criticism of Wind Waker being repeated for TP, after WW seemed rushed, and dungeons were left out.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 08-17-05 01:44 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Colleen
This is VERY bad, actually. Take away Zelda from Nintendo's Christmas lineup and they have NOTHING. That's scary especially this year.

I didn´t really think of that. I´ve many friends who wants this game and I don´t think they´re going to be happy about this.

Maybe it can be a late Christmas present.

Ah, well. It´s good if they make it better. I don´t have a gamecube, though.
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Posted on 08-17-05 02:26 AM Link | Quote
Trapster: Well, this year would have been OK for Nintendo since they could rely on the GB Micro, the DS and Zelda (which likely would have sold a few GameCubes as well). No Zelda is going to hurt since with Sony being Sony and Microsoft probably claiming this holiday season already with the 360... It'll still sell like hotcakes when it comes out, but this would have been the perfect time.

However, *IF* Nintendogs takes off when it's released next week and Nintendo moves a lot of DS units, then things might be a bit more rosy.
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Posted on 08-17-05 04:16 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, I read about this earlier, and Gamestop also called me about my reservation for the game. This is good, if it'll improve the game... though Nintendo won't have many good games for the holidays.

That's fine with me, though, I'll just be getting Kingdom Hearts 2.
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Posted on 08-17-05 08:20 AM Link | Quote
Replace "many" with "none". They'll probably have some interesting titles, I won't doubt that... but there's just nothing there that's going to create a mega buzz unless there's a sleeper title up their sleeves.
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Posted on 08-17-05 08:35 AM Link | Quote
Would be intresting if this wind up being a Revolution console launch title. Infact I don't mind the delay much as i'm not going to get a console until something next year. So this game can be delayed as much they want.

Besides, I guess they learnt their lesson with Wind waker... who was little rushed at the end according to the devoloper. I hardly called the triforce hunt fun...
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Posted on 08-17-05 08:38 AM Link | Quote
Won't be. I can't see Revolution being launched around that time frame. I can, however, see it/the PS3 being launched around the same time similar to the GC/Xbox.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 08-17-05 08:50 AM Link | Quote

Unless they have a surprise game that they've kept secret for the past couple of years in development or something...Eeek. This is really bad for business. The DS price drop with Nintendogs will improve their standing in the handheld market (where they should focus even more!)...But the GB Micro, although freakin' sweet, is not going to really help out too much. It'll just be for fan boys and people who haven't already got a GBA and can't afford a DS...And with the price drop...Yeah. But that's just how things go, I guess

The game will be good, there is no such thing as a bad Nintendo Zelda game. But if the extra time doesn't make this title excell in every way imaginable, then it will ultimately be a let down and a disappointing fKitten Yiffer.
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Posted on 08-17-05 08:52 AM Link | Quote
Pretty hard to pull a surprise title out of your ass with 4 months to go. I've never seen it done; maybe in the early NES/Genesis days where we didn't have as much info about upcoming titles but not now.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 08-17-05 09:45 AM Link | Quote
Like I said, they're damning themselves with this move. Business-wise.
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