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Posted on 08-03-05 03:21 AM Link | Quote
Ok, I give in. This Christmas I'm putting a deposit down on an IMac. Macintoshes are just amazing computers.

I went with Chad to London to go to the biggest Apple Store in the world. Seriously, it was filled with hundreds of Macs on display of all kinds. IMacs, EMacs, Powermacs, Powerbooks, IBooks, IPods and the super-sexy 30" TFT monitors.
I want an IMac G5 so it can replace my surfing PC and also stop having to play WoW on my laptop.

Also, it's going to be an interesting decade ahead of us seeing what Apple is really planning with their intention to move to Intel and x86. Steve Jobs has already said that he doesn't want OS X running on PCs, but many people think Apple is seriously planning to offer an alternative to windows. With OS X's technology, it could very well take many scalps. What do you think?
alte Hexe

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Posted on 08-03-05 03:22 AM Link | Quote
Until Apple stops sucking for compatability...Yeah.

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Posted on 08-03-05 03:30 AM Link | Quote
I sincerely hope so, considering I may have to get a Mac for college pretty soon...
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Posted on 08-03-05 03:31 AM Link | Quote
Well, World of Warcraft, IM clients, Firefox, I don't really need much else on my browsing PC
alte Hexe

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Posted on 08-03-05 03:44 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, but some of us need it for being useful and compatible with our school's network
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Posted on 08-03-05 03:53 AM Link | Quote
Mac OS X should be compatible with all networks... I mean, many aspects of networking are designed to be platform independent. Hell, joining a Windows PC with a Mac in a workgroup is easier than with another Windows PC! XD
alte Hexe

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Posted on 08-03-05 04:36 AM Link | Quote
You've never gone to UoT. We're warned that Linux and Mac are enemies of the Man.
The Guru of Furu

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Posted on 08-03-05 05:17 AM Link | Quote
That sucks. Yeah, the only problem right now with macs is compatibility with some games and certain programs, but in general they work great. If you can afford to have more than one computer there's really no reason not to have a mac, but if you can only ahve one then there is a decent concern about compatibility. Hopefully that issue lessens like it has over the past years.
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Posted on 08-03-05 05:41 AM Link | Quote
That's true. I have wanted to leave windows behind for gaming only for a few years. Windows is a neccesity for games, but the reinstalls and maintainance required by XP really does get on my nerves. XP is best suited to having games and apps installed straight after a fresh install of windows, and then coming back to it only when you need it.

For something you're going to use every day, OS X is hard to beat without venturing into Linux teriatory. And even then, OS X has so much more class than any Linux distro

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Posted on 08-03-05 07:48 AM Link | Quote
I'd use Mac if I didn't want to play games/run applications.

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Posted on 08-03-05 07:56 AM Link | Quote
If you're doing graphics, I'd go that route.

<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 08-04-05 02:10 AM Link | Quote
Give me a Mac on which I can:

  • Develop software for Mac (and maybe Windows) and various consoles
  • Play Slime Forest
  • Run FCEUXD/FCEUSP, ZSnes and Geiger's Snes9x Debugger, Project64 and Nemu, No$GMB, and VisualBoy Advance with debugger, or equally good emulators/debuggers
  • Run various hacking programs like Lunar Magic and TLP
  • Listen to practically any music format (like Winamp does)

And I'll throw this computer (minus a few parts ) in a nearby dumpster.
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Posted on 08-04-05 08:12 AM Link | Quote
I'd agree with Hiryuu on the graphics thing; add video editing to the list as well.

If there was a stable, fast virtual Windows environment that would run *everything*, then I'd think a lot more people would be purchasing Macs. And even if OS X gets ported to PC's... why not a dual boot?
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 08-04-05 08:25 AM Link | Quote
I maybe get a Macintosh when they use the X86 hardware. Sure, PowerPC might be powerful but... I'm expecting a port of Wine coming to Mac OS X.

And boy, Mac OS X is the only consumer oriented desktop I been impressed by. It's user-friendly and effecient.

Now the "Lack of software excuse" no longer applies to Mac OS X when it's on the X86 hardware. And people who say that you can't run stuff on Linux have probalby never touched Wine or Cedega... which is gaming-oriented.

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 08-03-05 11:26 PM)

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Posted on 08-04-05 08:31 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
And people who say that you can't run stuff on Linux have probalby never touched Wine or Cedega... which is gaming-oriented.
And this has something to do with this
Oh yeah, while we're at it, Wine works 1% of the time.
Hey, show me Linux running doom3. No distros, the linux made by Linus whatever, running doom3. plz.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 08-04-05 08:34 AM Link | Quote
...already forgot that there is a version of Doom3 made for Linux?


Hell, there is a macintosh version of Doom3 too apparently.

ID software is wellknown for porting it's software to... various Operating systems.

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 08-03-05 11:35 PM)
(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 08-03-05 11:36 PM)

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Posted on 08-04-05 08:35 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
...already forgot that there is a version of Doom3 made for Linux?

No shit.
Show me a computer running Doom3 on linux. =)
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 08-04-05 08:39 AM Link | Quote
1) Linux was mentioned a few times in the thread.
2) Oh, Wine can run a few applications/games.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Posted on 08-04-05 08:39 AM Link | Quote
I adore my Mac.

I have a 12" 800Mhz iBook, but I will upgrade soon. I also intend to get a Mac Mini at some point.

My Mac works seamlessly with the other equipment in my network, and I have been able to find plenty of software on it to do the things I need to do.

The only thing I'm dissappointed with with Macs is the fact that iBooks don't do DVI out. The current range of PowerBooks is really quite poor as far as specs go, and DVI out is one of the few advantages it has over the recently updated iBooks. I'm really annoyed.

As for pretty screens, well... I <3 my Apple Cinema Display

Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 08-04-05 08:44 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by knuck
Show me a computer running Doom3 on linux. =)
Show me a computer running Doom3 on Windows then.

And screenshots? There is alot of them on google.

...I want a Mac Mini. And a own iPod. Should start saving up for a Mac mini... i do have the money for one but I also need to save money for collage... it's free education but living is not.
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