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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Lost Section - Who here is lazy? | | Thread closed
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Lazy? I know I am.
I'm lazy! What about you?
63.0%, 17 votes
14.8%, 4 votes
Hey! You're making sense in the Lost threads? BLASPHEMER!
22.2%, 6 votes
Multi-voting is enabled.

User Post
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 07-22-05 11:37 PM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
I'm typing with only one hand.

I hope that's a sammich in your other hand.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 07-23-05 12:27 AM Link
Originally posted by Kirby ATW
*Programs something to post for me*

Hi. Post this is. Yes? Bzzzzt...

If Im so lazy, then why did I program something?


Well, you programed that so you could save your effort with actual posting, but you failed to realize that it probably took just as much effort, if not more, to make the program than to actually post...however, it is also possible that creating the posting program took less effort than it does to make a post manually, in which case, you are actually lazy.

So you're either lazy or insane. Pick one.

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Posted on 07-23-05 08:55 AM Link
The cat shall type for me, I'm too lazy. 9ihjggvvgbbgvbv nnbn b b ioasm ,tgyyhp;iknm g wsith cat

...That didn't work too well.

But anyway, you're not too lazy if you made a topic on your own.

*Votes for all three just for no reason* Multi-voting. Takes the purpose out of your vote!

(edited by MetalMan88 on 07-22-05 11:57 PM)
Glyph Phoenix

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Posted on 07-23-05 10:02 AM Link
Pah. You all know nothing of true laziness. I have learned from the master of all that slacks off. I say I will do many a project only to... not.
Cruel Justice

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Posted on 07-25-05 11:17 PM Link
I don't like waking up and I tend to finish things at the last minute but I get to work and class on time. I guess you could call me lazy.

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Posted on 07-26-05 02:32 AM Link
I'm a lazy son of a gun. I don't like doing much, and that's fine by me. I go to school and all the neccissary things, but not much extra.

=P Snika
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Posted on 07-26-05 03:24 AM Link
My day today

10:30 am - Go to bookstore, get book I need for a paper.
10:45 am - Get a coffee, go back to room.
11:15 am - Start on the paper
12:30 pm - Go to some other class (that I didn't get my midterm back in. )
1:15 pm - Grab lunch, back to the room
1:30 pm - Continue paper.
2:30 pm - Finish paper.
3:30 pm - Paper is due.

Awww yeah.

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Posted on 07-26-05 05:45 AM Link
How about this, NSNick.

My day:
-get up at 10
-get on comp at 11
-get lunch at 12
-get back on comp
-still on comp
-will be on comp until I go to bed.

My summer. <3
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 07-29-05 12:24 AM Link
Originally posted by MetalMan88
The cat shall type for me, I'm too lazy. 9ihjggvvgbbgvbv nnbn b b ioasm ,tgyyhp;iknm g wsith cat

So, like, did you forcefully grab your cat by the head and bang it on the keyboard in an attempt to type, "I am typing with cat"?
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Posted on 07-29-05 12:39 AM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
How about this, NSNick.

My day:
-get up at 10
-get on comp at 11
-get lunch at 12
-get back on comp
-still on comp
-will be on comp until I go to bed.

My summer. <3

I guess mine was more procrastination than laziness. Oh well. Today, I got off work at 8:30 am, came back, and have been playing video games, watching TV, on the computer, drinking, or a combination of those since then.

Error 349857348734534: The system experienced an error.
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Posted on 07-29-05 12:44 AM Link
BLASPHEMER!!!! You're not supposed to make sense in LT. other than that, this post gave me Carpal Tunnel Sydrome because it took too much effort to post. ouch...

(edited by Sukasa on 07-29-05 11:36 PM)
Samus Aran

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Posted on 07-30-05 07:35 AM Link
Well, i'm a lazy bastard, cause i sit at my computer doing nothing but posting on my board and 2nd fav board. so yea. i'm lazy. sue me. but i do tyep quite fast, so my hands arn't really lazy at all.

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Posted on 07-30-05 08:09 AM Link
Originally posted by The Crimson Chin
Originally posted by Danielle
I'm typing with only one hand.

I hope that's a sammich in your other hand.

Sure it was.

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Posted on 07-30-05 08:16 AM Link
I must be less 'lazy' than I thought for getting through this past semester of college DURING SUMMER...

...but I've got games that are sitting not beaten...some from April...does that make me lazy? :\

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Posted on 07-30-05 08:18 AM Link
Yes, defidently. Without a doubt. I won't even reach into the back of my refriderizer to get something to drink.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 07-31-05 05:43 PM Link
Why is multivote...*falls asleep*
*Wakes up* Yeah, I

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Posted on 08-01-05 01:21 AM Link
Originally posted by stag019

Please tell me that was on purpse.
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