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Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 07-08-05 09:47 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Switzerland
Originally posted by Ziff
Get rid of poverty and show international compassion!

Al-Qaeda's house of cards will fall down if we let individual nations follow their hearts and then we as a global community do what we can to stop violence and end the ills of the world.

Ziff, are you shitting me?

He's right. It's our disrespect to the Muslim community that led to the attacks.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Posted on 07-08-05 11:24 AM Link | Quote
Well, watching a lot of this stuff on TV now.

Really.... awful. I feel for all the hurt people and the families of those who died.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-08-05 10:11 PM Link | Quote
I just hope that someone I know isn
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 07-08-05 10:20 PM Link | Quote
If they touch

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 07-08-05 10:24 PM Link | Quote
Like we could do anything with our limited military defense. And we
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-08-05 10:31 PM Link | Quote
Ummmm, you mean your fleet of Eurofighters, various destroyers and highly trained special forces? Sweden doesn't have a "limited military defence" in conjunction with other EU nations a small force all of a sudden becomes something to be feared. Sweden is well armed.

Neutrality has no point in this war. Terrorists pick the softest targets to hit. Indonesia is not involved directly and barely indirectly with this war. Yet Bali was bombed due to the existence of that Aussie hot-spot club.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 07-08-05 11:23 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
(it's a big bridge between Denmark and Sweden, it's a landmark between our countries. Destroying it would be like doing terrorism against two countries at the same time.)
Yeah dude thanks for giving this little tip to the terrorists >( >( >(


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Posted on 07-09-05 01:16 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by max
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
(it's a big bridge between Denmark and Sweden, it's a landmark between our countries. Destroying it would be like doing terrorism against two countries at the same time.)
Yeah dude thanks for giving this little tip to the terrorists >( >( >(


Yup, this is where the terrorists go for tips.
alte Hexe

Star Mario
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Posted on 07-09-05 05:21 AM Link | Quote
George Galloway is king

I just saw him on BBC Canada. He is SERVING that git on Newsnight.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 07-09-05 02:57 PM Link | Quote
George Galloway? I recnognzie that name but I can

Snap Dragon
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Posted on 07-09-05 04:02 PM Link | Quote
He's an MP, who leads the anti-war party Respect. After the attacks he said in parliament that the bombings only happened because of Britain's involvement in the Iraq war.

Wikipedia article

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Posted on 07-09-05 10:24 PM Link | Quote
It does get annoying how polliticians say that these attacks shouldn't affect the people, when it obviously does, and nothing they say can change that. People everywhere who've watched the attacks on the US, UK, and everywhere else on TV all have had their emotions turned topsy-turvy, yet no one really does anything about it... leaving everyone paranoid about being bombed all over the world.

The least we can say about the "war" in Iraq, is that George Bush is trying to bring a bit of positive thinking. He's actually backing up his words and doing something about these terrorists. People will always protest against action being taken against terrorists, with the subject about losing the lives of the soldiers who get departed to wherever, but you really have to think that it's better doing something about it than cowering away, being paranoid that it's going to happen again.

Small acts of terrorism go unnoticed all the time. Popular Australian and New Zealand chocolate bars (Mars and Snickers) have been taken off store shelves recently, due to poisoning... There are many, many bombers blowing up places all over the middle-east.

It is a really stupid act though... Really makes you think why they did it. All I know is that they believe that them killing themselves in order to defeat their enemy, will take them to their heaven. Why the rest of the world is their enemy, has been under debate in the last few pages of this thread, and will no doubtedly remain unanswered.

Action definately has to be taken. It's a case of them before us... While the odds of it actually being us is very low, it's just the principal.

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Since: 07-03-05
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Posted on 07-10-05 04:43 PM Link | Quote
I don't know about that though. The 'action' being taken always seems to me to be action for the sake of saying action is being taken, not actually solving the problem. Rather than go for Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group who are difficult to pin down, Bush instead goes for Iraq in general, an easier target. It's enough to suggest to the blissfully ignorant west that the offenders are being taken down, but for those who hold his interests in dubious acclaim it gives them carte blanche to focus their energy on such events as war protests when they could be doing something useful.

So it's win-win for the bigwigs!

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 07-10-05 11:18 PM Link | Quote
Cry Havoc! by Edward L. Daley

On July 7, 2005, terrorists attacked Great Britain's capital city, killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds more. Targeting London's mass transit system, the cowardly barbarians known as Al-Qaeda bombed tube trains and a double-decker bus in four locations around the city. The attacks took place over the course of about an hour's time, beginning at 8:51 am between Aldgate East and Liverpool Street stations, and ending at 9:47 am at Tavistock Place.

Soon after reading about the bombings on an internet AP site, I turned on my radio to listen for further updates about the atrocities. Within minutes of tuning into one of my favorite talk radio shows, I heard a liberal caller to the program state that we have to try and better understand what Al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups are all about, and what they want, if we're ever going to stop such attacks from happening in the future. Of course, when questioned as to why he felt that way, he had no answer. This didn't surprise me at all, since there is no good reason for us to waste our time trying to understand what motivates mass murdering Islamo-fascists.

All we need to know about these parasites is that they are hateful extremists from backward countries that refuse to enter the 21st century... or even the 16th century, for that matter. Attempting to understand more than that makes no sense whatsoever, because even if we could ascertain exactly what it is people like Osama Bin Laden require of us before they'll stop slaughtering innocent people, that knowledge would only be useful to us if we were willing to change who we are in order to appease them.

Of course, liberals seem to think that appeasing them is exactly what we should be doing. Why, if the United States could only be more like Spain, which immediately replaced its government with a communist regime following the terrorist attacks on Madrid in 2004, and then proceeded to pull its troops out of Iraq, things would be so much better than they are today. After all, it's our presence in Iraq which is really getting under the skin of international terrorists these days. We need to just get out of there!

Ok then, let's take a quick look at that philosophical approach to ending terrorism. In the first place, if we did decide to abandon everything that our military men and women have fought for since the Iraq War began, humiliating each and every one them in the process, and throwing the people of that country to the wolves, what would stop Al-Qaeda from making even greater demands on us after that? I mean, we weren't even in Iraq when they attacked our cities on 9/11, so that clearly won't be a grand enough gesture of appeasement.

Let's see, we were supporting Israel before September of 2001, so I guess the next thing we'd have to do is turn our backs on what was the only democratic free state in the Middle East, prior to Iraq and Afghanistan being liberated. And speaking of the Afghan people, we'd also have to hand control of their country back to the Taliban, since they're all good friends of Osama, and of course, we'd need to refrain from lending future support to any pro-liberty movement in the region, like the one currently developing in Lebanon.

And still, even if we retreat entirely from the Middle East, it is unlikely that Al-Qaeda will be satisfied. At the end of the day, we'll still be a predominantly Christian nation, with a democratic system of governance, and an economy based on capitalist principles. All that would simply have to change, since exhibiting the sort of independence that Americans are known for is truly arrogant, and unforgivably wicked in the eyes of Allah.

Do you see where I'm going with all this? While I'm sure that most of you liberals out there still have no idea what I'm trying to say, I pray to God that the good people of England are able to grasp the point I'm making here.

Our goal in fighting the war on terror is not to make our enemies like us. Perhaps one day their children or grandchildren will learn to accept the ideas of liberty and respect for other cultures, but the scumbags we face today will never be dissuaded from hating us and everything we stand for, no matter what we do. Our aim, like the aim of our ancestors who faced down the menace of Nazism a half century ago, is to wipe our enemies off the face of the earth... PERIOD

"Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more," proclaimed General George S. Patton, and in my opinion he could not have been more right. The theory of appeasing the enemies of our liberty is as dead as an Al-Qaeda suicide bomber. Trying to cut deals with individuals like Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi has never, and will never secure our freedoms. The only thing these monsters understand is relentless brute force, and it's about time the free nations of the world stopped bickering with one another like a bunch of spoiled school children and started working together to preserve our way of life!

Like most of my fellow Americans, I have faith in the British people, and I'm confident that they will respond appropriately to the vicious and unprovoked attacks upon their country this week. That response should be to praise the courageous policies of their forward-thinking leader, Tony Blair, and to reaffirm their commitment to achieving victory against terrorists everywhere.

To do otherwise would be to exhibit weakness in the face of the worst kind of tyranny known to mankind. The world now looks to the citizens of Britain to show them how truly brave people deal with the adversities of war, and I pray they do not fail in that crucial task.

In the words of the greatest writer to ever hold a pen, "cry HAVOC, and let slip the dogs of war, so that this terrible action will smell above the earth, with rotting corpses, begging to be buried." William Shakespeare understood that meting out justice is often a bloody affair, and his words should serve to remind us of that fact and spur us on as we contemplate the actions we'll need to take in the future.

(edited by Ziff on 07-10-05 02:41 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 07-11-05 07:39 AM Link | Quote
Whatever ethnocentric wrote that is a serious dumbass.

And still, even if we retreat entirely from the Middle East, it is unlikely that Al-Qaeda will be satisfied. At the end of the day, we'll still be a predominantly Christian nation, with a democratic system of governance, and an economy based on capitalist principles.

Muslims don't CARE about Christians being alive! Al-Qaeda doesn't care that Christians are alive, as long as we don't stay out of its business.
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Posted on 07-11-05 07:41 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker

Muslims don't CARE about Christians being alive! Al-Qaeda doesn't care that Christians are alive, as long as we don't stay out of its business.

Seriously, while I agree with you, who really knows what those guys are thinking? It's not like those guys are completly sane to begin with (at least I think they're not, those Al-Qaeda guys, I mean)

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 07-11-05 09:38 AM Link | Quote
I partially agree. I think that some of the suicidal Al-Qaeda are insane, some of that may be caused by torture/the promise of virgins. I think that those higher up, such as Bin Laden, are quite sane. They just hate us.

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 07-11-05 10:51 AM Link | Quote
"they just hate us"

so, who cares why they hate us then?

the point is that they hate us.... and that nothing we do will entirely appease them....
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-11-05 11:03 AM Link | Quote
We don't even need to appease them. We need to do what is best for humanity. The violence on both sides is not the answer. I honestly believe that the elimination of poverty and the increasing understanding among all people would be the best.

If you preach understanding and eliminate the general root of crime and strife (poverty) then people will be more willing to "fight" for justice.

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 07-11-05 11:04 AM Link | Quote
so how do we do that? make them more like us?

Westernize them a bit?

I'm sure they would love that.
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