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Posted on 07-08-05 07:47 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ziff
We need to stop pussyfooting around and nail each and every last one of these bastards. No more fucking games and talking.

Leg: Does this entitle the Muslim extremists to kill the Bushes and Blairs and all the other people that have caused 100'000s of deaths?

They're terrorists, we're not. If we happen to kill innocent people, it's collateral damage; an accident.

They do it on fucking purpose.

I'm sorry, but there's a big difference there if you can't see it.

windwaker, do the board a favor and just quit posting. You don't have anything useful to say.
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Posted on 07-08-05 07:48 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker
however if you really want to save lives, don't kill humor on message boards and find a way to improve seat belts.
If you really want to save lives...

Spend half as much money that we've spent on the war in Iraq and tax breaks for the rich, and implement the world's best nationalized healthcare system.

It wouldn't cost nearly as much, and it'd save millions of lives each YEAR.

27th out of 27 nations in life expectancy. That's what happens when you have no nationalized healthcare system, and make people pay for their own healthcare. The US is ahead in so many fronts, but our education and healthcare systems are the laughing stock of the developed world.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-08-05 07:50 AM Link | Quote
Legion, be more civil. Please.

Leg, plain and simple this is a subjective matter. You're an Iraqi child. You've never been cared for before. Then, out of nowhere, a big black triangle flies over your house. Fire burns your mother to death and your home is destroyed. Sounds a lot like terror to me.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 07-08-05 07:50 AM Link | Quote
Leg, it seems that that would only do you a favor.

They're terrorists, we're not. If we happen to kill innocent people, it's collateral damage; an accident.





You are fucking racist, man.

If Iraq invaded America to kill Bush (if he was a slightly eviler dictator) and killed thousands of civilians in the process including my family, I'd call them terrorists. I'd then do whatever I could to cause them pain.


(edited by windwaker on 07-07-05 10:53 PM)
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Posted on 07-08-05 07:54 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ziff

Leg, plain and simple this is a subjective matter. You're an Iraqi child. You've never been cared for before. Then, out of nowhere, a big black triangle flies over your house. Fire burns your mother to death and your home is destroyed. Sounds a lot like terror to me.

Terror to the child who is ignorant, yes. But that's an extreme you're taking it to, so it's not a real valid point to argue.

windwaker, wow. Just wow. Not only do you know know what a "terrorist" is, but you also don't know the meaning of the word "racism".
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Posted on 07-08-05 07:55 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
They're terrorists, we're not. If we happen to kill innocent people, it's collateral damage; an accident.

They do it on fucking purpose.
THEY do it on purpose?

Guess what? Iraq never attacked us! OMGHOLYSHITWTF, we do it on fucking purpose! They do it in self-defense!

The means which they have are PRIMITIVE compared ot ours. If they had fighter jets, spy planes and satelites, and GPS-guided weapons, I bet you they'd have a lot less civilian casualties, too.

They are doing the ONLY thing they CAN to try to stop us. We see it as futile, they see it as a last-ditch heroic effort to take the INVADING AMERICANS out of THEIR COUNTRY.

How would you like YOUR home being invaded, YOUR brothers shot because they're "Terrorists", YOUR family tortured, and losing your only source of food and clean water? I bet you'd be PISSED OFF ENOUGH TO STRAP A BOMB TO YOURSELF AND GO INTO A CROWDED MARKETPLACE!
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-08-05 07:58 AM Link | Quote

I bomb your house because there isn't enough democracy there...Am I terrorist? If I bomb your house because there isn't enough Islam there...Am I terrorist? Well, according to you, if I did it in the former and I have the Red, White and Blue behind me...That's okay. If I do it in the second, I'm a terrorist.

America has sponsored corrupt and brutally repressive dictators world wide and has in no small way contributed to this. The British too have done their share of mettling in this field. Either way America, Britain, Canada, Belgium, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Italy and all other nations taking part in the current Crusades are just as guilty of terrorism as Al-Qaeda, the Chechnyan rebels or or the Tamil Tigers.
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-08-05 07:58 AM Link | Quote
Dammit, windwaker, he's not racist, he's just wrong.

Leg, you, who happen to be in the airforce, should know better than anyone else here how much violence America is partaking in over this issue. We really are taking the damage we inflict to that extreme that Ziff places as an example. We've outpaced the amount of damage and death that the terrorists do in the name of what ONLY OUR SUPERIORS CONSIDER a just cause by so much, that we might as well be calling ourselves terrorists.

We have more destructive weapons than them.
We have stronger military tactics than them.
We have tighter intelligence and security than them.
We kill them.

Are they terrorists simply because they are, in fact, weaker than us?
banning people for no reason sure is fun
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Posted on 07-08-05 07:58 AM Link | Quote
" If they had fighter jets, spy planes and satelites, and GPS-guided weapons, I bet you they'd have a lot less civilian casualties, too."

They did.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 07-08-05 07:59 AM Link | Quote
windwaker, wow. Just wow. Not only do you know know what a "terrorist" is, but you also don't know the meaning of the word "racism".

Hope that helps.

(edited by windwaker on 07-07-05 11:01 PM)
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-08-05 07:59 AM Link | Quote
They did?

Last I checked Al-Qaeda wasn't flying F-117s over London and dropping bombs

(edited by Ziff on 07-07-05 11:00 PM)

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Posted on 07-08-05 07:59 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion

They're terrorists, we're not. If we happen to kill innocent people, it's collateral damage; an accident.

Leg, that's a one sided arguement. They can say the same thing about America, then that makes them the good guys and us the bad guys, doesn't it.
We're the ones that started the war, anyhow.
That arguement doesn't work.
But uh... I don't think racist is that right word.

This is interesting to read though. Don't close it or I'll cry.
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-08-05 07:59 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
" If they had fighter jets, spy planes and satelites, and GPS-guided weapons, I bet you they'd have a lot less civilian casualties, too."

They did.

But... but... They didn't. If they did, america wouldn't be the strongest military power in the world....
banning people for no reason sure is fun
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Posted on 07-08-05 08:01 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Grey
Originally posted by Legion
" If they had fighter jets, spy planes and satelites, and GPS-guided weapons, I bet you they'd have a lot less civilian casualties, too."

They did.

But... but... They didn't. If they did, america wouldn't be the strongest military power in the world....

Dude, they DID! I was fucking there, I got the intel briefs. Don't tell me what they did and didn't have.

What you might not know about them, and this is probably why you think they didn't have them, is because right before the war they buried all their aircraft because our pilots were vastly superior to theirs. They knew from the early 90s that they stood no chance against us in the air.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 07-08-05 08:03 AM Link | Quote
You're right. Racist isn't what he is. Ethnocentric, however, is.
banning people for no reason sure is fun
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Posted on 07-08-05 08:04 AM Link | Quote
By the way, for those who don't know what a terrorist is (most of you) take a look at this criteria:

* The motive is political or religious
* The target is civilian
* The objective is to intimidate
* The perpetrator is non-governmental
* The act was unlawful


And a lot of you are borderline sympathizing with them.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-08-05 08:04 AM Link | Quote
No, the terrorists did not have jet fighters.
Come on babe, pet the pussy ;)
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Posted on 07-08-05 08:04 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
" If they had fighter jets, spy planes and satelites, and GPS-guided weapons, I bet you they'd have a lot less civilian casualties, too."

They did.
When did Iraq, Al-Queda, or any mid-eastern nation have a GPS guided missle? Or stealth fighter/bomber jet? The best Saddam ever had were crude scud missles that were accurate to a mile at best. Their RADAR systems were so ancient, they were leftover to US in the EARLY 80's and we sold it to them. It was JUNK in the 80s and never state of the art.

They had maybe 100 jets that we also took out in the first gulf war easily.

And I never heard of an Iraqi spy satelite. If there are any up there, why haven't they released photos of Bush taking it up the ass from Rumsfeld? You KNOW they do the nasty.
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-08-05 08:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Legion
Originally posted by Grey
Originally posted by Legion
" If they had fighter jets, spy planes and satelites, and GPS-guided weapons, I bet you they'd have a lot less civilian casualties, too."

They did.

But... but... They didn't. If they did, america wouldn't be the strongest military power in the world....

Dude, they DID! I was fucking there, I got the intel briefs. Don't tell me what they did and didn't have.

What you might not know about them, and this is probably why you think they didn't have them, is because right before the war they buried all their aircraft because our pilots were vastly superior to theirs. They knew from the early 90s that they stood no chance against us in the air.

I see... Alright, That makes a lot more sense. But still, that doesn't change the fact that we are in that way superior to them. Even if they have the same toys as us, we're better trained than them, so that still means we're fighting an outmatched foe. You said so yourself, they knew they had no chance.

There was another time when a bunch of people fought even though they knew they had no chance.
banning people for no reason sure is fun
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Since: 03-15-04
From: The Crossroads is under attack!

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Posted on 07-08-05 08:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ziff
No, the terrorists did not have jet fighters.

So you're saying the Iraqis ARE terrorists?
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