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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Level: 21

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Since: 06-11-05
From: Tartarus, tartarus, tartarus

Since last post: 9 hours
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Posted on 07-09-05 09:33 PM Link | Quote
I steal, like a lot. Not even stuff I particularly want, even, but just taking stuff because I can, and I'm so good that no one notices I took it. I've been trying to stop, but it seems impossible. I believe the word that describes this is kleptomania. Ouch.

My entire diet consists of bagels with peanut butter on them, chocolate, and soda. Sometimes I'll eat pizza, but since I'm allergic to almost everything, it usually has very few toppings. Occasionally I'll have a hamburger or some rice, and I had fishsticks sometime last year... I'm not overweight, I just have very bad health.

I procrastinate. Always. I don't feel like explaining this right now.

I have almost no social life. I've dated five people, four of them imaginary, in the last two years. My friends are good friends, and I'm glad I've been able to find so many geeks. I'm a self-proclaimed loser, and I thank anyone who insults me. Low self-esteem anyone?

I have my limits, though. I made an imaginary line (hell, it's almost REAL... I live in my imagination, it's so much better than my life) dividing the stuff I can do and the stuff I can't. I don't allow myself to drink, smoke, masturbate, do drugs, kill people. That's basically the whole list. Damn.

I really don't feel like elaborating on this. Don't read the previous if you don't want to get depressed.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


Level: 118

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Canada, w00t!

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Posted on 07-10-05 12:34 AM Link | Quote
Yech, one thing I can NOT stand is a thief. You oughta get help.

And yeah, my eating habits suck. Pop, pizza and occasionally some fruit juice.

Level: 27

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Since: 08-20-04
From: Somewhere, Over the Rainbow!

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Posted on 07-10-05 03:21 AM Link | Quote
I need to be getting more sleep...

I feel like I let everyone go their own way too easily.

Avoid most confrontations

Seen as the "Nice guy" to those that trust me, but for some reason I'm seen as a tricky person to most... (I have no idea why either)

I have no girlfriend (Which, if all goes as I'd like, will change by November)

I sit at the computer too much


Like double-spacing in message boards (I have no idea why)

Not very social with family. (Eh, they bug me a lot)

Ludwig Von Koopa
You're Gonna Love Me
Level: 76

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Since: 03-29-04
From: Groovy Way

Since last post: 8 min.
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Posted on 07-11-05 02:26 PM Link | Quote

My eating habits suck..well my diet.

not being social enough but I am social in my own way

Shyness sucks

Not telling people how I feel straight up or spitting things out

can't swim

I don't take a lot of risks which Im learning though

Not exercising enough

Blaze Phoenix
Runs With the Dragon Within

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Since: 03-15-04
From: State College, PA

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Posted on 07-12-05 10:49 AM Link | Quote
I'm glad I'm not the only one here who currently has a wacky sleep schedule and tends to experience sleep schedule shifts when she doesn't have to be anywhere at certain times. About five years ago, before my summer job started, I would fall asleep around dinnertime and wake up sometime after midnight. Currently, I sleep about four hours a night for a few nights and then crash for at least 12 hours. My body is just fucked up in general due to stress (costume time crunch for Otakon, my pointless treadmill to nowhere job that I so cannot wait to leave). I feel like a big grey blob of nothing and I don't get hungry like normal any more. I usually skip the "growling stomach" step, so if I haven't eaten enough, I don't think about it until I start getting loopy. Weeee. At least I can still hit the gym.

So there's one of my vices...parlaying a general topic into a rant. My others are alcohol (especially good beer), a very occasional clove cigarette, certain junky foods (Oriental flavor Top Ramen, Cheez-Its, pretty much any dessert of reasonable quality), and screwing around on the internets at work.

Level: 45

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Since: 07-02-05
From: Somewhere in Texas

Since last post: 7 hours
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Posted on 07-14-05 01:00 AM Link | Quote
My diet sucks. I can't drink soda which sucks because I'm addicted to it.

I'm usually on the computer playing games, surfing the internet, or hanging out on the boards.

I usually sleep around 3-4 am and wake up around 11:30 am to 2:00 p.m. depending if I wake up with my alarm clock that's set to 11:30 am.

I sometimes watch TV but usually play video games on it because there's nothing to watch on television.

That's pretty much it. This is what happens during the summer. The list will completly change once school starts again.

Metal axe
Level: 22

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Since: 03-19-04

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Posted on 07-14-05 01:51 AM Link | Quote
i procrastinate alot, and usually sleep in till about noon, or 11:30 almost everyday im rude to my mother, i drink too much soda, i watch too much tv, i yell at people, i laugh at people getting hurt, i steal, lie and cheat. I sneak out after cerfew, i have shallow unrealistic dreams, and thats about it...

(edited by O.G. on 07-13-05 04:53 PM)
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