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Red Paragoomba
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Posted on 06-30-05 05:18 PM Link | Quote
Well, my worst moment in any video game in one in Star wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

It was near the end, when Anakin was sent to kill the Sepratist leaders, hwne rather than an animation, it made you kill them.

Nipper Plant
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Posted on 06-30-05 07:32 PM Link | Quote
Worst moment as in saddest, most frustrating, impossible, weird?

Well, for me, the 'worst' (by your example) moment was when in WC3 Arthas led the undead and slaughtered all of the high elves in Silvermoon. That kind of sucked.

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Posted on 06-30-05 08:07 PM Link | Quote
Buying Earthworm Jim 64 for $22US, actually killing the first boss (which is almost impossible,) then getting up to the second boss and finding out that it's exactly the same except harder.
The Guru of Furu

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Posted on 07-01-05 05:10 AM Link | Quote
Worse part, getting rid of my main man in Xenogears. Not gonna really explain it more cause it'd ruin the story, but if you've played the game, it happens near the end and you lose one of the most bad ass characters in video game history.
Cruel Justice

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Posted on 07-01-05 05:24 AM Link | Quote
I played SimCity on the SNES and worked on getting up to megapolis level.
I had about 575,000 people, 16 power plants, 4 airports, 9 stadiums, and more than 20 police and fire departments. My city was so enormous it had to die sometime. I showed my buddies how to play, while they were playing around, I had to take out some trash. When I got back, they saved over my city!!! I was so pissed!!!

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Posted on 07-01-05 06:49 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cruel Justice
I played SimCity on the SNES and worked on getting up to megapolis level.
I had about 575,000 people, 16 power plants, 4 airports, 9 stadiums, and more than 20 police and fire departments. My city was so enormous it had to die sometime. I showed my buddies how to play, while they were playing around, I had to take out some trash. When I got back, they saved over my city!!! I was so pissed!!!

That's happened to me, well kind of ... since I was the one who saved over my friends file.

Man it was horrible, my friend had about 40 hours on his game that he was working on for the PSX RPG Maker, and we traded off and when it came time for me to save, I saved over his file, right in front of him. I just wasn't thinking.

You should have seen the look on his face. We sat there for like 10 minutes.

As for bad moments in videogaming, I can't really say. There really hasn't been any bad times for me.

However, if emulation counts on the other hand ... it sucked when we got our new computer about 5 years ago, all my dad did was toss the old one which had a bunch of NES, Genesis, and SNES beaten files, tons of RPG's too. So yeah, that kind of sucked.
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 07-01-05 07:37 AM Link | Quote
I can't remember any personal bad game moments right now. However, this reminds me of a looonnngg time ago, when I would actually read this section on World of Nintendo. It has a bunch of bad Nintendo-related experiences sent in by various gamers. May prove an interesting read still.
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Posted on 07-01-05 07:44 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
Well, my worst moment in any video game in one in Star wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

It was near the end, when Anakin was sent to kill the Sepratist leaders, hwne rather than an animation, it made you kill them.
How is that the worst moment in a game?

Giant Goomba
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Posted on 07-01-05 08:07 AM Link | Quote
ya know how cats get there runn'in thing going on? well he runs clear across the house back and until finnaly he hits the PS2 cord and it pulls the PS2 off the desk............I was gonna kill the cat!!!! Guess that's why everyone keeps it on the floor.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-01-05 08:31 AM Link | Quote
When I beat Halo 2.

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Posted on 07-01-05 08:41 AM Link | Quote
IIn warcraft III reign of chaos theres a campaign mission where you (arthas) has to kill more innocent villagers then the enemy. Which is sorta.... odd.

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Posted on 07-01-05 09:12 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by MarioMaster, and edited by me for typoes
Y'know how cats get their runnin' thing going on? Well he runs clear across the house and back until finally he hits the PS2 cord and it pulls the PS2 off the desk............I was gonna kill the cat!!!! Guess that's why everyone keeps it on the floor.

I know my cats get into their runnin' phase, too.
Luckily they havn't knocked anything over... Yet.

Ooooh!! And I remember chuckin' a hissy-fit (going crazy) over Diddy Kong Racing against Wizpig... Broke one of my N64 controllers over it. I didn't realize there was a difficulty setting in options untill about 3 months ago whilst playing it in PJ64.

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Posted on 07-01-05 09:19 AM Link | Quote
My worst moment would be probably when I was playing Guardian Legend.

After hours and hours of painful work, I made it to the entrance to the Volcano zone's Big Boss' corridor... and you know what?

It took me over 4 years to figure out how to enter the stupid door!!!!

Thankfully, it was worth it... but that door... even today, I feel the frustration rising within me whenever I run into it when I play the game... just seeing that stupid door is enough to make me enraged!

In fact, I'll stop now since just writting about it makes me mad!

Ludwig Von Koopa
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Posted on 07-01-05 02:59 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by MarioMaster
ya know how cats get there runn'in thing going on? well he runs clear across the house back and until finnaly he hits the PS2 cord and it pulls the PS2 off the desk............I was gonna kill the cat!!!! Guess that's why everyone keeps it on the floor.

My cats do that too dad said if you put it on the floor it'll get lots of dust and have play..all yucky..I dont know though

Either that..or when the electicity goes off

Renting the game Siren..that game is just..not even worth anything..good thing we didn't go tot he store and buy it. It was my sister that rented it!!
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Posted on 07-01-05 04:18 PM Link | Quote
Crashing in V-Rally. You hit the edge of the track and the car mysteriously floats about.
Then the Playstation fanboys had the fucking cheek to suggest that this was "realistic handling" and it was in someway better than Sega Rally. Thank God for Colleen McRae Rally, that was a game worthy of the Playstation.

Meh, that's the best I have. I just don't buy crap games I have heard of random dead bodies falling out of the air in Driv3r, though. And lots of people still bought the game. Morons.
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Posted on 07-01-05 08:39 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kasumi-Astra

Meh, that's the best I have. I just don't buy crap games I have heard of random dead bodies falling out of the air in Driv3r, though. And lots of people still bought the game. Morons.

My dad has that game. My brother thought it was going to be a good game (I told him it wasn't going to be good). I saw dead bodies fall, cops drive into water, and many other things. Funny thing is I will play it just because of these glitches...

...I know, I am weird...
The Guru of Furu

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Posted on 07-02-05 05:09 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Scatterheart
Broke one of my N64 controllers over it.

I know all about breaking N64 controllers. I was playing Golden Eye against my friend in the complex, and we were doing one hit kills, so we're playing, pretty even, the all of a sudden, I kill him, he spawns right in front of me, bang, and then again, right in front of me, pow, repeat this about 8 times, then i decide, fine, I won't shoot you so you stop complaining, and when he pops up right in front of me again, I smack the shit out of him and then he just throws down the controller, "I've had it with your bull" and click, the Z button lands on the floor right in front of me. He threw it down so hard that the stick went through the controller and shot the Z button across the room, it was hilarious, especially when he realized that it was the controller that he had given to me to borrow and that i had just never returned it. n HHAHAHAH.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 07-02-05 05:20 AM Link | Quote
Only games I ever broke an official Nintendo controller over were Space Station: Silicon Valley (the path at the end of the 3rd jungle level is just plain horrible, and a fucking BIRD killed me right when I got tot the end ) and Wind Waker (WHY WON'T THE FLAMING CATERPILLAR DIE?). I broke a lot of crappy 3rd-party controllers by accident though.

I always tend to get killed right at the end of something. I remember in Sonic Adventure 2, there's some level where you have to find 3 jewel shards in space with Knuckles. 99% of the time they simply aren't there, I dunno if it's a bug or what but I could spend TWO HOURS looking and not find the third shard. This one time I had the first two, and the third one was right in front of me after looking for half an hour. A comet smacks me and I die! Come to think of it I haven't played that since.

And then there's the always-fun situations where you get back a game you lent out, and all the save files are something stupid, or you start up a game and they're just not there, or the power goes out/battery dies while saving and ruins them. Always a good way to piss a guy off.

Originally posted by Scatterheart
Ooooh!! And I remember chuckin' a hissy-fit (going crazy) over Diddy Kong Racing against Wizpig... Broke one of my N64 controllers over it. I didn't realize there was a difficulty setting in options untill about 3 months ago whilst playing it in PJ64.

A what? I played the hell out of that game and I don't remember anything like that. There's a cheat to make the AI harder in Tracks mode, but that's it... (I actually found the second Wizpig way easy though. The first one is the hard one.)
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 07-02-05 06:09 AM Link | Quote
When Kerrigan died in a Zerg mission.

And I hadn't saved for hours.

And it wasn't the first time she died either. I really wanted to destory something. Man, i'm just too spoiled as many of the games I play have auto-save...
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Posted on 07-02-05 01:02 PM Link | Quote
selling my +25 demolition comet to an NPC in PSO(ffline). and not resetting because i was worried it'd get rid of my friends' character

Let me repeat that.

I sold a +25 demolition comet.

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