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Posted on 06-30-05 04:43 AM Link | Quote
This is really screwed -- especially since Im only 15.
but just now, I began to think about death -- what will it be like after I die? seeing as Im an athiest, I don't believe in god (that includes heaven/hell/etc.)

this may seem selfish, but Im more worried that whatever death is like will be eternal boredom than missing my friends, family, etc.

All I can think it would be like was blackness without sound. And no ability to think/do anything.

Hopefully I'll get over it -- but its starting to bug me quite a bit...

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Posted on 06-30-05 04:47 AM Link | Quote
well, most people are afraid to die, but most dont think about it at your age, or even up to their 40's....ive never really thought of it, and I think, well, when its my time, ill die, nothing can be done...technically I dont believe in god either, I believe in the evolution theory, and all that. but you never know, by the time you, or I die, they may be able to stop it, like in the "Real zombie dog." thread I made, it worked with dogs, and they think it will work with humans...but thats not really the point. just try not to think of it at such a young age

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Posted on 06-30-05 04:52 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by spiroth10

All I can think it would be like was blackness without sound. And no ability to think/do anything.

I get that in my head sometimes too. Like an image of nothingness, and it probably does scare you. Just don't think about it. A 15 year old has a whole life ahead of them, don't think about death yet.
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Posted on 06-30-05 04:57 AM Link | Quote
I'll take the void over flat-out "close your eyes and disappear into nothingness" anyday.

Or I'd also take a Groundhog Day scenario where you relive your life over and over again but don't know that it's happening.

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Posted on 06-30-05 05:00 AM Link | Quote
Living the same dayover and over again would truely rock.

For one thing, I would ensure I get stoned/pissed out of my head and steal as much icecream soda from the local asda as I possibly can every single day.
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Posted on 06-30-05 05:06 AM Link | Quote

But yeah, he's scary at first, but once you figure out how to avoid his attacks hes a piece of cake.

(edited by Valcion on 06-29-05 08:11 PM)

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Posted on 06-30-05 05:14 AM Link | Quote
Valcion you play Castlevania too much.

I've had those thoughts too, about just nothingness (is that a word?) enclosing you when you die. You don't need to worry about it just yet, unless you've been reading tea leaves and seen some bad omens. And what is up with the death threads lately? o.o
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Posted on 06-30-05 05:17 AM Link | Quote
Valcion: You could always just cast Life on him. That's taking the EASY way out, mind you, and you'd probably be branded a cheater (for cheating death, duh!) but it's one way.

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Posted on 06-30-05 05:30 AM Link | Quote
death is unlike anything you've experienced before.

It's gonna happen. get over it.

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Posted on 06-30-05 05:35 AM Link | Quote
A few years ago, I was very afraid of death...I think it started because of a dream in which I was told I was gonna die soon. Every day, I was worried that it would be my last day on earth. I almost knew I wouldn't live to see Christmas (this was in 2002).

Now I'm not quite as worried about it, but I get that way sometimes.

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Posted on 06-30-05 05:38 AM Link | Quote
ask yourself now: if you were to die now would you regret anything. Of course make these reasonable then fix them. Then when you die, which i'm going to remind you again is inevitable you wont care.
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Posted on 06-30-05 05:40 AM Link | Quote
Think of it this way -- if you can't see, feel, or think, how will you realize 'time' is passing when you're dead?

Really, it kind of is creepy (mostly because I have those weird feelings about something bad happening all the time .'/) but once you just realize the stupidity of it, it's not so bad.

After all, your brain is you, so if that doesn't exist you don't exist. Nothing happens, you just kinda rot in the earth and turn into some sort of energy. :p
Ramadan Roy

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Posted on 06-30-05 06:02 AM Link | Quote
Well are you really an Atheist in the sense of there being no afterlife, then? Do you really accept and truly believe that? I believe those are questions you need to ask yourself, my friend.

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Posted on 06-30-05 06:10 AM Link | Quote
I believe that what happens when you die is what you really truly believe, deep down inside, will happen to you. If you want to avoid whatever nothingness you fear, convince yourself that good things will happen to people who deserve them, then work to convince yourself that you deserve the paradise you imagine. Most people take a religion to answer these questions for them, but for people like me who are too cynical to believe in other people's beliefs, you have to start somewhere.

I should make a poll, and the choices should be:
a: Koneko is a bastard atheist who is going to hell, hel, whatever
b: Koneko is the Prophet of Truth
c: Koneko is a kitten
Except that no one would vote, at all, and it would get trashed.

Hah, I can't write a single meaningful post without tossing in something stupid at the end. Don't mind me, I'm a kitten.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 06-30-05 06:20 AM Link | Quote
Join the club, the only time the thought of death bothers me is before sleep. I don't steadily go around thinking on it, but only when i'm heading to sleep for some reason. Somehow I have a feeling why around bedtime too... ;

I think that in infinite time = anything possible. And with anything possible you will be revived... somehow. That's my theory.

(with infinite, I mean... undefined. Really. It could be anything from 1 year to a really insane number of years)

The second thing that scares me is... being seperated from everyone and everything in this world. Seriously, the thought of waking up in another world diffrent from this one scares me.

Wouldn't a serious thread like this fit better in Officer's club?

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 06-29-05 09:21 PM)
(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 06-29-05 09:22 PM)

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Posted on 06-30-05 06:42 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Colleen
Or I'd also take a Groundhog Day scenario where you relive your life over and over again but don't know that it's happening.

Yes! That would be so killer if it happened ._.;; It is depressing to think about just not ever living anymore (that is why I don't think it ^^

Nipper Plant
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Posted on 06-30-05 07:37 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
Join the club, the only time the thought of death bothers me is before sleep. I don't steadily go around thinking on it, but only when i'm heading to sleep for some reason. Somehow I have a feeling why around bedtime too... ;

Well, i'd rather die in my sleep, to be truthful, althoug not murdered. >.>

Maybe you'd end up living in some kind of dreamland if that were the case...

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Posted on 06-30-05 07:40 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
The second thing that scares me is... being seperated from everyone and everything in this world. Seriously, the thought of waking up in another world diffrent from this one scares me.
This is what I dislike about death. I <3 this world too much to just leave it.
I'm not under the alfluence of incohol like some thinkle peop I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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Posted on 06-30-05 07:43 AM Link | Quote
Death concerns me from time to time. I've lost a lot of family members and stuff, which kinda shook me into paying attention to this "death" thing, and every now and then I get mildly freaked.

But it doesn't matter, it'll happen to everybody. To me, to you, to all of us.

As the song goes...

Do you realise
That everyone you know some day will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes
Let them know you realise that life moves fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realise the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round.

(edited by Tarale on 06-29-05 10:48 PM)

Nipper Plant
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Posted on 06-30-05 07:55 AM Link | Quote
That's a neat rhyme, i'll have to print that out and tack it to my wall along with all my Zen clippings. What song/poem is that from?
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