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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - The Legend of Zelda: Dark Prophecy -------- UPDATE WITH PICS -------- | |
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Since: 03-22-04
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Posted on 05-11-05 04:12 PM Link | Quote
Ok guys, hows it goin. I realize its been a couple months since any new pics have been released so me and Dudeman decided it was time to post some more with new info about progress.

Progress as of... well, today


Hyrule Castle is done
Light 1 is done
Light 2 is done
Light 3 is done
Agahims castle is done
Dark 1 is done

Dark 2 is started
Dark 3 is done
Dark 4 is done
Dark 5 is done
Dark 6 is done
Dark 7 is done

Dark 8 is done but may have glitches

Now, i would have to say that that is damn impressive. ALL but one dungeon complete! That is 12 origional dungeons, with the final one in the works.

Custom Music is being worked on
Custom Graphics are being made
Custom ASM hacks are complete, and more are being worked on (sorry, its a surprise)


Light world - 68/68 screens complete
Dark World - 56/68 screens complete

Just waiting for the final stages before those areas can be built.

Note - Names have remained the same here as to not ruin any surprises, but that doesnt mean that the dark world is necessarily the same as in zelda 3, or a Dark 6 for example is a traditional zelda 3 dungeon.

Now for the good stuff.... PICS!




Dark Prophecy is definitly nearing completion. Ill be setting up a homepage for it soon on one at one of the major hacking sites. Look for it in the near future. I hope you guys enjoyed that and are looking forward to playing it. As always, your suggestions will be taken into consideration.


Omega and Dudeman
Ok Impala!

Buzzy Beetle
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Posted on 05-11-05 04:57 PM Link | Quote

I'm really impressed by the great progress of this hack!

As for the storyline and dialogue, what can we expect there?
Squash Monster

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Posted on 05-11-05 06:46 PM Link | Quote

I like how this one's done. It adds a bit of atmosphere to the battle I think.

So, after you've finished those last two dungeons and the overworld, what else is there before we get to play this sucker?

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Posted on 05-11-05 06:50 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Squash Monster
So, after you've finished those last two dungeons and the overworld, what else is there before we get to play this sucker?

I would guess there's a few more things to do, say, monologue, maybe title screen (if they haven't done it) and then heaps of testing?

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Posted on 05-11-05 09:53 PM Link | Quote
Looks nice. We might finally have a complete Zelda hack soon.

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Posted on 05-11-05 10:23 PM Link | Quote
lookin' good Can't wait to play it. but how would you say this hack ranks in difficulty? with the original tloz:lttp being 5? 0 being easiest, 10 being hardest?
Roneo Strife

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Posted on 05-11-05 11:33 PM Link | Quote
The game lloks great and I can't wait to play it. Most hacks are fun but they are all the of the same game. I'm sorry but no matter how many SMW hacks their are, They will never be as fun as the real thing. BUT...I have never played a LTTP hack befor. I can't wait to play it.

I don't know squat about hacking but I hope to learn. I have a hex editor but it's all just a bunch of letters and numbers to me.

What is an ASM hack? How do I make one?

I like the doorway in the next pic. I can't wait to see how it looks in the game.

I also like your sprite edits. I see you changed the colors for the Dark2 boss but changed his eye color. I don't exactly remember the sprite to a T but if my memory is correct, it was entirly an orange sprite. This is a great looking hack. Anyone can make a hack but not everyone can make it look like it was done by professionals. Lord knows I can't.

Next thing...the graphics of the game look awsome but I have a suggestion.

The room looks like it's and an angle with the wall effects on the plateform but it still looks like flat room. I dunno really how to discribe it but I think it clashes with the room. I believe it would look better w/o the effects.

All in all, I am very excited to play your Zelda in hopes that someday I will be in your shoes someday because I can already tell that this hack is going to make it all over the net. That is the sign of a well hacked rom.

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Posted on 05-11-05 11:40 PM Link | Quote
Thats good work omega. People like you do a good job. And there are other out there are also good.

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Since: 03-22-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 02:39 AM Link | Quote
Thx guys. As for what remains once the last dungeon and overworld screens are finished:

Monologue - none has been done, but the story is complete. We are leaving the text till the very end.
Caves - Almost all the caves need to be done, but the major cave system linking parts of the overworld together is complete.
GFX - Several sprites are being made to replace the origionals by a very skilled spriter. None have been revealed yet.
Music - Some music is being made... wether it will make it into the final game, im not yet sure.
Testing - All the dungeons have been tested, as well as the overworld which has been reworked to fix glitches. The only real testing that will need to be done is testing the game as a whole.
ASM hacks - Some cool stuff here guys. None of it has been shown, but it is awesome. Stuff like AI and credits are still being hacked.

Thats pretty much it.

BTW, you should know that the boss rooms are all, and although the one shown is awesome, its not the nearly the best. Dudeman really did a great job on them.

(edited by Omega45889 on 05-11-05 10:06 AM)
(edited by Omega45889 on 05-11-05 10:07 AM)
Dude Man

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Posted on 05-12-05 03:07 AM Link | Quote
I thank you all for your comments.
I try very hard to make the boss rooms different from eachother as well as the original game (in which the boss rooms were just empty square rooms with minimal detail)

I've also been trying very hard to not make the dungeons too hard.
I idea is harder then the original, but not crazy hard. I want people to enjoy this hack like a real game. Not hate it for having spike rooms, spike mazes, and spike enemies that shoot spike, etc.


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Since: 03-22-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 03:09 AM Link | Quote
Thats a good point... The difficulty is excelent, and most likely suited to everyone. You will all enjoy it regardless of skill.

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Since: 06-23-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 04:10 AM Link | Quote
Sweet update you guys! The hack is certainly in good progress. The dungeons beeing the hardest part and to say only one left till completition...

... it's about time a final Z3 hack lives to our expectations. Have another month for the monologue and some others for play-testing, title screens, music etc... and you'll have a good Z3 hack that you'll want to have on top of your other snes cartridges

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 04:40 AM Link | Quote
Fuggin finally! This hack look awsome, I'm gonna play this hack to death when it's done, nice job!
Ok Impala!

Buzzy Beetle
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Posted on 05-12-05 11:29 AM Link | Quote

I think it'll take some more time to do all the monologue. I've been working on a Dutch translation for this game and I can tell you it does have a lot of dialogue actually.

I really hope difficulty isn't too hard. Most hacks suffer from the "next-to-impossible" difficulty syndrom. Not a good thing in my humble opinion.

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Since: 03-22-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 02:43 PM Link | Quote
Do not worry, difficulty is perfect. As for the dialog, there is only about 300 seperate text blocks in the game, which could easily be done in a weekend. I dont see it being a problem. Keep in mind that im not translating... just creating the text for an already created story.
Ok Impala!

Buzzy Beetle
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Posted on 05-12-05 02:52 PM Link | Quote

But if you want those people in your game actually say something that makes sense I think you'll have some more work, no?

I've also been working on an RPG for almost 6 years now and dialogue is one of the most difficult things to do there. Reason I've rewritten many parts of it several times.

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Posted on 05-12-05 03:10 PM Link | Quote
I so understand what you mean about dialogue being the hardest to do. Once you think this sentence sounds good another better one pops in the head and you'll end up deciding which one to use in the dialogue.... it's not an easy task.

Hacking credits? Just grab a table file off zophar (there's one look for "ending" specific) find the data at about... *checks notes* 0E/B17A (credits) and 0E/BF50 (scrolling ending), edit and you're good to go, 2 byte pointers start at 0E/B93D for the credits if you need to play with them. There's some control code involved (like how much to shift the text right, length etc) but they shouldnt take more than 15 minutes to figure out. (err sry about those cpu addrs, that's the way i have them in the notes, just get something to convert them to hex addrs)

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Posted on 05-12-05 03:16 PM Link | Quote
This is one hack I'm certainly looking forward to. The screenshots look very impressive! I suppose you won't show us a screenshot of the world map, huh?

Oh! And I hope you havn't made any "dead ponds" where you can jump in and swim, but can't get out!

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Since: 03-22-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 03:48 PM Link | Quote
Thanks for the info Euclid. Ill be sure to put it to use when I get to the credits.

As for the text, im confident that it wont take me longer than a week tops. Ive got help from dudeman as well.

As for the dead ponds commment... no need to worry, the game has been thoroughly tested and will go through an extensive testing phase to avoid problems such as this as creators tent to miss their mistakes more often than beta testers trying to figure things out from scratch.

Oh, and, no full maps for the obvious reasons. I have been very careful about not spoiling the game too much before release. Sure it builds hype and all, but i think it would be ultimatley less fun for the players if they had seen the whole overworld going in rather than exploring from scratch. Single screens usually dont give any sense of the layout, or whats beyond that single screen which is why I opted to go with them alone. Im sure you will appreciate it when playing.

(edited by Omega45889 on 05-11-05 10:52 PM)
Dude Man

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Since: 05-02-04
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Posted on 05-12-05 03:51 PM Link | Quote
hell no, Seph made a huge mistake when he showed his enitre world map for Gates of Darkness. IF we do all secrecy will be lost
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - The Legend of Zelda: Dark Prophecy -------- UPDATE WITH PICS -------- | |


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