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What do you think the crisis will come to?
There will never be a global energy crisis.   0.0%, 0 vote
A crisis will happen but its effects will be minor.
8.3%, 2 votes
A crisis will happen and it will moderately reshape civilization.
16.7%, 4 votes
A crisis will happen and it will drastically reshape civilization.
45.8%, 11 votes
A crisis will happen and it will destroy civilization.
12.5%, 3 votes
Other (Please explain)
16.7%, 4 votes
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Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 07-04-05 05:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Graviteh
I'm sure that the scientists are trying very hard to come up with new ideas for energy. There will be an oil crisis, but we'll have alternative forms of energy by then.

Because science is full of people out there striving to work on this problem. Who are 'the scientists'? You realize that scientists aren't a giant collection of all-knowing researchers who switch working from crisis to crisis to solve problems, right? ._.
Pixel Artist

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Posted on 07-04-05 07:29 PM Link | Quote
It's more than that, though... So many aspects of this age largely dependant on fossil fuels. Think about it. We have whole buisiness organizations dedicated towards products that use gasoline. As good as it would be to turn to another energy source, the buisiness world is geared towards gasoline. They aren't going to just turn away from their profits just to do the decent thing. They are going to milk it for all it's worth so they can keep their jobs. The motor industry is a big one, here. Although there are Hybrid cars as well as Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars (or whatever) the majority of all motor vehicles manufactured are made to run on gasoline. And I'm sure there are other buisiness out there that rely heavily upon fossil fuels. The other one that comes to mind is airplanes.

Unless you hold a gun up against the throats of these companies they aren't going to stop. The supply and demand in and of itself will probably force people to rely more and more on alternate methods of transportation. I can't even guess what else this crisis will incite when it gets to a head. We may not have found/be able to utilize viable alternate energy sources in such a way as to easilly replace what gasoline has become. If you think about it... hydgrogen replacing it would have it's own complications. If the hydrogen is brought from other planets then there may be a definite impact on oxygen levels in our atmosphere, as well as an increase in water. This consequence might be infinitessimally gradual but if enough alien/new water was produced it would change the environment (among other things. this is all conjecture... who knows what would really happen). What else.... if the hydrogen resources came from earth or from fission/fussion that would have it's own list of complications.

Platinum? Well shit, that totally throws my guess work off. Guess that means we'll have to discover a more efficient way to wield hydrogen fuel cells. There is another possibility. Interplanetary mining. Taking what resources we need from lifeless planets. Matter synthesizers. These won't likely be invented any time soon and will likely require enourmous amounts of energy. They could, perhaps, be housed in giant space stations, synthesizing fuels from ordinary matter and using solar energy. This stage would only be viable after matter synthesis technology has been invented and greately refined. Particle Accelerators might play some part in their development, but they are incredibly energy draining, so much so that they could drain the energy of an entire city (unless I'm mistaken).

It's really hard to predict what will happen... there are many possibilities.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-04-05 07:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bit-Blade

Platinum? Well shit, that totally throws my guess work off. Guess that means we'll have to discover a more efficient way to wield hydrogen fuel cells. There is another possibility. Interplanetary mining. Taking what resources we need from lifeless planets. Matter synthesizers. These won't likely be invented any time soon and will likely require enourmous amounts of energy. They could, perhaps, be housed in giant space stations, synthesizing fuels from ordinary matter and using solar energy. This stage would only be viable after matter synthesis technology has been invented and greately refined. Particle Accelerators might play some part in their development, but they are incredibly energy draining, so much so that they could drain the energy of an entire city (unless I'm mistaken).

Please say that this is a joke.
Pixel Artist

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Posted on 07-05-05 01:09 AM Link | Quote
Why? You got something against wild conjecture of what might be? It's theoretically possible to rearrange the components in atoms into different elements. More than that, actually, since certain elements have been forcefully discovered.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-05-05 01:48 AM Link | Quote
But most of those elements are theoretical or have half-lifes of literally seconds.

Science-fiction of today isn't going to come around today. We need to find real world solution with present technology before we start dreaming.
Pixel Artist

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Posted on 07-05-05 05:55 AM Link | Quote
I'm aware of that. I wasn't suggesting that such advanced technology would even be discovered in our lifetimes. I wasn't even offering solutions. My mind is the kind that is constantly thinking on ideas/theories/the way things work. But I do beleive that those ideas may come to be, just not any time soon.

As for real solutions... I'm honestly at a loss. We're pretty much fucked until something else is discovered. Hopefully it won't be like mad max and Thunderdome. It would be awful to have to depend on pig shit and methane as an energy source. The oil crash is going to suck balls when it happens.
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-05-05 09:17 AM Link | Quote
Bit, in order to remove or add a proton (which is really what determines an element) from an atom, you need a nuclear explosion to get enough energy to overcome or create Strong Force (since they're you know, borne from Strong Force in the beginning anyway). The only real harness on nuclear explosions we have at this point are the kind used in reactors and the kind used to level Japanese cities. You can't just say one day that you're gonna change an element into another element. Especially when you consider the density of the atom as compared to the density of another atom.
Pixel Artist

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Posted on 07-05-05 09:44 AM Link | Quote
I'm aware of all of this. Yeesh... you guys really have it in for my theoretical conjectures XD. Mankind is tenacious. I'm fairly certain we will find a way to do it in sprite of the things holding of back
alte Hexe

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Posted on 07-05-05 09:47 AM Link | Quote
No doubt in that man

But it would be totally in the best interest of mankind to actually focus on the current technologies we have and refining/improving them. Then, as they improve the research being done on the "future" will gradually be able to be implimented, and that will improve. But right now, work on what we have
Grey the Stampede

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And yes. That means donuts.
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Posted on 07-05-05 09:49 AM Link | Quote
Hey, I never said it was impossible, just fucking hard to do.

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Posted on 07-10-05 02:01 PM Link | Quote
||bass, you demand proof of Grey's claims. This is a hypocritical thing to ask. The only fact in this entire topic is the fact that no one has provided the least bit of proof to their claims - no external sources, just pure conjecture - and yet, many people assert that they are "right" and their debative opponent is "wrong." I see a problem with this.

But I am terribly interested in the subject. Would anyone care to provide external links, sources or such that back up their arguments?
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Posted on 08-12-05 04:26 AM Link | Quote
Its good to see someone out there is even willing to admit there is a problem. I've been studying peak oil and the increase in price of oil for over a year now. And the trend really is going the way it is predicted too. I wish i could write more of my views on this subject but im a bit tired right now ^^;; i'll just recommend to anyone interested in this, you should try and track down a copy of 'end of suburbia', its a documentary that is good for easing people into the idea of a global society change and makes you sit up and realise that we do have a problem on our hands.

Buster Beetle
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Posted on 08-17-05 12:05 PM Link | Quote
There will be no problem, aren't you guy know about hydrogen car.they produce no polution help recreate water and are almost ten time more powerful and they don't released them because they want to get all the money possible with car before do that so there will be no energy crisis
Note:many people have done home-made hydrogen car

(edited by Bio on 08-17-05 03:05 AM)
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