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Main - Posts by Scion

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Posted on 05-30-07 11:30 PM, in Kirby vs. Shy-Guy Link | Quote | ID: 39641

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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I like your writing and creativity, you've done a real good job on it.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 06-09-07 07:00 AM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (rev. 2 of 06-09-07 07:01 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 43867

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Posted by FirePhoenix0
Just to let you all know, I can breed Bagons if you want. Anyone with Diamond may want one seeing as it's Pearl-exclusive, unless you have one from the GBA games. Just let me know if you want one.

I'll take one

Trainer Name: James

Code: 4338 9354 1644

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 06-09-07 11:30 PM, in I want some friends for Mario Kart DS... hook me up.... Link | Quote | ID: 44033

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Yeah, I just got the Wi-Fi connection so I'm ready to get going!!!! WooHoo!!!

Pm me if you want to become MK friends...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 06-12-07 11:15 PM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 44808

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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I'm Breeding some Eevees at the moment, I have a lot right now if anyone would like one...

(Click my name to see my friend code, then PM me if you want one.)

Only if you're able to, I'd like to get one of the following only if you're willing:


I'll still give away some Eevees; the above is only a request, but don't go out of your way for it...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 06-14-07 12:19 AM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (rev. 2 of 06-14-07 12:25 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 45125

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Posted by FirePhoenix0
Eh, maybe I'll breed to try and get one with either of the two natures. Thanks for the info though. Now I know exactly why my Luxray is so powerful: Its adamant nature has Luxray's attack at 194 at Level 61. I can't imagine how high it'll be at level 100...

Might be around 320 - 365 is my guess... if EV trained correctly...

Here's a cool tip for you guys.... The best way to raise pokemon (that I know of, othewise enlighten me)

Breed two pokemon, hatch about 5 eggs at a time, and level up the males, then level up the females to level 10, then add all of the stats together and see who has the highest total. then breed those two, and keep doing it until about the 5th or 6th generation and pick the male or female with the best nature, and raise that one to 100....

It works wonderfully after you've given it the selected vitamins and EV trained it....

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 09-13-07 11:33 PM, in What happened to... Link | Quote | ID: 65312

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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What happened to good ol' Xkeeper?

It says that he was banned, but I remember he used to joke around by acting like he was banned. So is he just messing with everyone, or is he really banned? And if so... banned by who?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-03-07 05:59 PM, in So I've got this idea... (rev. 4 of 11-03-07 06:03 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 69066

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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I've been really wanting to do some Mario comics for a while now. And I've tried to think of different styles y'know, like what type of story. Well, this came to mind....

Politics in the mushroom kingdom. A comic to basically making fun of politics of the right-wing conservative freaks, and the left-wing liberal morons, and me being a moderate I plan on keeping it equal on both sides so all can laugh.

Now I thought I could do a comic on Mario or Sonic characters campaigning to be the president of The Mushroom Kingdom, which forfeited to Democracy. Maybe even other characters too.

This could be funny, and I'd just like to know if I should work on it, or if you guys think it wouldn't be a good idea.

I had a Matrix themed comic that I abandoned, and never really got far into if you want to check it out.

I'm bored as hell!


MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-03-07 06:08 PM, in 8 PER SCANLINE Link | Quote | ID: 69067

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Okay, you're making this funnier and funnier.... Keep it up!

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-16-07 04:39 PM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 70172

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Anybody need anything? Like pokemon? or items?

I've got the hookup...

Arceus, Darkrai, Shaymin, or any other at any level or any nature, and totally unhacked. (I don't believe in tweaking with stats or movesets).

What do I want in return? Friend codes and battle buddies.

I remember when I was in dire need of certain pokemon or items, so I also want to help anyway.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-16-07 04:50 PM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread (rev. 2 of 11-16-07 04:53 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 70173

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Do you think they will return some of the SSBM characters in Brawl that they haven't comfirmed yet....

Dr. Mario (What a waste)

Luigi (I'm sure they will)

C. Falcon

Ganondorf (Hopefully without C. Falcon rip-offs. Lazy bastards!)


Ness (Is Lucas supposed to replace Ness?)

Y. Link (I think he just took up space)

Pichu (Did anybody use him???)


Mewtwo (I liked mewtwo, I was one of the very few that could use him very good)

Mr. Game n' Watch (Stupid)

Marth (Again, is Ike supposed to replace Marth?)

Roy (I wouldn't care if he didn't return)

They should make Ganon's move sets more magical like in OoT aor TP, I did love his electric punch he had in SSBM. See if they wanted to be "neat" they should've made an 8-bit mario, instead of a Mr. Gn' W, of course how many more Marios should we allow?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-17-07 07:09 PM, in Super Mario Galaxy Link | Quote | ID: 70234

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Okay I've played this game up to 48 stars or something like that.

I have to say it's pretty good, but I can't really decide how to rate until it's over. Some were trying to compare it to Mario 64. I think they're to different from each other to compare. Yeah, sure it has the same concept of running jumping and collecting stars, but it still feels totally different. But it definently beats Mario Sunshine, which wasn't a horrible game but still it could've been better. I'm still waiting on the totally remade version of Mario 64, but that might not happen considering they "remade" it on the DS. Anyway, I'm like SMG pretty well, and I hope it gets better...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-17-07 07:18 PM, in Fanboys.... Link | Quote | ID: 70236

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Yeah I always wondered...

What if someone else created a game just like SM64, but the original SM64 was never created. and the following were converted:

Mario - Flying Beetle (Looks like pokemon Ledian)
Bowser - Big Evil Spider
Coins - Sunflower seed
Stars - Gemstones
And all the enemies were some other equivalent. But the landscaping of the levels were exactly the same.

...would anybody pay attention to it, because it wouldn't be a respected character like mario. It would be some nothing character not made by nintendo.

Fanboys prolly wouldn't care...

Am I a fan boy? I like mario because I like mario. I played his games since I was 5. And have good memories, however I like the 360, and some games on the playstation series. So I give a game a try, always, but I have liked nintendo made games more so than others, because I think they try a little harder.../.

I dunno..........

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-17-07 07:21 PM, in Wii codes and Gamertags Link | Quote | ID: 70237

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Add me to X Box live

GTag: Dusk Angel X

Love gears and love Halo 3.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-17-07 07:46 PM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 70244

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Posted by Doritokiller
Posted by Scion
Ness (Is Lucas supposed to replace Ness?)

Apparently, Lucas was supposed to be in Melee, but he wasn't due to the delay of Mother 3.

So now we've got blondie.

....Instead of Ness?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-17-07 10:25 PM, in Biggest disappointments Link | Quote | ID: 70251

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Long time with no posts, but here goes.

Somehow, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess didn't hit me. No I am not talking about the gameplay and bosses resembling too much the N64 games but the ending.

Twilight Princess I think is the best Zelda game. I'm pretty harsh when I rate a game. Like Windwaker; it was okay, but not the best, especially with the hype it had. Majora's mask was not great, it was boring and I just can't seem to get into it. OoT is legendary, TP is legendary for this console generation, both are great.

Yoshi's story is okay if you're a fanboy (that's me...... ) Yoshi's Island DS wasn't one to grab me.

LoZ Phantom Hourglass was boring to me.

LoZ Minish Cap was okay, but too short

Super smash bros. Melee is the WORST game I've ever played....... JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING!!!!!!

*Flinches for oncoming projectiles* No j/k SSBM was awesome. I hope brawl kicks butt!!!

NFSU2: Good, NFSMW: Great, NFSCarbon: Nasty Crap!! (Jim Gaffagan impression LOL) Hated carbon.... I sold it within a couple weeks.

3d Sonic games just aren't that great, and are too repetitive...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-20-07 06:48 AM, in What are you listening to? (PARAGRAPH OR DEATH) Link | Quote | ID: 70445

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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I'm listening to "The Cross" By Within Temptation. I appreciate the style of this band. I am an Evanescence fan, but it nice to see another band leaning towards the dark rock side. Whenever life gets me down, I get my iPod out and start listening to it. It moves me in such was that's unexplainable. I love darkness, and listening to it in the dark gives me goosebumps of satisfaction. I love this band.

And I like some of Nightwish's music too.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-24-07 07:20 PM, in What do you want for Christmas? Link | Quote | ID: 70647

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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I'm really wanting to get a Wii. I already have an Xbox 360, but I'm willing to trade out for a Wii. I borrowed my friends Wii, and played thje crap out of it in 3 weeks. And I love it.

What do you guys want this Christmas?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-27-07 07:07 PM, in Just my luck... No wiis anywhere... Link | Quote | ID: 70765

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Well of course we should've all expected this to happen during Christmas season.

I finally have enough money to get a Wii, but now there are none to be found. That's not the bad part. The bad part is a couple weeks ago, I was in Wal-Mart getting food for lunch for my family, and the P.A. says. "Attention Wal-mart shoppers: Looking for the Wii? Well we have some that just came in". And I had no money, but was in the right place at the right time...... just with no money...

That's bad huh?


What's bad is that a week later. It happened again. "We just got some Nintendo wiis in right now" Still had no money, but wasn't trying to get it then. But now I have about $300, and I can't find it anywhere. I went to several Gamestops and asked, and everytime I felt like a shmuk. Circuit city said they get thier shipment on Saturdays. So I'm going to do some camping out if I can on Friday night. The guy a CC told me that they recieved like 15 Wiis, and they were sold out within 5 minutes.

I'm kind of bitter just knowing that some spoiled little brat is going to get it, over me who freakin' worked his butt off in construction enduring rednecks all day to try and save enough to get one.....


Anybody feel like this right now?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-27-07 08:41 PM, in Just my luck... No wiis anywhere... Link | Quote | ID: 70771

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Well, you're right I guess...

But I've always been a nintendo fanboy. And the games that I had to hold me until I obtained a Wii; were sold to my buddy's wife for his Christmas... (My XBOX 360, w 2 Wireless controllers, 1 wired, Gears Of War game, and chargers for the wireless sold for 350$)

So I'm without my main console, and I already played the crap out of my GC games the past two months; sure I enjoyed them, but now I've ran out of things to play... That's why I'm itching for more.... I gotta get my hit...

I have a potential girlfriend. Perhaps this might dilute my desire to be playing games all the time. Used to be that way....

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-29-07 03:38 AM, in Jordin Sparks bombs Link | Quote | ID: 70862

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Last year's American Idol doesn't do so well...

I sure am not surprised...

Here's the link.... discuss....


MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars
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