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Main - Posts by Gideon Zhi

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Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-19-07 05:58 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 176

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hi sup wats this place

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-19-07 06:08 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ (rev. 2 of 05-06-07 02:11 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 197

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IT'S BACK! So post and stuff.

I'll start. Super Robot Wars Alpha!

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-20-07 08:23 AM, in Writing blogs Link | Quote | ID: 2003

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So I've got a new blog up! I'm slowly posting short stories, poems, and excerpts from my novels to it, as well as a Word of the Day to help me expand my vocabulary and general how-things-are-going blogging stuff. Tonight I added an excerpt from The Crystal Key, my first novel and currently under consideration at Random House, as well as an excerpt from its unfinished follow-up, Midnight Dancers.

Take a look! Let me know what you think. I'll post in this thread when I update with anything more significant than a Word of the Day; I should have some poetry and a short story going up within the next week or so.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-21-07 12:15 AM, in Any body want to make an rpg forum ? Link | Quote | ID: 2618

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Posted by Sukasa
I'll just ask him tomorrow. In Person.

While you're at it, punch him for me. Good and hard.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-21-07 07:48 AM, in 日本語がわかりますか Link | Quote | ID: 3312

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Wow, more massholes. We're comin' out of the woodwork!

I don't live near enough to Marlborough to be able to bother with that kind of commute for lessons; even if I did, I'm not sure I'd want to shell out for 'em. There's half of me what wants to learn it, to try to get a job in the games industry as a translator (I know a few folks who've gone that route successfully) but there's the other half of me that'd be content to just be a writer.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-21-07 10:03 AM, in SMW2: Yoshi's Grand Adventure [SS] Link | Quote | ID: 3392

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On a minor side note, am I the only one who is profoundly annoyed by Chomp Rock? That was the one part of Yoshi's Island I absolute cannot stand. After many tries going back to the game, Chomp Rock always ruins it for me

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-21-07 09:41 PM, in Free, downloadable games Link | Quote | ID: 3658

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Meritous! Horribly addictive bullethell top-down action/rpg. Thing.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-21-07 10:35 PM, in Not-so-famous, underrated games... Link | Quote | ID: 3716

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Blaster Master, people. All it needs is a save function.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-23-07 08:45 AM, in The return of the no backspace gae... game.. Threas.. bah Link | Quote | ID: 5550

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This thread is funny.

That's all I have to say about that, though.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 02-23-07 10:31 PM, in Writing blogs Link | Quote | ID: 5934

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Added a poem, titled "Fever Dream", to Letterhead. It's not my best, but it's certainly not my worst either.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-01-07 06:49 AM, in Rare Games Link | Quote | ID: 9010

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I happen to own a prototype of an NES game called Drac's Night Out. Guy who lives down the street from me made it for Parker Bros., but their license with Nintendo expired just before it was going to go to print.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-01-07 07:15 AM, in Blaster Master: Nemesis Rising (Looking for tile artists) Link | Quote | ID: 9026

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So I'm working on a hack of the original Blaster Master, on and off. For those of you familiar with the now-canon novelization of the original Blaster Master, Nemesis Rising is a prequel-expansion of the universe. Long story short, Eve's sister (whom she never mentions to Jason) is sentenced to exile from their homeworld. As she leaves, however, the planet comes under the attack of the thunder beings, and she returns to find the place in ruins.

Rather than entice you with omgfeatures that may or may not be present in the final version, I'm just going to post a link to a map of the tank view "first" Area, called The Old Lands.

View the map here. Beware spoilers.

The only plans I'll mention at this point is that the game is to be fully nonlinear in design, saving that you'll need all seven upgrades to Sophia to make it through the last Area, and that some upgrades will make some parts of some Areas easier (but all save the final will be accessible and completable from the very beginning.)

I have ideas for what I want most of the remaining Areas to be, but I lack the technique to be able to render them well in tiles. (setz did most of the tile work for this map; the castles were adapted from Area 2 graphics, the gargoyle heads stolen from Zelda 2. The only bits of it that are authentically "mine" are the gates, and even those are slight adaptations of Area 2 graphics...) It is for this reason that I'm looking for tile artists to work closely with me to help realize the vision that is Nemesis Rising.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-05-07 09:20 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 10718

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Since: 02-19-07

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Let's play font picking game.

1 & 2:

3 & 4:

5 & 6

Scifi anime-styled J-RPG featuring giant robots. Which font looks best and fits best?

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-06-07 08:38 AM, in story brainstorming Link | Quote | ID: 11235

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Having produced novel-length fiction myself, allow me to offer a bit of advice: before you start writing in earnest, know exactly where you want to end up. If your characters have to break as the climax of your story, it will need to be a memorable moment for the reader, even if it isn't for the characters (although it should be.) The best stories surprise both the reader and the writer, but the latter should always have a firm idea of where things need to be in the end for the reader to come away from it with that tingly feeling you get when you finish a really good book.

I'm not saying that you should artificially steer your characters one way or the other; some of the best twists come when they surprise you by doing something that comes natural to them but was completely unexpected. But you should be writing with a very specific end in mind, and you should be able to nudge your characters in the right direction if they get too far off track. "He continues to obsess... not quite sure where to go from there," is probably not good enough for a memorable ending, unless you attempt to paint this as a tragedy on the guy's part (or intend to turn it into a thriller/stalker piece from there...) If you aim for the tragedy bent, you'll probably have to tell it primarily from the older guy's perspective - stream of consciousness is a great way to show obsession. But just leaving him to flounder in the end is not good practice. The girl may be more interesting for the bulk of the plot, but if she's able to move on and the guy isn't, and it ends up destroying him or something, then it's really the guy's story. (This, incidentally, is my one gigantic gripe with The Secret Garden - it starts off being about Mary, but Colin steals the show part way through and never gives it back. Bastard.)

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-07-07 12:40 AM, in world of warcraft rocks Link | Quote | ID: 11431

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Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-07-07 04:37 AM, in story brainstorming Link | Quote | ID: 11581

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Maybe this is just indicative of the kind of fiction I was writing. My book is very much a mystery, and there are a lot of things that happen which are out of the character's control. He does "grow up" as it were, and in the moment that it happens the action he takes is highly symbolic in that it's a rejection of a lot of the things that he'd been following throughout most of the story. I knew how it was going to end even before I started writing it :/ But the specific nature of the adventure and mystery necessitates that kind of structure. Everything that happens leads up to that one moment of rejection at the end of the second-to-last chapter, and everything that happens afterwards (the falling action and resolution) was put together partly as an explanation and partly as a coming-to-terms.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-08-07 01:40 AM, in Translation: Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (and new AGTP!) Link | Quote | ID: 11958

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Aeon Genesis is eight years old today, and to celebrate...

--A new web design has been launched! It's entirely PHP-powered and is much, much easier to keep updated than the old one was. Not to mention, it's really cool-looking!
--A translation of Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun has been released! It plays most similarly to River City Ransom, although there are a number of important differences to be noted. Be sure to read the included mini-manual!

I'm not sure if I want to wish it eight more years, but let us all at least toast to continued success and prosperity. Happy Anniversary!

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-08-07 03:08 AM, in Translation: Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (and new AGTP!) Link | Quote | ID: 11990

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It is multiplayer, yes, but the mulitplayer aspect hasn't really been tested. Let me know how it goes!

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-08-07 07:22 PM, in Super Mario 64 Hacking Thread Link | Quote | ID: 12283

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It's true. You have a nicely-textured Bowser on the left, and a blob of vomit-colored polygon mess on the right.

Gideon Zhi
Posted on 03-09-07 02:15 AM, in Translation: Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (and new AGTP!) Link | Quote | ID: 12430

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Since: 02-19-07

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Check your rom with NSRT and make sure it matches up:

---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
File: Kunio-j.smc
Name: ショダイ ネッケツ コウハ クニオクン Company: Technos Jap.
Header: None Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: No SRAM: 16 Kb
Type: Normal + Batt ROM: 8 Mb
Country: Japan Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 200ns (SlowROM) Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0x492E CRC32: 56C05339
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Main - Posts by Gideon Zhi

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