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Posted on 08-13-11 01:28 AM, in Life extension through supplements and vitamins Link | Quote | ID: 145895

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Since: 08-15-10
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A lot of people say it's better, but I still get congested by it (not quite as much though). My best bet would be: If it's not made for us, it's propbably not intended for us. The only milk that I can see as being perfectly fine for us, is milk made by humans, and of course that's not something we'd be drinking at such an age lol. The problem I find is when people try to find replacement foods / drinks for things that we probably shouldn't eat / drink to begin with, instead of just cutting it out of our diets altogether. It to me is almost as rediculous as trying to make a healthy replacement for candy, it just isn't all that practical to me.
We've been introduced to a lot of things since we were born, and trying to imagine life without some of them is really hard for a lot of people. I'm no expert, but from just observing myself and others, I've found that while milk does have some benefits, it also causes problems. We've all been told that a lot of things that are bad for us are actually just fine, and there's nothing wrong with them. People accept that if it's what goes around and they never question it (they think that if a lot of people think so, and scientists say so, it must be so and to question it would be as rediculous as questioning God). But if you really want to know, you have to be willing to ask questions, obeserve and think for yourself. Most importantly, don't just believe something because it's the status quo. Most people make that mistake all the time because they're unwilling to accept anything that challenges what they already believe and what goes against popular belief or even so called "common knowledge."

Posted on 08-13-11 09:20 AM, in Life extension through supplements and vitamins (rev. 3 of 08-13-11 09:47 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 145903

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Since: 08-15-10
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Posted by NightKev
Posted by Synthetekh
My best bet would be: If it's not made for us, it's propbably not intended for us.
So all the (edible) plants (ie: fruits/etc) that exist specifically came into existence in order for us to eat them? And all of the cows/etc evolved specifically in order for us to eat them?

That's a very ignorant way to look at it. It's not to say that plants that are made for us to eat have no other purpose (anything can have more than one purpose, and that doesn't mean that everything was intended to, but can). If I have to explain it in a way that's so technical it's like giving instructions to a computer, I don't think you'll understand my thoughts on this. Btw, what makes you think we should eat cows? What I said is not necessarily a statement of fact, it's just an expression of my thoughts.
Also, when I said "My best bet would be: If it's not made for us, it's propbably not intended for us." I was talking about things such as animal products, foods that are processed, etc. Basically things have been changed in a way that aren't found in nature like such, and natural things that don't seem like they're there for us, like milk from other animals for one (every species that normally drinks milk, is able to make their own milk). Why is there an exception with humans in which we have to drink milk from another species? It just seems illogical to me. Instead of just focusing on my ideas, why not think of your own (that doesn't mean just make whatever society says your own, but actually think about it with no absoultes)?

Posted by Xeruss
Posted by Synthetekh
Most importantly, don't just believe something because it's the status quo. Most people make that mistake all the time because they're unwilling to accept anything that challenges what they already believe and what goes against popular belief or even so called "common knowledge."

This isn't a question of me trying to maintain status quo. Please, using science and chemistry explain to me how untainted milk from a healthy cow is worse for humans than the majority of other dietary options, that it merits being cut entirely.

Well, chocolate is fine/good for us (unsweetened or unaltered in any way), or at least it very much seems that way, but it kills dogs. Which goes to say that certain foods work better for some species than others (just because something doesn't make you drop dead doesn't mean that it's not bad for you, and just because something is good for you, doesn't mean that it's not also bad for you in some ways and vise versa).

Posted by Xeruss
And in return, I would like to offer that just because Oprah or Dr. Oz or some other media personality (or publication) attempts to warn its demographic to steer clear of whatever the new demonized food is, unless they can provide chemically empirical evidence that said food is bad for you, their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt as well.

Yes indeed. Because if you just believe whatever anyone tells you, and don't investigate it for yourself, how can you really have any way of knowing one way the another (and even if you check it out for yourself, you still may not figure it out, but it's better than not trying at all. Not saying that's what you do, just a general statement)?
Posted by Xeruss

For every pro-milk campaign there is an anti-milk campaign, and for every producer of milk, there is a producer of a milk alternative that would love to see their competition crushed. If it works for you on a personal level to cut out milk, then by all means continue to do so. But implying that the consumption of milk by others is an ignorant act, is, itself, an ignorant act.
Yes that is ignorant, however I didn't imply such a thing. I said that just believing what other people tell you, whatever it is, isn't necessarily going to give you the correct answer to what you want to know. If you just believe what someone tells you about something, and their wrong, then you're wrong too. If their right, then you're right too. I was just simply stating that it would be a good idea to check it out for yourself if you want to be sure, or as sure as you can be about something (and I wasn't saying that anybody here does or doesn't do any of these things, just so we're clear).

Posted on 08-13-11 10:58 PM, in Life extension through supplements and vitamins (rev. 2 of 08-13-11 11:29 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 145912

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Since: 08-15-10
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The point was that some foods can be digested better by some species than others, if you missed that (or even just completely harmful to some and not at all to some others). If theobromine is naturally found in chocolate, than I would think it would be ok to say that chocolate kills dogs.
Posted by Kawa

Theobromine is toxic to humans as well in sufficiently large quantities, but the same can be said of all things you can fit in your mouth. Like milk.

Like I said in a previous post: "And pretty much anything in excess is bad, even vitamins." A lot of drugs come from extracts from plants, which are then highly concentrated to make the drugs. Now that's not to say that all drugs are necessarily bad, since a lot of them are used for medicinal purposes, but any drug is easy to overdose on. So while the plants themselves aren't always bad, the extracted materials can easily be once you condense large amounts of them. So yes, anything in sufficiently large quantities is toxic, to anyone.

Anyway I'm done disscussing this, whether people understand what I was saying or not.
They were just my thoughts on the matter, so if you don't agree then that's cool, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Posted on 08-14-11 12:00 AM, in SUPER MARIO ADVANCE 4 - Hacking & Editor Efforts (rev. 2 of 08-14-11 12:09 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 145914

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Since: 08-15-10
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Somebody should hack the "Whoohoo just what I needed" sound out or randomize how often if plays so you don't have to hear it every fucking time Mario gets a powerup. I always hated that about this game. "No Mario, you don't need every fucking powerup you come across that badly!!"
Also, even though this game is a GBA game, the sound quality might be able to be improved a lot. Somebody made a music hack of FF6 Advance to improve the sound quality in all of the songs by using mono instead of stereo because the hacker wasn't as limited with mono. Go here to hear it for yourself. http://www.romhacking.net/reviews/176/#review

Found in the readme file:
"The sound is not in stereo any longer. This was sacrified to be able get a better quality sound and good-sounding reverbation (the GBA has only 1 speaker anyways)."
Hope that helps.

Posted on 08-14-11 07:56 PM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info Link | Quote | ID: 145933

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Since: 08-15-10
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News Update:
I found out what controls special programming for every level.

This naturally includes (but is not limited to since it's using custom programming for each level):
Animated Palettes
Palettes that load part way through a level
Background Positioning and Scrolling
Custom Programming for 16x16 Tiles (i.e. Tadpole Egg blocks in Gemini Man's Level, or whatever the hell they are)

Also, right in the same place are a couple values that determine which Offset a Level will load the Level Palette from in the Palette Pointer Table (this can fix a problem with Spark Man and Doc Spark Man levels sharing the same Offset for their Palettes), and whether or not the level loads it's gfx using the decompression routine (in other words, turn compression on or off). This should also lead me to the compression routine so I can make the editor decompress the gfx when needed.

What I'll likely end up doing is making formats for BG Positioning, BGScrolling, Animated Palettes, Mid Level Palette Loading, and custom block loading (like custom blocks in SMW) so the user won't have to program these into every desired level.

Posted on 08-16-11 02:03 AM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info Link | Quote | ID: 145991

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Since: 08-15-10
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Yes. Undo & Redo, Copy & Paste, and more.

Posted on 08-17-11 02:53 AM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info Link | Quote | ID: 146014

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Since: 08-15-10
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That and the 8x8 Editor are all that work right now. I'm currently developing the Room Editor and the Level Layout Editor (will be in the main window). I got held up on implementing features for the 16x16 Editor to make editing a little easier (one being a feature so you don't have to type the 8x8 Tile number for each quadrant like in LM, now you have the choice of pasting a group of 8x8 Tiles right into the 16x16 Tile array), and as well didn't feel like working on it much for a while. As long as the 8x8 and 16x16 Editors work, then it's all good. The Room Editor will be able to reuse a lot of code from the 16x16 Editor, so this shouldn't take nearly as long to make. After I make good progress on the Room and Layout Editors, I'll create the saving function for all of this data.

Posted on 08-17-11 07:33 AM, in Post your desktops! [56K] <-- Duh.... Link | Quote | ID: 146294

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Since: 08-15-10
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Depending on the person. If someone has no experience with Linux and doesn't really care to run a Linux OS, why exactly would they all of a sudden go with Linux?

If someone can't go to Windows 7, then what they'd be better off doing is seriously considering doing everything they can to upgrade their computer and using XP for the time being (unless said person is familliar with / likes Linux).

Posted on 08-18-11 04:39 AM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 146352

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Since: 08-15-10
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Nice editor. I like how you emphasize on adding support for pretty much all of the data that's needed to make a complete track (or maybe it is all of it... been a while since I played SMK).

Posted on 08-18-11 08:44 AM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 146357

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Since: 08-15-10
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Nice. I haven't put undo/redo into my editor at all yet D: (working on the more important things still). The only major issue I see with not being able to edit Ghost Valley pillars is that they'll be showing in empty areas of the track (unless you leave the basic shape of the track alone). I have to agree though about it's place on the list of priorities. I'm glad you have such high support for editing. Other SMK editors bothered me a lot because while I could change the tiles, I'd still have objects lingering around and they'd end up in the way a lot of the time, the CPU would just drive into the walls, etc., and I just couldn't do shit about it (and I didn't want to get into a massive hacking job).

Posted on 08-18-11 10:20 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 2 of 08-18-11 10:21 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 146375

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Since: 08-15-10
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by Synthetekh
The only major issue I see with not being able to edit Ghost Valley pillars is that they'll be showing in empty areas of the track (unless you leave the basic shape of the track alone).

Pillars should only be visible if the track is set to use pillars (obviously; and it's a setting that can now be changed), *and* if the track theme is Ghost Valley or Rainbow Road (unless you modified the other themes to also have "empty" tiles). So they shouldn't be a problem, as you can easily get rid of them.

Ahh that's good. It's really been quite a while since I've messed around with SMK much. I didn't actually edit anything, just went over some of the main features in the editor for now. I'll check out the details when I feel a little more creative

Posted on 09-14-11 11:21 PM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info Link | Quote | ID: 146997

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Since: 08-15-10
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It's going pretty well. I made the Room Editor display the rooms, and then took a break for a while. Programming's just one of those things that requires a lot of focus, and you need to take breaks sometimes. Sometimes my breaks are a little more lengthy than they should be however.

Here's the latest:
Mega Robot Laboratory v0.62 (Beta)

Posted on 09-29-11 07:27 AM, in Ask Cate anything Link | Quote | ID: 147614

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Since: 08-15-10
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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Posted on 11-18-11 10:12 PM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info Link | Quote | ID: 148515

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Since: 08-15-10
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Hey guys, I not going to work on this for a while (not much anyway). I've got some other programming projects that I need to get done (will help me a lot financially), so I'm going to have to put this project aside for now. I can't say when I'll be able to get back to it, but I'll let you all know when I do.

Posted on 11-28-11 08:22 AM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info (rev. 2 of 11-28-11 09:25 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 148595

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Since: 08-15-10
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Small Update: Nothing exciting, but I have made good progress on making my own scrollbars (I don't quite like or understand the ones that .net provides). You can't move them yet, but I finally figured out how to make them resize properly depending on the viewable size of whatever Gfx is being displayed (a Room in this case), and how much of it isn't being displayed.
The equations for this weren't that complicated, but trying to figure them out was a bitch of a job. So now that that part's done, I'll soon be able to get back to making the Room Editor (and I can fix the 8x8 and 16x16 Editors using my Scrollbars).
As I stated in my previous post, I can't work on this all the time, but I'll work on it when I feel I have the time and energy for it.

Go into the Room Editor and resize the window and change the Zoom level if you want to see them functioning.
Mega Robot Laboratory v0.63 (Beta)
I'll try to make the next update a big one .... whenever that will be lol.

Edit: Made a tiny fix for the 16x16 Editor (I had deleted the .png files it was using and replaced them with .bmp but forgot to change the code to read the bmp files, so it was crashing). Now it works again.

Posted on 11-28-11 08:49 AM, in Megaman the Wily Wars - Editor news and Game related info (rev. 3 of 11-28-11 08:59 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 148597

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Lol yeah seems kinda strange, but I tried using the ones in .Net and I was having problems with the accuracy of how much they scrolled the gfx viewing area.
Maybe I just didn't know how to use them properly, but I just could not figure out how to make them work right. I don't remember exactly what the problem was as it's been a while since I tried using them, but it was definately something with the accuracy of them.
Also, I don't like how if you're dragging them and you move your cursor too far away from them the bar snaps back to the position that it was at before you clicked on it (which is how all or pretty much all scrollbars work, but I find that really annoying; I'd rather have it as something like right-click while dragging to put it back to its previous position).

Posted on 01-06-12 12:27 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149137

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Since: 08-15-10
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I don't think the board needs to be shut down. I think a lot of the reason for the inactivity has to do with the way it's been run, and the cliques. This place has had many unique things regarding rom hacking, and so it has always felt like home in many ways, but it has never felt very inviting or easy to be a part of (for all of the reasons already mentioned... bad english speakers being made fun of, trolling by the people who think they're elite and the criticizing of others just because someone got bored with their life, etc.). I've been around since acmlm's board was a wonderous and thriving place (so no I'm not actually a newbie, I just like using a different name now). I got tired of all the crap and quit around the time acmlm's board became board 2 (had nothing to do with the changes in hosting and such things). This place has felt too much like high school. People don't want to be bothered and harassed; they just want to enjoy themselves as they can. It shouldn't be that hard. The only reason I came back is because of the development of my Wily Wars Editor... because I wanted to share it with others and I felt like this was THE place to do it (yeah I've had to put development on hold for a while, but hopefully not for too much longer). And like another person said, the themes here are pretty neat. I like the dark backgrounds. Another flaw I've noticed is that people seem to be too self important to help others when they have questions about rom hacking, so said person becomes discouraged and gives up, which easily decreases activity. I think in order for this place to flourish, we need to nullify all of the ego trips and start being a community that is supportive of its members, and to each other. If you're a member of a closed group of friends here and you like being a part of that, it's alright; but hang out on irc and maybe find a good online game to play that's heavily pvp based. There's not a lot of room for that kind of thing in a forum that has other objectives. This place wasn't designed to be a place of social gathering for a small group of people. If you are a part of the inner group here and prefere a forum as a gathering place for your group, start a forum that is intended for just that (I've seen them before and they sometimes work pretty well). I've tried to talk about these things before many times because I saw the potential that this place has had all along, and how it had been inhibited by these problems. Not many people were very interested in listening to me or any of the other people who tried to speak up about all of this; not much interest if any was ever placed into making this board a nice place for people to come.... I think we need to redifine the purpose of board 2 so that there is no misunderstanding of it's function. I personally like it as a place primarily for rom hackers to come express their creativity and develop hacks based off of the good old classics (or whatever games really)... a place where these things can be shared with each other freely while feeling supported by fellow members (even if that means being honest when someone's idea isn't great, just be nice about it... there's never a need to be an asshole really).

Well, besides all of that, I have an idea for this place, and I wonder what you all would think of it. So, besides just rom hacking, what if we started some group projects to make high quality fan games (Mario, Sonic, Megaman, Castlevania, etc.). We could have people contribute by helping with the parts that they are most capable of developing, and do it in an organized manner. Of course you could always opt out whenever you like. If enough people with skills were interested in doing this, I think we could really make a lot happen. I can program in C++ and C#. We could make a standard game engine for these games (and level editor), or use a high quality one like Unity 3D as a base, and then work from there. What if this place was also a place for this... like a central place where people can come to find these things? I think it would certainly add to the board's uniqueness, and make it even more valuable.

I don't think we need to shut this place down, but rather find a new direction.

Posted on 01-06-12 12:54 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! (rev. 4 of 01-06-12 01:11 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 149149

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Since: 08-15-10
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Posted by blackhole89
Posted by Synthetekh
what if we started some group projects
Has been tried...

And yes, I agree that we need to find a new direction, for whatever meaning of "direction" one chooses to prefer. The question, then, just is what this direction should look like...

Wow, so many more posts since I started writing my last one..!
Well, the idea I gave may have failed before, but I'm not sure it was ever executed properly. Maybe we should try again, and even devote a section of the board to it if it seems like it could be viable (it would undoubtedly require a lot of organization)?
As far as a new direction goes, I don't think we can come up with all of those answers just yet. I think we need to take some time to come up with a lot of ideas and then choose what we as a group think is the best, and what ideas many of the people here agree are of a lot of value. I think we also should really discuss what kind of community we want to have when it comes to the kind of people we want our community to be made up of (not to suggest only allowing certain people).. like what kind of message do we want to present to new people, and to those that are already here about what this place is here for. I think one of the most important things for the sucsess of board 2 is to really listen to everyone and seriously consider what all people have to say... afterall, it is here for all of us.
I would be happy to contribute in any way I can (I'm going to be starting work on an iPhone game... whenever I can get a Mac or figure out a way to do it using my VirtualBox hackintosh, but I've got the time).

I don't know how well I would be at cleaning up stickies (except in the rom hacking related sections), but if you need a trustworty person for something, let me know.

Posted on 01-06-12 02:24 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149176

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Since: 08-15-10
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I really agree with you Green-Kirby. Having a specific purpose for the boards is one thing, but if people are attracted to the community here, something as simple as General Chat should get a lot of activity. I played on a Ragnarok server for a few years a long time ago, and it was nice the way they had sections specifically for game related stuff, and an "Off Topic" section so people could just talk about whatever (even a place to show artwork and other such forum sections). There was an interesting community there, which really just made it all work. Maybe attracting a different kind of cummunity should be the primary focus. When it comes to rom hacking, I don't think there's a lot that needs to be done besides some possible reogarnization and cleaning up a few things. I think a Megaman section might be useful. There seems to be a lot of posts involving Megaman hacking, and there are a wide variety of Megaman games that people have interest in hacking. I don't like to suggest making sections for every different kind of game, but I think Megaman might be worth considering. Also when there is a really good editor for a game, it seems to draw a lot of people towards hacking that game (like it has been with SMW).

Posted on 01-06-12 06:08 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! (rev. 2 of 01-06-12 06:17 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 149204

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I personally wouldn't want to use RPG Maker. RPGs aren't heavily physics based and therefore wouldn't be too difficult to program. You might find some physics in battle animations, but that's probably all. It's been many years since I've used RPG maker so I don't know if much has changed with it by now, but I remember being frustrated by some of it's limitations (I wasn't too fond of Game Maker either). I'm more of a "do it yourself" kind of person, so I would be willing to contribute a lot to making a nice game engine and a simple easy to use editor for this kind of thing after I make my iPhone game (shouldn't take more than a month once I can get started). I've already planned on doing this on my own at some point once I've had some time to learn DirectX (and more about 3D modeling as well). Just thought I'd put that out there.
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