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Posted on 02-24-07 12:05 PM, in So uhh... how'd you find Acmlmboard? Link | Quote | ID: 6385

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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I found the first board when looking for SMK hacking information, I signed up and it was all good around September last year.

Then all those politics went on and one day I logged on to an empty board full of random people I didn’t recognise. By the sounds of thing most used to be banned, anyway all the new threads are rubbish and most of the members seem to be dickheads. I was just about to give up on it all when thankfully Stifu PM’ed me on the old board with the new URL (despite the fact they seem to have a filter on to stop people doing that.)

Image my happiness to find all those nicer users still lived on this board! If you all move again – please tell me, I missed you all

Posted on 02-24-07 08:09 PM, in 日本語がわかりますか Link | Quote | ID: 6642

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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I know no Japanese, but maybe one of you can tell me what some of the comments on this site say? They are talking about my Super Mario Kart hack and I'd love to know what's been said about it.


I’ve only got a rather poor Google translation - but I love this bit:

It is remodelling [mariokato].
The strange person has participated.

Poor Baldy - he's not *that* strange

Posted on 02-25-07 11:10 AM, in Mario's Lost World Link | Quote | ID: 7324

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Once again Icegoom that's looking really professional Sir. It puts me to shame that I've only done 4 (and a bit) of drivers in SMK. I'm really looking forward to playing this hack. It looks like a new Mario game on the SMW engine rather than a hack.

Posted on 02-27-07 10:40 PM, in Underwater ice hockey Link | Quote | ID: 8503

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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The first ever World Cup in the new extreme sport of underwater ice hockey has been staged in the frozen White Sea lake in Austria.

The full artical is here:


Now that's a hardcore sport

Posted on 02-28-07 02:16 PM, in Underwater ice hockey Link | Quote | ID: 8598

Red Koopa
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Posted by MaxKnight
Check the picture. They've got SCUBA gear on.

Really stupid sport if you ask me...

Looks like just the goggles to me.

Posted on 03-01-07 12:41 PM, in Underwater ice hockey Link | Quote | ID: 9092

Red Koopa
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Posted by Kirby Mario
That looks weird and stupid to me. I don't have any interest in sports that are similar to the original except that one important rule, like here.

I have to agree that the image looks computer-generated to me.

Well the Artical on Yahoo says it was covered by a lot of TV stations...

Posted on 03-02-07 11:24 AM, in 500 >_> Link | Quote | ID: 9410

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Agreed this board seems much better. Lets hope it remains idiot free!

Posted on 03-05-07 09:26 PM, in Abandoned Side Project: NSMB Remake Link | Quote | ID: 10821

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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That is a great hack! Now get back to your main hack - I can't wait!

Posted on 03-09-07 08:36 AM, in Super Mario 64 Hacking Thread Link | Quote | ID: 12588

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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"you going to post a new update soon vl? And i found some new info for your editor unless you already know it and if you want me to post it let me know."

I thought you where going to shut up until he release it? I wish you would.

Posted on 03-11-07 01:31 AM, in The beginnings of romhacking. Link | Quote | ID: 13595

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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The only game I used to think about makng my own levels for when I was a kid was lemmings. A few years later I remember thinking wouldn't it be nice if there where more battle levels in super mario kart...

Posted on 03-11-07 11:25 PM, in Just a reminder. Link | Quote | ID: 13996

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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This is a real pain, M$ have realised a patch for the new DLS for Windows Server and client OSes. They have also made a utility for the applications such as outlook to convert all the dates on the fly. My work, although based in the UK, does have a US office and so we have to patch stuff just because the US government wanted to make some more money and brought forward DSL.

Posted on 03-12-07 11:21 AM, in Just a reminder. Link | Quote | ID: 14296

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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It's not the case for appilcations. If the data is already on a calander or app it still needs to have the offset added.

Posted on 03-12-07 03:33 PM, in Reason for two boards? Link | Quote | ID: 14331

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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So who owns the domain name acmlm.org?

Posted on 03-16-07 08:24 PM, in Is MSN down for anyone else? Link | Quote | ID: 15850

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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hmm I left work and it was signed in fine. Got home logged on and it comes up with an error box saying it's temp down.

The error comes up so fast it must be hitting the server.

Posted on 03-22-07 01:35 PM, in Hack List (discontinued) Link | Quote | ID: 18013

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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and I'm hurt you missed my SMK hack = Super Baldy Kart http://acmlm.no-ip.org/archive3/thread.php?id=9010

Posted on 03-24-07 10:18 PM, in Color palette display help Link | Quote | ID: 18829

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Posted by Keitaro
Another thing you could always do is enter the RGB values in to something like TLP, then save the pallet to a file. Hex edit it, and ignore the first four bytes (those are a header of sorts for the pallet file) and you have your pallet, stored in whatever format you were working with.

The problem with that is that the pallet would not be worked out dynamically then. It would be working on the assumption that the ROM contains the default colour pallet.

Posted on 03-29-07 02:55 PM, in Hospitals are awesome Link | Quote | ID: 20736

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Posted by Rich
Posted by Xkeeper
Now just be ready for your hospital bill


Healthcare treatment (doctors, hospitals, dentistry) is 100% free in the UK for all ages.

Hell, even the huge amounts of drugs I had to take home with me were free of charge.

When you say 100% free, it's not quite true. That's why my pay slip has NI (National Insurance) deductions after standard tax

Still it's a good system that means people do not have to forgo treatment because they can't afford it.

Posted on 03-31-07 01:13 PM, in Wii Link | Quote | ID: 21341

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Ok, I've finally finished Zelda (If you get the chance it's really worth playing 9/10 from me) The only thing that was a bit of a shame is it didn't make better used of the Wii mote. It also did feel very OoT (but I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.)

Anyway I have now got to get new game. So can anyone recommend a good game that makes use of the Wiimote, well I wait for Mario. Elebits sounds interesting. Anyone got it? I liked the idea of Red Steel but the reviews are not to keen on it.

Posted on 04-03-07 09:32 PM, in Fish Theme Petition Link | Quote | ID: 22849

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Fish please. Well not sure about the fish but the tables looked funkey all transparent and stuff.

Posted on 04-04-07 10:42 PM, in Super Mario Kart AI Link | Quote | ID: 23304

Red Koopa
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Since: 02-24-07

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Welcome to the board GlichCog!

I tried to send you a mail a few days ago but got a NDR. Anyway here what it said....


Just read your post on the old Acmlm board (I'm on http://acmlm.no-ip.org/board/ now) I would have posted a reply to your AI thread however I can't be arsed to wait for approval etc.

Anyway it looks like there should be some other AI data somewhere else that defines what direction the karters leave a AI map point. This explains why they can go crazy if you move about the AI map points too much. The points you have got to display on your track viewer (awesome work by the way) are also used as the points you will be replaced on the track if you fall off. I'd liked to have spent more time on this myself but have been really busy with work of late.

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