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Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-16-07 07:37 AM, in In < 30 minutes I will be 17 Link | Quote | ID: 15685

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Posted by Acmlm
Then of course, there's the many people who get their lives cut short for whatever reason and go directly from whatever they were at to corpse

I was 16-17 in 2000, which was right in the middle of college for me (not the "good old days", but not bad either) ... years actually seem faster as you get older, but that's not always a good thing either, after 20 at least

Happy birthday anyway, one of my uncles will be 47 on the same day too

Years DO seem to go faster as you get older.. And I don't think it has to do with you doing more either, at least not entirely so, but more that you gain some kind of perspective that wasn't there when you were younger..

*shrugs* Aging is a weird thing.. When you're a kid, you're in such a hurry to grow up, and yet.. when you get there, you want nothing more than to go back. You often hear it from older people when you're a kid too, but you don't realize it is true until its too late.

Oh well, we've managed to turn this lovely birthday thread in every direction but the right one so far, heh.. Happy Birthday, spiroth10.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-16-07 07:39 AM, in TinaSitter is the shit. Link | Quote | ID: 15688

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I actually considered working on an outfit for her too, something rather casual and altogether normal looking though.. More to fit my personal tastes than anything else, but if I ever get around to working on it I'll be sure to share it here.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-16-07 07:55 PM, in Is MSN down for anyone else? Link | Quote | ID: 15837

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I've been logged into MSN for awhile now, seems to be okay.. And yea, GAIM is nice.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-16-07 08:12 PM, in Is MSN down for anyone else? Link | Quote | ID: 15845

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I used to use an older AIM client, but when I found GAIM I sort of fell in love with it. It is a fairly simple device, but it comes with a lot of nice features all the same.. Plus, no advertisements and the ability to connect to other messenger servers (other than AIM), it's definitely a winner for me.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-16-07 08:51 PM, in Is MSN down for anyone else? Link | Quote | ID: 15866

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Posted by Tweaker
I don't see what's so bad with WLM8.1... It works great for me, and the new features/compatibility is certainly handy.

I dunno... For some reason I prefer the original clients when it comes to IM protocols.

The new AIM does suck balls though. I use AIM 5.9 + Middle_man.

Live doesn't bother me either, though it took years for me to warm up to normal old MSN to begin with, so ehh.. Maybe I'm just used to it by now. But yes, the newer AIM versions are crap, an older AIM client or something else like GAIM or Trillian would be much more preferable than the nonsense AOL is trying to push on people now.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-17-07 10:26 PM, in Heh..WTF Link | Quote | ID: 16261

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Well.. I'm assuming she was alone in the store at the time? I really wouldn't want to antagonize two cocky punks that walked into my store and thought they could do whatever the hell they wanted while I was the only one there.. might have potentially gotten into some real trouble with them that way. Besides, as she said, it was just a dumb pack of cards, not like it was worth it anyway..

Better to just report them (as she did) and hope the Police work it out. Playing dumb games to piss them off might be funny, and they probably deserve it, but it isn't too smart in that kind of situation.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-27-07 11:33 AM, in 2D Ocarina of Time...Sadness Inside (rev. 2 of 03-27-07 11:34 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 19903

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I read this thread earlier, but passed it by.. To tell the truth, that's why I passed it by, because it'd be ridiculously easy to fake your own death on the internet.. And I'm not saying that to be cold, but.. look at how the project went. It had a long history about it where it seemed the creator did nothing, where he looked to have dropped the project, or just where it all seemed fake - period.

If it were me, and I had been building up hype for a fake project for several years.. Yea, faking my own death would be an excellent method in getting out of it and moving on with my life without any ridicule..

Mind you, if he did pass on, so be it.. It is indeed a shame if that is the case.. But uh.. hit by a car? As in.. walking down the street, and bam? Not a car accident, but hit by a car.. I dunno, that on top of his history doesn't seem very believable to me.. I'm not trying to be disrespectful either, but people keel over every day.. can't take a bit of speculation like this too harshly, especially not over the internet of all things.

(Besides.. if I keeled over tomorrow, no one would be on the internet for ME to tell people I kicked it.. because no one would know who to contact, what to say, etc.. it is pretty hard to contact people virtually over this sort of thing, unless he had a lot of friends whom were genuinely interested in his project.. which while plausible, is still not evidence either way.)

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-28-07 02:06 PM, in Online (rev. 3 of 03-28-07 02:07 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 20271

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I believe in having a few good friends, rather than a lot of trivial friends.. That said though, nothing wrong with having a lot of good friends either, but getting them is another matter entirely.

On your comment about having an empty forum.. Well, forums don't fill up overnight. You'll need to have something popular attached to the forums if you expect to gain members, like an interesting website.. and I don't just mean a "hey neat" interesting, but something genuinely catching that makes people want to come back later. You have that, and you'll get people slowly trickling into the forums and a community will (slowly) blossom from there.. Really though, forums like these are very hit and miss, they either work out or they don't.. not much to be said there.

As for your Guild Wars comment.. although I've never played it, my suggestion would be to socialize. Online games like that are built around being social, and a lot of times you need to make the first step in order to get anywhere. Just get to know people and it should all work out from there on its own.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-30-07 07:58 AM, in Mario and Sonic: Together at last Link | Quote | ID: 21003

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Stop applying logic to video game characters that go out of their freaking way to defy logic. Seriously, I don't care how fast Sonic is, it doesn't matter either, because these characters never HAVE to make sense in what they do.. and that doesn't make it a gimmick, it just means that their design property is based around what is fun, not what is interesting or profounding.

That said.. I can't see this game being bad if Shigeru is at the head of it, I just can't.. It definitely won't be for everyone, but come on.. the man is a genius in what he does, I don't doubt for a second that he could pull off an incredible party game here. (And that is what I see it as, a party game..)

Yea, yea, many past Olympic titles have sucked, we all know that, doesn't mean this one has to, especially not if it bends the rules, adds its own unique sports events and trials, and just all and all has a humorous (and not serious) tone to it. As Xk said earlier in the thread.. it is really quite funny that everyone is eager to judge it based on.. nothing at all other than the name.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 04-05-07 10:21 AM, in Zelda 3 Prototype ROM available! (rev. 2 of 04-05-07 10:22 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 23604

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Posted by okibi
To be completely honest, this step isn't hard, just a test to see who follows instructions.

I mean no offense, but seriously.. you're using some very obscure references and a bit of nonsensical logic here with your contest. I know I'm not the only one here who thinks so either, so I really don't understand how you can say that any part of this goose chase isn't hard or that it is just a matter of following instructions..

The whole thing is setup in such a way that almost nobody other than you could ever complete it.. It just doesn't follow a sensible path of logic well enough to even be fair. (I have to ask, really, how the hell did you expect people to go from the fake zipped ROM to itsafake.php? How? The contest page, the zip file, and its contents hinted at nothing like this.. and if the only reason anyone ever got to step 2 was because you gave them a "hint" outside of the face value the contest has.. then your contest is indeed horribly broken.)

This isn't meant as a flame, and I don't really care about the ROM either, this is just me criticizing what you've done here a bit..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 04-05-07 10:30 AM, in Reasons to buy a PS3? (rev. 2 of 04-05-07 10:30 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 23610

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Posted by KP9000
Here are some of mine:

1) Motorstorm
2) Resistance: Fall of Man
3) If Square remakes FFVII, that'd be instant WIN.

1) Could live without it..
2) Meh..
3) Hahaha.. cause we need more remakes and rehashes of the FF series..
4) Last I heard it isn't even final that it'll be an exclusive..

XIII and MGS4 are about the only noteworthy games I have heard of for the PS3, and neither of them are out yet and probably won't be awhile.. I can't really see any good reason to spent $600+ on a console that only has two games I want, neither of which are even released yet..

Oh, and I'm not bashing.. I've got nothing against the PS3 itself, I just don't see any good reason at all to buy one right now, and I'm not seeing much on the horizon that'll change my opinion either..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 04-06-07 12:27 PM, in Zelda 3 Prototype ROM available! (rev. 3 of 04-06-07 12:30 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 24007

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Posted by okibi
If I'm the only one who could possibly solve this riddle, how is it that you guys/gals are on step 4? If I REALLY didn't want anyone to solve it, why would I site on two different forums NOT AT ALL RELATED TO MY SITE and give out hints?

That sure makes sense...

Anyways, this step IS NOT HARD! Simply follow the instructions. What have you been instructed to do in step 4?

I do appreciate you trying to make a connection with the two. Makes things interesting!

I didn't say you didn't want people to solve it.. I just said it is poorly constructed. ^_~
Seriously man, I don't mean any offense, I just don't find some of this stuff as logical.. The initial thing to getting to step two (the fake ROM) was just plain dumb, not only did it give the impression to many people that the whole thing was a sham.. but it lowered the reputation of your site several notches to those who have long since abandoned you and this contest. (And no, you can't really go and say "their loss" on this one, because you set it up so poorly that you can't blame them for it.)

Really though.. Like I (and Adamant in followup) have said.. If you HAVE to give a hint in order to nudge people toward a solution, something is very broken.. It doesn't help that your hints are very direct too.. Like the one you gave in this thread earlier, you practically came right out and said the answer. If you don't see the problem here that I'm trying to point out to you.. well, I don't suppose you ever will. But like I asked earlier, how DID you expect anyone to get to step two? Fake rom in a zipfile and no indication that someone had to enter a webpage address? Instinct will send people flaming off at you or ignoring the whole thing entirely.. Only the very naive would email you politely asking what was up with that.. and those aren't likely the types that could solve this (in my opinion) illogical riddle chase you've presented here. Plus, again, if you HAVE to hint (or practically tell someone) what to do next, something isn't working right..

Difficult problems are fine, and I'm all for that. I love tricky riddles and what not.. it is just, nothing here is following a sensible enough path.. I -cannot- solve this without coming back to you and asking for more information constantly, no one else can either I'm sure, and at that point it isn't a contest anyway, just a test of patience..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 04-24-07 12:48 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ (rev. 2 of 04-24-07 12:49 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 29322

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Posted by Dr. Mario
Actually we ARE going to make a Keyblade a believe. It's hard to tell from those pics, but the characters are the Kingdom Hearts models.

Hmm.. They're the KH models as in.. you ripped them from KH somehow, or that they're based after the KH style graphics? If the former, I'd be very interested in knowing how you guys did that. =P

I love playing around with graphics, so I'd really get a kick out of being able to tinker around with the KH models..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 04-24-07 09:32 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 29484

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Posted by Dr. Mario
I actually don't know how it's done. I'm only doing the weapon models. There's two other guys ripping the character models.

Hmm.. Well, I'd be very interested in finding out what they did exactly, so if it isn't too much trouble.. perhaps ask them for me? I'm going to check into some stuff meanwhile and see if I can find out anything about it. Thanks in any case, and good luck with that project.

Posted by Shadic
Here are full Twilight Princess Models, which is even better, in my opinion..

Okay, that is awesome.. <3

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 04-29-07 12:04 PM, in Zelda 3 Prototype ROM available! Link | Quote | ID: 31226

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Posted by HyperHacker
Posted by Drag
If we won the contest, we'd (theoretically) be given the rom. If we didn't win the contest, then we wouldn't have lost anything, except maybe some time. If we won the contest, but he refused to give the winner the rom, THEN it'd make sense to be upset about it.
Unless that's what was already happening. Who's to say if we solved step 6 he wouldn't have pulled the same trick again and come up with a step 7?

I specifically prodded and poked at the structure of this contest when he started to show up and post in this thread.. I didn't once get a direct reply or response to what I was examining, just a generic "it is suppose to be hard" that was followed by a short ramble. So meh, there was never any reason to think this was real, because he never once even stopped to consider for a moment that.. yes, maybe the whole contest WAS too poorly strung together to really expect anyone to ever finish it before the deadline.

I am pretty amused that he later claimed someone finished it but didn't claim the prize, too. Why the hell would someone go through the torture of this mind-maze and then go "Durrr.. no tanks.. hur, hur.." when presented with their reward? It was obviously an excuse to try and keep people active in the whole thing. (If people were convinced someone completed it, after all, they wouldn't give up so easily..)

So yes, I'd have to agree.. there was never going to be an end to any of this, he never showed a lick of proof to suggest otherwise.. It was always going to be one step after another..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 05-06-07 02:30 AM, in Stupid people ruin our image (rev. 3 of 05-06-07 02:39 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 33189

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Posted by Ailure
My favourite question is probably "Name a country starting on U". Priceless.

That's not really fair though.. The entire thing was setup where they were asking foreign questions at first, and they probably weren't given a lot of time to answer. The way the brain works, everyone would be trying to come up with some unusual name or another, and they'd be trying to rush themselves to process it quickly.. Their own country is never going to click while the mind is caught in that kind of a cycle. (Besides, I imagine the majority were just thinking "America" in regards to their country, not "United States of America." Same logic falls in lines with things like the United Kingdom, though the people that never HEARD of the UK are quite the morons indeed.)

Some (not all) of the questions regarding politics are rather iffy too.. I don't think the populace as a whole really NEEDS to know that much about foreign affairs\leaders. We all have our own lives and things to do, and it is a pretty big world.. It is to be expected that if you pick someone off the street they aren't going to be able to name everything off accurately, or at all. I think the same would apply to anywhere around the world.. (And if you think you could pull someone off the street in another country and get them to name off a bunch of facts about the US.. you probably would get better results, if not simply because the USA is plastered all over the media and constantly gets its nose into everything. For an accurate test, you'd need a broader range of questioning like the one displayed here, not localized on asking them about a single country.)

That said though.. most of the rest was pretty damned stupid on the peoples part. Like the geography and things like the KFC question.. I guess I can't hold it entirely against someone not to know their geography either, but it was pretty ridiculous that people just randomly selected an area rather than admitting that they didn't know where to place the pin..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 05-07-07 02:55 AM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... Link | Quote | ID: 33473

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Well there is no confirmation this has anything to do with Starcraft, much less an MMO. Only their choice of location in announcing it really hints at it being Starcraft related.. And the whole MMO buzz just seems to be a lot of hot air and wishful thinking. I'd sooner hope it to be a Starcraft II honestly.. (Or hell, even a revival of Ghost wouldn't be so bad, though I'd be much less excited about that one..)

A Galaxy of Starcraft title or whatever would be kind of bold a move for Blizzard, since they'd end up directly competing with themselves in the MMO market, and as well spending a lot of resources at the same time to make an entirely new game.. right after they already announced awhile back that they intend to release a WoW expansion yearly..? I dunno, they could potentially saturate the MMO market by covering both the Fantasy and Sci-Fi genre in one big swoop like this.. (They already have a gigantic grasp on it with WoW alone) But I'm not convinced that it would be such a good idea right now..

Besides, Starcraft has been dead.. what, ten years now? Something like Ghost was a smart idea in reviving interest in the series.. Jumping straight to an MMO after all that silence just seems poorly thought out.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 05-07-07 09:14 AM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... (rev. 3 of 05-07-07 09:22 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 33599

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Posted by Xeogred
Posted by Krisan Thyme
Besides, Starcraft has been dead.. what, ten years now? Something like Ghost was a smart idea in reviving interest in the series.. Jumping straight to an MMO after all that silence just seems poorly thought out.

Yell that out loud in Korea.

Anyways, I wouldn't mind seeing Ghost again.

What I meant was.. It'd be smarter worldwide to start lower, and revive interest in the game that way than to jump straight into an MMO.. But yea, it is still nutso popular in Korea, so that doesn't apply there..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 05-10-07 06:57 AM, in Final Fantasy IV........again. Link | Quote | ID: 34327

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Since it is an actual remake and not just another tired port of the same old game.. It might be worth a look at. But really, eh.. SE should spend its money on something else, like making up new material or a new installment to one of their other popular games instead of remaking something as old as this. (And as many times as they've ported it, it isn't as though the current generation hasn't had a chance to play it..)

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 05-15-07 05:04 AM, in SMB2 Proto Released Link | Quote | ID: 35452

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I'd have to third that as well, I suppose.. I can understand a collector wanting to keep the original copy for themselves, as it has a physical shape (as opposed to a digital one) and some form of attachment or satisfaction can be gained from knowing you own something as rare as that.. But the ROM? Meh, you're just stepping beyond the boundaries of a collector and into greedy territory.

Mind you though, I see where BMF is coming from on this subject too.. And he's right. It is much more realistic to uphold those kinds of rules than to expect one of these collectors to be sensible enough to freely distribute something like the ROM. That said, it would have probably been better if this hadn't gotten leaked as it did..

Posted by setz
Posted by Bloodstar
Am I the only one not overly excited about this?

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I've never cared for prototypes much.

I'm not overly excited since its just a prototype of a "special" translation; had it been a proto of DDP however...

Agreed. A DDP Beta might have been interesting.. This however is not really all that big a deal.
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