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Posted on 07-08-09 08:12 PM, in *sigh* I just LOVE working with Hyrule Magic! (rev. 3 of 07-09-09 08:27 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 110167

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Since: 04-15-08
From: Puerto Rico

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Okay, I tried discarding the room headers and changing it to rooms that are caves without any headers whatsoever (like room 8). I changed 200 or so dungeon rooms to have the same header as this room (because I'm trying to eliminate the room headers of all the rooms so as to start from scratch; that way freeing up as much room header space as possible (or so I think)). I saved everytime I changed a room this way. The changes seemed to have lasted while I kept changing them. However, when I close the rom, and reopen it, the changes revert. I don't get it... When I discard the rom headers do I have to use different rooms each time? Or is Hyrule Magic really that bitchy when it comes to room headers? Cuz I believe I'm doing everything right (at least I hope so) to try and change them. I know I will most likely have to bite my thumb and wait for MathOnNapkins' holy grail of Zelda3 hacking, Black Magic, to edit my dungeons, but I would like to at least get somethings done beforehand so I don't find myself doing nothing while I wait.

It's very frustrating, to say the least.


Okay, I managed to get the room headers to say the same as Room 8 (success!). However, this doesn't allow me to be able to change the room headers to what I want them. It frees a fuckload of space, but Hyrule Magic continues to deny me the ability to permanently choose whatever room headers I wish to give the rooms. It appears that you simply cannot give the rooms the room headers you wish to give them. Period. This is amazing - I can't believe this. Heh. MathOnNapkins, I am officially waiting for your blessing to the hacking community. I tried all I can. I guess I'll just have to design the dungeons and test them in my imagination. I'll just have to edit the Overworld in the mean time. Bummer. I really wanted to make this first dungeon to make some progress.

Success!!! I was finally able to permanently change some room headers! I'm making the first "dungeon" as we speak. Thanks to all your suggestions, SePH and MathOnNapkins. I did what both of you said and so far I have been able to progress nicely! I hope to finish at least the "first dungeon" so that I may get some constructive criticism. I'm still tinkering around with Hyrule Magic. I know it'll take me a long time to get comfortable with it. Hopefully by then Black Magic will be out and then I'll have to get used to that . 'Til then, on with hacking!

Once again, thanks to MathOnNapkins and SePH!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-08-09 08:22 PM, in Zelda II ASM Hacks Link | Quote | ID: 110168

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Since: 04-15-08
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I remember the controller I broke because of this game. That was an immediate twirl it around once in order to get sufficient inertia and centrifugal force to maximize the punishment on the controller as it hit the floor.

All I have to say is thank God emulators have save states. Dude, your enemy ASM hacks are insane in the fucking membrane. Brilliant! That mod's gonna be harder than taking a shit without squating.

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-11-09 03:36 PM, in Doki Doki Panic Link | Quote | ID: 110291

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Since: 04-15-08
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Impressive! Have any screenshots?

Oh, by the way, on your problem with the shrinking, check to see if there are any pointers that go to somewhere else. Sometimes Nintendo tends to be very sloppy at game making, so maybe the addresses you're looking for are in a totally different place. Try looking more closely where you disassembled the code to see if you can find it. I'd love to help you but I know jackshit about assembly so I'd know my way around Doki Doki Panic even less. Sorry, bro.

Nonetheless your idea is fantastic! Mad props!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-11-09 10:00 PM, in Doki Doki Panic Link | Quote | ID: 110302

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Since: 04-15-08
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Posted by Kiokuffiib11
Where can I post pics?

PS: Thanks for posting back.

No sweat!

put the link of your screenshot in between the following:
(img)your image's url(/img) ( '[]' instead of '()', by the way)

And that's it! Hope to see some screenshots!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-11-09 10:05 PM, in [Incomplete] First hack in years, need feedback. Link | Quote | ID: 110303

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Since: 04-15-08
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It looks pretty decent and promising! It's not too cluttered and it's not too barren, either. Keep up the good work! Post some screenshots of the stages once you finish them!

Also, if the only thing you did was an overworld, I don't think the IPS was necessary, being as the image sufficed. Nonetheless keep it up! Have you done any other overworlds?

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-12-09 12:06 AM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter (rev. 3 of 07-12-09 04:22 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 110319

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Since: 04-15-08
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Not just an update, but I need you guys' opinions before I go chopping up the graphix in the rom. I've made a scratch (thanks be to MSPaint) in order to see how the items will appear in the menu. I'm trying to bring items from other Zelda games (as well as try to incorporate my own).

The items are as follows:

Bow | Boomerang | Clawshot | Bombs | Magic Powder
Fire Rod | Ice Rod | Flame Blade | Frost Blade | Earth Blade
Candle | Megaton Hammer | Ocarina | Bug-Collecting Net | Book of Koridai
Bottles | Cane of Somaria | Cane of Byrna | Stone Mask | Dream Scepter

Pegasus Boots | ???? | Mermaid's Scale | Lens of Truth

- Now, I know the Clawshot might look like shit at first, but I was really anxious to get this update up in these 5 minutes that I got. I'll try and fix it. If anyone is willing to spitshine it for me and fix it, welcome! Of course, the menu items can only use 2 colors and the size is limited, so I tried to do the best I can with what I could work with.

- As for the Megaton Hammer, Candle, Lens of Truth and Stone Mask, I obviously wanted to bring these back from other games (they have their purpose so they're not there simply for aesthetics ). Also, the dreaded Book of Koridai! The legendary item that can one-hit KO the evil Ganon! That is there either for the lols or the hates but I decided to put it to see how it goes. The scale is basically from Ocarina of Time, but a bit different storyline-wise. But it's function is basically the same as the Flippers (obviously, right?).

- Now, the scrolls are the medallions (obviously), but you "learn" these spells, much like you learn them from the ghost in Twilight Princess. When I have more time I'll post a preview of what I mean by them.

- The Dream Scepter (the eponymous item of the game) was inspired pretty recently, actually. Its a staff with an hourglass crest on the headpiece. There are wings coming out of it. The hourglass came to mind because of Phantom Hourglass and how the ending is practically Link's Awakening's. The wings are because of the WindFish. But I don't know! I'm still working on the item sprites per se - the ones you see when you open the chest and stuff. What do you think about the Dream Scepter?

Ok, now to the core of my post. My question(s) is(are) this(these):
Which set of scrolls look better? The ones that are closed or the open ones? In my opinion, the closed ones look too solid in color, which is why I tried my luck with opening them. The open ones gave me a hard time cuz I wanted to put the 3 Goddess emblems in the parchment (as seen on the pearls in Wind Waker) but I think the open ones are a bit too much. Oh, I don't know! Please help me out!
Also, what do you guys think in general about the directions I want to take the items in?
Ah! Almost forgot! That empty space where the gloves go is because I still haven't decided if I want bracelets or gloves! But I hope to make up my mind soon .

First one:

Second one:

All opinions are welcome . I want to try and make my hack kick-ass, if not at least decent! Thanks in advance!


Okay, now I need to know something else! (Sorry). Do I keep the Book of Mudora like in this picture, or do I stay with the Book of Koridai? Also, does the Dream Scepter look better green or blue? Cuz the Cane of Byrna is blue and I didn't want to have two blue staffs (sudden burst of OCD, I guess).

Third one:

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-12-09 04:33 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 110328

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Since: 04-15-08
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Posted by SePH
Now what would be a new hack without a title screen? I've made a quick one, which I might change of course, but now I've got a name.. Thanks in part for MathOnNapkins for one of his replies..

Now you might be pondering why it's Link, not Zelda, well probably because you won't be playing Link this time, rather someone else which I'll figure out, but I'm pretty sure Link could replace Zelda in a way...

Holy shit! Now if that ain't thinkin' outside the box I don't know what is! Superb!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-13-09 05:22 AM, in *sigh* I just LOVE working with Hyrule Magic! Link | Quote | ID: 110374

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Since: 04-15-08
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Ok, thanks to MathOnNapkins and SePH, I've been able to put my project into overdrive (thanks are in the edit in the end of the previous post). And I'm even more psyched that MathOnNapkins is on the verge of releasing his first version of Black Magic. Now, on with the inquiry.

Editing some of the monologue, I was able to do so successfully with some of the messages. However, other messages became tangled with some other messages. Does each message have its own set space in memory, or do messages have a character limit, or is it all linear (for example, if I reduce a message as well, will it still get jumbled up with another message like when I increment the number of characters)?

Thanks in advance!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-14-09 04:03 AM, in *sigh* I just LOVE working with Hyrule Magic! Link | Quote | ID: 110440

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Since: 04-15-08
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Well, I think it might be caused with HM being a bit screwy. At first I was getting some problems, then when I changed another message, they seemed to work again. I have no idea if I used more or less characters than the original message, as I've only been changing some of the telepathic messages and some signs. So it maybe in part to HM being a bit screwy, but at least I got the messages working fine now. Thanks a lot!

A new thing that is happening to me now is that, now HM doesn't save my sprites correctly. I know I have enough room for sprites and secret items because I removed a lot of them from many rooms. But I see the sprites in the editor, and when I test run the rom to test out my dungeon, the sprites don't appear in game. When I check HM's dungeon editor the do appear there. I don't know if it's a problem with the layers or whatnot, but the sprites are supposed to be seen, at least. They're on the normal floor in normal rooms. I'm gonna see if I can find my way out of this one, but it is making me scratch my head a bit.

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-14-09 04:04 AM, in Doki Doki Panic (rev. 2 of 07-14-09 04:04 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 110441

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Since: 04-15-08
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Posted by Kiokuffiib11
Sorry about taking sou long to reply.

I just made a collage of a few screen shots (Including my problem), but, I need a site that will be friendly to me posting ROM pics to. Deviant Art is against it, Where should I post it?


do it

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-14-09 06:50 AM, in Doki Doki Panic Link | Quote | ID: 110465

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Since: 04-15-08
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Hmmmm, that's odd. Imageshack never does that to me. All my pics in all my threads are hosted with imageshack (without me even being a member) - and they're still there.

Oh, I see what you're problem is. Well, sorry but I don't know how to fix it. But at least your characters look great!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-15-09 07:28 AM, in *sigh* I just LOVE working with Hyrule Magic! Link | Quote | ID: 110552

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Since: 04-15-08
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Okay, I don't think that it's not that Hyrule Magic isn't aving my sprites correctly. Now I just don't know what the problem is. As I play through my hack, sometimes the sprites appear, and sometimes they don't - midplay. For example, I have soldiers in a room. Sometimes, if I go to a different room and come back, all the sprites are gone - and don't return. Sometimes I play through my hack and the sprites are there. If I exit the emulator and return, sometimes they're not. And there are even sprites that don't want to appear altogether! It's very perplexing, to say the least. Any ideas?


MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 07-21-09 04:14 AM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter (rev. 4 of 07-21-09 04:35 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 110908

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Since: 04-15-08
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Wow, I didn't think those mockups (previous post) would be so bad! I still haven't decided what changes to make (if any), but I guess there's still some time until I figure it out; they are of course the latest items in the game.

Anywho, I'm almost finished with the "first dungeon", which are the sewers/castle prison. I'm posting a few screenshots, because I don't want to give anything away (in terms of how to go through it) with a video. Here are a couple of screenshots from the beginning of the game (I'll post screenshots of the title screen as I finish editing the graphix):

Here are a couple of screenshots (2 of which are animated gifs) from the sewers (albeit, not of every room, but of a couple of them):

(MUCH harder than it looks).

Well, I hope to release a demo soon of the first part of the game (before entering the first dungeon) in a couple of months. Thanks to all those who have helped me so far and to all those who've read all my lengthy posts .

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 08-05-09 10:38 PM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter Link | Quote | ID: 112122

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Since: 04-15-08
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Posted by bregegrahf1
You have a very good idea !!!

I hope that you have a lot of fun during this work ! You map is really interesting !

Thanks! Even with all the frustrations I've been having with Hyrule Magic I've had much fun in trying to complete this hack!

Posted by Batman
Seems like a really sweet hack so far, but as someone who's a bit of a grammar nazi, I feel obliged to point these out:

[image removed for spacial reasons]

Couple of things here - for pure dramatic effect, it may be better to have 'Through you! hahaha' appear below after you press A. Otherwise it just all looks fairly rushed.

Also, the 'HAHAHAHA!!!' does look slightly...amateur. Maybe being a bit less excessive with it would help? As a rule, stick to one exclamation mark, at the very most two.

Well, actually that line does appear after you hit the A button. About putting it on "another page", it's not gonna happen because of the current limitations in the rom. In some dialogues, if you go over the amount of characters and code that the original rom has, it severely and adversely affects other dialogs in the rom. I know it might look choppy and amateur, but some things have to be carefully sacrificed in order to get around them. I'm glad you chose to dissect my grammar like a nazi. It shows interest in my work, and I appreciate it!

Posted by Batman

[image removed for spacial reasons]

I see what you're trying to say here, but the 'it's hard for me not to hit you' makes little sense, purely from how it's structured. Obviously, I haven't seen how it fits in with the rest of the dialogue, but it just seems a bit strange as it is.

About that... as you can recall from the original game, the guards tell you many messages each time you converse with them. I simply put one of the messages the guard says. Each time you talk to him, you (you = the player) find out a little bit about why you're being imprisoned. In this case, you kill Zelda. You're imprisoned in a special cell on the castle grounds. The guard here is thankful for your previous quest in saving Hyrule, but still finds it hard not to attack you for killing Zelda. I can post more screenshots of his other messages, if you like, so that you can see the grammar in said messages.

Posted by Batman

[image removed for spacial reasons]

'Thru' should be 'Through'.

Again, I used "thru" because of spacial limits in the text. I was having problems with the text in the game, so I had to go back and with trial-and-error see just how long I was able to keep some messages in my hack. Also, thru is accepted, by the way, in the English language's grammar . It's an informal simplification of the word "through". Also, some people use it for such reasons, or simply for flair, like Thru the Eyes of Ruby (a Smashing Pumpkins song). I'm not justifying my use of it per sé, but it looked choppy in this particular dialog box when I used such a lengthy word like "through".

Posted by Batman

[image removed for spacial reasons]

Again, with the 'HAHAHAHA!!!'. In this case, it seems pretty abrupt. But that can be solved with a bit of jigging around - for example 'The Triforce was a wonderful thing to have....' and then in the next page, the laughter. Or maybe replace the 'HAHAHA' altogether? Maybe do a Ganondorf and have 'Heh...heh...heh'. Sounds a little more evil, and a little less batshit crazy.

Well, I wanted the Nightmares to be batshit crazy; which is why they become obsessed. So I'm very glad you got that by analyzing their dialogs inside Link's mind. It serves to show the Nightmares' character. Not everyone is stoic or knows how to properly use grammar. Look at rappers. If I were to write a novel and have a character straight out of Compton, I wouldn't have the character speaking the queen's English, so to speak.

Posted by Batman

[image removed for spacial reasons]

Looks fine to me.

Thanks! That's actually how the rest of the grammar in the game is (with the exception of simple folk).

Posted by Batman

Anyway. The thing I'm trying to get at here is that polished grammar can make the difference between an amateur hack, and one that could have been developed by Nintendo themselves.

If you ever wanted, when the hack nears a finalized state, I could go through all the grammar for you and polish everything up. It's something that 'Parallel Worlds' desperately needed, but as such, suffered from the at times atrocious dialogue.

I agree completely, which is why I'm grateful for your dissection. I haven't finished a great deal of this game, but I accept your offer of proofreading. It will take a lot of work out of my hands and into someone as nazi as yourself . I would like for it to have a spitshine after I finish it. But I would like to remind you of what I stated earlier: there are currently limitations in the rom, so I have to work around it in terms of how I can work the dialog; also, some of the errant grammar and the sort of cartoonish grammar as well, serve a purpose - a sort of matisse, if you will. I would like someone to double check everything, so thanks for your offer! You have been officially placed on board the project! I need someone to go over to see if, for example, I accidentally misplaced something such as apostrophes (amongst other things, obviously). For example, using "it's" when it's supposed to be "its", or "your" and "you're", etc. Sometimes haste and lack of focus causes these commonplace errors. So thanks! If you don't mind, I can add you to the credits! Your job is probably one of the last ones, but I'd like you on board none the less! I can use all the help I can get!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 10-01-09 04:29 AM, in Brawl Stage Studio Link | Quote | ID: 116405

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Since: 04-15-08
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Wow, massive-ass bump.

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 10-01-09 04:33 AM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter Link | Quote | ID: 116406

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Why, yes it is! Thanks for noticing!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 10-01-09 02:42 PM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter Link | Quote | ID: 116410

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Posted by NightKev
The thread title is a little misleading, you might want to rename it to something like "Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter" (that's what it's called, right? I saw you call it that in this post).

So, anything new since the last round of screenshots/etc?

Well, it only seems misleading now because I've come along all my own. My original intention was to solicit some people to help me out, but it's ok. I've had many people help me out behind the scenes. How do I change the thread name?

Well, I was really on fire during the summer. I was having some major problems with some sprites and that put my project in slowdrive for the moment. Sprites kept disappearing in certain rooms in the first dungeon, which was making it a pain in the ass to test the level. Since the start of the semester I haven't even had time to drop a decent deuce. I have 3 jobs and take 4 courses in college. But I think I'll get back around to it in December. I do however draw up some mock-ups of rooms and dungeons and maps and stuff in some of the free time I have. I just haven't had enough time to sit down and do some more stuff in the ROM per se. Also, I've been anxiously waiting MathOnNapkins' next release for his Black Magic editor for Zelda 3. Up to now, it doesn't edit dungeons. The second it does, I'm taking my hack to it's loving arms.

I also wanted some feedback on the graphix edits for the items in the game to see which one stays and which one goes. I haven't quite decided yet which to use and I was kinda hoping the community might help me out. Maybe if I change the thread title I might get some more curious clicks my way .

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 10-08-09 06:27 AM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter Link | Quote | ID: 116709

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Posted by GreyMario
Posted by crimental
plis can you upload the game patched?

There are three four issues with your request:

1. It is phrased in improper English. Please make some sort of attempt at proper English. For example, a better way to state your request would be "Can you please upload the game pre-patched?"
2. ROM links, except in extreme circumstances (for example, the massive Sonic hacks where a patch would contain most of the ROM anyway), may not be posted in public. However, they may be exchanged in PMs.
3. How hard is it to patch it yourself?
4. Has a patch even been released?

Oh and the blue scepter looks better.

Thanks for your interest, but I'm nowhere near releasing a patch anytime soon. I'm hardly done with the beginning.

Thanks for telling crimental how it goes. Also, thanks for your opinion on the Dream Scepter! That seems to be the popular model of it . What do you think about the other items?

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 10-10-09 06:01 AM, in Zelda 3 Hack: Dream Scepter Link | Quote | ID: 116886

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Don't worry. I'll be even more nit-picky .

In the end of the dream, the WindFish tells Link that Koholint will only exist as a memory in Link. So Nightmares are making a direct reference to that fact. A memory doesn't actually prove existence. So they'd survive as Koholint would, not as Koholint has. The reason I have maps for Koholint is because the Nightmares, while possessing Link, wish upon the Triforce to make Koholint Island an actual place existing in our physical reality. The Nightmares possess Link the same way that they possessed the WindFish. In fact, it might've even been hinted that by some unknown occurrence, Link was also possessed by the Nightmares in some sense. In the final battle, they take the form of Aghanim and Ganon - two of Link's foes from ALttP. The only way they could've known that is if they would've had some kind of contact with his mind. Also, Link couldn't leave unless he woke the WindFish, meaning that Link was somehow linked with the WindFish on some kind of mental plane. Also, the fact that Link was shipwrecked at the end helps the possession as well. Link might've been all cheery at the end of Link's Awakening, but the WindFish didn't give him a ride back to Hyrule. How did he get back? It might've been days - even weeks. In that weakened state, Link could've been easily taken over by the residual Nightmares in his mind.

I hope that clears up anything!

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0

Posted on 10-29-09 03:41 AM, in Do you need a spriter? Ask me for sprites for your hacks. Link | Quote | ID: 118181

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Last post: 4605 days
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Great to see you're once again motivated to sprite for others! Do you think you might be able to help me out with my previous request?

MathOnNapkins' Zelda 3 (ALttP) Hacking Forum on Arc-Nova: http://arc-nova.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0
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