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Posted on 06-05-07 01:56 PM, in Companies nobody has ever heard of. Link | Quote | ID: 42594

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That reminds me of our old 486 and then our old Pentium I, which were made at small computer stores (the 486 in Niagara Falls, New York, and the Pentium I in Troy, Michigan). The former was a "Concept Computers" (which was also the name of the store), the latter a "Pack-In-Tell", which sounds like a combination of as many computer companies as they could cram into ten letters (Packard Bell and Intel?)

Posted on 06-05-07 02:14 PM, in lol oh boy Link | Quote | ID: 42595

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I used to get sick constantly, like 10 times a year or more. Now, it never happens. I don't even get the annual Killer Flu of Death anymore. Thank goodness.

I haven't had major vomiting too much, except one time in 5th grade when for about a day and a half I was puking my guts out approximately once every 5-10 minutes sometimes. Quite annoying. It's hard to do anything, even play videogames, when you're always having to puke. I think I spent hours in one of the bathrooms, and would bring in books to read, which I left in there...now there's always books in the bathroom, but for more conventional uses of the toilet, such as pooping.

Posted on 06-05-07 02:18 PM, in Ways not to start your day (rev. 3 of 06-05-07 02:19 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 42596

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I'm good at getting up at the proper time. The sun wakes me up no matter what, even when my blinds are closed (which they are at night). I've never needed an alarm because I always wake up when it gets light enough outside. This is usually a good thing, but can be a curse when I'm having major insomnia because if I get to sleep at 05:30, I wake up at 07:30 anyway and it's very hard for me to get more sleep. I can't nap, I can't sleep in cars, etc. It's like my body will only allow me to sleep if conditions are just right, and then it wakes me up as soon as it's light out.

Posted on 06-05-07 04:14 PM, in Companies nobody has ever heard of. Link | Quote | ID: 42609

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OK, I obviously haven't had Snickers in forever. I mostly only saw them around Halloween as a kid, and they were the smaller sized bars which I don't think had that.

Posted on 06-05-07 05:30 PM, in Gamepad or keyboard? Link | Quote | ID: 42618

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I'm talking about emulation here. Do you prefer to control your games with a gamepad or a keyboard?

I can't live without my gamepad. I find keyboard control for NES and SNES games to be extremely awkward, although I used to be fairly good at it. I would always be hitting the wrong keys, especially with emulators that didn't allow use of Ctrl, Alt, or Shift by themselves and forced me to use smaller-sized keys like Z and X. I found it difficult to perform tricky jumps and such in Mario hacks.

My gamepad has similar buttons to an SNES controller, but no select or start. Since those are generally more useful than L and R, I map the L and R buttons to select and start instead for both NES and SNES emulation and use keyboard keys for the actual L and R. I have the left and bottom buttons (the buttons are in an SNES-style diamond) mapped as B and A for NES, as I found that to be the most natural and was used in some Nintendo games like Super Mario All-Stars. The right and top buttons are the turbo B and A for NES emulation. I even use my gamepad for joystick emulation for my Commodore 64 emulator. I find actual joysticks to be very awkward.

Posted on 06-05-07 05:36 PM, in Gamepad or keyboard? Link | Quote | ID: 42621

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Consider a USB hub. I have one that plugs into a USB port and has 4 connectors of its own on it, so you can plug in more devices.

Of course, if computers didn't waste all that space on legacy serial and parallel connectors, they'd have more room for USB ports...

Posted on 06-05-07 05:40 PM, in lol oh boy Link | Quote | ID: 42623

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Ugh, dehydration is hell. I get headaches first, then vomiting if it progresses far enough (which it has). Now I can recognize it and drink a ridiculous amount of water, which makes me have to go to the bathroom constantly, but it's better than dehydration.

I think I have a mild lactose intolerance, but all I ever get from it is diarrhea. It only happens when I drink too much milk; other dairy stuff like cheese doesn't seem to cause it.

Posted on 06-05-07 07:01 PM, in How much would you pay... (rev. 2 of 06-05-07 07:02 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 42637

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Posted by Valkyrie
40 MB hard drive (split 32/8, got me as to why)

Maybe that version of DOS had a 32 MB max partition size?

I'm thinking that because one of our computers ran into a partition limit present in Windows 95 and late DOS era. We bought a 2.5 GB hard drive and the max partition size was 2.1 GB, so we had to put it into two partitions.

Posted on 06-05-07 09:27 PM, in Operating system(s) Link | Quote | ID: 42660

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What operating system or systems do you have on your computer?

My desktop is a dual-boot with Mandriva Linux and Windows XP. I use Linux for most things, and only boot into Windows for games or Windows-only programs. My laptop (replce "l" with "cr") only has Windows. (No, that's not why it's a craptop; it's a craptop because it barely even works.)

This is the first time I've dual-booted, but I've used Linux alone before.

Posted on 06-05-07 09:57 PM, in Companies nobody has ever heard of. Link | Quote | ID: 42680

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I saw those as a kid, my parents would buy Enercell watch-type batteries for some electronic thingy I had. I always wondered if there was also a Duragizer.

Posted on 06-05-07 10:36 PM, in Cake or Pie? Link | Quote | ID: 42690

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Cake, which is why I throw cakes and not pies.

*throws pi*

Posted on 06-05-07 10:50 PM, in Cake or Pie? Link | Quote | ID: 42695

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*throws e to complete the pie*

*throws i for no reason at all*

Posted on 06-06-07 01:18 AM, in How much would you pay... Link | Quote | ID: 42728

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Actually, they were interpreted.

I learned programming in Basic on the Commodore 64. The only real problem I had with it was the slowness, it was very hard to code a decent game without using ASM, which is the programming language from hell.

I hated Qbasic though.

Posted on 06-06-07 01:34 AM, in I need help. Link | Quote | ID: 42733

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Well, a lot of people who use proxies will be getting them from sites...

Posted on 06-06-07 02:46 AM, in Cake or Pie? Link | Quote | ID: 42783

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Just rearrange them into eπi and add 1, and it'll all disappear.

Posted on 06-06-07 04:11 AM, in Overrated / Underrated Games Link | Quote | ID: 42818

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Overrated games:
Ocarina of Time
Grand Theft Auto
Those games that consist solely of watching a girl's gigantic boobies bounce up and down. Sure I like boobs, but where is the gameplay (other than masturbation)?

Underrated games:
Just about any 2D PC game. Some of my old favourites are Kroz, King's Quest, and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure. Computers existed before the Internet, people. Also, Faxanadu for NES, which I thought was a great action RPG, what Zelda II should have been more like.

Posted on 06-06-07 01:19 PM, in Darn you, Acmlm's. Link | Quote | ID: 42927

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Posted by Valkyrie
Mine is that I type out what I want and then I go back and constantly mash the 'Edit' button. I don't really care to hit the Preview button...that's why they should make an option of 'auto-Preview' in posts so I wouldn't be dumb about my posts.

I do the same thing. I'm the world's worst typer, and I'm always thinking of alterations or revisions to my post immediately after I enter it. The scary thing is that I'm starting to make errors with its vs. it's, their vs. there vs. they're, and so on, which I never used to make. Maybe I see the mistakes so much that their there they're starting to rub off on me?

Posted on 06-06-07 01:24 PM, in Is Google watching you? Link | Quote | ID: 42929

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And how long did it take you to find that?

Reminds me of a few times when I was younger and I really had to use the bathroom on long car trips through wilderness areas with no rest areas. I've had to make my parents stop so I could pee in the woods a few times because I have like no bladder capacity.

Oh, and then there was the time we were driving home to New Jersey from visiting the relatives in Michigan, and, from what I could tell, every single rest stop in the entire state of Pennsylvania was closed at the same time.

Posted on 06-06-07 01:27 PM, in You know, I don't say this often, but SIEG FUCKING HEIL. Link | Quote | ID: 42931

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I've known a few people who were homeschooled, but they didn't seem any weirder than usual. My impression of homeschooling is that it's generally done by religious nuts who don't want their children to know what evolution or something is. I know not all homeschooling parents are like that, but I've heard stuff like that in the news sometimes.

Posted on 06-06-07 01:29 PM, in My plan to make money. but is it a good plan? Link | Quote | ID: 42932

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Does art and photography generally sell there, or is the place full of people desperate to sell their art but can't find any buyers?
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