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Posted on 05-21-07 04:20 AM, in i'm hilariously clever! Link | Quote | ID: 37082

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Whoa, they have vertical marquees now?

Posted on 05-21-07 04:39 AM, in When did you learn to type? Link | Quote | ID: 37101

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My typing class was low budget, they just had us take sheets of paper from the printer to cover our hands, and usually not even that. The teacher just trusted us not to look, so a lot of people did (including me after a while; I still look).

Posted on 05-21-07 04:42 AM, in fuck you Link | Quote | ID: 37106

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Posted by Skreeny
(except bin; it causes the first 6 letters of the next word to be blocked)

Was that because of Osama bin Laden?

Gah, and I thought Proboards were bad, censoring "spoon" and such.

Posted on 05-21-07 01:32 PM, in Fish? (Not the forum) Link | Quote | ID: 37185

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I've never gotten this before, now it's always showing up in this thread and nowhere else. I have to highlight the text to read it.

Posted on 05-21-07 01:37 PM, in i'm hilariously clever! Link | Quote | ID: 37186

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Katelyn, that seriously looks like an early 80s-style videogame. You just need some kind of smiley-shooter at the bottom and a score readout.

Posted on 05-21-07 02:01 PM, in I hate finals (rev. 2 of 05-21-07 02:05 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 37196

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Here, it's based on percentages for the more quantifiable classes such as math. Your letter grade is based on the percentage of answers you have right on a test (often weighted using points; maybe one long question is 20 points but a quick one is only 5). The final average is almost always weighted. In my last math class, one quiz was worth only 1/10th of an exam, and the final was worth 1.5 times an exam.

Grading scales vary, but this is the most common:
0% to 59% = F = 0.0
60% to 69% = D = 1.0
70% to 79% = C = 2.0
80% to 89% = B = 3.0
90% to 100% = A = 4.0

The numerical equivalents (0.0 to 4.0) are used to calculate GPA; the letter grades are what appear on your transcript for each class.

F is failing, anything above is usually passing, but you can only have a certain number of D's (I think 2) to count for your degree.

Plus and minus grades are used for percentages close to the borderline. Usually it's like 70% to 72% is C- and 77% to 79% is C+ and so on, but no A+ grades are used, and D and F don't use them, so the full scale is F D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A.

Classes like English, literature, philosophy, etc. usually don't use any points or percentages. Instead, each paper or assignment is directly given a letter grade and I have no idea how the final grade is determined from those, really.

It works differently in each state, school, and level of schooling. I believe New York only uses percentages and no letter grades at all, for instance. My high school did use D+ and D-, and the failing grade was called E instead of F.

Posted on 05-21-07 02:21 PM, in i'm hilariously clever! Link | Quote | ID: 37199

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I know I saw that the I was gonna hit the X. Where are my points? Where is the explosion?

Posted on 05-22-07 04:03 AM, in forget you Link | Quote | ID: 37344

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I pick up on the "LOL" part of the name and think of loldrama.

Posted on 05-23-07 01:14 PM, in Graduation! Link | Quote | ID: 37702

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I could have graduated at 16 because I skipped fourth grade, but then we moved to Michigan and I had to take fifth grade again for some odd reason. So I graduated at 17.

Posted on 05-23-07 01:21 PM, in Main reasons I can't wait to move out Link | Quote | ID: 37704

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I moved out in 2005 after I turned 18...then last year my dad moved back in with me for three days a week because he got a job in the city. Couldn't they both have just gotten a condo or something around here and sold their old house, which is (a) too big for just two people, (b) way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, and (c) falling apart? But nooooo, he had to move in with me so he could continue to screw up my life.

Posted on 05-23-07 01:32 PM, in i'm hilariously clever! Link | Quote | ID: 37707

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ZZT wasn't what I had in mind, I was thinking of something like Space Invaders, only with smileys.

Besides, the text game I grew up with was not ZZT but Kroz. It's an awesome game series, but nobody has ever heard of it and it suffers from one fatal flaw: the game speed does not use a realtime delay function and is instead based on CPU speed. Even in 1995 when we got a brand new 80 Mhz 486, it was too fast. Now, it's so fast that even programs like Moslo don't help anymore. The only way you could play them now is to use Dosbox and set the cycles really low, and remember to set them higher again of you use Dosbox for anything else.

Also, it could really use a level editor. But no, he had to hardcode the levels in the packed .exe files...

Posted on 05-23-07 01:46 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 37708

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Are there any odd names you give to various items or phenomena that nobody else uses?

I, and others in my family, often refer to a refrigerator as a "dero" (spelling varies; pronounced dair-oh). This comes from my grandmother, who for years would refer to the refrigerator as the "icebox". One time, I asked what an icebox is, and my mom told me that my grandma called it that because she couldn't say refrigerator (she moved to the USA at age 19 and didn't learn English until then). My grandma then tried to say it, and it came out "refrigidaire". She tried again a few times and once switched to "refrigidero", which we all (including her) thought was hilarious. So we all started calling it that. Eventually, I dropped the beginning part and only used the part of the word she got wrong, so now it has become "dero".

We tried to teach her how to say refrigerator a few times, but I think she got the sounds confused as the closest she came was "refrigeraror". Her first languages were Spanish and French, and T and D in American English between vowels sound like an R in Spanish. Plus the confusion of the similar brand name Frigidaire.

Another word I use often is DOCALE (spoken with an Italian accent, doh-kah-lay). I use it in AIM, usually, because of my tendency to hold the shift key a bit too long and start a word with two capital letters instead of one. DOCALE is derived from DOuble CApital LEtters, and refers to a typo that involves such, for example "GEorge".

Posted on 05-23-07 03:36 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 37720

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Yeah, most people have a word like thingie that they use. For a while I would refer to any unidentified object as a "dealie", then I dropped the use of the term. Maybe it only sounded funny in computer class.

Speaking of computer class, some of the people in there didn't know as much about computers. One of them referred to the Control (Ctrl) key as "Sitrell", so we would call it that for a while ("Sitrell-C to copy, sitrell-V to paste...") but that died out as well.

Back when I hated TEK and Acmlm's, I referred to them collectively as Tekmlm's.

Posted on 05-23-07 04:07 PM, in Graduation! Link | Quote | ID: 37725

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Well, some games require knowledge of physics. Think of the deflection of the ball in Breakout or jumping in Mario (as opposed to jumping in Castlevania). Physics can get messy with the trig and calculus.

Posted on 05-24-07 01:15 AM, in Absence Link | Quote | ID: 37831

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Posted by Pac
We're gonna need a replacement drunkard... I vote for Danielle

Koitenshin, duh.

Both of my computers suck. At least the laptop is getting replaced in August. The CMOS battery dies approximately 50% of the time on bootup, so I have to keep resetting the time and date.

Posted on 05-24-07 01:23 AM, in It's time to play Choose a Vista! Link | Quote | ID: 37835

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X11-based GUIs are the best. I used KDE for a while and it was fantastic. X11 just gets everything right, which Windows gets wrong. Take window focus, for instance. Also, the easy copy-paste feature with the middle (or wheel) mouse button, instead of having to mope with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V.

Can't speak for OS X, as the last time I touched a Mac was 1996.

Posted on 05-24-07 04:47 AM, in KDE or GNOME? Link | Quote | ID: 37918

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I prefer KDE...I've had problems with Gnome, not to mention it has a horrible name.

And I always said kay-dee-ee. On the other hand, I pronounce the PNG image format as "ping".

Posted on 05-24-07 04:53 AM, in Gutarists Are Not Human (What Instrument Do You Play?) Link | Quote | ID: 37921

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I played piano as a kid. Actually, I played keyboard, because my parents wouldn't buy a piano (good thing, as I lost interest after a couple of years). I doubt I could do it anymore. The keyboard was kinda cool though, it could sound like 100 different things. I remember I would play Christmas songs for my family and make it sound like a pipe organ and such.

Posted on 05-24-07 01:35 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 37994

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I lived in a very Christian area so I had people trying to convert me all the time. It never worked.

Another one is "hole savers", which refer to the round sticky rings you place over the holes in paper in three-ring binders when they get ripped. This just comes from one guy at school who asked for them and called them that, not rememberin the technical term. Everyone seems to think they're candy though, like Life Savers.

Posted on 05-24-07 06:15 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 38023

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It's pop in Detroit too. "Soda" just sounds really weird to me. "Coke" is even weirder when it is used to refer to pop that isn't Coca-Cola.
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