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Posted on 03-23-12 06:40 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project (rev. 2 of 05-14-12 03:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 150539

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by eternaldragonx
My friend your creating a SOTN esq Castlevania for the NES and I commend you on your endeavor. Great features for the map and game. One odd request or question is theyre any way you can make the Belmont protagonist with a slightly different shade of red or black? Just to seperate it a little bit from Simon's Quest. It would make for a truly different experience and feel more like a sequel rather than a hack.

All the graphics I have are just "stand-ins", Most of the work I've done has gone into the gameplay and that will be sharper, faster, and more fun and responsive than any NES Castlevania. This will truly stand apart from them and not seem like the same game.

I might keep the colors because the red and white come in handy for things like candles but I am not opposed to having new Protagonist graphics all together.

Here is my Pause Menu Prototype working in the game

Posted on 08-13-12 04:38 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project (rev. 3 of 08-13-12 04:55 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 152043

Red Koopa
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Does it still have that two screen length limit to rooms it had inherited from 8 Eyes?

yes, I tried a couple times to add scrolling past 2 screens but haven't yet succeeded. Not having scrolling does open up the possibility for more complicated level designs and packed in items.

I want to release another Demo but I have some goals I need to accomplish before doing so.

This includes:

Finishing the pause screen (I separated the Map Screen (select) and the Character Menu (start))

Adding the first boss

Fix some enemy spawning code

Create a dialog system with the NPCs

Posted on 12-17-12 04:36 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project (rev. 2 of 12-17-12 05:24 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 153107

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Thanks for the bump.

I have been working on a new scrolling engine. I have all the code almost completely working on it's own. Soon I will merge it into all my old gameplay code.

The new scrolling engine will allow more than 2 screens per room.

Some rooms will be Horizontal scrolling and some will be Vertical scrolling (up and down).

The scrolling engine will still memorize every item on screen and record whether you've collected it.

It will allow for super fast scrolling without spilling over when you hit a the end-of-level.

Also it will allow 2 full active screens of enemies and level at all times, so things won't necessarily "disappear" once they're off screen.

I will also have the 2 screens saved fully into memory so I can switch to a full screen map or pause menu, and still return to the game screen unchanged.

I have also considered "wrapping" the levels for infinite scrolling but have decided against it presently.

Posted on 02-27-13 09:32 PM, in Desktop Shortcut Target to help ROM Hackers (rev. 6 of 02-28-13 04:37 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 153487

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Hey guys,

I just created a shortcut to my ROM with some added features.

The Shortcut will

Open the ROM
Make a Copy of the ROM and place it in a BACKUP folder
Make a copy of the ROM every 20 minutes for as long as the CMD window is open
or Make a Copy of the ROM when you press ENTER in the CMD window.

This helps me keep properly dated backups of my game whenever I open it to hack. And allows me to recover from nasty memory leaks that reduce my game to 0kb.

Here's the steps on how to make one for yourself.

1. Right click on the desktop and create a new shortcut
2. goto the shortcut properties
3. copy the code below into the TARGET section

%COMSPEC% /V:ON /C "SET M=8-Eyes to Castlevania - Scroll Demo&Start "" "!M!.nes"&FOR /l %X in (1,0,2) DO (SET /A R=%TIME:~0,2%%2&CLS&&ECHO F | XCOPY "!M!.nes" "%CD%\BACKUPS\!M!\!M!_%date:~10%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_!R!.nes" /F /Y&&TIMEOUT 1200)"

4. replace '8-Eyes to Castlevania - Scroll Demo' with the name of YOUR rom minus ".nes" of course
5. change the path in the PATH section to the path of your rom.
6. change the RUN section to "Minimized"
7. create a cool icon to replace the CMD one.

note: make sure your ROMs have a default program assigned to them

Here's one I like a lot better.

%COMSPEC% /V:ON /C "SET M=8-Eyes to Castlevania - Scroll Demo.nes&Start "" "!M!"&FOR /l %X in (1,0,2) DO (SET /A R+=1&ECHO F | XCOPY "!M!" "%CD%\BACKUPS\!M:~0,-4!\(!date:~10!_!date:~4,2!_!date:~7,2! #!R!) !M!" /Y&CLS&TITLE #!R! !TIME!&TIMEOUT 999)"

This will make a back-up once opened and every 999 seconds thereafter
the back-ups are sequenced with no limit
The sequence number and time of last backup are displayed in the Title of the CMD window
The Copy is now in this format
(2013_02_28 #1) 8-Eyes to Castlevania - Scroll Demo.nes

and you now put in the full ROM name for M=, the code will truncate the extension when adding the backup folder.

This will also work for any file on your computer that you need to make regular backups of when you work on them.

Does anyone find this useful?

Posted on 04-04-13 04:07 AM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 153611

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by s_ryo
Have any update?

Nothing yet,

Now that I have the ability to scroll through as many screens as I want, I have to re-write all the collision code for the main character. So that is what I am working on now. It's coming along well I think.

I come across these weird glitches sometimes that make no since. Maybe it has to do with clocking. I will bypass a large chunk of code, such as the familiar code, and then the game will start jumping around. Or I will have to many EA's in the code and when I reduce them the game no longer glitches. I want to have all this fixed too.

Posted on 04-05-13 10:45 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 153615

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by XTTX
So far i think what you have done is awesome! Keep up the great work! I remember seeing this a couple years ago, ive kept my eye on it.

Thank you, this hack/homebrew is taking forever I have to admit.

Good news. I think the game is stable again. I moved my scrolling code to be at the top of vblank and it doesn't glitch anymore. I hope it stays this way.

Now back to wall collisions. Very tricky when jumping to a scroll routine, but I have it figured out in my head.

Posted on 04-18-13 06:55 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project (rev. 2 of 04-18-13 07:12 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 153730

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Old sprite from last year. It was later rejected because of the amount of resources it took to draw each frame.

It's based off this picture from the Vampire Killer booklet

Posted on 04-22-13 04:12 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 153750

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by Vanya

How's the project coming over all?

I've had some time these 2 weeks to get a lot done. So now all the collision code I needed for horizontal scrolling is in place and working great. I've decided to not incorporate vertical scrolling just yet, it works some, but the collision needed for that will take a lot up a lot of space. I first want to reinsert enemies and items and get back on track with completing a game.

Vertical scrolling might not make it in until the second game using this engine.

And the sound engine is still broken on this one to the point that it crashes the game every once and a while. It uses the Kid Dracula sound engine and the problem might be that a famicom engine was inserted into a US game. That or it's too complicate and I run out of VBlank.
Some time ago I completely converted the Castlevania 1 engine and inserted it into the game. I may go back to this, but then I'd lose a lot of CV2 and CV3 sound effects that I wanted for authenticity.

@eternaldragonx - Thanks!!

Posted on 04-22-13 07:39 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project (rev. 2 of 04-22-13 07:41 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 153752

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by Vanya
I think getting the VRC6 sound engine working would be worth it, I think.
It's probably a dumb question, but you did change the ROM to use the WRC6 mapper, right?

No I didn't, it is still MMC3.

I don't know much about the other mappers. Basically I taught myself everything working on this ROM and I'm hacking on a whim. So I am very familiar with MMC3, and I can see why the sound engine I used was wrong (because it is trying to hit the extra channel?).

To be frank I don't really like the sound engine, the sound effects are too zany, I would rather have the CV2 or 3 sound engine.

Posted on 06-19-13 04:02 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 154152

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by s_ryo
Have any news?

I haven't made any real progress these past couple months.

I'm still at the point where my scrolling engine needs fine tuning, and I need to re-write all the enemy placement code. All collision works great, items and power ups still function nicely, I can set Simon's walking speed to any velocity now and he still hits the stairs, walls and end screens with precision, which is a new achievement (leveling up may include slight increase in speed, and running might now have acceleration).

The game is still not broken and is on track. I haven't scrapped it. I plan on working on it more once this settle down at work and life.

Posted on 06-20-13 04:21 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 154159

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by Vanya
Any chance of a Demo soon?

I've been trying to work up to that point for a long time but without functioning level and enemy placement it wouldn't be much of a demo.


* get level building and scrolling fully functional
* get enemy and item placement functional
* complete items found memory storage
* design a complete replica of Vampire Killer level 1
* complete intro sequence and end level sequence
* insert a sound engine that doesn't crash the game
* complete behavior for at least 1 familiar
* complete pause menu and map menu
* possibly release a demo

Posted on 08-14-13 04:01 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 154567

Red Koopa
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Here's the new scroll engine I've been working on.

Posted on 08-16-13 06:39 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 154577

Red Koopa
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Yep, I'm not sure where I'm going to peak the characters speed yet, after abilities are maxed.

Posted on 11-29-13 06:35 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 155189

Red Koopa
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Thanks for hanging in there. Things are slow right now but they will pick up again.

Posted on 05-23-14 04:23 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 156589

Red Koopa
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"recently" finished horizontal scrolling with enemies generating and everything works perfectly there. Fixed the map screen so it also works with the new code. Wrote a code that makes breakable blocks larger (2x2 tiles).

I was about to start programming all the levels but I wanted to give vertical scrolling another shot. So that is what I am doing now. So far looks promising.

Posted on 06-04-14 04:17 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 156696

Red Koopa
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Yes believe it or not I am still working on this.

I take long breaks from time to time, and do things at a snails pace. But my code is carefully put together and tested often so the game doesn't break. Thanks for anyone who also hasn't given up on this. I think I'm at a point of no return, I have to finish something so it was not all for nothing.

Posted on 10-01-14 08:41 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 158606

Red Koopa
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Posted on 10-02-14 02:46 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 158615

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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confucius is right. Not much progress has been made. Still fine tuning the vertical scrolling and it is a pain to do as you can imagine because it involved rewriting the collision code. But still doable.

Comments like this do help motivate me, so I will get back on it.

Here's what I've been doing instead.

* Wrote a batch/command prompt demo showcasing 4 way scrolling and isometric graphics.

* Hand made a copper chainmail Dice Bag

* Earned all the achievements in Cookie Clicker

Posted on 05-22-15 05:43 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 160170

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by AntonioQuirino
Again when you use the cross boomerang he just go back when he hit a wall.
In the original CV he go back. watch a cv video or play cv and you will see

Thank you for your suggestions, but more-so, thank you for adding such great content to my post. I thoroughly enjoyed each one with a smile. Please if you have any other thoughts or ideas post them here.

Posted on 06-04-15 09:45 PM, in 8-eyes to Castlevania conversion project Link | Quote | ID: 160259

Red Koopa
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Since: 08-16-07

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Posted by AntonioQuirino
This Scroll engine is Castlevania vampire killer MSX Style? and all the things too?

VK MXS doesn't have scrolling. It's just 1 screen at a time.

I copied the levels and most of the gameplay aspects from that game, but I also added many features from all the Castlevanias, such as a day/night system, open world, whip upgrades and rpg element, etc.
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