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Posted on 05-09-07 04:12 PM, in Desktop thread number N Link | Quote | ID: 34158

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How it is currently:


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Posted on 05-11-07 12:56 AM, in Motivation. (rev. 4 of 05-11-07 12:57 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 34436

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Basically, tomorrow is my final deadline for my Photography course. My final project needs to be in, completely finished (I'm also halfway through the final exam, it's 6 hours long. I've done the first 3 hours today - it's pretty easy. Just developing photos while listening to music, eating and talking to people

The majority of the work for this project is shown and displayed/recorded in the form of a sketchbook (with about 60 pages). And each one of those needs to be completely filled with images, notes and research on photographers.

And I've done nothing. I've only just stuck my images in, and I havent started the writing yet. And I've got until...uhhh...8:30am. And it's 23:55 right now. So I'm fairly fucked.

Does anyone else have any problems with motivation with work? If so, how do you overcome it?

And also, any help to get me motivated to actually do this work tonight would help. Anything at all. Be creative.

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Posted on 05-11-07 02:04 AM, in My Music (three albums for download) (rev. 3 of 05-11-07 02:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 34465

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Posted by DSMagnum
I would consider this Ambient/Glitch/IDM. It's very Aphex Twin sounding. I think that The Rain is the best song. Just sounds like the most effort was put into it. I would make suggestions for each track, but that would take too long, so I'm just gonna make one generalized suggestion: get better samples. For some of the songs, your drums samples were very odd sounding and didn't really belong. What program(s) are you using to make this?

Yeah, I record the drum samples myself most of the time with a £15 mic, so they are pretty crappy.

And I'm using FL Studio. I've tried using more 'sophisticated' software, but none have let me have the amount of control that FL Studio does - I can load any sample I want, arrange anything any way I want and do basically anything I want to with absolute ease. Programs like Cubase and Propellerhead Reason just overcomplicate things IMO, when all I want to do is load some samples and write music.

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Posted on 05-11-07 05:49 AM, in Motivation. Link | Quote | ID: 34556

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Posted by Ailure
Disconnect your internet.

You would be doing yourself a favor then.


Well, I did do that. And now I've finished 40 pages of writing, with only 6 left to go (my hand hurts like a bitch though). I should get it all done by 8:30, I hope.

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Posted on 05-12-07 12:32 AM, in My Music (three albums for download) (rev. 2 of 05-12-07 12:32 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 34689

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Posted by DSMagnum
Reason is not as complicated as it seems, and I personally think Cubase is much more effective. I've been producing myself for a whlie now, but I use Ableton Live. The sampler in that is much simpler than it is in FL as I see it. Learning how to EQ and add proper effects can be hard though. Do you use any sort of VST Plugins?

To be honest, while I do have quite a lot of VST effect plugins, I only really stick to a select few throughout all of my work. I guess I should experiment a bit more, but I'd rather not get too concerned with effects and technical stuff when I should really be trying to get a good piece of music done.

What I would like to aim for with my music is to use it as a set of demos of sorts, and eventually get it recorded with live instruments with help from a few mates (working with other people will be good to expand on and improve the music too).

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Posted on 05-12-07 12:54 AM, in Motivation. Link | Quote | ID: 34692

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Just to let people know, I finished it before 8:30am, even had time to make a title page for my project, and then finished the final 3 hours of my exam. So the course is finished now.

And apparently according to my teacher, I've done everything I need to get at least a B grade in my final results. Which is awesome, and proves that my method of leaving everything until the very last minute works...for me.

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Posted on 05-12-07 02:42 PM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 34844

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Posted by Kles
Posted by CGX
It's called puberty!

No. Puberty does not make eyebrows fall out.

Yeah, puberty actually makes you gain more facial hair, obviously (my eyebrows got waaay thicker as a result of it).

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Posted on 05-12-07 08:36 PM, in 28 Weeks Later (rev. 2 of 05-12-07 08:38 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 34885

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Alex Garland?

I think you'll find the director of Trainspotting, 28 Days Later and Sunshine is Danny Boyle.

Unless you mean screenwriting rather than directing, then yeah. Garland is the man.

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Posted on 05-12-07 09:54 PM, in Eurovision Song Contest (rev. 3 of 05-12-07 09:55 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 34895

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Terry Wogan is the only thing that makes Eurovision watchable. His commentary style (basically, take the utter piss out of every single act) is hilarious. And he's usually drunk.

All hail the togmeister.

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Posted on 05-13-07 05:27 PM, in DOOM (the movie not the game) Link | Quote | ID: 35038

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Posted by AT_460
Posted by Koitenshin +∞
I wish you'd be like the Sarge. Why won't you die?!

What the fuck's your problem?

What's yours?

No need to swear.

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Posted on 05-15-07 01:19 AM, in 28 Weeks Later (rev. 16 of 05-15-07 01:35 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 35373

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Posted by Toxic
Hated it.

My friend loved it, but I could not stand it. For starters, it wasn't like boo scary, it was "jeez what if this happens to me" scary. That's not a bad thing by itself, but attempting to scare me by jumbling the camera around like your drunk while having snarling noises doesn't really do the trick.

As for the plot...nothing happened. The virus broke out again...and that's all that happened. Some people died, some guys shot stuff, and we're just right back where we started again.

Don't even get me started on the father of the kids. I knew from the second he got infected, that he was gonna show up at the end. So stupid, so predictable. Why would you even bother? I felt no emotional pull at all when the girl (I don't even know her god damn name) killed the dad. Whoop dee freakin' do. We already know that people have to kill loved ones and friends to survive.

All in all, it just felt like it was wasting time till they could make the next one, which by the way, is in development. Needless to say, I'll wait the 28 weeks and download the DVD rip rather than waste my money.

You should watch 28 Days Later. I think you should also realise that these couple of films arent supposed to be 'boo scary'. They arent conventional horror films (hell, 28 Days Later only had a couple of scenes with the undead, the rest of the film was the journey to safety and the scenes with Christopher Eccleston's fucked up/perverted military unit). And 28 Days Later was still an amazing film - due to the brilliant script and performances from the cast, as well as the direction of Danny Boyle. NOT because it was 'boo scary'. This film tried to emulate the first one's successes while catering for a wider international (outside of UK) audience. And didnt do so well.

I saw 28 Weeks Later tonight. It was alright, but like I said before, no way did it match the original. I'm pretty much biased to the original though, because of how it was made (using a couple of Canon XL1 DV cameras and Seinheisser condenser microphones, equipment of which I have here at home. It's like the greatest 'student' film ever made). Robert Carlyle was great as expected, but not a patch on Cillian Murphy in the first film.

I'm still pissed off at the amount of dumbing down they did in this film compared to the original.

For example, In the first film at the end, Cillian Murphy's character kills a guard (i THINK it was Cristopher Eccleston if I remember correctly) by pushing his thumbs into his eyes. However, this is mostly implied horror, Reservoir Dogs style. You dont see any closeups - you just hear the screams, you see Cillian's face and his vengeful expression, and it's truely horrific. Even though he's the hero of the film, what he does in that scene is questionable, even though the officer deserves it for his crimes. There is a great edge and meaning to that scene in context. In 28 Weeks Later however, Carlyle kills his wife with the same method, and what do you get? Loads of closeups, gallons of blood - and it's a damn sight less effective. It's shock horror for the hell of it, with no substance. Same for all the action in the film. Where was the suspense and carefully crafted setpieces from the original? Mostly nowhere to be seen. Just a load of americans shooting and blowing things up, woop-de-doo.

At least the soundtrack by John Murphy was a strong point, like the first film. Nothing matched the masterful scene of Cillian Murphy discovering the abandoned London after awaking from his coma set to 'East Hastings' by Godspeed You! Black Emperor in the first film. Now that was a brilliant, brilliant scene. Nothing in 28 Weeks Later came close, unfortunately.

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Posted on 05-15-07 01:35 AM, in 28 Weeks Later Link | Quote | ID: 35377

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I'm finally finished now. No more edits.

I need to stop being such a fucking perfectionist.

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Posted on 05-15-07 05:30 PM, in 28 Weeks Later Link | Quote | ID: 35556

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I still think the strongest scene in 28 weeks later was the opening where the cottage is attacked and Don escapes.

But suprise, suprise - that scene was directed by guest director Danny Boyle.

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Posted on 05-19-07 05:12 PM, in John Rambo Link | Quote | ID: 36403

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Here's the new teaser trailer:


Looks absolutely brutal. Which is definately a good thing considering the amount of lame PG-13 action films that are being made today (hello die hard 4.0).

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Posted on 05-20-07 02:17 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! (rev. 6 of 05-20-07 02:21 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 36560

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Posted by troopa pride
Posted by Keitaro
No. Maybe someone else will be willing to do it for you, but I simply do not have the time, sorry.

Well can you atleast let me know which programs are used so I can add the music manually?
Once I look at a program I can learn to use em in minutes so I dont think I will have too much of a problem

Do you know how to use a hex editor?

Because that's what you'll need to use. And if you dont know how Hex works, then seriously - just either forget this or learn how hexadecimal language works yourself, because otherwise you'll never, ever be able to. And no, learning wont take minutes. You cant learn how to do something well in just minutes. Get very good at hacking (start with something incredibly basic, for a start), and maybe next year you MIGHT stand a chance. Maybe.

Hell, only 3 or 4 people I know of on this forum have been able to hack the N-SPC/SMW music engines, and they're pretty accomplished hackers. You...dont seem to be, sorry.

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Posted on 05-20-07 03:45 PM, in Heath Ledger as the Joker - First Offical Photo Link | Quote | ID: 36733

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From the upcoming film, The Dark Knight:

Taken from one of the offical Dark Knight sites - http://www.ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com.

The other one is http://www.ibelieveinharveydent.com, which is linked to from the official Dark Knight website.

So anyway. Opinions? Personally I'm liking the darker direction they're taking.

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Posted on 05-20-07 11:31 PM, in So, I found this video that was made back in 2004 Link | Quote | ID: 36873

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by me and my mates.

And I captured it to my computer, and uploaded it.

And all I can say really is - what the fuck?!


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Posted on 05-21-07 11:17 AM, in Winamp around and around Link | Quote | ID: 37174

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Yesterday, I had East Hastings by Godspeed You! Black Emperor (from 28 Days Later) on repeat for the majority of the night.

But seeing as the track is 18 minutes long, it only played through about 10 times.

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Posted on 05-21-07 03:11 PM, in So, I found this video that was made back in 2004 Link | Quote | ID: 37207

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Posted by Danielle



I got stung on the eyelid.


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Posted on 05-21-07 03:56 PM, in Your Face (rev. 3 of 05-21-07 03:57 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 37210

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Me (on the left), my ex (yellow coat) and two friends all looking pretty stupid.

Was a pretty weird night.

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