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Posted on 05-04-07 06:55 PM, in How do you put the little pictures in your Title? Link | Quote | ID: 32870

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Posted by Ranko
I'm surprised that it continued past six posts.

Don't you have the power to make this all go away?

Please, Hiryuu, have mercy.

Posted on 05-04-07 09:50 PM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 32899

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Welcome to the MAD TV of rom hacks

also this may be my first post in rom hacking ever

Posted on 05-04-07 10:20 PM, in People who are Assholes Link | Quote | ID: 32908

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Do not argue with Ziff. Not on the internet, not on real life.

The only reason have not already died a horrible death is because he has decided to bestow his limited mercy upon you. I suggest you cease and desist before you discover how limitless his unadulterated rage is.

Posted on 05-05-07 12:11 AM, in People who are Assholes Link | Quote | ID: 32933

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Posted by TheLesserBlackDope6x
isn't even worth a huge argument over.

Then why are you involved in one?


Posted on 05-05-07 08:44 AM, in The OYES Thread Link | Quote | ID: 33054

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261. grey goose for 2.50 at the bar

361. being drink

Posted on 05-05-07 08:34 PM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... Link | Quote | ID: 33111

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And it could be World of Starcraft if people are telling the truth here.

It's still just speculation, but Blizzard does have an announcement prepared for its May 19th convention, and it has been hiring programmers from all the fuck over to work on a "New MMO"...

Of course, a brand new MMORPG to come out and immediately compete with World of Warcraft doesn't make much business sense, which leads to additional speculation. Either it comes out way in the future, when WoW will be phasing out in favor of new games, or it is a different kind of MMO. (MMOFPS like Planetside has been thrown around, as has the vague-ass term "MMORTS")


Posted on 05-05-07 09:53 PM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... Link | Quote | ID: 33118

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Posted by Ailure
Of course, I'm not sure how huge WoW is in South Korea relatively to other countries though I do know that South Korea loves multiplayer games.

Korea isn't nearly as fond of the entire Warcraft line of games. Although Warcraft 3 and WoW have a decent following there, they isn't nearly as big as Starcraft.

Posted on 05-06-07 01:12 AM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... Link | Quote | ID: 33165

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Posted by S.N.N.
Damn, I was hoping for Diablo III when I first read the thread title

I was never a big fan of Starcraft myself, so if this ended up being made into reality, I probably wouldn't buy it. There are TONS of people who like the game though, so this may turn out to be a big hit, who knows

Keep in mind that, although CVG is usually careful and makes sure it is right before it reports, there is a serious possibility of them being wrong.

World of Warcraft basically stole many aspects of Diablo's game system; a Diablo MMO would be easily possible given the game's history, and would be quite interesting given the settings of the game. Of course, they'd have to find some way to bring the big 3 demons back again, but I bet they had something in mind when they wrote the end of Diablo II.

Posted on 05-07-07 11:34 PM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... (rev. 3 of 05-07-07 11:35 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 33694

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Posted by Krisan Thyme
Well there is no confirmation this has anything to do with Starcraft, much less an MMO. Only their choice of location in announcing it really hints at it being Starcraft related.. And the whole MMO buzz just seems to be a lot of hot air and wishful thinking. I'd sooner hope it to be a Starcraft II honestly.. (Or hell, even a revival of Ghost wouldn't be so bad, though I'd be much less excited about that one..)

If you read the article, they claim to have inside sources on it.

Now, you could argue against it's possibility for one of several other reasons, but I don't think that holds water if you believe that they do have sources.

I doubt it's anything Lost Vikings related (That's not where their money lies, I doubt they'd use a major Starcraft-related Korean convention to announce a new game just to disappoint the crowd), but the Galaxy of Starcraft talk might be wrong, too. It could very well well be a non-MMORPG Starcraft game, considering the fact that they are still hiring a lead programmer and art director for a "Next-gen MMORPG." (thus implying that their next-gen MMORPG doesn't even have a lead programmer yet, meaning it is not that far along in development.)

I think it might very well be a new game in the Starcraft vein, although whether it will be a true "Starcraft 2" or a related game with different gameplay like Ghost was supposed to be is still up in the air to me.

Posted on 05-07-07 11:49 PM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33700

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Posted by Jomb
The only thing I'm disappointed in right now is that it's just not pissing people off the way The Lone Rapist did. It must not be edgy enough.

Sorry jomb, but calling this edgy is like calling the 2007 SNL season "Hip and refreshing," or worse yet, "really in touch with it's perceived audience."

It's just stupid stupid stupid. You made the ROM hack equivalent of the Deuce Bigalow movies; it's a bunch of dirty words we already know and don't care about anymore. When you can see worse shit than this every single day on the internet this kind of wanna-be-edgy shit loses its touch.

Posted on 05-08-07 04:57 PM, in no pain no gain (rev. 3 of 05-08-07 04:58 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 33893

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Posted by DahrkDaiz
I had to use the bathroom for a few hours at work. Finally, when I got to, the dump was HUGE. I ended up with new hemroids due to the poop pressure.


I have a scar from stitches underneath my left eyebrow because, as a 3 year old kid, I was an idiot and decided I could jump over this big coffee table. I tripped during the launch and hit the thing full force.

I think this might win the most severe injury so far, although if anyone comes in with anything broken then they'd beat me for sure. I was playing football with some friends one summer afternoon. I caught a deep pass, got wrapped up by this army kid I know, and then BLASTED from behind by an ex-rugby player friend of mine. I remember getting hit and falling. The next thing I remember is the ball being loose, and me trying to scoop it in thinking I had let it pop out during the fall, except for some reason my arms wouldn't work properly - I could move them towards the ball but not with any sort of coordination. Then I saw the grass up against me and realized that 1. I had slight retrograde and anterograde amnesia, and 2. This amnesia was due to a concussion I just had. I was oddly OK with this while on the ground; I was messed up so that I just took it like a matter of fact, like someone might go "Oh, I bruised my knee a couple days ago." Then I stood up and I felt it, and that's when it sunk in... "Fuck, I just had a fucking concussion. Fuck!"

I didn't need to go to the hospital, as I was able to drive home fine, but the next few days I kept forgetting shit. The very next day I COMPLETELY forgot where I parked at the mall and spent like 20 minutes finding my car.

Posted by Jinsei, benevolent star
Yea, in circles where hating on groups is not widely accepted, they call (Smear the Queer) "Kill the Carrier".

The name of the game originates from a time before the word "Queer" meant anything spiteful.

Posted on 05-11-07 02:31 AM, in The Brand of Your Computer (rev. 3 of 05-11-07 02:33 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 34484

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It functions. I can wait the couple seconds for Firefox to open.

I guess if I was still into PC gaming I'd want a high-end machine, but that's not really the case. The only PC games I want to play anymore are old enough that most machines can run them easily now.

I might be investing in a Dell laptop sometime soon. Not as a piece of kickass hardware, but instead as a practical tool to use for schoolwork.

EDIT: Fuck, this whole post is lame. I think I'm getting older.

Posted on 05-11-07 03:14 AM, in The Brand of Your Computer Link | Quote | ID: 34502

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Posted by Keitaro
Just be careful. My Dell laptop has been nothing but problem after problem. I had to replace the motherboard initialy, then the power supply, now it looks like the harddrive might be giving out too (I swear, I've had to reinstall windows at least 5 times and every time, something ends up breaking beyond all repair after I've used the computer once)

Since I know a lot of you are big on computer specs here; would anyone be so kind and generous as to tell me what brand I should be buying if I want to run a Windows OS (ie No Macs) and still want my laptop to be somewhat affordable?

My Dell desktop has given me some troubles over the years but nothing MAJOR. The main fan died on me once but that's about it.

Posted on 05-11-07 04:33 PM, in Cheesecake (rev. 2 of 05-11-07 04:34 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 34628

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Posted by Coby
I've always heard that you can get worms and other infections from eating frosted/raw stuff...

Um... no. Defrosting something will not kill any worm / worm eggs inside it, and I don't see how worms would get inside a cheesecake in the first place, as it isn't their habitat at all. You get worms from eating raw meat.

I wouldn't say it's weird, but if you're going to eat cheesecake I'd suggest trying it. It'll probably let out the flavors better.

I would also recommend not eating a lot of cheesecake in the first place, but whatever.

Posted on 05-11-07 05:32 PM, in Cheesecake Link | Quote | ID: 34632

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Posted by Black Lord
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

OK, you're going to tell me where the fuck to buy this. Fuck not having diabetes, I need this in my mouth and NOW.

I've never even seen anything like this. It isn't a west coast chain or something, is it?

Posted on 05-11-07 06:45 PM, in Most likely old news...[FFXIII] Link | Quote | ID: 34635

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I'd wait for the official announcement, but it looks like Sony has dug itself a pretty deep grave.

Posted on 05-11-07 07:56 PM, in Most likely old news...[FFXIII] (rev. 3 of 05-11-07 08:00 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 34644

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Posted by Sonicandfails
Upon further inspection, the GAME itself is still in question but theres extra series games with FFXIII that will be o nother consoles.

EDIT: I dont know anymore


Posted by witeasprinwow
I'd wait for the official announcement

Joystiq is just not that reliable of a source.

EDIT: HAHA, some of the websites that pop up from that google link are hilariously... just, fucking WRONG in everything they're reporting.

From whatever this site is:

ffvii remake for ps3?
Posted by eradinn on 15 Apr 2007 | 1 comments
This is not certain but the people at 1UP.com are assuming the remake for Final Fantasy VII to be made on ps3, and apparently being released: January 1, 2008. It is not positive that the release date is true but could this may be a hint that square-enix should be expecting a remake announcement to one of the best games ever made?

Look for yourself! Click here! http://www.1up.com/do/gameOverview?cId=3140613


Posted on 05-12-07 05:07 AM, in Most likely old news...[FFXIII] Link | Quote | ID: 34772

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Posted by setz
Believe everything you read on the internet!

I hope they don't take out the white and grey materia like in the greatest hits edition, because you need it to ressurect Aeris.

Posted on 05-12-07 05:11 AM, in Cheesecake Link | Quote | ID: 34774

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Posted by Danielle
Wite: Look if there's a cheesecake factory near you D:!

There's one in DC but I don't have a car and I'm not taking the metro during finals week just for fucking cheesecake no matter how potentially delicious. I'll check the one in Baltimore sometime the week after the next.

Posted on 05-16-07 09:12 PM, in Blizzard announcement coming up... Link | Quote | ID: 35832

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Excuse my bump, but...

I'm really fucking excited for this.

Whatever it is, this just confirms that it's another Blizz entry in one of their original series, and it's a new base game and not just another WoW expansion or something lame (relatively) like that.

So, place your bets: Is it Starcraft 2, Starcraft MMO, or the longshot Diablo 3? I really doubt it's another Warcraft game, seeing as their last two entires have both been in that world.
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